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Everything posted by FearofH2O

  1. We had a bad ice and snow storm and lost power for 5 or so hours today. I think Raleigh had a problem too. The roads were not great but had to go to the doctor so I skidded around in my Prius in the slush and got it over with. Can't believe the main roads weren't cleaned . Salt didn't do the job. I'm getting excited reading Clay's tweets. Waiting to hear from his opponents on the issues.
  2. Actually the legislature voted that in NC candidates no longer have to say "I approved this message". I guess they want the pacs to speak for them. Whatever. School closed early here Monday and wasn't open today so we get to read Dr Seuss tomorrow. I plan on reading "The Places you"ll Go". Although I would rather hear Clay read as would the students in our school.
  3. I am so confused after that email. Does that mean if he doesn't win he'll go back to music or did someone mistakenly put that in there? I am really hoping he wins the whole shebang and is representative Clay. if not I am willing to revert back to a fan of an entertainer.
  4. Good luck on that Spring thing luckiest, we are expecting an ice storm here. We were supposed to read a Dr Seuss story today to 5th graders at the school where we volunteer, but school is closing early today. We even bought those red striped hats to wear. We'll be doing It Wednesday instead. Couchie, sent money to the wrong email address, will send it to you when I get some money back in the account.
  5. So how come Clay's hair looks so red today? Does he put goop in it when he is dressed. My father called everything goop, what can I say.
  6. Thanks merrieeee and ldyj for keeping us aware of all the Clay appearances. Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm volunteering from 8:30am to 5 or 6 pm. I come home and keep falling asleep until bedtime. I may be more tired than Clay although he has a really rough schedule. How does he keep looking so good? Wonder if Cheryl is still working for him? We have a woman who is our client facilitator at the library where we do taxes. She does an amazing job of keeping everyone who walks in the door happy and helps them fill out our required forms. She is in her late fifties and can't find a job so she has volunteered with us for the last 4 years. I am going to try to see if any of the others will chip in and give her some cash at the end of tax season.
  7. I am too far from the district he is in to hear anything about his running. Around here its best to avoid any political talk as we have mostly Republicans winning. We even have a woman who has been on the school board for many years who has said that kids in school who say they are gay are sinners and should be harrassed in school. Gets me sick. Churches are such a big political influence and not necessarily for good. Its getting warm here . Guess its time to get out the fly swatters.
  8. That happens to me also calurker ,mostly when I'm on my tablet. I usually try more reply options and then its not to bad.
  9. Who would have thought that we would know more about where Clay is and what he is doing in addition to seeing pictures of him as a regular guy than as a celebrity. This is what I always wanted to see him do. I'm just ecstatic.
  10. Whoa couchie, be careful out in the wild west. Seriously, I worry about uncontrolled gun fire. Nevertheless, I would love to hear Clay all fired up. Roy Cooper who will also be there is starting a run for governor but it will not be for 2 or 3 years unless they current gov leaves early. (Fingers crossed)
  11. I would love to help Clay but my schedule is so full right now I doubt that I would feel like driving 100 miles each way. I'm doing PT twice a week now in addition to all my volunteering. Maybe I'll write some letters to the editor of the local papers out there. I would love to see things start changing in NC. People seem to feel free to say really ugly things without suffering any consequences under the name of teapartyists. We need some more good representatives.
  12. If there was a best dressed candidate list, Clay would win by a long shot. When I stood next to him at the Gala I remember thinking how impeccable he looks. Despite having stood and sat for a couple of hours he had a knife sharp crease in in his trousers and not a wrinkle in his jacket. He also seemed so very happy. Although I will miss the entertainer, I am thrilled for the candidate. I just love politics. I
  13. So he's working on the weekends too. He must be learning a heck of a lot of about what's really going on. I'm especially looking forward to him making some real heavy duty speeches. Veteran's affairs is Kay Hagen's focus and she has sponsored some bills as well. The Pac, Americans for Prosperity, is going after her with tons of ads. I can't turn on the TV without seeing at least one.
  14. Rain and warmer temps should help to melt our snow. Our roads are clear now so I'll be heading out this morning to shop. Poor cat only has 2 cans of food left. Ha I watched the top men last night. I was disappointed in how their nerves got to them. It would have been nice to see a clean program. I guess the point system used makes them jump crazy. I did enjoy the moments of artistry they all had. Guess I'm just old fashioned. I hope the women have a good competition.
  15. HAPPY Valentines Day All! We were supposed to go to dinner and the Symphony with our neighbors tonight. The symphony was cancelled and we will have to shovel our way out to go to dinner. Hopefully it will get warm enough to clear the streets. If not I have a chicken pie I made in the freezer.
  16. We didn't lose power and the people who do our lawns plowed our local street last night. Staying home today and will call the people we were expecting to come to the library to get their taxes done. It's already up to 31 degrees f . We didn't get as much snow as predicted but are predicted to get more this morning. I hope you all are safe and warm. Thanks luckiest for the Canadian Ntls videos. I'll have to watch some on my desktop as they are not available for mobile.
  17. Really bad weather here in Winston-Salem. 23 degrees and expecting 6 to 10 inches of snow. Snowplows will be taking care of the highways. We aren't used to this. Hope they are better in Raleigh.
  18. Really merrieeee? I find Clay's mind the most attractive thing about him. Maybe there needs to be a nerd status for me.
  19. He's going to keep us busy reading his points of view. I would suggest he address the small business point of view towards the minimum wage. Usually Congress will exclude business' which have under a certain number of employees, making the state minimum wage applicable.
  20. This calls for a poll. I love the Lexington style BBQ and slaw which has vinegar, a little tomato and a touch of hot sauce. Yum! It appears that Clay was born in the wrong part of the state.
  21. Clay needs to start wearing an American Flag Pin. Isn't it mandatory for all people running for office whether they be politicians or not? Maybe he just forgot it.
  22. Thanks jmh. I appreciate your bringing the articles here. Keeping up is nearly impossible. It's really interesting hearing Clay's take on various issues. Very nice banner.
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