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Everything posted by FearofH2O

  1. Is this the out of tune piano? I'll never overcome being such a slow typist. Love his falsetto at the end. He has really become a master at it. The story teller can't commit to a relationship. Having two sons I'm very familiar with this syndrome.
  2. Definitely a song that will get everyone up and dancing in concert. I think that Clay can relate to the getting older part and expecting to be wiser but not always true. I can relate to this. How many of us can think of memories of experiences that have jarred us from sleep or relaxation? He knows ATDW didn't have any of these bopping tunes so he added the Classics.
  3. Whoa! It took forever to catch up from Monday night. But what an experience it is reading several days of the board. I am so glad I decided to go to the last night of Spamalot as well as the previous Thursday evening. Just wow! Funny story on Sunday night. Playbiller drove in and we were running a little late. I won't bore you with the reason as play would kill me. Anyway she dropped me off at the Schubert while she parked, as she had something to give to Kareneh. I had no idea what she looked like but I was supposed to find her near the French guards photo op. I went up to a woman standing there and asked if she was Karen. She said no that she was Sandy (thats my name too) but she was meeting a Karen there. Turns out she was meeting Kareneh too and also had no idea what she looked like. We chatted until Kareneh appeared. It was a very nice evening at O'Lunnies or is it O'Loonies Sunday night and I did enjoy meeting so many of you as well as seeing Luckiest, couchie, claygasm and cha cha once again. I was totally a cd virgin until I downloaded from itunes early Tuesday, but I was so tired at 3AM that I could only listen to a few tidbits. We left at 9:15AM for our ten hour drive home. I did get to listen to the cd twice on the way home. I am so impressed with this cd. I expected something done on the cheap but this is so rich and lush with the most amazing vocals. I got the chills on Sacraficial Love and The Real Me. Grace of God just hit me in the gut. I love them all. I agree with claygasm OMWH is a really good choice for the first single. It's so Clay. I don't think it's a good idea for him to start with a head bopping song first, maybe he could work up to one. One of my favorite Larson cartoons shows a bunny with some bunny excrement nearby and a sign saying free chocolate. The title of the cartoon was "Marketing".
  4. Sorry you are having a crabby day playbiller. Is that why you didn't return my call? Sounds like a great time at the Easter Bonnet show. I am quite good at scrolling and today was no exception. So I'm still pretty happy. As one of the more mature fans here, by age only, I can honestly say that I don't feel my age, I look it but don't feel it. But unfortunately I'm not one of the rich fans so you won't see me in the front row except for Sunday night Thanks playbiller. I love to watch the enthusiastic fans and no it doesn't bother me that they might be my age. If spending great sums of money watching Clay makes someone feel better I say go for it. I've read of people who are unhappy or depressed and being part of this Clay fandom has made them feel better about themselves. I think this is a new phenomena and I don't think it is only Clay. I've met older Josh Groban fans and one of them travelled overseas when he did. Eating out one evening I saw a woman of about 85 stand up and tell her friends that she had to leave right that minute because she didn't want to miss American Idol. At the gym I take Zumba( a Latin/ hip hop class) and talk the young members nearby who are as young as thirteen. Doesn't embarrass me in the least. When I trip on my own feet and fall down doesn't bother me at all. I volunteer for Hillary Clinton's campaign and enjoy the company of the college students and others who also volunteer. Appearances are superficial, one's age should be determined more by attitude and interests. That's just my opinion and I just thought I'd put it out there. ETA; I see you qualified your post muski, but honestly there are OTT people everywhere: sporting events, political events. It's honestly not just Clay. They are everywhere.
  5. You betcha. Although It will be taped. I haven't heard anything at all. I've been pretty busy trying to get a certain person running for President to win in our primaries in NC and finishing up my volunteer tax work so I'm just pretending there is nothing available to hear. Although I have enjoyed reading the discussions of all the songs. I was so surprised with ATDW that I thought I'd do it again with OMWH. I am one stubborn person. Wednesday morning after my final tutoring session I am off with Mr. Fear to NJ. Seeing two more shows with playbiller, including one with Mr. Fear. So not much time to think about snippets.
  6. Well good morning. It's a beautiful morning here and after staying up until 1AM playing Boggle and eating junk food with some friends last night, I think I'm ready to get moving. A few words from an OMWH virgin. I have only heard the beginning few notes of a song, it takes me that long to find the mute button, so I really can't give my opinion of the cd or even one song. As far as Clay's interviews I gobble them up. Anything Clay says about the album I'll definitely relish. Wow! I must still be hungry. His opinion has never affected my appreciation of any song. I'll read anyone's opinion and enjoy their happiness or sorrow. When I finally download the cd, in a little over a week, all those ideas, including Clays will be gone from my head and I will only hear the music, pure and new. So talk all you want I love it. YMMV and thanks to everyone for making the time pass quickly before I have it in my hands.
  7. Since I'm not listening either, am I the only one who watched the Amazon video with the sound off? I'm also streaming from our local radio station with the sound off. I wonder if they can tell?
  8. I'll be glad to help, I haven't ordered from Walmart yet as I thought buying more than one would reduce shipping cost.
  9. WHy not (in whiney voice). How about keepingfaith? Loved your recaps laughn, duckyvee and Scarlett. Luckiest1, believe it or not I can wait to hear it. I won't even listen to snippets. O/T Scroll, scroll. Last night I waited on the phone for 45 minutes to ask a question of our beloved congresswoman (ugh). She wants to do away with payroll withholding in order to eventually overthrow the 16th amendment ( gives the federal gov't the right to collect taxes without approval of the states.). I asked her how the government was going to operate when no one pays their taxes on 4/15 because they have no money. She expects a revolution in order to make changes in the tax system. I told her my experience with people being really upset when they had to pay taxes and their inability to pay estimated taxes in many cases. She was disappointed that people couldn't put their money in a savings account to pay on 4/15. Duh, I guess she doesn't know about the power of Clay. He is real good at getting fans to empty their savings accounts. Sorry I just don't get her but it appears that many others do.
  10. Okay I'm over it muski and Clayzorback. Now what's this about James Blount? I guess I don't like his voice either. Actually I couldn't stand it. But I'm sure he's a great guy. Im still haven't heard the single but fortunately the primary in NC , taxes and going to see Spam is keeping me busy so I'm not missing it yet. But that phrase "Faith conquers fear", does it have anything to do with me? :8:
  11. Thanks Luckiest1, i always have trouble remembering where the webisodes are. But I haven't listened to the song yet. I know you are having fun but i really can't relate to making fun of someone's looks. Maybe because I look so bad? Or I'm just Miss Priss as they called me growing up? I haven't ever made fun of my kids or husband. My son had a multicolor mohawk and I even helped him with it. I don't think I ever made fun of playbiller either. Watch she'll come up with something.
  12. My comment about not worrying about the NJUs was in regards to enjoying the current song and/or cd. I can't speak for ansa but I was referring to those who worry about what others or radio will think about the song rather than sitting back and enjoying it for themselves. I guess I'll wait to hear any songs because of the aural pleasure I'll get downloading from itunes at midnight and hearing the cd as a whole work. JMO, doesn't work for everyone. I have taken several NJUs to concerts which they enjoyed but I can't make them join the fandom. To take an overused phrase, they'll have to become fans organically. And of course thay tease me unmercifully for knowing all things Clay. If Clay ever switches to singing blue grass or country I could get a whole busload full to take to his concerts.
  13. Hey playbiller, I'll be at your house in time to download and even to preorder. Despite not being the most computer savvy I did figure out how to download the cover and tracks from itunes. Ansa, I have been thinking this all day. I will never understand why the NJUs are more important than the fans. Although I haven't listened to the song so I can't comment on it, my opinion will be mine and I wouldn't expect anyone else to be swayed by it.
  14. So I take it you are resisting the urges, 00lsee? I haven't heard it yet. I know, I guess I want to hear the whole album at once. I'm all about the voice and as long as it sounds like Clay, I'll be happy.
  15. I'm gonna try to remain virginal too, but it is all about the urges. Claytonic, the Faye story at the end of your post (a siggy?) is so tender. I had forgotten about it. ETA: Roseviolet I have the Prayer from the Gala and it's pretty good quality. Since Clay asked us not to tape it, I just turned my camera on to video and taped it in my handbag. I never knew what to do with it so it's just sitting on my desktop.
  16. Thanks wandacleo. pkmiller Just looking at the new emoticons and cracking up. :image13:
  17. One reason i don't post very much is that I really don't have very many Clay friends. Except for playbiller and she is stuck with me for most concerts. I do enjoy meeting others at parties or at BAF volunteer opportunities, but then the gossip always starts up and it really bothers me to hear some of the things that are said about others I don't know that well. Some of it would make FBM sound like Mother Teresa. None of this was from FCA people. Hope I don't sound bitter because I'm not. I still really enjoy seeing Clay and following his career but a few (very few) of the fans have really made some things not so much fun anymore. Already the pens seem poised to write about this cd. Sometimes I think I'd make a great non internet fan but then I wouldn't always know what's going on with Clay and I would miss that. By the way that 's another great banner up there. I also loved the press release. It really accentuated the feel of these songs. I hope I don't crack and listen to AOL on Monday. Once a virgin always a virgin.
  18. I think I've been pure for every album except for MOAM. And for ATDW I listened to WY and ATD. It certainly makes for some interesting listening when the whole album is available. I think we had a contest at the CH for who could hold out the longest but I don't remember what album it was. For ATDW we had a cd release party at Borders and not many people showed up, partly because there was another party merely five miles away. Of course the place was full of high school and college students doing homework and I had to put on my " I don't care what you think face" as we played games and the cd over and over again. I finally wandered out offering them some of the food we had sitting there and talked to a few kids. I was amazed how few knew nothing about Clay and his charitable ventures. I didn't push I just answered any questions they had. Fortunately this time I'll be in NJ for the cd release. I'm just too lazy to do that whole scene again. And I won't miss the harrassment by the local radio dj either.
  19. BWAH! heee Well while I'm here on main and since nobody uses VIEW NEW POSTS because evidently only Play and I will be at Spamalot for the final show so are the only two interested in a get together ...so I'll just let ya'll know here that my mom is doing VERY well at the rehabilitation center. Amazingly so. And she's smiling and happy all the time and cares about her hair and clothes, and she had her nails done today. Like night and day! Hell she's doing so good they'll probably kick her out soon. So whatever they are doing there I'll just have to find a way to carry over at home. To me the excitement about the new album is that it is Clay's vision. I want to see what he wants. And from what little we know it will have a variety of stuff. I'm good. But I don't know how anyone can get anything definitive off a bunch of song titles. If anyone knows anything about any of the songs..if you heard any demos or anything..can you let us know the style of the song. Thanks. Wait, I'm going too. Did playbiller give away my ticket? Just kidding, she did good getting those tickets. Now Mr. Fear wants to go with us. I told him he has to doggysit Hollie.
  20. Just to be little contrary today. I don't think of eyebrows as being masculine or feminine. For example my husband has perfectly shaped eyebrows which as he gets older are a little wilder now but in his youth they were perfect. I just never thought of them as being feminine. Whereas mine are sparse and all over the place. I wonder if they do eyebrow transplants? I guess I grew up in an era when it was politically incorrect to classify things as either masculine or feminine. Although I did have a transvestite work for me on a contract basis and I'm sure he would love for me to have said he was feminine but I never did.
  21. I pretty much only knew what I saw on TV. I didn't read on the boards until after the season so I didn't really know the personalities as described by family and friends. All i knew was that there was only one voice that stood out for me and that was Clays. Otherwise I did enjoy Ruben, Treynece and Ricky' s voices. Kim Locke, kim Caldwell, Josh and Carmen's voices were pedestrian to me.
  22. H a p p y E a s t e r FCA Happy Spamalotting to goldarngirl and FromClaygary. I liked your short but sweet recap goldarngirl. Couchie, I hope you have a quiet restfull day today. Life is too short for me to get upset about much. Well except if my husband gets the wrong brand coconut egg for me. But he did good, so all is well.
  23. Wow! Clay Aiken transformed once again, only this time we have seen him actually look like this. Beautiful picture of a very handsome man. I haven't ordered any cds yet. This picture is making it awfully hard not to do so. I'm thinking that they will sell out before I get a copy.
  24. I just lost the post. Oy! Last half nothing different. No 3D glasses were decorative. The knights of ni sang "It's three o'clock in the White House" and evolves into Eliot Spitzer song. ' At stage door Jerome came out and said he couldn't find anyone? Clay came out shortly thereafter to loud screams. Brown hoodie, cream colored pants with stripe. Really large crowd outside, play is in 4th row. No autograph for her.
  25. play also said the place was packed. Her seatmate got stuck in storms in Dallas but will get another ticket in exchange. Patsy's substitute was not as good as he. They seem to be making small changes due to the length of the introduction piece. Several lines are missing. Sorry I'm such a slow typist I had to break it up into pieces. Didn't mean to PW.
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