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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. BWAH! Me too CG, me too! Asking a favor -- please. Could someone (who's not an admin!) go over to the new FCA webpage (located here) and then click on the "Clay articles" link? I've got 5 articles listed so far, and I want to make sure everyone can see them, etc. Only 4 have links -- the fifth I need to get a scan of first (and if anyone has scans of some of the early magazines, such as Elle or Time), please contact me. That would help me a great deal. Totally's little statement here made me think of a possible topic for discussion here -- when is Clay sexiest to YOU? I'll go first. Honestly -- it's not when he's singing at all. It's not when he's giving an eye***k, it's not when he's showing orgasm face. For me, it's when he's making me laugh. I don't know exactly what it is for me, but when he's doing banter at a show, and he starts talking, and then he jokes about something -- I get all tingly. Wait, I DO know -- it's because it shows to me that the man has a BRAIN. He's a quick thinker, and I love that in a man. So....anyone else? Oh, and pictures are not required for your own personal "sexy meter" -- but hey! If you want.... Here's an example of "sexy" for me: And another: Another: And one more: Love that man....
  2. pssst don't worry...y'all can get on the good side of the other admins...hee chug chug chug!!! Especially if there's a way to get couchie to Houston as well! :trink3: :bier:
  3. Amen and hallelujah and pass the booze! Heck No! It won't take 'em 71/2 -8 hours to get to Tulsa. You'll be fine. *dons diamond encrusted helmet* Cool! I'm ready to go! VAROOM VAROOM!!!! Wasn't that the concert where Clay gave a young girl a sweet kiss on the cheek? And yes, the fandom is NOTHING BUT enablers. All you have to do is THINK about going to another concert. Somehow, people then read your mind and offer you space in their hotel room, a ride in their rental car, and oh, BTW, a spare ticket to the show. All we need is transporter technology in order to keep transportation cheap. I think my mind is still boggled that y'all have REAL names. *g* I'm sitting at the reference desk today, trying to keep from crying from laughter. It's not working, and people now think I'm one crazy librarian. At least the seams in my stockings are straight, and the bun in my hair hasn't fallen out yet. *g*
  4. Hmmmm....I'm thinking of spending 7 1/2 - 8 hours in a car with the eHP to get to the Tulsa show. Should I be worried? :Tour3: :Tour3: :TourExcite: :TourExcite: BTW, CG, thank you for not understanding, because I didn't either. And merrrieeee -- :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. After the events of the past 24 hours, I'd say that FCA members know how to pick the perfect thread title at just the right time. Clay -- thank you for being you. couchie, your posts are so sensible to me -- freakin' WORD to everything. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Scarlett for bringing that over here, and for simply being a fun person
  6. I've just got to do this -- IMO it seems to be a bit lacking from today.... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Lots of new clack! :laola0: :nana:
  7. Thanks for bringing a different perspective artquest. I'm with couchie, I'd love to hear your thoughts on seeing the show live vs. what happened on TV.
  8. AllDay: Live from Studio 1A Blog: Q & A with Clay Aiken
  9. If you go to the Today Show webpage, they have a link for the interview. They also have a blog! AllDay: Live from Studio 1A: Q&A with Clay Aiken It's got some incredibly funny answers! Complete text in the News Section.
  10. Shoot, I got a phone call in the middle of Ambassador Aiken speaking! Isn't that ALWAYS the way? But what I did hear was fantastic -- he does such a good job in relaying his PASSION for what he saw, and did. I wish I had a quarter of his skills in this regard. AI -- I'm not surprised. I figured that everyone was safe early yesterday, but totally forgot about the manipulation aspect, and it hurts me that it was Jordin who got the brunt of it ('cause I really like her). But even if had been one of the other contestants, it still sucks. And yet, I'm just not surprised either. The AI machine has the corner on manipulation. I'm missing most of my workouts this week, due to scheduling. And I can say that I miss them -- I always feel better after sweating for a while, for some reason. Addisex -- I think it has to do with Grey's Anatomy. Don't watch, but I know couchie does! Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to ER!
  11. Clack Unlimited Today Show Clip (BTW, please remember to support them, if you can possibly afford to do so!) That was a great little interview. While I totally agree with those that think he looks 12 -- he speaks, and he's so adult. He's an articulate and thoughtful man. I liked hearing about the older women coming to school and learning to read in Afghanistan. *sigh* playbiller, so much WORD to your entire post.
  12. ITA. I feel the exact same way about the song -- it's a pure classic. Now, I really did NOT like the bowl cut of AI5. Really.Did.Not.Like. Really hated. Please - if he's going to wear bangs his hair must be cut like Kimmel of the Gala!! I told you I was shallow! OK, here goes, let's see if CG likes or not... He looks YOUNG. But he's still adorable.
  13. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Clayzorback}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} We're here, if you need us. You can always email.... I love my boyfriend, though (although my husband is still first on my list too). He's in NYC, making appearances and publicity for UNICEF. God, he's so good. Off to try and find screencaps.
  14. Leonard Lopate Show April 26, 2007 There's a link on the page that has pictures, including two new ones, from his trip.
  15. Leonard Lopate Show April 26, 2007 There's a link on the page that has pictures, including two new ones, from his trip.
  16. playbiller, where are you getting this information? I'm pleased about it, but want more information.....
  17. Who? Huh? Nevermind, found it: Leonard Lopate Looks like we can listen live....
  18. I DID! I knew they wouldn't send anyone home this evening. And next week -- will be fascinating. But they've got to send two off next week, or it would really get screwy. I love Annie Lennox, and I LOVE BONO! That was a great song, and I think the kids did a good job.
  19. *scurries off to thread title suggestion thread* :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  20. I've never seen one, but I think my own copy would be titled "ldyjocelyn's Guide to Percentages in Giving" (now being sold on Amazon!). In other words, it's gonna really be on each and every individual. Some people will look at a corporation who gives 0.00001% of their profits (no matter the size of the profits) and think that is cooler than anything in the world. Others won't be happy until 1000% of a company's profits are donated to charity, and even then, they'll find something to complain about. And many people (including me) fall in the middle. The choice is theirs. My feelings about all this is that I'm glad $5 million was donated to charity, but I've also got enough cyncisim in my blood to know that there conceivably could be a LOT more given, IMO. OTOH, I think the awareness that was raised last night, and the discussions that are following (at least here), are probably worth more than the money.
  21. OK, here's my theory -- SPOILER AHEAD!!!! Last night at the end of the show, Ryan said something about their being a "shocker" at the end of tonight's show. I'm wondering -- since is the night of altruism at AI -- if they will keep everyone on the show for another week? And then, in a week or so, have a double elimination, the bottom TWO being sent home. My theory was a bit confirmed as I read the TV Guide blog on the show. They wondered how they could do the semi-cruel thing of eliminating a singer in the midst of the charity stuff. Just wondering....
  22. I watched only the last few minutes of the show last night -- thought Jordin was a bit pitchy but her emotional connection was there, so I bought her performance hook, line and sinker. From the recap, I thought Blake sounded terrible (the only person who can do that song justice is Lennon, and I'm not even a big John Lennon fan), Chris sounded pretty good (and I liked that he did an upbeat inspirational song), and that Mindy was good too. Anyway, the reason I'm posting is that I have a theory about the contestants this evening...and one that I've seen that others in the media are thinking might happen too. Should I post it? Or try to spoiler it? (If I'm doing spoilers -- how do I do that on this board?)
  23. KAndre's Rules for World Domination And for muski -- muskifest's Meaningful Meandering Musings Totally, I believe we try our best to respect differing opinions here. I think the key to that is "try" -- I'm sure there have been a few times where I've not succeeded. I guess my feeling is don't be scared to try etiher. NEW CLACK!!! From a video blog by Ben Patrick Johnson, a new PSA from Clay. The link to the download from Clack Unlimited is here!
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