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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Yay couchie! Congratulations on the new job! I'm sure that eases your mind somewhat, and will land you on the "list" help you see Clay frequently! {{{{{KAndre}}}}}}
  2. Toots, we do have a Dancing with the Stars thread. It's under the TV Forum, in the Reality TV section. I will probably get sucked into watching it again as it gets further along in the competition. Or if Clay shows up again, cheesy mustache and all! *g*
  3. jmh, you are so nice. I was thinking of just pointing upward and laughing, but decided that I like luckiest1 too much to do such a mean thing. *g*
  4. Thank you all for the good wishes. We're in "wait and see" mode around here; but I will say that it doesn't sound particularly good, according to my husband. I'll keep you all posted. Thanks keepingfaith and Cotton for the pretties. I bring a few pretties as well, via ClayIzzaQT from Sterling Heights.... And for muski and all the smutters here (which I think includes almost everyone, right? Heh)... Entire album is here.
  5. I have one ticket for sale to this show -- Row E, seat 138. Cost is $72.00 PM me if interested. ETA: Ticket SOLD!!!!
  6. WOOHOO!!!! The Amazing Race starts again Sunday, November 4, 8:00 p.m. EST! Here's a semi-spoilerish article from The Futon Critic about the upcoming season. I haven't read it, so don't tell me! The CBS website just announces that the show is coming back, and to keep looking at their site for more information!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!
  7. {{{{{{{{{So. California people}}}}} Also....my husband needs your prayers and good thoughts too. His mother had a stroke today, and it's not looking good. We just saw her a week ago in Minnesota, and it looks like we'll now be making another trip up there very soon. Thanks guys.
  8. Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader? web page Two new outtakes with Clay -- one with him attempting to sing the theme song, and another about Clay's nut allergies! He's so freakin' adorable.
  9. Information from abbeynormal at the CH regarding hotel and pre-party information: Pre-Party will be Multi-boardal, to be held at the Hard Rock Cafe (site of several rockin' Clay Aiken preparties!). Here is their website with address. Ordering will be off their group menu at a price of $16 per person (covers food, soft drinks, tax, tip and gratuity). For hotel, try Residence Inn St. Louis Downtown. If you're not a member of the CH and want to let abbey know that you're using this deal, PM me here and I'll let her know.
  10. Ticketmaster page for purchasing tickets is here. Tickets go on sale Saturday, October 27 at 10:00 a.m. EDT.
  11. The show is up at Ticketmaster here. Tickets go on sale to the general public on Saturday, October 27 at 10:05 a.m. EDT.
  12. Playhouse Square Theater This will be in the State Theater section. Seating chart for the main floor is here, and for the upper level is here. Tickets for this show go on sale on Saturday, October 27 at 11:00 EDT. Information on the show (including the link to buy tickets) is HERE This venue uses tickets.com as their ticketing system.
  13. Scarlett, I'm sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations in your job. I think it just goes to show that as far as we've come with "enlightenment" in regards toward the workplace and the differences in race, sex, and other things -- how much further we still have to go. It's pretty sad, actually. As for me retiring? Heh. It MIGHT happen by the time I'm 80. I WANT it to happen a LOT sooner. Like tomorrow. So that's why I play the lottery on occasion. muski, I so agree with this: Yep. There's going to be a BUNCH of people whom I think will be blown away by his sense of humor and his comedic timing. It's one of the reasons, IMO, that I think he gains a lot of fans via his live shows. Sure, he sings fantastic, but it sometimes seems as if the banter is what some remember best. I know I do, but I'm a sucker for his banter. His records never seem to capture his humor, but Spamalot sounds like a good showcase for his comedy skills. And I think a bunch of minds will be changed in the process. Not just a singer -- he's an entertainer, DEMMIT!!!!!
  14. I shouldn't be here, just because I said I would try some things and then a) chickened out; and found I didn't have the time to work on this properly. But I'd like to suggest that there are many other versions of Solitaire out there. At the very least...could someone work in his AI3 appearance (where he was looking so very fine) into the banner?
  15. FromClaygary, thanks for sharing your memories and pictures with us. That's so cool about being on a show similar to Bandstand! And my sister can identify with the hair! (I'm WAY younger than my sister. *g*) jmh, that YouTube clip is hysterical! They did a great job of "play acting" the song, and it is funny watching the guy trying to not be affected by the song...and yet he was. Heh. Time for AIR around here!
  16. Hey, don't be dissin' the Honeycrisp apples! Best. Apple. Ever. I used to really hate apples as a snack fruit, because usually Red Delicious was all that was around, and IMO they were NOT aptly named. They were usually mushy and rather tasteless. But then, two years ago, I stopped at our local orchard and asked for a good crisp, slightly tart apple that kept well. They got me onto Honeycrisps...and the rest is history for me. I'll never go back to any other apple for snack eating again! All these doggie pictures are making me go "awww," even though I'm more of a cat person. My dad had hunting dogs, huge black labs. They were trained for hunting, but they also had a habit of jumping on me when I was a teenager, and I just didn't like that. Then, I married my husband, who was "raised by cats" (his words) and the rest is history. As for the "cool music" discussion, it's always fascinating about reading everyone's musical tastes. I was raised on a farm far from ANY music center, so I was very much limited to what was on AM radio at the time. So when Clay's music is called "not cool," I just say "Bring it ON!" because my favorites were things like the Bay City Rollers and Shaun Cassidy -- the teen idol crowd. Or else, it was the music on this set: Have a Nice Decade: The 70s Pop Culture Box. Or this set: Like Omigod!: The 80's Pop Culture Box (Totally) (I own both these sets, BTW....) And then, in college, I was a big Huey Lewis fan -- and even though he was hugely popular, he was never considered cool. I revel in uncoolness. Now, I am familiar with the music ya'll are talking about -- in many instances I backtracked and discovered people like Bonnie Raitt for example. And I find some of it great in hindsight. It just wasn't what I was listening to back then. I've watched the AYSTAFG clip more time than I care to count. What I love about it is that they captured Clay's laugh -- that wonderful belly laugh that he has. God, I could listen to a recording of him laughing over and over again....
  17. Yay! Another cat person! I know I've posted these pictures before of my "kids," but since there's been a few new additions to these parts, I'll post them again.... Here is Spot, our big dumb yellow cat (who is a total sweetheart): And here is Quincy, our little chatterer: I think of it as him building his resume. I don't have a crystal ball or the ability to see into the future but my thoughts are that this will gain him a few new fans but more importantly it will present new opportunities and eventually one of those will catapult him to another level, if he wants it, which I believe deep down he does. I'm not going to be destroyed or disappointed if it doesn't happen because whichever way his paths lead him, it will be an adventure. I don't particularly want it to or need for him to be superstar in order to enjoy his career--I just think it is inevitable. sheila, you said a mouthful -- and I agree with every.damn.word. It was an interesting Clay day for me. My husband and I ran several errands today, and I decided to wear my "Invisible" t-shirt, from the NAT. First response was at the coffee shop. The "hip" guy only saw the front of the shirt, and told me "that's a cool shirt." I then showed him the back of the shirt -- and I actually think he was a bit embarrassed. I just shrugged him off. Then, at the grocery store, I was picking out some apples, when I heard someone say Clay's name. Another lady saw the back of my shirt, and mentioned that she saw him last week on AIR (this is going to turn out to be FABULOUS publicity for him, heh). She then said something like "I can sort of understand why THEY didn't want him to win, he looked kinda weird," and then another lady also picking out fruit said -- "yeah, but we all look kinda weird." I could tell she was pretty much of a "he should have won" person. I actually kind of liked that exchange. keepingfaith, I wish you could come to St. Louis too!!!! Bring your sister as well!!! And as I said....check your mail early next week. Twice....
  18. You guys and all your emoticons are all so funnee! My morning started off with getting husband off to his workplace for a student openhouse. Then I did something for keepingfaith, she knows what it is. (Watch the mail, sweetie!) Then, I came home, called atinal, and we plotted and planned for ticket buying for the St. Louis show. She, her friend, and I all ended up in the mezzanine. Everything in the orchestra section was coming up either way off to the side, or way off to the back. (Just like the presales earlier in the week....) Damn it, I'm spoiled, because as much as I think these will be great seats to hear Clay, and actually see all the action on the stage....well darn, it's not the front row, OK? I'm spoiled as hell. At this point, I'm waiting for hubby to come home, we'll :image008: and then some food and then some shopping for kitty cat food and some good coffee and some groceries! (We don't have any shopping emoticons!!! WAH!!!!) What cute animals! All of them. play, I'm glad Holly is doing OK. couchie, ansa and I are looking at dates for another chat session. I'll put up a poll for dates soon, but I think it will be either November 8-9 or November 15-16. BTW, the CH banner today is great!
  19. This is kind of interesting....and will make some people hate JK Rowling all the more, I suppose.... JK Rowling Outs Hogwarts Character
  20. ABC News Paris to Rwanda: Socialite Becomes Latest Star Hitched to Charity
  21. BWAH! Specially the "southern British accent," which the whole idea of that is so funny! {{{{{{playbiller and Holly}}}}}} Thanks for letting us know Fear! Clayzor I think, in a way, that Clay's been auditioning for a television show for over a year now. He's shown so much personality in his regular TV appearances and in his concerts (no, I think he'll do fantastically funny "concerts" for the rest of his life!!!), and I think Spamalot will showcase his comedic side too. I will say, though, that I think he's always going to have a bit of the "goody two shoes" going for him, and frankly, that's OK with me. Being a "goody two shoes" doesn't necessarily mean that he can't be funny and lewd once in while too! I think the publicity machine for Clay Aiken (or any celebrity) is more complex than any of us realize, including those in the marketing field. *g* I do agree with Jenna that most of the publicity lately is due to the particular entitites he's involved himself with (Spamalot, AYSTAFG, and now UNICEF). But then, that's my opinion, I could be wrong [tm Dennis Miller before he turned into a major asshole]. Unless Clay tells me, I'll never really know. *call me, Clay...*
  22. I'm putting this here, not sure the best place for it. I brought this link over via ArtyAna at the CH: Information about the seating at the Shubert Theater
  23. That ABC article is muy excelente! I learned a bunch of new stuff regarding the UNICEF ventures, and what Clay's role in them were. I thought he mentioned a hotel when he stayed in Afghanistan, though. Am I remembering wrong? If I were everyone -- I'd be checking ABC Nightly News (or whatever they call it), 20/20 and Nightline this evening. I just found an article on ABC News' website yesterday about Larry Wilmore, the "senior black correspondent" on "The Daily Show." Read the article, and then watched the accompanying video -- the article was really just a transcript of the piece they did on him for "Nightline." So there might be media clack tonight....*crosses fingers*
  24. muski, I TOTALLY forgot to thank you for the story about your daughter. I can just imagine her face, and then imagine you watching her face. She'll have a fantastic time, and the memories of a lifetime! That TV Guide Canada thing cracked me up!! Broody actor! Heh. perma, don't worry about figuring out the emoticon thingies. I hardly ever use them either! Thanks for the pretty picture. jmh, good find on those other pictures too. Yum. I don't have a lot to say tonight....for some reason. Count your lucky stars! EEEEEEEE! New montages! I'll get those tomorrow night.
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