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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. muski, I TOTALLY forgot to thank you for the story about your daughter. I can just imagine her face, and then imagine you watching her face. She'll have a fantastic time, and the memories of a lifetime! That TV Guide Canada thing cracked me up!! Broody actor! Heh. perma, don't worry about figuring out the emoticon thingies. I hardly ever use them either! Thanks for the pretty picture. jmh, good find on those other pictures too. Yum. I don't have a lot to say tonight....for some reason. Count your lucky stars! EEEEEEEE! New montages! I'll get those tomorrow night.
  2. I'm with cindilu on this -- I saw it, LMAO, and didn't make a single Clay Aiken connection with it at all. I just thought it was truly part of Colbert's stuffy uptight manner. Having said that.... It seems like I mentioned the other day that Clay very well could do a LOT of promo in NYC before or during his run on Broadway, and I thought "The Daily" would be the perfect vehicle! I would simply DIAH [tm Clay] if he appeared on either gentleman's show. Especially if they show Clay singing that song about no Jews to Jon Stewart. *g*
  3. MUAH cha cha trusty! I'm glad your basically fine (as in, no major injuries), but I'm really sorry this happened. Hope you feel better soon!
  4. *sob* Thank you ncgran4clay for giving me a good reality check. I didn't get to talk to my husband about the whole thing last night -- he came home and I could tell it had been a BAD day at work, and I think if I had brought it up right then and there, you would have heard the screaming in Timbuktu. I'm not giving up total hope yet on going, but I'm also feeling much better because I truly do love my husband.... I forgot to thank kareneh (heh) for those two gorgeous pictures. That profile one is outstanding....
  5. From the front page of the OFC: ____ EEEEEEEEEEE for luckiest1 and goldarngirl! Can't wait to download those!
  6. Welcome ausdon!!! Thank you for the compliment on the board -- we do try to keep it "real" but with a sense of humor, so it's nice that someone notices these things. And....*coughcough*....another "fresh meat" fan! I love hearing stories about people discovering Clay after many of us have been around awhile. It keeps the perspective fresh for us "old fogies!" Anyway, glad you found us! Very cool on the timing of your trip as well -- fantastic!
  7. Cotton and Amazed in nj -- doesn't work like that story for me at all. First of all -- no kids, so no one to come to me later and tell me what great memories they have. Also -- this is one of those things that it's a great memory for ME, and it's great to be selfish sometimes. But you know, great memories can also be made together with my husband, and that can include working on our money pit of a house. There's memories attached to almost everything in life, including fixing up a house. Thanks CG and others who have told me to not give up hope. I'm not at this point -- the end of Clay's run is over 6 months from now. That's a LONG time, in a way, and plenty of time for something to develop for me to gain some extra money. It's just kind of hard when everyone around you is squeeing and eeeeing over their tickets NOW. And yes, I know I'm being a bit whiny. It's PMS time, work is sucking (two meetings coming up this week, neither of which I'm looking forward to), and then this happens.
  8. I guess the difference would be BOTH of them wants the Disney World trip. I know how iffy this whole thing is with hubby's cos sometimes it feels lie we are prioritizing Clay over them. I only discovered recently that my hubby did harbor some resentment about my CA trip because it seem like for a few months all I could think about was this one trip. He is over it now...and I understand where he is coming from that is why I have to handle this one differently IF I am able to go. Thanks Ansa for answering the question while I was away for a few hours. That's pretty much it in a nutshell -- we both really want to do Disney World (my husband has NEVER been there, and it's been 15 years for me), while NYC would be pretty much a "me" trip. I think my husband would be great with going to NYC, if there wasn't a Clay aspect involved. This is really the first time he's shown any sort of jealousy toward my Clay stuff, and I love my husband way too much to want him to feel that way. I'll be fine. And when he gets home this evening, we'll talk about it. I'm not giving up hope yet. *prays that I get a winning lottery ticket in the next few weeks* zena, your rant is RIGHT ON!!!!!! MUAH!!
  9. Can I just follow Jenna around and say "WORD" every few minutes or so? Fantastic post. Meanwhile.... ...I mentioned to my husband again today that I'd really like to go to NYC to see the play. Now, my husband has been extremely tolerant toward my Clay love, and I try my best to keep my spending in check and to not go "too" overboard (2 concerts instead of 10, for example -- and yes, I've told him that I know people who've seen Clay way more than I have). But today, I get an email back from him....there's lots of things that we've talked about doing to our house, and the list keeps getting bigger. Plus, we are serious about taking a long vacation in November 2008 to Disney World (another "not cheap" vacation). So, needless to say, he's trying to convince me to save money and not go. Thing is, I think he's RIGHT -- I don't NEED to see Clay, but I really, really WANT to see Clay. Big difference there. And some of the house things could come back to haunt us big time if they aren't done soon (such as a roof). I'm bummed, really bummed. I don't know what to do.
  10. You know, Clayzorback, I was nodding my head when I read this and then I stopped and muttered, 'Oh-oh'...because I can just imagine the furor among some at the suggestion that what Clay truly loves is anything other than becoming a ROCK.STAR.AMONG.NO.PEERS! You know, I had that thought a few times yesterday myself. Great minds think alike and all, right? I think it's gotta be because THEY themselves can't "let go and let God/Goddess/Deity of Choice." I'm going to guess that there's a LOT of control issues in their lives, and to them, Clay is "biddable to their whims." (Wouldn't he like to know what my whim would be? ) In the meantime, though -- I personally don't try to control everything around me at all times. Can't do it, it won't happen...so I frequently relax and let things happen. (Of course, all bets are off when trying to plan a trip to NYC....heh.) I just don't think some can do that. Amen, sistah! Which means that he'll be furiously undressing backstage, and women in the audience will be hoping/praying that they can find a way to sneak a peak backstage. Clayzor, I'd love to be able to agree with you about this, but I can't. I think radio may end up now thinking of him, truly, as a Broadway person, and will be even more closed. To me, it TOTALLY depends on the songs for the next album, not his talent whether he gets on the radio (unfortunately, IMO). But a lot of what I've read this past 24 hours has suggested that there's more "openess" for improv in this show than there is in any other show on Broadway at the moment. It's not saying that he can forget lyrics and such, but I think he'll be really good at taking a "mess that mess up" situation and turning it into gold. playbiller, I'm thinking he'll make many media rounds in the beginning of January to publicize this. And yes, I'm expecting more than a few reviews of his first night. *crosses fingers that he does well*
  11. Kareneh, fantastic question! I'm glad I was there to see it. *investigates putting on admin hat to change her display name* The question I WISH would have been asked (not demanded, just wished): So, did the arm hair thing have to do with Spamalot? If so -- why? And I certainly think that MY boyfriend is the bestest ever! Cutest one too! *investigates latest cloning techniques*
  12. According to Clay in the chat, he's gonna wear during Spamalot whateer the producers give him, but there may be a "variation on tights" for his costume. I don't know what to think. YAY for all who got good seats today. I'll get mine eventually! ETA: the chat at the OFC is over. They had over 600 people in there at one point.
  13. and the word is out... Uh, yeah -- almost 500 users in chat right now.... Hope they save the transcript (and then someone posts a link to it here)....
  14. Anybody besides me hoping that Clay will appear on The Daily Show to promote his appearance in Spamalot?
  15. Great post aikim -- and WOOHOO for Clay quoting you! But then, I have to ask....are there people who aren't happy with the news from today? I've not seen any, but then, I usually stay in a pretty small world, ie., here.
  16. My 10th wedding anniversary is April 18 (a Friday night) so that's what I told my husband I'd like to do for that weekend. I'm going to be good only probably go to one show. Does that make me a bad fan? Probably! Meanwhile, I'm doing the thread title poll now....See the top of the page....
  17. PRNewsWire Clay Aiken joins Monty Python's SPAMALOT, The Funniest Show on Earth
  18. Broadway.com has included a bit of Clay's blog in their coverage of the story. They also used an AMA picture...EEEEEE! Possible thread title: Clay Aiken in Spamalot on Broadway -- We're There! One more possibility, thanks to Mike Nichols: This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more
  19. Hey -- this might give us some more thread title options! We only have 4 this time!!! Any suggestions? I'll put up the poll later today -- say, at 4:00 EDT.... Meanwhile.... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I can't stop smiling about this news! And yes, I think we should huddle together and get an FCA gathering out of this!
  20. It's Official -- on the front page of the OFC for members only!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Off to bribe husband....
  21. YSRN, I love you. As I said, I hope that just one person at that church may see things differently. It may be naive of me to think like that (it wouldn't be the first time I've been told that), but IMO, I've got to keep a glimmer of hope. Welcome back Karen Eh? and good luck to you and your husband in the next few months as you transition to a new life! EEEEEEEEEE!!!! NOW I'm pumped about this show. I think WAYDNYE is my most favorite song of Clay's EVAH! The first time I heard the song, I was in my car, and I almost had an accident because I was floored by the whole thing. I'm so glad that songs on the Crooner's CD. Anyway, I'm jellus of you people going to the skating show -- it sounds like a blast! Amen. As women, IMO, there's a bit of a double standard -- it's not cool to be bulimic, and it's not cool to be overweight either, and I think that standard is (hopefully) starting to change. And yet, many also want their men ripped and looking good at every moment of every day. I'm glad Clay doesn't fall into any mindset like that. Got mine this morning. Can't wait to see what is next up. I added some information about the St. Louis show in the correct concert thread. The OFC presale is tomorrow -- love the password. *g* This, I totally agree with. While he's not a major party hardy guy who is all over the map with his escapades -- he's also not a saint either. This place shouldn't have to have justify him being there period. Unfortunately, it happens all the time. Finally, I saw this on Yahoo this morning, and thought it quite interesting. Their study may not be using a huge number of people, but I think many of us can add our own experiences with this: Gossip Trumps Truth
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