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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. EEEEEEEEEE! I missed this the first time, glad the rest of you quoted it so I'd find it! The friendship between the three of them seems so sweet and just so REAL, y'know? Thanks play for bringing that. I'm planning on getting KLo's album soon (probably in a huge Amazon order to get free shipping *g*). BTW, thanks CG for bringing over the Clelly mention too. That made my heart swell a bit as well. I think for me, I like the way he seems to inspire loyalty in his friends. He meets people and either they don't quite "figure him out," or else they get him immediately and become friends for life. And -- to me, anyway -- it seems that way in both his business and personal life (of course, not knowing how either of those really are, I'm again probably talking out of my butt). The business side is probably less likely, I know....but we've seen Mary by him almost from the beginning of his touring life. Also, all those tech people that he keeps thanking during his shows. Good for Clay -- and good for those around him too. jmh, you are me. Heh. ETA: AirTran Airways Inflight Magazine ETA AGAIN! More high res pictures from mee2u2 (set one) First post on page More high res pictures from mee2u2 (set 2) Again, first post on page. Don't post them at OFC, please!
  2. I've thought more than a few times that the Christmas tour was a "dry" run (damn, there's that word again...sorry muski) for this upcoming ATDW tour. We saw what came out of that -- some of the funniest stuff from him in a LONG time. Mr. Clay Aiken, comedian. Just because he's got 40 other people on stage with him doesn't mean he can't talk to the audience and show his comedic intelligence. And yes, I'm totally delusional because I believe that he'll do a great mix of songs on this tour, but the focus will be on ATDW. jmh, I know what you are saying -- and I know you're only trying to help us see the light -- but damn it, I'm going to go out on a limb and keep my belief in ATDW. I'm so sad, aren't I? Me too! Love it! couchie, I love you. I'm with you in the "follow his lead" car. OT: my husband got a promotion today! He'll now be the head of his library. He's happy but apprehensive. But I'm so proud of him.
  3. Sounds like my kind of concert -- but then, I'm easy enough that all I needed to hear were the words "Clay Aiken" and I'm good. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:
  4. I think where my "confusion" comes in is this: the UNICEF and BAF connections. I personally feel that he wants to give those organizations as much publicity that his celebrity would allow. They are near and dear to his heart at this point. But...balance that with the types of "in-depth" questions he'd probably be asked along side publicizing those organizations, and he, IMO, would have to make a choice...and I just have a gut feeling that he's not in the mood to bare his soul quite yet. Of course, I do not know Clay Aiken, so I could be talking out of my butt. Heh. I just wish it was snark coming from some fans, but sadly, it's not. I must be 11 1/2 then, because my husband and I still rest our hopes on lottery tickets (not many each week, though, but still). My husband and I are trying our best to save, but it's hard for both of us, because we like toys and we like to feel good immediately when buying toys (smutters, just stay out of that, OK? *g*) With no kids, it's a bit easier, but it's also harder too -- we're only spending on ourselves, and yet we know that we have to rely on ourselves and ourselves alone when it comes to retirement. *sigh* Topic: I think Clay doesn't have to worry about retirement finances.
  5. Works that way with comedy shows too. I'm a big fan of Andy Richter's style of comedy, and he's come through with 2 great shows in the past few years, "Andy Richter Saves the Universe" and "Andy Barker, PI." The last show had 4 showing on Thursday nights, and then was buried on Saturday to play out its run. I was bummed for a week about that one. The point is, if a show doesn't make a splash in the first two outings, it's pretty much gone. It's sad. Therefore, I can totally feel Clay's pain in regarding the possible cancellation. We'll just have to see, won't we? And I love him when he begs. *g*
  6. Oh dear....to borrow a phrase from muski, that man CMSU! Don'cha just love the dichotomy of him? First he's all serious and stuff, getting an award for his work with children. Not even a week later, and he's like a 12 year old kid, begging for his favorite show to be kept on the air. Anyway, I LOL'd all the way through that blog. Meanwhile, I'll go to those hospitals and put their TV's on Jericho....but I ain't watching it either. Sowwy Clay. Lost is on tonight. couchie -- he dragged Mary into it too. Hmmmmmm..... Yes, that's what I see as well -- the focus. The drive. The guy who wants to do his best, and knock it out of the park. That picture is simply stunning. (And yes, I'm shallow enough to "gulp" at the eyelashes. Whoa mama!) I'd really like this as well. Man's got a fascinating mind, and I'm afraid not all that many people know about it. I would really love to hear his viewpoints on what is going on in his life. I'd be enthralled, I'm sure, and I think not.just.us people would really think long and hard (heh) about their view of him after such an interview. Unfortunately, though, two things: 1) for some reason, the media DOES think that we'd rather hear about Britney's latest escapades, or Lindsay Lohan's latest rehab stint. The media is so cynical in this regard. H.A.T.E. 2) I'm not totally convinced that Clay wants to let that part of his life out yet. He may still be in "process" stage, at least with the latest Afghanistan stuff. OTOH, he did a good job with the media last week. I don't know...now I'm confused. Happens all the time.
  7. Scroll down the page to mee2u2's posting of a stunning early picture Scroll down to last post on page for the 3 silhouette pictures As always, these pictures should not be posted on the OFC.
  8. Hey everybody -- let's hit the wayback machine! Old/New Getty Images from AI2 This one is really cool.... Ah yes, the days of young Clay. He looks funny with the spikes now, doesn't he?
  9. play, I skimmed a bunch of forums after googling "spill on laptop," and here are a few general recommendations: 1) TURN THE COMPUTER OFF! 2) Take out the battery and dry it off thoroughly. 3) Let the computer dry for a few DAYS. After this, try it and see what happens. If the spill got into the hard drive, you may be fried. So, I'm listening to CV's Clay radio -- and having a great time going over the IT and NAT. What a young, fun time that was. The one that struck me that really put a smile on my face was the opening strains of the Clay/Quiana WY. Why? Because I realized when Quiana started singing that it was the last show of the IT, where Jerome came out and was "singing" Quiana's part in the blond wig. I wish I could have been there for that one, but the clack still makes me laugh, even just thinking about it. I'm looking forward to Clay putting a smile on my face again this summer. I think this tour will be a blast -- hearing songs we've not heard before, with the Aiken charm live. He's so good at making me believe in his songs, if that makes any sense -- I can feel his passion when he sings live. Hearing that with ATDW songs will probably make me faint. I love that unique man.
  10. Here's my whole take on the hair: he's a guy. Really, that's pretty much it in my book. I really don't think it's THAT big of a deal to him, he pretty much "goes with the flow" regarding how he looks. Just my gut feeling, but I think he tends to look in the mirror and shrug, no matter if the fans later think he looks fantastic, or if the fans think he looks like c-r-a-p. And I'm really at the point with my fandom that I can't be all that shallow with him any more. I look at those pictures, and I see a guy who is HAPPY with his life, and I think about how proud I am that he got this award in the first place. To me, his voice, his humor, and the difference he's made in some children's lives, not to mention many fan's lives, is first and foremost.[/angelwing]
  11. EEEEEEEEEEEE! Thank you merrieeee! I think the suit is cooler than cool -- nice, not-so-subtle pattern which, to me, gives the suit some texture. He's so cute, and I'm so proud of him!
  12. Sorry for the post-whorring.... I know you're right, and I really do want him to have a private life, without the intrusion of the media or fans. And yet, I can't help feeling curious. I know, I know...curiosity killed the cat. *sigh* Life can be so hard sometimes. This, I'll totally agree with. I'm not wishing for picture because I need to see him with a woman -- as I said earlier, I'm just curious. I'm hoping that I DO know where that enthusiastic/intrusive line is; if I don't, I have plenty of friends (including y'all here) that will tell me, I'm sure.
  13. OK, my head is from all the permutations of shipping. I can totally get into the Clyra, though -- even without muski's help. And, intrusive though it could be, I hope someone was able to do this: I thought the OTT Claymate skit was fun-nee....because to me it seemed so TRUE, if that makes any sense. muski, I love hearing about your daughter's successes on the sports field. Woohoo!
  14. On the cousin thing -- yeah, I agree with you. Cousin = family to me, by marriage or not. And I'd forgotten that she was married, which makes her even more off limits to me. Yeah, I think it's probably none of the ladies mentioned too, and I would dearly love for him to have a relationship with a person that can be kept out of the fan's radar. At the same time, though -- I also think that "hiding in plain sight" is something that Clay could probably pull off. So, I'm really torn on this one. But then, I always just say -- as long has he's happy, I don't care. Compare this picture: with this gif from the AI4 show (if it's working, let me know if it's not...): I do think that's Mary. And it scares me a bit that I can identify her. I know the people around Clay better than some of my own family!
  15. I thought so too. So....why doesn't SHE get shipped with Clay? I've always thought it would be funny if Clay and Mary were an item, just because she seems to be the one person in the "inner circle" who HASN'T been linked to Clay romantically. BWAH!
  16. 3 more episodes, dear couchie. I'm personally waiting for Locke to appear again. I know many people don't like him, but I do.
  17. I'm glad Cha Cha's caught up, hope they don't get behind again with this engine cleaning thing. The airlift thing looks really cool, though -- I'm glad someone did that one. That looked like the best roller coaster ride EVAH! Yes, the Air Force is picky about the cleanliness. *g* That was a cool roadblock too. I'm not sure how I'd do with the GPS, but the rest of it looked really cool. Oh poor Danielle. I have no pity for her. She's always quitting -- reminds me of Flo! AAAGH! Charla's not doing much better, but she's not as whiny. The BQ's did a great leg of the race! And meanwhile...I'm sad for my Cha Cha's. They were doing so well for so long, and then these last few legs were just brutal for them. It seems like they just lost their will. I still hate Eric and Danielle. With a passion.
  18. Karen Eh?, you are me. I could see the diss, kinda went "oooo," and then laughed. But then, what did I do? I clicked the link closed and went on my merry way. Frequently, even when I see something as a major diss, I just simply ignore. Maybe I'm burying my head in the sand, but it seems that people frequently want people to make a big deal out of what they've written. Ignoring it sometimes gives them a signal that they may not be saying something nice. I guess, for me, it all boils down to my feeling that some fans (not all) feel that every single person in the world must LOVE Clay Aiken. OK, I'm sure it's not that way for most...but it feels like it.
  19. Where's my Lost people? Did everyone watch IGB and forget to tape Lost? I'm usually having to skip this thread for a few days, because I don't get to see the show live most of the time. This week I'm the first one here?!?!?!?! Sun's story made me tear up. I'm actually quite glad that Jin was declared the father. OTOH -- I'm still not sure how much I can trust Juliet. Would she have lied to Sun? The flashback story, though -- actually quite meh for me, although I'm sad that Jin's father didn't even get to go to his son's wedding. As for the other story -- well, it was strange seeing Russian dude again, and I'd love to know how he came back to life. (That island has some strange powers -- but regular viewers knew that, right?). I liked Desmond and Charlie's little exchange about how many Others have killed vs. the regular island people have killed. Finally -- that finale?!?!? Oh man, talk about all hope being lost -- or is it?!?!? Tune in next week!
  20. Thanks bottle -- and I agree with you wholeheartedly, now that I understand the reasoning. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  21. Actually, he was linked to getclayaiken.com, because of some bitchy post I made about too much mothering. Heh. How embarrassing though. Hee. Now I'm really confused. OK, so this guy posts his blog, with the picture from the AMA's with Clay and Tori, with the comment he did. People got pissed (not around here) and started posting crap on the comments section. I understand all that (well, I understand the timeframe of the chain of events; people's reactions, not so much -- I don't venture out much either YSRN). But -- then did someone link to some of the Clayland boards, such as getclayaiken and FCA and CV? Or the blogger did it himself? Why? I'm so confuzzled. KTLA Clay -- wow. Had almost forgotten about him. He was fantastic that day, and looked so damn handsome. That WAS an incredibly sexy day -- he was smart, he was self-depricating, he was funny. The AMA appearance was almost as good; I thought his hair was bee-you-tea-ful, and his ability to make fun of his then-current situation made it almost perfect. Rewatched the David Foster gala performances this morning. I did a doubletake -- because the hair that night was practically the same hair we had for ET and the Today show, IMO. To me, it's really just shorter than we got used to during the holidays. Heh. And man, could that guy sing. That "need" that David Foster spoke so highly of is killer.
  22. BWAH! Me too CG, me too! Asking a favor -- please. Could someone (who's not an admin!) go over to the new FCA webpage (located here) and then click on the "Clay articles" link? I've got 5 articles listed so far, and I want to make sure everyone can see them, etc. Only 4 have links -- the fifth I need to get a scan of first (and if anyone has scans of some of the early magazines, such as Elle or Time), please contact me. That would help me a great deal. Totally's little statement here made me think of a possible topic for discussion here -- when is Clay sexiest to YOU? I'll go first. Honestly -- it's not when he's singing at all. It's not when he's giving an eye***k, it's not when he's showing orgasm face. For me, it's when he's making me laugh. I don't know exactly what it is for me, but when he's doing banter at a show, and he starts talking, and then he jokes about something -- I get all tingly. Wait, I DO know -- it's because it shows to me that the man has a BRAIN. He's a quick thinker, and I love that in a man. So....anyone else? Oh, and pictures are not required for your own personal "sexy meter" -- but hey! If you want.... Here's an example of "sexy" for me: And another: Another: And one more: Love that man....
  23. pssst don't worry...y'all can get on the good side of the other admins...hee chug chug chug!!! Especially if there's a way to get couchie to Houston as well! :trink3: :bier:
  24. Amen and hallelujah and pass the booze! Heck No! It won't take 'em 71/2 -8 hours to get to Tulsa. You'll be fine. *dons diamond encrusted helmet* Cool! I'm ready to go! VAROOM VAROOM!!!! Wasn't that the concert where Clay gave a young girl a sweet kiss on the cheek? And yes, the fandom is NOTHING BUT enablers. All you have to do is THINK about going to another concert. Somehow, people then read your mind and offer you space in their hotel room, a ride in their rental car, and oh, BTW, a spare ticket to the show. All we need is transporter technology in order to keep transportation cheap. I think my mind is still boggled that y'all have REAL names. *g* I'm sitting at the reference desk today, trying to keep from crying from laughter. It's not working, and people now think I'm one crazy librarian. At least the seams in my stockings are straight, and the bun in my hair hasn't fallen out yet. *g*
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