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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Rcknrllmom, I can completely empathise with you. I tend to be more nervous and shy than I want to be in certain situations. I am also a stay at home mom now and I really can't even afford to drive down to LA this summer but I was determined to make this my one and only FIRST EVER concert at THE GREEK and I'm now beside myself. I will be taking my elderly mother so I probably won't have a chance to attend any pre-party or gatherings unfortunately. But I am going and may even convert my SIL so it's all good!!! ---------- CMSU! I lost part of my Corona on the monitor when this scrolled by. I remember reading the story about this in spot's recap. BWAH --------- Uh, thanks for that visual, muski. shitshitshit! why do the quote thingys do this to me? I swear I must be the most inept technical person I kinda know
  2. Oooo Thanks, Gibby! I can't wait to see it now. Yes, a nerdy unlikely hero indeed. Hmmmm.....sound like anybody esle we know?!
  3. If you are refering to the OFC I am not a member and can't view those little gems WWAAHHHHHHHHHHH!
  4. :Tour3: :Tour3: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: YEAH THE BEACON IS BACK ON!! Lead the way, Clay
  5. *whimpers* You are just mean. MEAN I tell ya. :medium-smiley-070: Hark! I hear him callin' to ya......cindi.... cindi.....I'm right here waiting.......cindi... http://www2.clackunlimited.com/clack/Conce...spotlightlover/
  6. Thanky to lickiest1 for recommending spot's Tulsa Banter&TOA clack. I just watched it and it is very funny but he does sing the shiznits outta that song and looks damn purdy doin' it too! Run don't walk to: http://www2.clackunlimited.com/clack/Conce...spotlightlover/
  7. I feel certain that it is blinking out a sooper sekret message - if only I knew morse code. The crotch bling is so delightfully tasteful and yet just the slightest bit tacky, and I cannot look away. BWAH! Talk about "putting ones eye out"!!
  8. Yah, I'm not to worried about spoilers on the movie. What I AM WORRIED ABOUT is hearing or seeing anything to do with the last book (which should be in my hot little hands "soon") before having had a chance to read it. I don't read quickly and I refuse to not take my time and get through all of the book just so I won't be "spoiled". As my DH said (he's that cute guy who orders these for me in advance but doesn't care for HP himself......sweet man) "just stay away from the TV and internet until you've had a chance to read it!" The internet? Uh, yah. Like that'll ever happen. I would love to hear reports/reviews on the film!
  9. I stole this from Divayenta at the CH. Bolding is mine. quote - YOu put your left hand in You pull your left hand out Shut up Kelly Ripa And you shake it all about YOU do the Clokey Pokey And the tabloids start to shout That's what it's all about! You put your big foot in You let your toes hang out YOu wake up to a thwacking And you really start to shout You do the Clokey Pokey FBI will check you out That's what it's all about.... When you're a HUGE star. What body part will do the Clokey Pokey next? Don't even ask. I think it happened in Rhode Island.
  10. Seriously, treenuts, where did you come from? The Clayboard has always had a 'no discussion of Clay's (or anybody else's) sexuality' rule. To use your word - Forboden. There will always be trolls (not saying that thread starter is one) who like to torment and/or stir turd. *shrug* (PS, you can't say shit or damn there either - though those are automatically $&%^*) Okie dokie then. That explains a lot. Thanks, cindi. I guess that's one board I would never be allowed to remain on. I'm a potty mouth Happy Birthday claygasm! Party on :me0:
  11. As a wise person once said at TWOP (no, really) regarding Project Runway's Tim Gunn, the sexual orientation of one's celebrity boyfriend matters not. Jesse is hot. Period. As a result, there's a lot of pretty up on that stage, especially when he turns his back to the audience to conduct. Nice shoulders, too. What? Oooo I love Tim Gunn! Anyway, someone replied with the "you do know he's **** don't you" ?? What?? You mean they can't even spell out the word gay? Whoa. So then she went back and edited out her own response and moved it to another thread. And there it is..... But I do think Jessie has a great ass and I love him doin' some dancin' up there during his conducting duties. It's a +plus+ factor for sure You know the late night talk show comcoughedians, Dan Abrahms and et. al have NO CLASS whatsoeveh and should just be ignored. Yep....they are giant asses but what else is new. So sad!!
  12. Yea, I've decided to wait also. I just don't want to be sitting in a jam packed theater in the summer. Even with the A/C it gets too hot with every seat full. But I'm sure looking forward to it and the new/last book. Bittersweet.....
  13. One last thing ~ Clay Aiken discute en avión con una mujer TULSA, Oklahoma, EE.UU. (AP) - Parece que Clay Aiken estuvo involucrado en una disputa con una mujer durante un vuelo a Tulsa en la que intervinieron agentes del FBI, que no presentaron cargos en su contra, reportó un diario. Need I say more...... and on that note g'nite.
  14. Ok. I dunno about anyone else but I think it could get interesting over at he CB shortly. Well, maybe not interesting, but I'm certainly gonna grab some popcorn, put ma feet up (on my own armrest) and watch fer a spell. Well uhm, most likely I'll just go to bed and check back in the morning. Anyway someone just started a thread titled Jessie? and they are discussing how cute he is, how they can't help watching him up there and what is known about him. Hmmmm....I wonder how long before they lock that thread Personally, I think he's kinda cute too, a hell of a piano player, a hard working arranger and has a great ass! And I hope it doesn't matter or change their opinions of him over there once the light bulb goes on. Of course I only have eyes for bf!
  15. I'm sorry you feel so badly about it though, treenuts. Believe me I've been there. ---- Awe, that's good of ya cindi, but I'll pullsniffthroughsniff somehow.....after I down a bottle of Cuervo Gold and a bag of chips ahoy I'll be good to go! ---------------------------------- ----- First off, exactly why should I make this easy for you? Secondly, disconnect? Honey, I never learned to operate a vcr properly.....never (thank god for dvd & dvr); As for using a microwave I'm convinced they were invented by rocket scientists and I'm their lab rat; and most importantly I have not yet found my con.nec.tion so how can I possibly begin to go about planning my dicsonnect? JESUS! Oh, and theyoutube video I believe was spotlightlover's ------------------------------------ ---- ------------------------- ----- Stop right there, missy! Do Not Touch that zipper. You just leave it where it is and allow nature or gravity to take it's course! And I want to add Ldyj, I think your new avi is a most adorable one. What a cutie! shit. why isn't my quotey thingy working properly??? eta: fixed it treenut....ansa
  16. It still reads as pretty funny (to anybody with a half a clue) and it gets 'his side' out there, and I for one am amazed they published it at all. I'm happy, and am no longer going to give this one ounce of worry. Boyfriend is smart, y'all. Perhaps,cindi. But the fact they chose to omit the very statement that reflects why Clay is repsonding in the first place seems to negate his role in this whole thing. It has been obvious from the get go that they just use his name to garner attention and have no intention of giving him any importance as a huming being. And certainly, where would the fun be in that....I ask you! And to think I once considered journalism as my major. Stepping away for a few now to cool off. (where's a really good sad, whimpering or disgusted emote when you need one?)
  17. AP Updated Article http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.asp...Breaking%20News Apparantly they conveniently left out the "other" portion of his response and the UNICEF website mention. figures.....
  18. Oh my, I love that crotchgrabbin' footwanderin' snarkysexysingerman! Hmmm...could that be a possible future thread title......Yummy
  19. couchie, what/who is "Sewell" that I've seen you refer to a couple of times? Or do I not want to know?
  20. FYI....He also gave the same exclusive to the Insider: http://www.theinsideronline.com/celeb/6063/ As upset as I am over this(yes, I most certainly am and am NOT going to appologize for it) he can still manage to make me laugh out loud! Thank god
  21. Wasn't sure if anyone was still posting/reading at the Tulsa thread so I'm bringing this hear from over at the CH. Awwwwwwwwe! ClayPerfect: Quote: My grandaughter Emily is 6 years old..she grew up with Clay..well I had a bit to do with that..she has been asking for 2 years to go with me to a Clay concert..well she is going..to Tulsa Saturday and she is so pumped..I had to order her a shirt and she insisted I make CB, CV passes for her like mine .. this morning she came running in .. I was in the Clayden.. and she said Grandma..I had a dream about Clay last night....her hands were plastered to both sides of her face and eyes huge.. I turned to her and asked so what was your dream.. and she replied.. I can't talk about it.. I started laughing..and asked why she said I just can't Grandma it was aweful...and she walked out of the room..seemed really overwhelmed.. a bit later her mom came over and I asked her..she told me this..Emily woke up this morning came into the living room straight to Mom and said Mom I had a dream about Clay last night..Sarah asked what it was..she said I went to the concert with grandma and I got lost.. and I had to swim across a lake to get to Clay..I never found grandma but I found Clay...Sarah started laughing.. then Emily asked how many more days Mom....Sarah told her 3.. Emily replied Thank Goodness.. I can't have anymore of these dreams.. I want to see him now..do you think grandma could call Clay and tell him I need to see him tomorrow.. UPDATE!! SHE GOT HER MOMENT WITH CLAY we left her early yesterday morning for Tulsa.. Emily was up and ready by 7am and at my door knockin..we went to my daughters home on the Grand Lake and spent the day.. she swam took boat rides and swam some more.. time to leave for the concert..and yes she was very excited...she sat in her seat with her little binoculars watching Clay ..after she made me buy her a shirt half way throught the concert she was exhausted and just ready for bed..but she hung in there..she layed her head down for about 5 minutes.. till she heard She thinks my Tractor's Sexy and that all it took.. wide eyed and bushy tailed again...now for the absoulute best part of the entire night.. for me anyway..we were outside the concert hall afterwards.. my daughter Izzy decided to take Emily to the car and watch a movie while we visited..little did we know that Clay was coming out...Clayshope and myself and a many others lined up with anticipation of a hand touch by Clay when suddenly a security guard on the opposite side of the lot let Izzy and Emily through the line to find us...believe me Miss Emily was wide awake now we waited as Clay came out and started at the end of the line..(we were close to the begining by the Van he was to leave in)..he was flying down the line.. suddenly he was there.. he approched us Emily was in front of me.. and to his amazement there stood this little 6 years old.. he STOPPED.. he bent down took Emily's hand in BOTH of his and looked her square in the eye..eye level.. and said "Well Hello There"..after a few seconds he moved on..Emily was estastic.. several ladies came over to Emily and asked her how it felt to be so special to Clay.. We didn't get home till 4am this morning and I have to be at work at 11:30..I am exhausted.. while Miss Emily is still in dreamland in my bed..but it was so so so worth it. Awe...I'm all verkelmpt God how I love that man!:F_05BL17blowkiss:
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