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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. God, am I post whorring today or what? Latest Field notes from UNICEF -- WITH VIDEO!!!!
  2. I'm glad to read that summary of the ET piece -- it sounds like they know he's a draw, and I'm glad it's main focus is the UNICEF stuff. In retrospect....and maybe my perceptions are skewed because I'm a Clay fan....but it seems that he gets some good media attention every time he goes on a trip for them. I really don't remember seeing much for the other ambassadors. But, as I said, maybe it's just because I'm so attuned to Clay appearances. I also find it interesting that Jann Carl has been the person to interview him most often on ET. He seems to have his "fans" on each of the entertainment and news shows -- Diane, Lara, and now Jann. Finally, I'm sure the reason he's disappointed about Sanjaya is that he was hoping that Sanjaya would win, therefore ruining the credibilty of the show, it'd be off the air, and Clay would never get asked about the show ever again in his life. [/bad snark] Oh, and those white shoes reminded me an awful lot of Pat Boone. *ducks stones*
  3. And I got mine this morning through the website, it went through without problems. YAY! Now I just have to see if I have any co-horts in crime who are willing to be crazy with me.
  4. He's so adorable in that video. Hell, he's so adorable, period. I love hearing him talk. Hey! Maybe this was his William Shatner moment [/star Trek reference].
  5. I actually don't think the gala hair is "gone" -- it's just combed a different way. If he combed it down into bangs, I think it would look very similar to what he had then. I do miss the beard though. And yes, the picture looks skewed to me too. I think the shirt just puffed in the front (ie., FOLD! Hee). As for his face -- well, he's getting older. It's gonna happen. (Yep, he's gonna have new comedy fodder for the tour with this...)
  6. Clay Aiken: The ET Exclusive! He shaved! Let the angsting begin! He talks about Sanjaya! Let the angsting begin! He's gonna be on my TV! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  7. I haven't tried to call the Tulsa hotel yet, but I did try the online reservation system, and it told me that nothing was available with the passcode and special room rate. pkmiller, will they be willing to consider opening more rooms? I would venture a guess that 40 rooms went FAST.
  8. Wow, that's cool. I remember arriving at Merrillville last year, and pulled around the bend as I was exiting the interstate. Lo and behond, a HUGE billboard of Clay announcing the show that evening. It's pretty thrilling. This picture does similar things to me.... ITA! And the thing is -- calendar photo shoots are usually done about this time of the year, so that would mean -- beard and really good hair highlights. I'm not saying that would be bad (because I really like the look right now, even if it took me a few minutes to get used to the beard), but by the time the calendar would come out in September, he'll probably be clean shaven and a totally different shade of hair color. Mr. Chameleon. Heh. I actually had similar thoughts with that hat. He looks cute and all, but at the same time....I don't know, it looks like the hat is about 3 sizes too small, and yeah, it looks as if their should be a racoon tail in the back. I just keep telling myself, though -- "he's being a hawt humanitarian. Not the time to be talking about clothing and hair." Heh. I'm really hoping the ET thing is about his UNICEF work. I was pleased to see the Access Hollywood, on their website, put a blurb about it. This gives me hope. Also -- TC doing the publicity? UNICEF? A combination of both? (The last option is the one I'm going with....)
  9. Latest UNICEF Fieldnote Thanks diva. I'm feeling a little better about the situation now that I'm out of the meeting, but I still think it's going to be crazy for a while. Anyway -- good luck with your "open mike night!" Tulsa? Sanity? Tulsa? Sanity? Hmmm....
  10. I read that line too muski...and figured you were just the person for the job to comment! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Experience LA I like this description....a lot. To me, it tells exactly what this show is going to be about. I also have my suspicions that there's some PR going on in the background here... *g* Oh, and they've included a tiny picture -- a full body shot of one of the pictures we've seen before: Boy, I'd sure like to see that one full size. *g* OT venting: my workplace is going to hell in a handbasket. Guess what? I'm probably going to be the boss pretty soon -- except I'm getting all the headaches and none of the perks (such as money, rank, etc.). My current boss (the one who is retiring within the next year or so) feels terrible about it, but her hands are tied, because it's HER boss that's instigating the changes. In a way, I feel honored, because they think I'm the only person on staff who can do the work and get it done. But do I want it? And the extra stress it involves? There's a meeting this afternoon with all involved that will start to hash out what exactly will be happening, and I'm not motivated at all to attend. I could go in and try to fight the whole situation -- but I don't think it will do any good. Or, I could go in like a good employee and try to figure out how to make it work. Either situation makes me feel like crap, really. OK, I'm done now.
  11. UNICEF Ambassador Clay Aiken vists Afghanistan
  12. In case you missed it, there is an article on the UNICEF website that ties to the video.... UNICEF Ambassador Clay Aiken Visits Afghanistan Full text in the Fast Forward News Section There's also two new small pictures with the article, I will guess that larger ones will come soon. Glad your surgery went well merieee! Looking forward to meeting you in Texas!
  13. Hugs to the Clayzorback family.... Oh. My. God.....on so many levels. No kidding. I think, in the past week, my heart has burst with pride for Clay and UNICEF about 50,000 times. This man, this humble man, has done so much, in so little time. I'm floored. And he looks hawt too. Damn, I hate when those shallow moments sneak up on me. Frisco is definitely out for me, I think I'll be coming back from a family visit that day. I'm still debating on Tulsa, but I think I might be crazy enough to try that one. Spending 8 hours (or 7, depending on speed *g*) with the eHP could be a whole lotta fun.
  14. Latest UNICEF Fieldnote WOW! I'm wondering if the total may hit over $200,000. And it looks as if the Canadian funds aren't even included in this total! ___ CG, I wouldn't worry too much about hecklers (although I understand that reaction totally). Just looks at your avatar, and imagine that Clay will be doing that to anyone that heckles him. He'll be good to go!
  15. Honestly, except for the orchestra, it sounds like that early show of the NAT in Wisconsin. Wasn't it held on a baseball field? And sure, orchestras can play on soccer fields, especially on the fourth of July. They can pull out "Stars and Stripes Forever" to play during the fireworks. Actually sounds like it might be fun, even if the heat would probably be opressive. But hey -- sweaty Clay!
  16. :F_05BL17blowkiss: georgiaclay! I always like seeing your name out there. And this: Is so, so perfect. No, I haven't gotten anything yet (I did my donation last Sunday). I think the donation form said they would send out the report link by May 15, so they've got time. Hope they do it quickly, though -- there will be some fans who will go Clay Aiken on UNICEF if they don't get their stuff soooooooooooon. People are always a work in progress. I find Clay fascinating for exactly that reason -- I've loved watching the changes in his look and his demeanor over the past few years. He's really grown into a fine man, and I'm so happy and proud. The comfort levels he has, and the confidence he has -- it's always been there, I'm sure, but it's developed and grown. I love it. Claygasm, I am very glad that your friend is OK, and what he wrote hit me pretty hard. I can agree with your sentiments about living life to its fullest, because things can be very fragile. And yet, I look at my life sometimes and just think that I'm wasting it away. It's tough. But that's where I like the example that is Clay Aiken. I know I'm gonna sound all angelwingy here, but it makes me feel so very glad that there are people out there like him -- one that tries his best to give all he can to his life, and to the lives of others. I also think things like the incident yesterday in Virginia, or learning more about the troubles in other countries, makes me realize that arguing over marketing plans, and ticket screwups, and things like that are so very minor in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes, I've just got to let go. {{{{{{{{rcknrllmom}}}}}}}}}} I've always believed in "where there's a will, there's a way." If this is the last date of the tour, people will figure out how to get to a show, somehow. I know the other possibility is painful, but there are cellcerts and reports that can help a bit. muski, your story is one of the reasons why I don't have children. I couldn't deal with that kind of situation. It's funny, though -- two of the non-parents (me and CG) both agree that the parents shouldn't be contacted. As Ansa said, the parents might be OK with it. (I know, boggles my mind too....) Welcom claylily! Enjoy your time here! BWAH!!!! Go Clay! Go UNICEF!!! Loved reading about the power of his suggestion....
  17. I did, read it on the flight last week. I knew the "history," knew that many fans were upset about the write up. Frankly, I didn't think it was that bad. Yes, it mentions the "scandal," but unfortunately, that's part of his history now too. I thought the pictures were great, and there are several side mentions and pictures that were cool. The only true WTF moment for me was in the article on Barry Manilow, talking about his being a mentor on Idol. He mentions his joke in his show about Clay looking like him in a few years (fat chance, Barry *g*), but then says "I never worked with him." I HAVE to assume he was talking about not working with him in an Idol capacity, or else Barry is really getting senile. (Of course, most of Clay's fans tend to want to forget ACAC too, as I've found out here. *sob*) Hubby came home last night and pulled out the wetvac to clean up the basement. Doh on my part! Did everyone go and grab their OFC presale code yet? I did -- saved as a word document! Karen Eh?, you crack me up!
  18. muski -- great news for you! ldyjocelyn As I always say the more the merrieeeer*g* :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oh my. That's a pretty damn good picture, if I do say so myself. So....I was planning on camping out in front of the TV with the laptop tonight, switching between Dancing with the Stars and American Idol. Go into our laundry room to find a flood! My husband had left our kitty litter pans to soak, and one of them was over the edge of the sink in that room. Faucet -- left dripping just slightly. Well, in 24 hours, that made a flood. So, I'm in the midst of cleaning up the room. My husband is going to get some of the clean up when he gets home though. Back to putting on my waders....
  19. I'll just bring a blindfold and a wad of cash. Oh, and Cheez Doodles. *g*
  20. Shoot, I was hoping that the Tulsa show was going to be on the fourth, and that Dallas was back on for the 7th. Hmmmm....hey KAndre, does the eHP have room in their car for a wayward minion? My traveling companions to Houston may shoot me, but I'm seriously thinking of finding a way to get to Tulsa for another show. I'll keep ya'll posted. Hooray for the California meers. Maybe I should have tried for that one instead.....*sigh* Back to work.
  21. muski, couchie's latest blog is on the front page of the new FCA homepage: www.findingclayaiken.com BRAVO Miss Couchie! muski, I love your daughters.... Nothing more to add, other than I come back to work and everything's shot to hell already, and the rest of the week looks to be hellish too. Why do I have to work? Oh yeah, to pay for my Clay Aiken habit....
  22. Sorry bottlecap, but when you're back at work after being gone for a week, dancing bananas is the LAST thing on my mind. :F_05BL17blowkiss: This Tulsa/Dallas/Houston thing couldn't get more confusing if it tried, could it? *continues to be Zen* Everyone have a great day!
  23. Clay's Fieldnotes Blog for UNICEF God, I couldn't be more proud of him, and UNICEF as well....
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