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Everything posted by rohdy

  1. Whoa....cindilu....that is enough to bring anyone out of lurking! Thanks for sharing your artistic endeavors!! Speaking of lurking....I am out once again...ruining your fun weekend in search of some help....sorry... But you guys have been so helpful with other things.... Here's my problem... The organization accepting the books is so excited, they are wanting to load all of the books on to a flat bed and at some point and time....wheel them out on stage. I think they have a death wish. My instinct is to tell them "NO!!!!!!!!!!! Not at a Christmas concert!!" Especially a Clay Aiken Christmas concert!! Now she didn't say at what point in time they wanted to do this....should they get venue permission and a flat bed. But I don't think there is a right time. I am more inclined to urge them to just give a rough book count announcement...say...during intermission or some such time like that. Am I being to fussy? Or should I worry about death threats for them....and me... afterwards, if they insist? Back to lurking .....
  2. Catching up around here is always such a giggle! LOL Just wanted to let you all know that we finally have a PO box in place for gift cards and books to be mailed to. If you need a location to have them shipped to, UPS....PM me and I can give you an address for that. Though everyone seems to be pretty darn resourcful! Anyhow....PO box: Rohdy P. O. Box 5232 Northville, MI 48167 If you want to send gift cards or books right to the Kalamazoo Ciommunities In School organization... KCIS 125 W. Exchange Place Kalamazoo, MI 49007 And thanks for everyone who brings a book/gift card, sends a book/gift card or offers to deliver stuff for others.......it has been so much fun watching this unfold. I only hope Clay enjoys his birthday as much as we do!! Rohdy
  3. Sorry to interrupt....but Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Venue approval has been received for the Birthday Books collection. In fact they were quite taken with the idea and very supportive! Yay! Now if I could just get the post office to open and give me a box number!!! Arrrrggh.
  4. Toots, the final details are still being worked on. Sad to say. On Monday I should be able to get the approval...for sure...from the venue. Tues....at the latest....we should have a PO box set up for people to send books or gift cards, to. Whichever they would like. Those sending items to the PO box will receive a notice back that we received their contribution. Providing they remember to tack on their return address! We will be doing this on Nov 29th. I hope that helps. Rohdy
  5. Amazing! This is just amazing! Is there another phrase besides "thank you" I can use? Something bigger and grander and more meaningful? I am speechless at the huge amount of help I have received here. Until someone tells me....I will have to go with yet another..... Thank You! Or I could bake everyone cookies? LOL
  6. Geesh...here I come...interrupting good times again....so sorry. I have been missing in action all day today...minor family emergency....which is going to take up a big part of tomorrow as well. I was unable to get an address established for those who want to mail gift card...and yes, KCIS is thrilled with the gift card idea and they are checking into the Amazon Wish List that was suggested here as well. And help.....I was told Bookwhore started a book list thread somewhere....I can't seem to stumble upon it...... Thank you for doing that by the way....didn't realize I'd be gone all day! OH...and my, my, my this sure is a pretty place tonight! Loved the AI videos! He has the most amazing eyes and eyelashes..... Thanks for those with the skills to grab the stuff!!
  7. Merrieeee....good idea. Thanks for the offer! I'm still not sure what we are doing about the gift cards. I'm just glad somebody...Bottlecap....right?.....came up with it! I also think perhaps we can have people send them right to the KCIS organization. Though that does take away from the fun of seeing it all together. Why is that always so much fun? It's like dumping your Halloween candy and countin' the pieces. Bookwhore! You snuck in while I was playing with the emoticons!! Ages are 5-11. Thanks again.
  8. OMG....that song has haunted me all of my life (it's my maiden name) and now....now if fits! Thanks Cotton.
  9. So Bookwhore ........ Is it to late to pick your brain for some suggestions? Actually from all you librarians? It is going to be Monday before I hear back from the KCIS people again and I would love to get a suggestion list to the fans as soon as possible, while they are still all fired up about the idea. By Monday Birthday Books is going to be old news. If anyone can think of a good list, please PM it to me and I will go add it to my orginal post. Oh and the age range is 5-11. Thanks.
  10. Playbiller, as soon as I get venue approval, I would love for you to post this info at The CH. Thanks.
  11. Bottlecap...I am stunned at your generosity! Thank you. In the response I had received from them, they indicated that the Executive Director would be thrilled to attend the concert and accept the donations for KCIS. I took that to mean she was willing to get her own ticket.... Do ya think? Arrrrgh.....I hate not knowing what I'm doing!! But I will figure it out.....
  12. Oh my gosh...thank you for such great ideas! And thanks to you guys and my core group of friends at the OFC...I am once again optimistic this can be done!! Plus my daughter, who is Director of our local venue, is friends with the Director of the Miller and she has offered to handle getting venue permission for me!! Let's hope she gets it. Thanks again! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And keep the ideas coming. I have no clue what I am doing.
  13. Laughn....thank you for this. And you're right. The idea should be to collect books, not to try to distract from the kazoo attempt. Which is the whole reason I started this idea....the kazoo's just give me the shivers. I thought if I offered (what I considered) a better....quieter idea....birthday solution, people would jump at the chance. This (fan orgainzed stuff) is not something I would normally do......but embarassment over kazoo's in Kalamazoo... Well....I figured, something's gotta be done! Maybe I will regroup and just go with the book idea anyway and hope it distracts a few kazoo-er's and produces at least 29 books. For those who are interested, this is the group anxiously awaiting the books.... Kalamazoo Communities In School Bagels and Books Thank you everyone for you thoughts.....and sorry about my whining. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  14. So I'm not invisible. Thank you for your response. But it probably isn't going to happen...no one seems to be interested. Which is a shame as I found a great organization to take the books. And now it looks like it's going to be glow sticks and faux candles fighting with the kazoo's for Clay's attention. Happy Birthday Clay..... *sigh*
  15. Sorry to interrupt the flow of conversation here, but I need a little help. Some opinions. I have left a post at the CB and I need some feed back. Be it..."OMG...NO" or even just a" Maybe it would work." I'd like to hear what you all have to say. This may only effect you if you are going to the Kalamzoo concert, but I'd still like to know what you think. Better then kazoo's? Post #158, it was at the bottom of the page. Please PM me with any thought's you may have. Thanks, I appreciate it.
  16. Awwww.....am I the only one going to this venue? Guess I'll have Clay all to myself!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  17. Wonderful post and well worth quoting aikim!! Now.....I hope it is you he is PMing in appreciation!
  18. David Hyde Pierce in the roll of Sir Robin You Won't Succeed On Broadway Also....my oldest just spent 4 nights at the west end YWCA for 75 bucks a night. She said the room was neat, clean and the cafeteria downstairs was very good. Oh, and she had a wonderful view of Central Park out her window. She said she was 8 short blocks from the heart of Broadway. She said she booked it through Orbitz.com. Now...don't take all the rooms for April 21st-24th...'kay? Leave me one!
  19. I'm Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing all by myself here!! And does this mean we get long haired Clay back!! He'd better start gtrowing it now!! ETA: Ooops
  20. I grew up with 39 first cousins, on my dad's side....in our teens....there was a lot of crushin' going on...complete with hand holdin'. Freaked our parents out, but even we knew when enough was enough. That being said...whoever suggested Clay calling her his cousin, could be his attempt at hiding in plain sight...well...that sounds about right to me! And it is such fun to speculate!! And am I the only one who grew up referring to their dog as their pooch? LOL
  21. Zena....So sorry to hear about your friend. Wishing her health and happiness on her road to recovery. And if she even suspects her onocologist is slacking or lacking....tell her to move on. Quickly! If she gets even a hint of a suggestion from any of her Drs to use someone else...tell her to persue it. Dr's can't/won't/don't come out and say someone is not the best person for the job...but they do drop hints. Tell her to be very alert. Playbiller... Thank you. I see nothing wrong with Clay being practical and I sure don't consider him to be cheap. He just puts his money where it matters. Rohdy
  22. Add me to the South Bend and Kalamazoo list, please!
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