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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. It's still around....the pictures are in the gallery here! Hope that's what you need.
  2. diva, I'll join you in that dream -- I think that would be pretty darn cool. I feel like it, though, like I feel about the IGB thing. If he appears -- fantastic. If he doesn't....eh, I'll deal. You know what this thread needs? PICTURES!!!!! We haven't had a picture fest in while. With apologies to those who have images turned off at work:
  3. I agree Clayzorback. I feel about this show the way I think of anything Clay does -- I have faith. For some reason, I just gotta think that as the show nears its end, they will pull some points together. They may be some pretty far-fetched connections, but I do believe they will at least try. My Entertainment Weekly magazine last week had an article in it about this show, and hinted at some of the things that will be coming soon. I think they said that the episode on May 2 will allude to something from way back in season 1. This gives me some hope!
  4. Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. Teenagers and hormones. Dangerous combination. Good luck with all this muski. That's how I see it too. I don't mind that they're trying this, but I also don't really care all that much either. I just keep that in mind, and try my best to keep my emotions in check, on both sides of the coin; it will help me just survive this week I think. Oh don't tempt me. If he did that, I'd be selling off my husband to make a donation. *g*
  5. SHIT!!!!!!! God, I hate Eric and Dani! *sob* WOOOHOO! Nevermind....
  6. Oh man -- I hope this yield thing doesn't mess up the ChaCha's. And it looks like it might. Damn. Go Charla!!!!!!! Mirna -- annoying! Charla -- pretty cool, actually! Oh man, that jump would scare the crap out of me.
  7. Oh, that's too funny. Yes, I think that takes the cake so far for most interesting piece of clack....
  8. What Clay memorabilia could I not live without? Can I say my computer? Because I'd miss the clack more than anything else. Other things: the People magazine from last fall, with that WONDERFUL centerfold picture (I said "goodnight" to that picture for 3 months after it came out. TMI?); and my one lowly autographed piece, a copy of MCWL that musicmama from the CH so generously got me during her Stub Hub M&G. I'm also inordinately in love with my long-sleeved Christmas 2005 t-shirt -- I love long sleeved t-shirts as a general rule, and that one has one of my most favorite pictures of Clay on it, with him and the Christmas tree. He's wearing a FINE pair of jeans in that picture. Anyway, I keep wearing it, afraid I'll eventually wear it out, and then I'll be sad. IGB? If I'm home, I'll probably tune in, just to keep myself up on pop cultural literacy. Will I vote? Maybe -- depends on how Jordin does, because the few times I've seen her this year, I've really liked her. But that would be the first time I've voted since season two, and I've not got an overwhelming desire to vote either. I'm keeping my options open.
  9. As usual, the opposite viewpoint from me -- I really don't want to have a sci-fi background for this show. I like having the mystery BE the storyline, and actually like the idea of answers leading to more questions. Don't know why, really, maybe it's because the X-Files burned me out. (And I don't watch Heroes yet, so I can't tie with that either). I think if they establish what is driving the whole thing, it's gonna be kinda like Maddie and David Addison finally "getting it on" on Moonlighting -- the excitement will be lost. JMO, of course. This episode? I really like Desmond, think he's a great character. But -- this one didn't do it for me. I pretty much had it figured out that it wasn't going to be who he thought it was in the flight suit. As for the Sawyer/Kate thing -- well, I pretty much tuned all that out, since I don't care for either of them. Liked the Sawyer/Jack game though.
  10. UNICEF Fieldnote Included is a picture of the cover... In other charitable news.... Six Degrees Winners You can listen to Kevin Bacon's phone call with Kristy Barnes and Aron Hall. If you click on Kristy's name, you can also read her blog on this. GO BAF!!!!! GO UNICEF!!! GO CLAY!!!
  11. Just for the record, in case there is any doubt, I agree with this completely. I do as well. It seems to me that Clay has clearly marked "lines" in his life -- he's a singer; he's a celebrity; he's a humanitarian (AN humanitarian? I could never remember that grammar rule...); and he's a private citizen. He knows that, for example, he can rely on his celebrity status to help his humanitarian causes (as we so well saw this past week -- $160,000?!?!? WOW). But for the most part, I think he knows how to keep these different aspects of his life fairly separate. The problem to me comes from some of the fans. Some cannot stand that he spends time on doing humanitarian work when he should be recording an album. Some think he shouldn't take vacations; he needs to be a pop star and celebrity all the time. And some feel that the humanitarian work is actually something that is working toward the goal of him selling more records. IMO, that's just the tip of the iceberg for some fans -- I won't even get into the "private life" stuff. To me, though -- he is a combination platter of all these things, and yet, things don't get mixed together too often. He lives his life exactly the way he feels it should go. I'm sure there is some planning involved, maybe even a 5 year plan -- I think we all do that somewhat as human beings. But my point is that he does these things on his own terms, he really doesn't do all this stuff because people are in the background suggesting he do certain things ALL THE TIME. And I think some fans need to realize that he's gonna do things that don't fit into THEIR plans for him, and they'll have to make a choice -- either relax and let Clay Aiken take them on a ride (heh) and ignore the stuff they don't care for, or else just let their fandom go. OK, soap box over. I think I'll go back to watching Clay with the baby a few gazillion more times. You know, the last few pages have been relatively emoticon free. What's up wit dat? :EmoticonRingAround: :music-smiley-023: :medium-smiley-075: :nana:
  12. And may I add to that list of reactions: gah holyshit me next slurp uhn dayum.. Yeah, I thought about applying Clay's words, said in that beautiful voice of his, to some other situations that I can imagine....but I thought it best to leave it to my imagination. *g* Greetings Totally! Hope you like it here! Claygasm, scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and type in the scrambled code, and then hit the submit button. Then you have to wait a certain number of seconds (I think it was 30) before it will let you download.
  13. God, am I post whorring today or what? Latest Field notes from UNICEF -- WITH VIDEO!!!!
  14. I'm glad to read that summary of the ET piece -- it sounds like they know he's a draw, and I'm glad it's main focus is the UNICEF stuff. In retrospect....and maybe my perceptions are skewed because I'm a Clay fan....but it seems that he gets some good media attention every time he goes on a trip for them. I really don't remember seeing much for the other ambassadors. But, as I said, maybe it's just because I'm so attuned to Clay appearances. I also find it interesting that Jann Carl has been the person to interview him most often on ET. He seems to have his "fans" on each of the entertainment and news shows -- Diane, Lara, and now Jann. Finally, I'm sure the reason he's disappointed about Sanjaya is that he was hoping that Sanjaya would win, therefore ruining the credibilty of the show, it'd be off the air, and Clay would never get asked about the show ever again in his life. [/bad snark] Oh, and those white shoes reminded me an awful lot of Pat Boone. *ducks stones*
  15. And I got mine this morning through the website, it went through without problems. YAY! Now I just have to see if I have any co-horts in crime who are willing to be crazy with me.
  16. He's so adorable in that video. Hell, he's so adorable, period. I love hearing him talk. Hey! Maybe this was his William Shatner moment [/star Trek reference].
  17. I actually don't think the gala hair is "gone" -- it's just combed a different way. If he combed it down into bangs, I think it would look very similar to what he had then. I do miss the beard though. And yes, the picture looks skewed to me too. I think the shirt just puffed in the front (ie., FOLD! Hee). As for his face -- well, he's getting older. It's gonna happen. (Yep, he's gonna have new comedy fodder for the tour with this...)
  18. Clay Aiken: The ET Exclusive! He shaved! Let the angsting begin! He talks about Sanjaya! Let the angsting begin! He's gonna be on my TV! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  19. I haven't tried to call the Tulsa hotel yet, but I did try the online reservation system, and it told me that nothing was available with the passcode and special room rate. pkmiller, will they be willing to consider opening more rooms? I would venture a guess that 40 rooms went FAST.
  20. Wow, that's cool. I remember arriving at Merrillville last year, and pulled around the bend as I was exiting the interstate. Lo and behond, a HUGE billboard of Clay announcing the show that evening. It's pretty thrilling. This picture does similar things to me.... ITA! And the thing is -- calendar photo shoots are usually done about this time of the year, so that would mean -- beard and really good hair highlights. I'm not saying that would be bad (because I really like the look right now, even if it took me a few minutes to get used to the beard), but by the time the calendar would come out in September, he'll probably be clean shaven and a totally different shade of hair color. Mr. Chameleon. Heh. I actually had similar thoughts with that hat. He looks cute and all, but at the same time....I don't know, it looks like the hat is about 3 sizes too small, and yeah, it looks as if their should be a racoon tail in the back. I just keep telling myself, though -- "he's being a hawt humanitarian. Not the time to be talking about clothing and hair." Heh. I'm really hoping the ET thing is about his UNICEF work. I was pleased to see the Access Hollywood, on their website, put a blurb about it. This gives me hope. Also -- TC doing the publicity? UNICEF? A combination of both? (The last option is the one I'm going with....)
  21. Latest UNICEF Fieldnote Thanks diva. I'm feeling a little better about the situation now that I'm out of the meeting, but I still think it's going to be crazy for a while. Anyway -- good luck with your "open mike night!" Tulsa? Sanity? Tulsa? Sanity? Hmmm....
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