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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Did someone say "party at bottlecap's house?" I have a sleeping bag.... I haven't had a chance to watch it yet (watching a movie with husband first) but dreamlarge has posted her annual year-end review montage . I'm sure it will be fantastic though -- she does good work. TimeTravelerPax, I was hoping someone would remember that night with Clay. He was so cute that night. And he still is cute in 2009! Welcome back KAndre!
  2. Welcome tribeca! I'm glad you found us, and I hope continue to post around here!
  3. aikim, no I'm not in any of the pictures posted on the public thread here -- I kept my own picture left to the members only thread. Man, do I wish I was back in NYC to see Spamalot again. I love Sir Robin... Almost forgot...welcome tribeca!
  4. OK, here are my SD pictures from Monday December 29. Actually, my husband took all of them -- and I think he did a pretty good job of it. There was a kid directly in front of me, and he asked Clay to autograph his hat, and then asked for a picture. I'm thinking he must have been in remission from cancer, because he was bald! Next two pictures are of that... Signing his poster by placing it on the wall... And one of Rick... Entire album is here
  5. Hey -- I'm here! 27 degrees Farenheit is actually pretty good for this Midwesterner as well. I agree with aikim -- wimps. Besides, I know couchie can deal with it, she dealt with a lot worse last year in Merrillville... Hubby and I are home, and well rested at this point. Flying home wasn't quite as bad as getting to NYC, although we did end up waiting at Newark airport for almost 5 hours, and then, once to O'Hare, having to run to our gate to get our final connecting flight home. But we made it, and as soon as we got home, we fell into bed. I found out after the fact that I was standing next to butterflyshine at the SD Monday night, so my SD pictures will be sucky in comparison. She has a much better camera, and was able to get some fantastic closeups. However, hubby did get a few good shots, which I will work on editing later today. But I did want to get my "moment of glory" posted, and it's in the members only thread. The reason I love my husband so much (cause he took a picture of me with my boyfriend) Everyone going to NYC...travel safe. muski, good luck with your travels -- I can't imagine trying to arrive in Times Square on New Year's Eve!
  6. *sigh* I got my picture with Clay. *sigh* OK, so I wasn't the peasant. I knew I had a one in four chance, and kept alternating between not getting my hopes up too high, and visualizing myself on the stage. Should have done the latter, eh? Anyway... The show is still outstanding, I had a great time, and it looks as if Clay is having the time of his life still as well. The main thing that I remember this time -- TONGUE!!! Good Lord, the man loves showing his tongue! (bottlecap, is there ANY way you can get to a show? *g*) And he uses it so well! LOL! annabear mentioned much of what I can remember, but I can add a few details. I loved him popping out the hat at the end -- that's a nice new addition. And then, during the curtain call, one of the dancer girls came out with the top hat in her hand! What's up with that? The other thing I can remember at the moment is during the finale, the dancing with Patsy and Bevedere. At one point, both Patsy and Bevedere held out their tambourines, and Clay hit them simultaniously. It was cute. And then -- we had the pelvic thrust that drove me insaaaaaane. Actually, two of them! He has really let loose with the dancing at the end. Other dance moves -- during the end of Find Your Grail, he was really grooving to the music, throwing in a lot of hand/arm movements. Another think I don't remember reading before -- when he "dismounts his horse," he actually grabbed his foot, and pulled his leg in this circular motion. It was...bendy. Very bendy. (Maybe he's been working with Reed? LOL!!!) As Brother Maynard, he did a very soulful Amen, that ended LOWWWWW -- and the knights could NOT sing it. Hee. Stage door -- white Canada sweatshirt, blue track pants, tennis shoes. Hubby was assigned to take pictures, and I think he got a few decent ones. I will post them (and my SD picture with Clay) when we get back. I also got my picture with Rick. He's still so great! That's all I can remember for now. I may or may not get to a formal recap, but it's time for bed. We have to be up fairly early for our flight tomorrow. I just hope our travel tomorrow is a lot less troublesome than the last time....
  7. Off to dinner at John's Pizza -- and then Spam! Woohoo!!! I'm calling annabear after the show, may call couchie too, depending on my phone battery!
  8. Greetings from balmy NYC! I can never seem to plan what to pack for these trips -- last time I was here, it was freezing at the end of March, this time it's the end of December and it's 60 degrees! Yesterday was travel day from hell! We finally made it to our hotel room at 3:00 a.m. Not real happy with SuperShuttle at the moment -- changed arrangements with them three times only to have them stop running service at 11:00 p.m. (and they don't tell you that when you tell them you won't be in until after 2:00 a.m.) Also not real happy with the people who "set up" our "first class" upgrade -- which basically didn't happen. When I have time, I'll tell that story later. Anyway, today was a lot of walking but it was fun. Toward the end of the walk, we passed by Sardi's and I looked into the window -- sure enough, there's Clay's caricature! Gotta run. Dinner calls. More later.
  9. Well, the day just keeps getting stranger and stranger... I'm looking over the email that United Sent to me last night, after the original cancellation...and I notice that it now says that we're flying INTO Newark! I could have sworn the person who called last night said that we'd be flying into LaGuardia, and we would have to switch airlines. Sure enough, I call United -- and we are flying into Newark. And -- beauty of beauties -- flying from O'Hare to Newark FIRST CLASS! Woohoo! I've always wanted to fly first class. This will actually be great, because then I might actually have a chance to sleep, which I've never been good at doing on a plane. We also don't have to switch airlines, which is a relief for me. The times I've had to switch airlines during a trip, I've known of lost luggage. So, in about 5 1/2 hours hubby and I leave to drive to the new airport, and then will be arriving at Newark at oh-dark-30. I probably won't be checking in with you until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. I think this is the closest I've ever felt to being on "The Amazing Race." liney -- here is a good explanation of the Brill Building. I'll pay homage to Neil Sedaka while I'm there!
  10. No tickets for tomorrow night, thankfully. The only night we are seeing Spamalot is Monday night. I can't convince hubby that we should see this play more than once. Wonder why? *g* Actually, we've got this trip divided up -- Sunday is "his" day. We're going to the Frick Museum, stopping by the Brill Building (where songwriters such as Carole King and Neil Sedaka got their start), and then out to a jazz club with a friend of my husband's brother. Monday is "my" day -- lots of time at Rockefeller Center, hopefully Central Park, and then Spamalot.
  11. Well, this trip is starting so well... Just got a call from United Airlines. Our early morning flight tomorrow has been CANCELLED due to fog! AAAAAARGH! Fortunately, the lady was as helpful as she could be. Unfortunately, it really messes up our schedule! We are now leaving a different airport (about an hour and a half away) at 6:00 pm tomorrow evening, and we'll be arriving at LaGuardia instead of JFK. And then, our flight back on Tuesday has to be rescheduled a bit as well. Just got off the phone with Orbitz -- our SuperShuttle Reservation has been cancelled, and I'm getting ready to schedule a new reservation (out of LaGuardia to Manhattan). I'm ready to scream.
  12. Ack! Hubby and fly early tomorrow morning -- and unfortunately, for us to get cheaper tickets, we had to do from our local airport to Chicago to Washington DC to NYC. And even more unfortunately, we're in the midst of some serious fog at the moment -- which also affects Chicago! Pray for us! There's about 2 hours between connections, but still. Nervewracking! Have a great few days everyone. I'm sure I'll be checking in if I can!
  13. clazedover!!!!!!! It's so good to see you back! I'm so happy your recovery has gone well -- we missed you! I think it seems almost all of us are dealing with parents. In my case, my Mom, who is 87 -- and is really in very good shape mentally. It's her physical being that is denying her, and it's truly sad to watch. She used to read voraciously -- now her eyes are too bad. She does do audio books, but "it's not the same." I don't visit her as much as I should (my brother is her main family visitor, as he lives in the same town), but I do try to send her letters and such. smitten, thanks for the information on caregivers.... By this time tomorrow, I'll be on a plane to NYC! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  14. UNICEF Fieldnotes Clay Aiken: Help Kids in Emergencies Stay in School
  15. liney, Spamalot had last night off. It's the same way next week, when they take New Year's Eve off. Sorry about everyone's delivery problems. I read in the paper this morning that FedEx was making many of their employees work today, in order to catch up.
  16. People.com Celeb Sightings December 24, 2008 -- video! And a nice montage by SueReu --
  17. MERRY CHRISTMAS FCA!!!! May the joy of the season surround you... Hey annabear, I'm on the laptop at the moment, watching "A Christmas Story"! It's a tradition to watch at least part of it every year. Right now, Ralphie just shot his eye out! Oh no! My Christmas has been...kinda blucky actually. I was nauseous for most of the day yesterday, and almost didn't make it to church to conduct my bell choir. No Christmas Eve dinner for me. I feel much better this morning, except for a headache. So far, the French Toast and sausage my husband made for breakfast is still tasting good.... Hey Gibby, we have a Wii, and hubby gave me Wii Music to play today! I thought of you the other day when you said you got a Wii -- I'll have to let you know if you would like it! People.com Star Tracks for December 25 With a CUTE picture!
  18. playbill.com Photo Call: Clay Aiken Honored with Sardi's Caricature Clay Aiken receives his caricature from Sardi's owner Max Klimavicius Clay Aiken with fellow Spamalot cast members.
  19. playbill.com Photo Call: Clay Aiken Honored with Sardi's Caricature Clay Aiken receives his caricature from Sardi's owner Max Klimavicius Clay Aiken with fellow Spamalot cast members.
  20. cindi, I shake my head all the time too, so I can't even imagine how Clay feels about it all. Just Jared: Pictures from Sardi's caricature presentation NO WATERMARKS!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  21. BWAH! Lotus! I read ldyjocelyn's post out loud and my hubby said, "Well...he shouldn't have left it in his pocket if he wanted his pants washed." I've trained him well.... I'm sure you can find a way to make it up to him, ldyj... Well, see that's actually part of the problem. He left his sweatpants on the floor; I picked them up and threw them in the laundry; and then told him I was going to wash them. He told me after the fact that I should have just left them on the floor, because he wasn't planning on washing them right away. *eyeroll* As much as I've tried to "train" him, it just doesn't work. Anyway, he hasn't turned the thing on yet -- from what we've read on the web, it's best to let the thing dry out for a day or two. I've also found a local iPod repair place, and I'm hoping they have hours today that we can run the thing in to them. We really need to have the thing ready to go by Friday evening, because hubby wants to take it on the plane Saturday. He'd be lost without it! Glad you are back clayzycoffin! Did you have a good trip? I just KNEW someone would find that sweater. I personally like it, and don't even mind at all the shirt with it. As someone said to me last night, that combo is just HIM. That's the way he dresses, and I don't think that's ever going to change. *shrug* Yes, I know -- the music business is all about "image" -- but that's one of the reasons why I love Clay Aiken. He breaks the rules, damn it. It's never been about his clothes or his hair to me (or frankly for me, even about the voice) -- it's about HIM. Even with all the revelations in the past year, I still admire the hell out of the man he is, and wish I could be half as strong as him. I also wish I could afford that sweater. *g* OK, I'm going to try and go back to bed for a while. Wish me luck. WireImage finally has their pictures from yesterday up.
  22. Well, crap. This day just went to hell in a handbasket. I washed my husband's iPod Nano in the washer. Crap. I'm not sure if he'll speak to me any time soon. Crap. I think I'm going to hide now. 'Night all.
  23. WENN's pictures of the same event Awww...a cast photo, with David Hibbard...aww... Love this...he's taking a cellphone picture of his own caricature!
  24. OMG...is this guy CUTE or WHAT?!?!?!? NEEEEEEEEEEEEEED copies without watermarks...PWEEZE!!!! aikim, it's been snowing/raining/sleeting all day here. Mostly slush actually, so driving isn't too bad.
  25. muski, give that daughter a hug from me for what she did, and aikim, that was a very nice post as well. Will this day EVER end? It's the last day at work for the year. I finished moving into a new office today -- one with a LOT less privacy. *sigh* I'm sharing an office now with someone who works approximately the same hours I do -- which means much less goofying off on message boards. *sigh* *twiddles thumbs impatiently* How much time did that post waste? And in 5 days -- NYC!!!!
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