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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. :7254: liney23! Clayzor.... And I hope keepingfaith is feeling better after some of this: Someone should make a note too, that on this date, she got schmoopie. I can totally understand this feeling, except that I've been the fangirly type all my life. Ironic that you should mention "get a life," because one of my biggies was Star Trek -- the hyper intensity I had during the last year or so of The Next Generation really surprised me. Same with this Clay Aiken thing -- except in my case, this one has lasted a lot longer, and will probably continue to do so. I think internet message boards have a lot to do with that -- in my case, friends to talk to and squeee over Clay; when I was a hardcore Trekker, I was the only one around here, and it was a bit lonely. Anyway, I find that even now, with Clay, my intensity still surprises me. zena, you are a wise, wise woman. I think your comments about needing Clay to be this "role" are something that, IMO, are exactly what many others in the fandom should be saying as well, but they cannot or will not for any reason. Instead, they claim that it's "what they want for Clay because it would be best for him." Well, maybe -- maybe not. Thing is, we really don't know what would be best for Clay. My point, though, is that some need that justification for spending all their time on Clay Aiken, and the only way they can see that happening is if Clay is acting like Mr. Rock Star God all the damn time. I don't know, but I would think that would be rather tiring for Clay...and maybe, it's just not him anyway. aikim, thanks for your countdowns....love reading those in the morning!
  2. I know....I got seriously tired just reading her description.... And what she keeps forgetting is that there will be a bunch of us here at FCA who will be waiting with baited breath for her report on the entire festivities! And she'll be sitting in her office, with her eyelids getting very heavy.... I soooooooo wish I could go to this. Unfortunately, I've got a work commitment the day after the taping...
  3. {{{{{{{{merrieeee}}}}}}} Semi-OT: Got this from Cute Overload yesterday, and it simply cracked me up.... What makes it "topic?" Um...Clay likes dogs. Clay likes Krispy Kreme and McDonalds. Um...is that good enough? Please say yes....
  4. Unfortunately, not a lot of time to post (darn teachers -- they keep wanting their students to know how to use the library!), but I will say that I love you ALL here. I love ALL the personalities, even if I don't always agree...I usually find myself in the "middle ground" in so many discussions. Yeah, I like getting pulled in two different ways, makes my arms longer.... Anyway, I also need to come in and wish my friend and roomie in Tulsa keepingfaith a very happy birthday! And like merrieeee, I bring a present -- a clickable wallpaper via another friend, Betty897X: "Spamalot," eh? I think I'm like Scarlett in that it could be fun, and I'd love to visit NYC (never been there in my life), but for some reason I think Clay would get bored after a bit. And yeah, I do worry that the fans would totally ignore the rest of the show (which I hear is quite funny) just for CLAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
  5. The ET Online clip is a bit different than the Insider clip posted earlier. They're both adorable, but I like the ET one better. He talks about wanting to take one of the kids he's met on his trips home with him.... Yeah, the pictures didn't do him justice yesterday. But having him talk about this stuff makes me love him all over again. And he's so right -- so much injustice in this world, and yet the focus on the celebrity world and who is being arrested and such. I love a man with his head on straight. (And not just that other head either!) ETA: But is it truly "constant"? I don't see it that way. I think there's a lot of good out there along with the bad, and there's a choice to be made, whether to focus on the good or the bad. One way to "focus" on the bad is to laugh at it. And if there's some sense of humor about it, IMO so much the better.
  6. What she said. I also liked that they called him "superstar Clay Aiken." *g* Finally, for some reason, I can see CLAY laughing at this description. And if he's not laughing -- well, he's a grown man. He'll deal. JMO.
  7. I didn't know they had interviews. Makes sense, as Playboy does. Wonder if the interviews are available through Lexis-Nexis. Just made my third trip to campus for another step in the process of getting signed up for access to electronic databases. One more visit will hopefully do the trick. (Turned out something wasn't activated that should've been.) Gotta love bureaucracy! I'm sure lickiest1 luckiest1 would LOVE to claim that quote, but her kids may embarrass her. It's actually lightmyfire that said the original quote. As far as Playgirl itself....hmmm....everytime I've purchased it, it's NOT been for the articles. I don't even remember seeing actual words in my copies. jmh, good luck with your access to electronic databases. If you need any article NOW, let me know, I've got quite a few databases at my disposal! Oh, and I'm askeered of you and a whip.... Just reread the blog again, and I double-checked -- the only time "Christmas" is mentioned is when he's talking in context of things that's happened to him, or in regards to the tour. The rest of the time, it specifically mentions "holiday memories." Nowhere does he say WHICH holiday. Of course, that begs the question -- who would like to write a Valentine's Day story and submit it? Maybe that could be KAndre's bearskin rug story. I'm an auxiliary member of the eHP, so if merrieee cannot perform her duties as assigned, I'll read someone else's story as well! Gee, do you think my sob story of missing one of his concert last year due to a major snowstorm counts as "heartwarming?"
  8. And all your teachers and parents told you that "you'll shoot your eye out?" Hmmmm....I like KAndre's idea, bearskin rug and all! (Of course, I thought KAndre is bound to have good NON-made up stories for Christmas, and she can be totally entertaining!) I wonder if this negates the chances for a M&G this tour....
  9. Um, Halo 3 was released only a week ago. Maybe Guitar Hero™ Encore: Rocks the 80s™?. ---- and I'll so do him still!!! to both of you ladies! Hmmm....wonder if the button on his REALLY screamed at him if he tried to button it? I'll still do him. It's Clay.
  10. Aw, what a cute, stylish dork. I'm glad he was invited to the party -- very cool to add to his resume, actually. Yep, JNT 2006 suit. *g*
  11. ldyj, have you added any of the clack videos to your new IPod? I'm in the "trying to figuring it out" stage. When I send them to my ITunes account they disappear. Do you have an advice? I only did one video (I'm really planning on using it more for music than video, but I had to see what the picture would look like), and even then it was a few weeks ago. I think you need to check your video library rather than your music library. It should show up there. I put mine in the "movies" section, I believe. Totally agree with those who say that Clay was at least watching a rough draft while reading his narration. berkley's take on his performance is pretty spot on too, IMO. He really did do a good job with the "lifts" in his voice to suggest foreshadowing, for example. He's got some actor in him....not real polished yet, IMO, but it's there. BTW, the knee is better, but I'm still staying off of it as much as I can, although I've just GOT to go out this afternoon -- take my car in for an oil change, get some groceries. :F_05BL17blowkiss: atinal
  12. :00003653: ialreadyam!!!! Oh, you mean he went Hollywood? Sorry, I don't get that. He still sounded Southern to me, that's for sure! cindilu2, thank you so much for that cute wallpaper and that adorable morph. My non-widescreen computer is happy. And I'll be looking forward tonight to getting the widescreen version for my laptop! I've got the day off today, so I've been busy adding files to my iPod. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to all those people who worked hard to compile "Best of's" for so many of the tours. I've still got a LOT of Clay stuff to add!
  13. {{{{Bookwhore}}}} I didn't quite recognize him at first, honestly....but it only took me about 10 seconds before the lightbulb went off. And then it was like "wow, that's Clay. He sounds cool." It is weird hearing him do scripted voice-over work, but yet there was some of "him" there too -- his inflections more than anything else. I'm still smiling from watching, and I can watch it again in a half hour. Plus I need to get the download too! {{{{bottlecap}}}}} Patience is a bitch, isn't it?
  14. That's me too, so this was an eye opener. I liked Opera Guy, although I can totally imagine him falling apart in Hollywood (which is what I'm guessing he did). I think it might be because of the song. That song almost DEMANDS a Broadway kind of voice, and she did have some control to it, as compared to some of those other people. In regards to couchie's comments -- well, I didn't see Frenchie originally, but yeah, I think she had the bigger personality compared to KLo, and I think the judges were looking at that more than the voice (maybe). I think KLo had way more control of her voice, though. And definitely -- Ruben would have probably not won. Would Clay had been in the group of 12 if Frenchie had been around? It really is a question to ponder.
  15. EEEEEEEEEEE! AIR on WGN Chicago RIGHT NOW!!!!! I love listening to Clay do this naration!
  16. I forgot to mention this earlier -- EEEEEE for VWP! I've met her a few times, and remember her as a fan of Star Trek as well as a fan of Clay. I also remember meeting her -- and asking her when she was going to finish that beautiful smut story! I don't think she ever did, though. Wah. aikim is probably going to shoot me....but GO PHILLIES!!! *g* Ooooh, look at the thread title poll. We might have to have a run-off election. But there's still time!
  17. If you're interested, I posted my choices for the best of BYLM in the DCAT thread. Whew! No sporking for me! I've seen KAndre's spork, and it's HUGE!!! Wonder if Clay's is that big?
  18. Because You Loved Me This was interesting to rate. Clay had problems, IMO, both with voice and lyrics, during some of the early shows, although he got more consistent in her performance as the tour went along. Then, the later shows, there was a major crowd noise problem – “gotta get out the glowsticks!” Also, this seemed to be a good song for audience members to sing along – understandable, since many feel it’s a love song to him as much as it can be considered his love song to US. But unfortunately, it also affected the clack! However, before I even started listening, I pretty much knew what show I was going to pick as number one – Orlando. I’m a sentimentalist, and his banter and performance seemed so heartfelt to me. This is also one show where he played with the phrasing a bit during the song, which I personally liked. My pick for this show (and my top pick) is 070819_Orlando_ThankYou&BYLM_spotlightlover. Pretty good overall sound, and while there is crowd noise during the first verse, it’s tolerable. If you’re like me, someone who loves to hear him talk, I’d leave the banter. Choice number two is 070810_Cary_BYLM_LauraQ. The sound on this clip is incredibly crisp, and there isn’t much crowd noise either. IMO there is one or two rough notes from Clay, though. If you’re NOT a sentimentalist, I would probably suggest this as my first choice. Choice number three is 070728_Newark_BYLM_Scarlett. The sound seems a little dull/bassy to me, but NO crowd noise in this one. There’s also no banter to clip, but it’s got the complete song. One runner-up, because it’s a fun performance without silliness: 070817_Tampa_BYLM-SlowandEasy&Scarlett. Two other honorable mentions for totally silly reasons are 070725_Gilford_BYLM_LonelyNoMore44 (where “the bugs” get as much credit at the end as Q, A, Jesse, Sean and the orchestra), and 070818_WPB_BYLM_jtgranny (where Clay adlibs “except for that one night” after the line “never let me fall.”) The sound quality on these three clips is passable, but it depends on taste whether you want silly or not! WOOHOO!!!! I got done before couchie!!! No sporking for me!!!
  19. :F_05BL17blowkiss: cindilu2 for the new avatar....I've loved almost ALL his looks on Leno (except for that hideous Christmas outfit, I'm sorry but I always thought a blue jacket and brown plaid pants do NOT go together....), so this is a good one for me for a bit.... New thread title poll is at the top of the page... Off to prevent being sporked....couchie, I definitely resemble your earlier remark, but I don't think you have to worry this time. BTW, my leg is still in a shambles today. I've got a brace on both my knee and my ankle, and there are times when I can barely walk. I think a day of just resting will be good for me.
  20. Oh sure, rub it in. Listen, I'm down to my final 14. For me, this is a major accomplishment to be this far along before the deadline. I just hope I can make a final decision -- when it gets to this point, it gets really, really hard for me to make a decision!
  21. Eva indicated it would be hosted around 9:00 this evening. Cool! Thanks! I should probably just cancel my DVRing then, because I'm not going to get this until tomorrow evening live for me. And duh! It took me FOREVER to figure out what AIR was! *g* Hee! I'm down to one more venue, and then whittling down from my top 15 or so. I'm pretty sure what one of my top BYLM will be, just for sentimental reasons (I think I had it pegged before I even began the project), but there have been some other fantastic ones too. I'm not getting sporked, I don't think...or I hope. Hopefully will have the time to finish the project tomorrow night....
  22. Back from the zoo, and then the playground. I was with my husband, my niece, and her three children (ages 8, 5, and 16 months). What a great age to go to the zoo, especially a fairly small zoo. It took us 2 hours to tour the entire place. They were enthralled, stopping at every exhibit...but 2 hours was also their limit. Then McDonald's for lunch (Filet of Fish for me, plus I didn't eat all my fries -- YAY me!), and then the playground. This is where I got into trouble -- I was walking on a balance beam, doing a pretty good job, when a gust of wind got me, and I ended up jumping down about a foot. Bad idea -- it hurt my knee, one that I have trouble on and off with. So, now I'm home, with my laptop, and some ice on my knee. I'm very disappointed in the Clay Nation at the moment -- I was expecting the clack to be here already.... It sounds like this is gonna be fun. I didn't watch the early auditions either (I really don't like the audition process of any of these types of shows, period), so hearing Clay talk over them should be fun.
  23. We need these on the new page. *digs a hole with front paws and buries them for later pickup* I set the DVR last night for AI Rewind, although around here, baseball games will very likely postpone each and every instance of it shows *waves at AIKim*. I really don't know why I set the DVR though -- might as well just wait for the vault. I'll have to try and remember to watch, though....but I'm going to the zoo today, so this might be a moot point. I'd never heard of "jinx" until I got on the Clay boards. The one that always keeps popping back on to me was "you owe me a Coke." Seriously cute. I also loved their tour of Hollywood, with the footprints of Johnny Depp and the picture of Godzilla's star on the Walk of Fame. I wondered where you got your new avatar. He's so beautiful... Ah, but dontcha know he'll turn around and look 30 in just a second? Besides, I'm 12 anyway. Exactly! He looks his age, and then he doesn't, and then he does again. It's amazing, and thrilling, to watch those transformations. This is me too, duckyvee! No matter what he says, scripted or not, Clay is speaking, and that's pretty darn good by me. As I said, off to the zoo today, with my niece and her three kids. We only have a small zoo here, so I might not be gone the entire day.....
  24. Compared to this picture (uncropped), it looks to be the same.... As for "boards and blogs that must not be named" -- I understand a need to vent about that kind of stuff here. And yet, in a way, I think by talking about it here...hard to explain....but it just adds on to the whole component, you know? The best thing to do, and what Clay has suggested many times, is to just ignore. I know that can be difficult, especially when it arrives in our mailboxes every day, or a friend "helpfully" sends you the latest rumors. But it really is all we can do, and part of that, for me, is going to try my best not to talk about those boards any more. Frankly, they're not worth the effort. (Will I succeed? Probably not. But I sure as hell can try...) jumpingjacks, I can understand the whole "almost driven out of the fandom" thing too. I will never ever leave being a fan of Clay -- but there are so many things inside the fandom that I just don't understand, they make me pull my hair out. And these things were infiltrating every.single.board practically, which made it really hard to ignore. But eventually, I found my place in this fandom, one that is smart, funny, and simply fun. Oh, and LOVES Clay Aiken a whole damn lot. Favorite tour moment -- you can ask YSRN. She'll tell you. Oh, OK -- I'll post the link as well.... Second favorite tour moment -- whenever he laughs. OK, that's cheating I know, but it works for me.
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