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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. 87 different versions of Apple Brown Betty Although I do like bottlecap's version....
  2. He always was, in my mind. Working on the day before Thanksgiving SUUUUUUUUUUCKS! At least I have the week of Christmas off...being in academics rawks!
  3. Good job luckiest1! See, that's the thing I'm talking about...I'm sure you were craving those chips, but you made a smarter choice. Good for you! I know for me, the cereal thing at night is simply "bored hungry." With there not being much going on in the Clay fandom right now (ie., no concerts to keep me busy), I tend to watch TV and eat. I need to break that habit. Of course, that also probably means I need to break my habit of watching Food TV. *g* I'm also going to start trying to make an effort to do more Dance Dance Revolution! My husband and I have that for our Wii machine, and it's got a workout feature. You set the number of calories you want to burn, and it takes you through what they say you've burned. I did 50 calories the other day and it took me about 12 minutes. It's a fun way to do it too, and you can work up to harder levels (which will of course burn more calories).
  4. He was certainly hawt that night, wasn't he? Happy birthday Cotton! New cute Clay mention via the Chicago Tribune.... Aiken, Levert, Songz: Keep your heart in check, or at least medically sound
  5. OK, I'm here to vent....and hopefully we can send some encouragement to each other this time of the year. I started my exercise plan two years ago, and I've been pretty darn faithful about it. I go to the gym three times a week, with a combination of machine weight work and cardio (usually the treadmill, lately the recumbent bicycle due me twisting my knee a few months ago). I also try to walk a mile on the days I don't go to the gym, and usually succeed on two of those days. I managed to lose about 15 pounds in approximately 6 months time, and was holding steady there for a while. But in the past 4 months, my weight has started creeping back up. Yes, I know exactly the reason -- my eating habits. Actually, I'm not a snacker with one exception -- I usually have a bowl of cereal or a small bag of popcorn at night. Well, I've got to cut those out now. My main problem is simply that I like cooking and food too much. Rice and potatoes are my biggest problem. I could LIVE on those two items alone. Also, portion sizes -- I know I simply take too much on my plate. I'm asking for a kitchen scale for Christmas, and I'm hoping that will help. Anyway, I'm just venting....but I'm hoping we can start posting our "little" successes here. I may just start posting with "I didn't have cereal tonight!" just to keep me motivated..... We're going to get through this together, right?
  6. Actually, I don't think recorded Clay has disappointed me either (and I'm sorry if I gave that idea). cindilu's suggestion that it is "different" though is what I think I'm addressing -- and I think that's very true! Recorded Clay and Live Clay are two totally different animals. EEEEEEEE! for the new radio interview. What a fangirl interviewer! Hearing him talk is just making me swoon! And I'm personally thrilled that his Christmas memories now revolve around his Christmas tours -- that to me suggests he'll be doing those for a LONG time to come. I'd venture a guess that his next UNICEF visit is Bangladesh, what with that terrible cyclone tragedy there. For those going to the Gala/Spamalot thing -- have fun. Me, I'll just sit home, listen to the cellcert, and eat Cheez Doodles.
  7. Really cute montage on YouTube from cate.... Bubbly Toots, my gut feeling on your question is that there's no way in h-e-doublehockeysticks that a record can truly capture the magic in Clay's voice. You mentioned falling for his voice during AI....but we were watching at the same time as listening. I know this isn't the case for everyone, but I think his voice IN COMBINATION WITH watching him sing makes me swoon all the more. (That's why I have TONS of video clack, and actually very little audio clack -- I had to rectify that situation with the acquisition of my iPod!). Also, I think live performances will always capture Clay much better. There's an extra added "oomph" that goes with his concerts that I don't think a record will ever be able to capture. As for the topic du jour of the morning....I'm with play and laughn in that I take the man at his word and refuse to look for hidden meanings anymore. However, I'm in total agreement with laughn on this one as well.... I know I sometimes forget that one myself -- "he said this three years ago, it must still be true today!!!" Um, no. So yeah, he may be in for a total rock sound this go around. Maybe not. We just don't know. I guess my question is always -- "why do we care so much?" I'm his fan, and truly enjoy the surprise of it all. I don't need to know what his musical style is going to be 3 months in advance of the next album. I'd rather savor and experience it at that particular moment, without any rumors/innuendo/preconceived notions about it clogging my addled brain.
  8. First of all, I think the "mid-run" idea is great *coughconsideringIthoughtofitcough*. And CG, the idea of getting a caricature is actually quite brilliant, IMO. I'm like couchie in that I believe so many of his gifts end up elsewhere (remembering also that it IS the thought that counts), but something like this, nicely framed.... If it doesn't work out, I also like your idea of a clack montage from the show too. Damn it, I wish we all could go to one show and present it to him. Not for the famewhore moment, but because I'd like for him to take us all into his dressing room and ravish us one by one. *g*
  9. Not to quibble, Oh Mighty Mistress Mine, but while these musical acts don't get monster radio exposure NOW, necessarily, didn't they each at some point have radio hits? With Dave Matthews, I think the answer is yes, although I do believe they had made a name for themselves as a touring band even before that first radio hit. With The Dead -- no way. The only time they had a top 40 radio hit was in 1987 ("Shades of Grey") and many of their Deadhead fans considered that "selling out." They'd been going for YEARS without a mainstream radio hit. Indie radio, probably a different matter.
  10. I've now added the poll for the thread title at the top the page. Please vote!!!! Jenna, I agree that radio isn't a irrelevant media, as much as some like to think. It truly is a way for me to find music. BUT -- I think part of the question in all this is what kind of audience is Clay shooting for here. For "the kids," I don't think radio is the way to go. If we're talking about the adult contemporary audience, radio would certainly work. But then, there's the pesky "image" problem -- because many people who listen to adult contemporary are "adult," which in marketing terms means, "not cool." Anyway, just my two cents.
  11. I guess I must the weird one in the family around here, because if I had a choice of Clay on the radio vs. Clay in concert -- I'd pick Clay on my TV on a regular basis. While TV is going through the same growing pains, in a way, that radio is (see: current writer's strike), I think the possibilities for promotion are much bigger on TV. TV audiences are shrinking, sure, but they still are larger than the number of radio spins (I think -- talking out of our asses seems to be a theme today *g*). I also think that TV showcases Clay's PERSONALITY way more than a radio song EVER will. Or, to use 00lsee's analogy, if a Clay song gets picked up by a hit TV show, the iPod downloads will likely follow. I know, I know...the risks are greater too, but I feel the reward could be just as sweet, if not sweeter. Can you tell I'm much more of a TV junkie than a radio junkie? *g* laughn -- would you like some wine? 'Cause I'm buying for that statement. WORD! *g*
  12. Interrupting all the discussion with a very serious topic....thread titles. Yes, thread titles can happen to YOU! Anyway, I think we've only got 4 suggestions so far (that I can see, anyway....): If you have any other ideas, post them soon! I'll probably put up the poll tonight or tomorrow morning.
  13. I do too, actually....but I think this whole conversation exemplifies the difficulty in getting that to happen. While I'm sure that 00lsee is correct that "money talks," I also think Jenna's talking about Clay needing a song that gets programmer's attentions is just as relevant. It's not an "either/or" proposition, as I feel so many in the fandom feel it is. I also think it simply leads back to my earlier question: if Clay WAS offered on the radio, would the public pick up on him? I think, if the song is right (and I think SOME of both MOAM and ATDW would have fit, not all), they might. But, so much of the public (and the radio charts) are either going to Nickelback or else hip-hop that I'm not sure. Even the Adult Contemporary stations (in my area at least) are heading toward the Nickelback thing. (I do listen to this station in the mornings for about an hour, as I'm getting ready for work, mostly because I like the patter of the two DJ's. I don't hear Groban or Buble on that station; I hear Daughtry and Fergie....) cindilu2, you mentioned "fate" yesterday, and that's my whole take on radio play for Clay Aiken. You're right in that it doesn't take into account so many personalities that are involved, but if Clay wants this, I think the stars are going to have to align serendipitously for much of it to happen. And as much as I think Clay's working toward this, I think he also realizes that some of it is simply out of his hands. couchie, I think it depends on the AC/Hot AC station. As I said earlier, I like the DJ's in the morning in my area, but they play the same songs all the time. And during the workday they do "no repeats" so if even Clay got played on my radio, it would be once a day, tops.
  14. 00lsee and cindilu2, I understand the sentiment. And yet, for me personally, I've never understood the idea of pouting. Whenever I try it at home with my husband, he usually just says "get over it." *g* Sure, I want all that stuff for Clay; I want the best for him, and what he wants for himself. The thing for me is that I don't see CLAY pouting about all this. He instinctively knows how to "count his blessings" and he realizes how good he has it. I do think he wants more, no doubt about it in my mind actually. But he counterbalances it with a healthy sense of realism.
  15. Good thing I looked, because I was thinking it was a Gallup Poll type of thing.... From the 2007 AMA website: The AMA's, IMO, have ALWAYS been a popularity contest. Nothing more. The Grammy's is when things get hairy, because they are supposed to be based on "artistic merit." *snort* But muski's thoughts about the whole matter highlight what I feel is crux of the matter: is this the music the people "want," so the record industry gives it to them, or is this what the record companies are offering, and the public making their choices based on that? It's actually two different things, and it's actually something that goes on all the time in other artistic fields too. Librarians run into this constantly; should we only offer Danielle Steel, because that's what our readers want? Or do we try to get them to read something a little more thought provoking from time to time, even if they kick and scream the whole way? It's actually quite a difficult question, one with no easy answer, and an answer that I don't think even marketing can begin to deal with. Claygasm, you said what I feel as well about "descriptions." So much WORD.
  16. Just popping in to offer {{{{{{{{luckiest1}}}}}}}}....
  17. Great hair Phil!!!!! Bookwhore, I love your one liners toinght. Who knew a memory test could be so thrilling? Oh God, who's going to make the marked path first?!?!?!?! Oh yeah, Jason will be around for me to look at! Too bad Lorena's with him.
  18. BWAHAHA! Too bad, because Jason is some cute eye-candy. But it doesn't look good for him. I blame Lorena.....
  19. My husband has great language skills, so we would definitely do the "learn." Clay would have done the teach, though. *g* A lot of guys don'tknow how to handle nipples gently...just sayin'. (Not talking about anyone I know currently, mind you....) Lorena needs to suck.it.up. H&A are way cool.
  20. Following leaders is never a very good idea! I really hate Jennifer! My husband just gave the one-liner of the night: "Moral of the story: camels don't like whiny people."
  21. Yep, I heard that too..... Understatement number two: "I don't think the blonds like being in West Africa very much." HAHA!!! Oooh, milking a camel. That's NOT a staple! *g*
  22. TAR does it so well too! Only one flight per day to this place? Oh man, this could be really bad for most of these teams. Of course, it's TAR -- so it probably turn out to be nothing.....
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