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Everything posted by liney23

  1. Clayzy... which Leno appearance wopped you upside the head into a Clayfan??? Inquiring minds want to know... preden... that was an incredibly stupid and insensitive thing for her to say. The family could use that statement as grounds for a lawsuit if they were the type. I'd report her to her supervisor asap. She needs sensitivity training for sure! Sounds to me like she was afraid the patient/family might like you more than her and wanted to put a stop to that possibility. wanda... BWAH!! I so agree... let's hope together!
  2. I love that man... he does rock my socks!!! That story about the no-doze was hysterical! And, I so agree about sneaking stuff into the movies. Their prices are indeed outrageous. I care nothing about anything Pat Robertson might say, but because Clay shared a YouTube, I actually watched the man open his mouth and let words come out. Rachel Maddow, I like a lot! jmh... my DD re-connected with friends from HS on FB and loves it. I don't think I'm interested, but you never know. Love the new addition to the thread title!!! Gibby... MUAH!!! (that's a thrown kiss if you didn't guess)
  3. On what LA freeway do you drive that cruise control is feasible? ncgurrl... it's all in the timing. I drove from OC to El Monte (405 to 605 to 10) yesterday around 3:30pm and used cruise control about half the trip. More on the way back, cause it was 8:30 at night. Today I drove the 405 to 110 SB to my DD's and used cruise control about 2/3rds of the time both ways. I try to time my drives so that I can get up to 70mph and can use it. Even with good timing and cruise control, everyone I visit except my oldest DD lives 45 minutes or more of freeway driving away, so I have to have a comfortable car with a cd player that plays that Clay Aiken cutesingerman. bottle... wow... I'm impressed. Kevin Bacon has nothing on Clay for 6 degrees of separation. tijala... glad to see you drop in and visit. Sorry about the car repairs.
  4. bottle... I LOVED the flower garden pics. Especially the dragonfly, which I love!!! My BFF has a thing for butterflys. For me, it is dragonflys. They are just sooo totally cool! Thanks! clayz... ouch! My DD is dreading when my DGS has to buy his books. It only cost $335 to register him and she expects the books to be more. That is totally ridiculous, in my book! heh! I am now the proud owner of a new teal 2010 Corolla and at a payment I am happy with. It only took me 3 hours. I test drove a Prius, but they are just not very comfortable to sit in and when you drive the SoCal freeways, you sit a lot. Boy, they sure are quiet, tho. I can't wait for it to be delivered. Wed or Thurs they said. The hardest part is that I cannot use cruise control for the first 1000 miles. I wonder if a post-it will stick to the dashboard... LOL
  5. RIP xxx4Clay... she will definitely be missed! Glad she got to talk to Clay. {{{{{hugs to all her friends and family}}}}} Walter Cronkite will also be very missed. He was an American icon; of the finest of our men and our journalists.
  6. Caro... TGIF!!!! I have to go buy a new car this weekend. I am so nervous cause I have leased for the last 20 years and I don't know what I'm doing. Ack!!!
  7. kimiye... Happy Belated Birthday! I loved your pictures. I saved the Tree of Life and plan on trying to blow it up to see the carved animals better. What a cool tree! Here you go > Looks like a beer to me...but I'll take it. LOL. So, I just got back from going out for lunch, a lunch meeting as a matter of fact. We met at a Bob Evans. We leave the restaurant -- and OMWH was playing! Sadly, I couldn't EEEEEEEE myself silly, because I was with work people. But rest assured that I did EEEEEEEEE as soon as I got into my car. I, ldyjocelyn, do solemnly swear not to worry about Clay and his career. I believe he will be back and stronger than ever. I also believe that he doesn't need to entertain me every waking moment of my life (or even my sleeping moments), because I believe that Clay deserves a life of his own. This I swear on several copies of LTS, so help me God/Deity of Choice. ldyj... BWAH! Easier said than done. I want him happy and I think entertaining is part of what does that for him... so entertain already mr aiken!!! Caro... I forget that I cannot do your website on my work computer. I clicked and new internet boxes just kept opening up faster than the speed of light. I thought, "OMG, IS is going to kill me and then fire my butt." But, I managed to click "Close group" and it stopped. Whew... that was scary to the extreme. I'm too old for a scare like that, dang it! aikim... and all those who are remodeling. Good luck!!! It's so nice when you are done!
  8. bottle... kewl! Love those sock and the sock-wearin' man in them! merrieeee.... BWAH! muski.... liney waves in your general direction!!! One day our man will come... oh wait... snigger! djs... ouch! I think I am a tiny bit above sentient pudding... the other day, I had to wrap a birthday present and had to use the floor. It didn't take me very long, but the next day my butt muscles hurt sooo bad that I groaned everytime I had to use them. Out of shape... naw!
  9. jmh... merrieeee... awwww... I'm sorry you're bored. Dang that Clay for just lazing around playing with Parker... whatsupwiththat???? For Clay, I would buy striped socks. I wonder if anyone has ever suggested that as an item to sell on his web-store. Especially with a discreet CA on them...
  10. I'm caught up.... Yay!!! What a weekend. Who the heck volunteered to watch 3 grandkids for 2.5 days, anyway???? Oh, yeah... that was the idjit formerly known as me! It actually didn't go too badly until I slammed my fingers in the garage door. @$%$&*(^@#!!! On my right hand... did I mention I am right handed? O.M.G. (wrong kind of door, but you get my drift) Anyone know how to keep from losing a fingernail??? luckiest... thanks for bringing this over... it was fantastic and I saw footage I'd never seen before. Kewl! I really hope so....one day! I think he would need to find someone with similar interests and one who would be happy living a simpler and somewhat quiet life with him in NC during down time first. I hope for his sake and Parker's, one day he has a chance to experience that kind of relationship with his soul mate. treenuts... Yeah that ^^^^^ keepingfaith... neat pictures! My ex has a place outside of Austin. My oldest grandson loves going to stay wtih grampa. Even with the work it takes to run even a small ranch like he has. Caregiving... exhausting. Those who do... I salute you!!! I cared for my dad the last 5 weeks of his life and since my mom died at 57 of cancer and he died of cancer at 64, I don't have the care of elder parents to cope with, but sure hope I raised my kids to take good care of me when I get there... after Clay is old and gray himself, I hope!!! I want adjoining rocking chairs!
  11. Wow... we are a busy bunch of peoples. I am leaving in a few to babysit my son's 3 kids. He proceeds to tell me last night that their computer is broken and so... no internet/FCA until Monday. I hope I have umpteen exciting fun, picture-filled pages to read when I get back. luckiest... have fun! muski... survive and triumph! ausdon/couchie... hope your respective parents are ok soon! Scarlett... I love your ideas! I have skype and a webcam and would love to connect to the party that way. merrieeee... for pete's sake... all three at oncet. Wow. I expect the adventures to shared here. jmh... groundhogs have to live somewhere other than Pauksatawny, PA (or however you spell that), so why not your backyard??? Cool about all the wildlife you get to see.
  12. aikim... I'm not going, so I can keep you company! I think a board party is definitely called for. Maybe one of the persons at the breakfast can call someone on the boards and we can do a breakfast-cert. Just remembering that 8:30am back there is MUCH earlier out here in SoCal. That NC GOP idjit (perfect use of the word) is freakin' unbelievable. However, he is not alone and that is so sad. I will say, though, that things are a lot better than they used to be. They are doing prep work to get the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law repealed in Congress. That will be a major step. The ex-Iraqui war vet that is sponsering the bill said he was in Iraq for 6 years and he didn't care what sexual orientation his platoon mates were, just whether they could shoot an M16 and break down a door and cover his ass. Good point! Thank goodness the anti-bullying bill passed. Hope it does some good. My DGS#2 was being bullied by some older kids and it got to the calling the police stage. It was a different situation than most kids cause DGS has a black belt in Tae Quan Do and is advancing very well in Ultimate Fighting. His fear was that these idiots would make him lose his temper and he might really hurt them and get into deep trouble. He's a good and smart kid and his instructors have taught him well that what he can do is a sport and only to be used to defend his life or someone else's life! Not against stupid bullies and their stupid words. {{{{{couchie}}}}}} Sending good vibes at you and your mom.
  13. merrieeee... muski... I remember those days so clearly. It was absolutely amazing to me that by the time she came home for the first break, my IQ had actually gone up from below zero to almost normal. An improvement I never thought I'd see in my lifetime after the adolescence she had! fear... you are absolutely right... this fandom would not be what it is without the work of the clack takers/renders/uploaders/montage makers/blog creators/fan board owners and admins. All of you that put your time in to making this happen are double A A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!!
  14. Muskifest... I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date... Happy Belated B'day, muski. Hope your massage was mag!!! gbm... I'm so glad you said this... we got a very nice blog out of it! Thanks! Hope your next trip is even more successful... on all fronts! bottle... I love that picture... so there! Spent the 4th at work in the morning and at my best friends house for the afternoon/evening. Aretha's dress was.... it sure was! She is an icon, even on songs she really shouldn't sing. I want Clay!!! The last couple of times I've seen Barry, he has been manic like that. I think he's trying too hard to be entertaining, but what do I know.
  15. kf.... I right-clicked-and-saved those suckers so fast my fingers hurt... I knew there was a good reason why I've been so busy that I'm behind... I get to quote post these pretty pictures again for everyone to enjoy a second time! Scarlett... I love this! Excellente, chica!!! KAndre... Third behind MJ and Prince... sounds pretty dang good billing to me! Scarlett... for pete's sake, woman... Jerome is 7ft tall. Just on height alone you should recognize him! cha cha... N.I.C.E. car!!! Someone who can, can we add that pushing the birthday cake to our emoties... I think it is so cute! FromC... that Bon Jovi YouTube was awesome! The clarity or the video and the fantastic sound was the best I've ever seen on YouTube. Do you know if that is available to download anywhere?
  16. KAndre... Yay! She's alive, too! KAndre and Clay reappearing in the same week! Kewl! tree... that blue shirt of clingy wonderfulness has always been one of my favorites! Wonder why he stopped wearing it after one concert. Dang! FromC... thanks for that article. L.O.N.G. but great! cindi... I love your second picture a lot, too!!! JustClay... To me, there are several things that differentiate Clay from the average run-of-the-mill entertainers. One is his incredible ability to connect with and interact with his audience. Another is his ability to laugh at himself and gently laugh at the behavior of a portion of his fans. Then, there is the obvious contagiousness of his having so much fun up there. He never takes himself too seriously or the business he's in. He is more versitile that most... he has an incredible gift of mimicry, shown wonderfully on the JBT and his initial performance of Keith's Like a Virgin in the SRHP tour. He also very generously shares the spotlight and gives credit/encouragement to others who are also entertaining with him. Not sure it is fair to compare him to any other singer/group, as he is more than just a singer. Many of the biggest, like Madonna, simply put on a extravagent show. Clay involves the audience and makes them a part of the show. I've only seen n'Sync in concert besides Clay and I enjoyed the shows tremendously. Their dancing and comedy were a lot of fun. However, if I had to choose between them, Clay would win hands down because of the emotional connection I have with him. I enjoyed n'Sync in their day... I LOVE Clay Aiken and his ain't over yet. Or... what SueReu said...
  17. tree... WOW... that Reed has curly hair! I wonder if it is natural or helped to be that curly. I can just imagine someone running his fingers thru those soft curls... I meant Reed... yah, right! cognitogrrl... Fresh meat... merrieeee... maybe you can enjoy this snowflake picture??? Hope'n so!!!
  18. kf... nicely said! OMWH is sooo gooood!!! merrieeee... I want one of those!!! Kewl! Staples, here I come! kf... From what I have heard, Joe Jackson was a monster of a father. It boggles my mind that MJ did not make a will for the care of his children. His mother taking them is not going to keep Joe from them. (I read she had petitioned for custody.) Fear...
  19. bottle... YUM!!! T.H.A.N.K.S!!! luckiest... sounds like a great time! Congrats on the weather cooperating! I had to do a sad thing today. The magnolia tree that has been in my front lawn since 1973, had to be cut down cause it was cracking my driveway/sidewalk and doing who knows what to my foundation. I had them cut me a slice of one of the limbs to save. It was 40 feet tall and the base was 4 feet around. My front lawn is only 15 ft square, so you can see why the tree didn't fit. I hate it when trees are cut down, and to have to do it to one that my kids all climbed and my grandson has climbed made me cry... sigh! Clay, I need you to cheer me up!
  20. Sounds delish! Are you going to pass us a slice? Caro Why of course.....just make sure you return the plate! Kim aikim... YUM!!! I shouldn't, but I am going to cyber eat that pie... claysmelody... I'm glad you found your way back here.
  21. jmh... I like what you wrote! Thanks!!! Couchie... what an interesting person your nephew is. That is so cool! I saw Frank Sinatra at the end of his career with my MIL. She was thrilled because she remembered him "when"! I was not impressed at all. He had to read a teleprompter for My Way and even then didn't get the words right. He was just old. She was a huge fan of his and this was her first time to see him live. She was so happy at the end of the night but for me it was meh! Will we be like that with Clay? I have thought about that; the idea of a 50 0r 60 year-old Clay singing "Invisible" just sounds creepy to me. I have a problem with celebrities, whether it be an actor, singer or athlete trying to re-capture their hey day...sometimes it is better to just bow out gracefully. Kim aikim... it depends. Tony Bennet can still perform wonderfully and I could see Clay being that kind of performer... As for older performers... I am 64 and love to rock out and don't care if the performers are at their peak or not if they are performing decently. I believe Clay would know what was appropriate... he's a classy guy! jazzgirl... that was an awesome tribute to MJ. I have always like Roger Ebert! 00lsee... very nice tribute writing yourself! It is a shame about Farrah and Ed's death being overshadowed by MJ's. Farrah was an awesome actress! Ed was the perfect sidekick! I LOVED Thriller and Billy Jean made me gasp along with the rest of the world. He made music videos that were works of art during that era. I bought "The Making of Thriller" and watched it many times. He was so talented and sang so many songs I love. His life was sad. I hope his kids have a better life than he did.
  22. kf... awwww! Pretend you don't know nuttin' bout no drummer! Think of the peace you maintained in your family...
  23. merrieeee... S.W.O.O.N!!! Thank you from the bottom of my Clay-loving heart! (ETA: Don't know why those picture didn't post... I needed to see them again... especially the black leather jacket one... GAH!!!, indeed) My fave of the new ones... aikim... A.M.E.N!!! I don't post much, but just wanted to say that the part I bolded says it all. Clay Aiken is a good man and when all is said and done, that is all that matters. (that and I have to tell keepingfaith that No One Expects the Spanish Inquisition made me chuckle) ETA: I guess I don't post much is quite an understatement!!! SueReu... come play/post some more. I love your montages, by the way! You change from Dog Walker when you hit your 51st post, so you have some talkin' to do! Yeah me either, I'll just say...'buh 'bye. I am a Christian and I know that GOD is my judge and that the only person that needs to live by my moral code is me. ---- That said.... Can we talk about certain politicians who feel a need to protect the sanctity of marriage from "those gay people"? IMO they would be better served by protecting the sanctity of their own marriages. You want to defend traditional marriage? Try keeping your pecker in your own marriage and stop lecturing everyone else. *oooo was I channeling wanda there for a bit?* jamar... I was so tired of the infidelity situation by the end of my news night last night that I could have wailed on him for doing it as much for what the idiot did to his family as my having to listen to it all night. Idjit!!! Not me. Proud to be an unforgiving bitch. LOL I thought something actually interesting with Clay had happened. But no..nothing as interesting as THE STORM storming back at the bottom of the 6th inning..when they were down 5 to 1 - scoring 5 runs to win the district 4 championship. 5 RUNS in the inning!! I was already formulating my "you gave it all you had" speech. Whoo hooo. That was amazing. And little league picked up the celebration party. It doesn't get any better tha that. Clay is just as amazing! couchie... that is so cool for you, your family, and your nephew!!! When my son was 13, their soccar team went undefeated in 22 games and won the Orange County championship. It was so much fun! The celebrating just got bigger and bigger as they kept winning. Now he has a 12 yr old son. Where did the years go???? soulsista... Yeah, that ^^^
  24. tree... I think you were too kind to that humor. {{{{0lsee}}}} for your large expenditures! About beryl... I had 3 really good Clay friends who supported him and BAF extensively until he came out. From talking to them about this before they left the fandom, the whole thing comes down to believing that being gay is a choice and a sinful one at that or believing you are born that way and therefore God made them that way. To them there is no such thing as being gay... it is choosing to behave as a gay. Their religion was such an important part of their lives and accepting Clay would somehow negate that, so they walked away. Their loss and when they get to heaven, they'll find out how wrong they were. My arguement to them was... the bible says it's ok for a man to beat his wife, even giving the dimensions of the stick to use. Did they believe/agree with that? No... then why were they insisting on agreeing with the bible that being gay is an abomination before God. Deep down it was their choice to be homophobic, no matter how they phrased it or excused it. If MY opinion offended anyone, I am sorry for your distress.
  25. luckiest... not a problem, since my DD only has one son... My DGS was thrilled, tho he was only interested in one of the 30 or so t-shirts I washed and put away. His first question was, "Gramma, did you find my blue Hurley???" I had no idea, but he found it in the stack and was so happy. I'm not sure he'll know how to do his laundry without climbing that pile that used to be on the floor in front of the washer dryer. ldyj... opps, you're right... my bad. gbm... sawwee! Perma... for pete's sake, woman... don't kill yourself! I kinda like having you around and would miss you terribly! That's a verra verra niiiice picture!!! CUTE!!! Well, I went to my DD's house to eat/let the dog out. Somewhere between 1:30pm and 6pm, the water pipes to the front sprinklers sprung a massive leak and the neighbor came over and turned the water off. Unfortunately, there is not a separate turn-off valve to the sprinklers, so it turns the water off to the whole house. Welcome home, DD and DDS... by the way... you have no water to the house. You can shower and fill water bottles at my place till you can get it fixed. Hope you had a nice trip! Argh!
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