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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Great recap laljeterfan, I especially liked this part. It almost sounds like your describing a new ride at Disneyland! Wheeee A definite "O" ticket foh sho
  2. Nope! Hadn't heard that yet. Thanks for posting it!
  3. I think it's been this way from the beginning of time. If you are that unique/different then you are going to stand out in the crowd! Unfortunately I believe this makes many uncomfortable. So rather than ignore, because they can't, they must look and see what all the fuss is about. They have an uncivilized urge to tear down. To criticise and attmept to destroy, not because they can but because they must. They are threatened. This is one reason we all seem to throw money at him so readily. Screw 'em!! Then go have a drink You know...at first I had one of the WTH moments when I first saw Clay's hair in the video where the bangs are combed over into his eyes. It was a Shaggy Dog moment. BUT THEN the photo of him coming out the SD and he had on only a shirt! No visible undershirt and NO SWEATER! AND it was unbuttoned AND AND he pursed his lips and I...I.... Vera Niiice banner cha cha!
  4. Jamar, you may be right! I believe he had/has a great deal of integrity like Clay, only perhaps willing to put up with much less than Clay. dunno But I have yet to understand why he was NOT included on the AI2 Tour. I have read conflicting reports that he was not allowed to due to active duty and yet that was squelched and found not to be true. Anyone here know of any other information regarding this? It seems to be such a coincidence with the Matt Lauer interview.
  5. I realise I've already submitted my 3 pcs. of clack but I just had to post this one last clip! Since I wasn't around during the AI2 tour and have never seen a lot of the clack from that time I am always drifting about looking for new-old clips to watch, that capture the intensity from that tour. This piece is from St. Paul and it's Clay and Ruuuuuben singing. It's a short clip but I know if I wasn't already headoverheels for this guy then I certainly would be after watching this. THIS is one of the reasons I hope he does record some green-eyed soul. He really does it well! http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/Concer...irl_is_Mine.wmv
  6. Recipe for a Happy Man - Take one strapping BF and add - A spooning from behind A pinch of ass A cupping of Waldo and A pounce of passion Mix in a LARGE grail and seal with a kiss :F_05BL17blowkiss: gently stirred, not shaken! Lame I know......bwah
  7. cindilu, I had read that earlier on their site. How very sad. RIP DAMN muski ! Woman, you need to warn folks before ju st posting those lethal "O" inducing pics!
  8. Treenuts Watch Josh Gracin's prediction in an interview with Matt Lauer shortly after he was eliminated in 4th position. His prediction is eerie.... I honestly feel that if Simon had not told Clay (after BOTW) that it could win him the competition, Clay might well have won. But it no longer matters, it's not how you start your career, it's how you finish.... And anyway, I wish only the very best for Ruben too, I certainly understand why he was so popular too. Thanks, claytonic! I do remember seeing this on youtube before and thinking "Wow, that sounds incredible"....Yea, I was naive! But now that I have been watching the actual show, or what parts they chose to show, it is glaringly obvious to me. And of course that is JMDAO but man-o-man I don't get it at all. WHY? What was the point of it? And this - I DON'T. See, that's what makes this so hard for me. I simply am not liking his voice, his casual performances (blah) and I find nothing charismatic (aside from his dimples) about him whatsoevah! I know I'm in the minority here and that's fine, just don't attack me for sayin'.....k? I need a drink
  9. Yea, I thought the same thing. He sprang over there as if to what? Keep her from returning to the scene and molesting our hunky BF? Maybe not even related, but it looked strange! Hallelujah!!!!! Indeed, CG :thbighug-1: My god, I am in tears laughing at all the attempts to "direct your attention" to the pinch of bliss! :lmaosmiley-1: whew....you done good, ladies!
  10. *bolding mine Cotton, congrats on getting back into the swing of things. You're lucky to be working with someone who'll make it special for you and you get along with. It sounds like a fun challenge. BUT I wonder if that first bolded statement might not make the second one impossible! Geez louise, uhm.....with the price of gas now I'm bettin' your job will just about pay for the commute with little left over. But maybe that's just me and my sad state of existance in California with ga$ at an astronimcally and quite hysterically high rate and every job comes with a long commute on our freeways. Maybe the good company & food can make up for it :F_05BL17blowkiss: muski, you seem to have BIG BAllS on the brain today! Clay content? .....Oh hell, you figure it out
  11. :PickMe-1: Well, not to boast or anything but I HAVE been know to squeeze a "bun" or two in the grocery store with great success! In the bread aisle, that is I'm afraid so.....and all the better to see the merrier derriere with. Have a wonderful time, wanda! Remember....DETAILS!!
  12. play, you're joking, right? You mean the manipulation went that deep and that far back?! Since I only became a fan shortly after the AI5 Finale I wasn't aware of all of this shit stuff then. Probably a good thing too! Good lord, Clay has been putting up with this far longer than I originally thought
  13. I have just finished watching AI2 Rewind and I need to find a place to vent. Geez-us what the hell were those people smokin'?! Ruuuu-ben is definilty a sweetie but goddamn I just do not hear what any of them are hearin'. Nadda!! Maybe I just don't know good singing when I hear it? Nahhh All I see is a lot of ass-kissing. What a snow job. And when Simon said "you could release that song tomorrow and it would be a hit" I was dumbfounded. I nearly muted him while he was performing. WTF Kim Caldwell was really god aweful that night! Yikes!! But Clay's "At This Moment" was perfection....baybay! * I'm not sure I can take another week of them pimping Ruben so overtly * in honor of the Clorange
  14. It's a bit tricky but what she does is reach over with her "Left Hand", with thumb up & fingers cupped she gives him a goose! Yup, it's there. But if your looking for her right hand to simply reach down then you'll miss it. It's a tricky "reach across and very subtley/quickly goose & go" kinda move. It looks like Jerome didn't even catch it and he was looking at her too. But you KNOW by Clay's looking back to see who THAT was somethin' happened. ETA - Or what muski just said. I'm too old & slow. OT: I have just finished watching AI2 Rewind and I need to find a place to vent. Geez-us what the hell were those people smokin'?! Ruuuu-ben is definilty a sweetied but goddamn I just do not hear what any of them are hearin'. Nadda!! Maybe I just don't know good singing when I hear it? Nahhh All I see is a lot of ass-kissing. What a snow job. And when Simon said "you could release that song tomorrow and it would be a hit" I was dumbfounded. WTF Sorry, you may now return to your regularly scheduled programing... this post brought to you by cursewords-R-us
  15. God, remembering that just made me all kinds of schmoopie! I dunno know about any list but hell, I wanna be Hannah's Left Hand!! Welcome, gloch.
  16. Lotus, I love your choices! I completely relate to the Kimmel concert because I had just discovered Clay during the AI5 finale and this was the first time I had seen him perform like that other than on youtube. I didn't even watch the GMA appearance until later on. (Very bad fan, I know) but his profile shots just shoot right through me!! gah I wonder why they were so concerned he hadn't taken his meds that day in Tampa too. I have often wondered if he is just so much more "wound up and talkative" when he isn't on them? Because when I first became a fan he was on LKL and Kimmel and Leno. I remember thinking he was kinda chatty on Leno but not too much so on Kimmel and LKL. Little did I know then JUST what a chattycathy he really was. BWAH
  17. cotton wrote: It was here - JNaT 06 Norfolk, where Clay dances with his mom. *there may be a better version w/cleaner audio at CU I think the whole JNaT 06 was his best "clothing wise". I'll always remember if fondly as the "POP" tour! perma, that video of him singing LAA in Syracuse is deadly! I wanted to lick the perspiration off of him, poor baby.
  18. I have my third and final piece of homework teacher. Red Bank, Best of Banter pt. 9 If anyone's looking for me I'll be in Youtube land for the next several hours. Haven't done this in ages. Sooo much clack, so little time
  19. Ok, I have enjoyed all of these clips tonight so much. I especially enjoyed the Invisible/giggleyw/panties/AI2 one that couchie put up. I had never seen that one before and I must say, what really got me was the way he sounded introducing RUUUUben at the end of the clip. He has a such GAH aweful grrrowly voice there! It made my girly parts all tingly And many of my favorites seem to be posted already. So it's been great watching them. I have two that I want to add but I can't do pretty links. Hope you enjoy! Invisible on Jimmy KImmel Live 2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKmc_Nxlwpc And Tulsa Concert Banter 2007 J*just after "Footgate" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzDpa3HHODs
  20. Well, I think its obvious why. Clearly Clive is forcing all the shows to boycott all things Clay as part of his evil plan to destroy Clay! <snark> What? No! Would that be the same evil plan as the one conspiringly infamous Roger eeW. has been helping to carry out? :o) <snarkette>
  21. What is all this about "3 clack moments" I keep seeing pop up anyway? Can I play? Do I need a signed permission slip? Can I ask any more questions? sickofmeyet? Play, I would be most interested in what you find. Thanks.
  22. Warning: Detour Ahead Not to change the subject......what was the subject? Oops sorry, ADD victim. I wanted to ask a serious question if I may. No....REALLY. I'm curious why we have not yet seen the WRAL interviews by Lynda Loveland picked-up by the usual "entertainment news shows". IIRC the last couple of times she did something like this they popped up on several within a week or two. So am I missing something here? Did I miss a piece already aired or perhaps they are waiting to show them closer to the drop date? And if so, then that might be too late to help Spam ticket sales. Anybody? Bueller? ETA - Tucker Carlson sucks! Must be a slow newsday....grrrrr
  23. I wish to god my laundry had "folds" like that!! :kos:
  24. jmh said - O.M.G. Down Waldo, down! yup...sho nuff. I never saw that video before and NOW I am watching that portion at 1:38 overandoeverandover......you get the idea. That sucker has a life of it's own. No doubt about it, the boy can't help it!!
  25. *bolding mine* Becoming? Damn! MUSTWORKHARDERMUSTWORKHARDER!! I have to say, ATDW promo hair was de BOMB. Floved it! But as long as he at least HAS his hair I'm happy. heh (((((couchie & mom))))) Lovin' Hannah W.'s remarks. V. classy lady. Muah And this one's for muski, cause I know she lurves her some adams' apple and I wanna hear her languid tales of lusting for it....ehm.....are ya listening miss?! Sorry, but you just need to double-click then lick!
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