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Everything posted by liney23

  1. luckiest... Congrats!!! on another graduation. lotus... you make me tired to just read about riding a bicycle the distance you do, much less up and down hills. Thank Goodness my daughter and DGS get back tonight from Austin. Taking care of 1 large dog and 8 cats has worn me out. Course that's cause I cleaned house while there and did laundry every single day. They had a pile of laundry on the garage floor that was 6 ft round and 2 ft deep. It was like being on an archeological dig... I found a pair of gym shorts at the bottom that was from my grandson's 8th grade PE class and he just graduated from HS. The stack of clean beach towels now towers from the bathroom counter to just a few inches below the ceiling. They now have 8 clean sofa throws in the closet and several clean blankets/comforters in the linen cabinet. I couldn't even count how many t-shirts I put in my grandson's room. They are going to be soooo shocked when they get back tonight.
  2. That is definitely kewl. And lin, I think there are quite a few back-to-back birthdays at FCA .... including you and me, kid! (Libras don't kick butt, we kiss it and make it better. ) kf... So that's the reason I agree with you so often! Am I remembering your b'day is the 5th? kf... see I told you I agree with you often... this was extremely well said!!! Is it hot in here???? clayz... boy, you, too! I so agree, especially with the bolded above ^^^ {{{{{Gibby and family}}}}} What a successful life she had to live independently that long and be so loved.
  3. wanda... BWAH!!! I so agree with you, but what else is new... ldyj... Great post!... Thread title bolded above^^^ Ansa... Happy Birthday!!! What a riot that you and couchie start this board and your birthdays are a day apart. Kewl!!! Caro... that lullabye montage on your blog made me schmoopie! Clay celebrating his first Father's Day... Love it! Thanks, Caro! That cat picture made me... cause I'm housesitting for my oldest daughter and she had 8 cats... 6 of which are housecats. BWAH!!! At night they all sleep with me.. ack... I loved the hamster storyline... thanks!
  4. Couchie... Happy Birthday!!! :bdayparty2: djs... BWAH!!!! Cool about the book... I cannot wait. Seems odd, tho, that the what's his name, Vit..., said it would appeal to the Christians, cause it is not really a religious story. Be interesting to see what happens. What would be neat is if he puts it into a TV special to coincide with the book release... as long as he gets a good cast and sings himself, with Angela and Quiana. I'd love that!!! merrieeee... you have to check that trip insurance. Not sure what is covered. I know not being able to take the trip due to sickness/accident is covered, but not sure about plans falling thru. It could be, I'd check first is all. It's a great solution if it is!
  5. wanda... me, too! I get schmoopie every single time! bottle... O.M.G.... I just gained 2 pounds by just looking at that scrumpious thing! Good thing I'm terribly allergic to chocolate! Boo Hoo YAY!!! bottle... Hottie for sure. I think he looks like any other regular guy at the airport and I'm sure that is exactly what he wants to look like and what he wants to be. He can be GQ sometimes, but most of the time, nerd chic is what he is. Bowtie, anyone???
  6. FromClaygary... This is a recipe that has been passed down thru several generations of my family on my maternal grandmother's side. wanda... Short and to the point, as usal... BWAH!!! Caro... Just loved that tractor youtube and then watched Pala for the uptiumped time. Luckiest and goldarngirl did such a great job on that.
  7. Yum indeed! I love rhubarb...would love the recipe when you have a few minutes. FromClaygary... Rhubarb Upside Down Cake 2-3 cups rhubarb cut into roughly 1 inch long slices. 1 cup brown sugar Put cut rhubarb in bottom of pan (I use a 9x9). Brown sugar on top of the rhubarb. 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs Lard (size of egg, melted) (I use Crisco) 1 cup sour milk (add 1 Tablespoon of vinegar and it will sour by the time everything else is ready) 1 and 1/2 C flour Pour combined ingredients on top of rhubarb/brown sugar. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. We always ate it with a little milk on top. Both milk and cake cold is my favorite, but some like the cake warmed up. canfly... I can't stop watching this one! preden... I honestly think it was a sign of nerves and he didn't know. If he did, tho, he's a dickens!!!
  8. I have a new morning ritual... I google Clay Aiken, then I hit and watch the When A Man Loves A Woman montage, then I hit the back button and find Finding Clay Aiken and here I am. I love that montage and want it to stay in the forefront when you google Clay Aiken. {{{jmh and fear}}}
  9. {{{{{preden}}}}} It seems harder when they are so young! couchie... congrats to you and your nephew and your whole family! ldyj... YUM!!! Thanks for the pics of the cutesingerman that we are all missing!
  10. luckiest... I grew up eating rhubarb and have a family recipe for rhubarb upside down cake that is delicious! If you are interested, I'll try and dig it up. Don't see it too often in the stores out here in CA (the state, not the man, hehe). Yum! I hope Clay is doing exactly what he wants to do and having a great time doing it. I have no doubt that part of what he wants to do in the future is entertain us... he's said as much. It's just a matter of when and where. Scarlett... pretty flower! ETA: Sorry, the flower person was Perma. Opps!
  11. For JustClay (and anyone else who happens to be breathing! As for videos... I bought AYSTAFG from itunes for $3.99 and then went to Clack Unlimited and downloaded any and all of Scarlett's MP4's. Have FUN!!!
  12. jmh... very interesting quote! This is a time of shifting paradigms and to survive, being fluid and flexible in our thinking is essential. New ideas and new ways of thinking (and reacting) MUST be looked at, evaluated, and accepted/rejected. We cannot go back to the past, that no longer works. We must create the new future. I'm looking forward to seeing the future we move into. Growing and changing is not comfortable for most and many fight it tooth and nail, unfortunately. Clay is a future thinker and I really like that about him. Gots to get to work... JustClay... Have a wonderful day/week!!!
  13. {{{{{{Perma}}}}}} That is really weird that they would schedule procedures without consulting you, much less notifying you. I picture you with little cookoo birds circling your head! Sending un-craziness vibes your way. muski... CONGRATS!!! on your daughter's graduation!!! Doesn't Gibby have a daughter graduating, too? muski... has she tried to get a softball scholarship? Sounds like she might qualify. My DGS's best friend got a volleyball scholarship. luckiest... If you think you feel old having a college grad and your youngest graduating HS, try having your grandson graduate! I just keep telling myself I look much younger than my age...
  14. kf... Wow... I think I love you! Right on, sistah! Every word!!! treenuts... you are fast... I was going to claim kf and you beat me to it! aikim... I remember that so clearly and it made me schmoopie, too! Okay, so it was Clay's third post. Now I remember that his first post was dancing bananas and the message was something like, "OMG HE BLOGGED!!! HE BLOGGED!!!" And we laughed for days. I don't remember the second post, but I thought the first time Clay actually responded to a fan's post was to yours. And not just responded, but he was downright schmoopie! (Hey, I've finally learned how to use that word!) Isn't that the same night he went to chat and changed Kareneh's name? And Kareneh, after revisiting the Frisco pictures last night, it's stunning how you "captured" Clay that night. I'll tell you again, you were rocking that camera! The b/w's blow me away. kf... I REMEMBER THAT NIGHT! It was so much fun after all the angst! I came to the conclusion a long time ago that too many of Clay's fan's love to angst. It keeps them involved somehow.
  15. o..o...o... I see a gif for bottle in that last bunch... kf... thanks! me likey moving Clay! treenuts... Oh, kewl... now all the gifs are on the same page. I think I'll bookmark this one. I understood everyone's funnies on the last page, I just couldn't say so cause I just now read them. ETA: merrieeee... I'm sure you're right. Wanna bet on how long it takes for one of the blogs to headline Clay's name in connection to this.
  16. kf... gasp... I am mesmerized! I'm glued to my computer... Someone push me out the door to work in the morning, kay??? My oldest DGS's graduation is tomorrow night and I'd better not miss it either!
  17. djs... That kid did a great acting job. If it wasn't acting, then the cameraman did a great job. My first time seeing Clay in person was the Vegas IT and seeing him come down that aisle with all the screaming was soooo exciting that I promptly bought tickets for SD, Anaheim, and Staples. I was hooked on Clay and it's such a fun addiction, ya' know! kf... You're indulged. Post away. Love the pics! My memories of that concert are of waiting anxiously for clack. Watching it and laughing my head off and counting the minutes till the gang entered California. I have watched clack of every concert there is clack of for this tour and, other than the following Christmas tour, it is my favorite tour.
  18. But liney-- I just could not let this ^^^comment pass. Do tell your SanFrancisco story sometime. In fact, I love "OMG, its not possible" stories, so spill the details sometime when you feel so inclined. Timetraveler... ok... I had gone to a weekend seminar in San Francisco. On Monday I decided to go to Muir Woods (redwood forest/park north of SF). Got there, checked out the gift store, then started hiking. Lots of trails to choose from. I picked Fern Creek cause I love the combination of redwoods and ferns growing together. Poked along, getting inside the trees and just enjoying myself, when all of sudden I hear a voice saying... "That's my mom!" I look up and there, coming down the path, was my middle daughter and her husband. I knew they were visiting friends just outside of SF, but... what were the chances of us going to the same place and taking the same path at a time we would actually meet??? Slim to none... but O.M.G. it really happened. Cue woo woo music here... Lotus... comfortable shoes, an umbrella, and layers. 7 weeks... wow! Where are you going. I went on a crop circle tour for 1 week and loved it. Had great food, only rained at night. FUN!!! Scarlett.... BWAH!!! Very good imitation of that thread! OMG you may be onto something! All of this just goes to show that there is no one like Clay Aiken. He's one of a kind. Totally unique and a complete class act. Hope that if he is out there somewhere on one of his Unicef trips that he is safe, and really hope to hear from him soon. He is one tough act to follow. Yeah, I think the facts speak for themselves. Lambskanks seems to be a perfect descriptor IMO and I will agree with him on at least one point he made in the RS article: Oh brother, you can say THAT again! I'll take THIS in a reclining postition anyday over the smarmy snake other guy - treenuts... S.W.O.O.N. Clay reclining... over snakes pointing at the .... not titanium ones... no choice at all... CLAY wins hands down!!! KAndre.... I hope that turban is COVERED in diamonds... you so deserve it. Your answers to Scarlett's questions were inspired!
  19. treenuts... that may be all you got (which I don't believe for a minute), but that is verra verra niiiiice, thank you very much!!! ldyj... ooooo... I like the way you think! Your pictures brightened up my night! Thanks! I still think that is the cutest baby picture ever and I've 3 kids and 6 grandkids worth of baby pictures. Soooo adorable! His daddy, too!!!
  20. cha cha... YES, I missed you! I love your pictures, but this one grabbed me the mostest! Thanks for sharing!!! keeping... thanks for the review, since I didn't watch! I loved the NPH number. He was great and it fit so well! I can totally see Clay doing a number like that and hope he will someday! 00lsee... sawry you were/are sick! Not fun at all!! Get well fast! (won't say s**n, cause I don't want to jinx your recovery... timetravelerpax... GREAT story!!! I'd say it could only happen in Ireland, but I had an "O.M.G. it's just not possible" story that happened in San Francisco, so...
  21. zena... welcome back! Stick around... memory lane is the nicest place to be in a sorta drought! Don't you dare change your avi... it is a great reminder of a very fun time! I lub it! clayzy... welcome home!!! Missed you! When I googled Clay tonight, I find out that the fans were to blame for the Clay bashing Adam stories (just the headlines)! I leave you guys alone for 30 hours and look what happens... bottle.... Love'd your photo story! Thanks!!! eHP... you guys seem to have so much fun. Is that legal???? wanda... BWAH!!! Very concise review!
  22. bottle... in your googling, do you know where the bloody spork came from. A gory movie, I presume. What I want to know is what kind of a person actually Googles "Bloody Spork"? merrieeee... bottle.... Aha that answers my question! A really nice person who is such a sweetheart and who wouldn't do anything to hurt a soul. :lmaosmiley-1: Thanks for the laughs!!! I needed that!
  23. bottle.... O.M.G.... we have to get one of those for KAndre! Fer sure!! KAndre and her spork are a FCA urban myth and we needs to make it true. $22.99... We could take a collection. Titanium, too. I am dying here... :lmaosmiley-1: {{{{{{Perma}}}}} Enjoy the Greek with hubby and remember that other great Greek night!!! ETA: keeping... I just watched that Eric Clampton/Steve Winwood youtube... that was awesome sound on that... wow! I will be showing my ignorance here, but which one was Eric and which one was Steve??? I have heard of both of them, but never watched/listened. There was a whole era of rock I missed when my kids were young... just no time to keep up.
  24. aikim... I LOVE seeing the sun come out on FCA every morning! Thank you so much for doing this and for the countdown every morning. :wetkissf: Great to hear about the dinner with Clay and Jerome. He looks fantastic. His jaw is definitely a little wider, but it doesn't matter in the least... he's still a handsome beast! I am not worried about his career. He's a smart, smart man who has good people working for/with him. In this time period, everyone has to rethink a lot of stuff, as the old paradyms are fading away or shifting for the world as we know it. I have complete faith in him. He'll do what makes him most happy and performing is somewhere in that mix because he is an entertainer, pure and simple! ETA: kareneh... GREAT pictures! Thanks! That one of him and Angela is so clear and close! Yum!
  25. On that note, a friend recently shared this simple, but powerful YouTube video - anna... short, but to the point. So right on! caro... I love your Kai adventures. I have six grandkids and the ages 0 thru 5 to 6 are the most fun. After their entry into first or second grade, their friends and their activities push gramma to the end of the line, except for birthdays and Christmas, of course... I cannot believe my oldest DGS is graduating HS next week. Where did the years go??? The youngest is 3, so I have a ways before they are all grown up. Then, I should have great-grands...
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