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Everything posted by liney23

  1. Couchie... that's from last year's Gala/Champions of Change. Hubba hubba! Gibby... congrats on your daughter graduating early! Is she going to tackle a go-away college next fall or one she can go to from home? KAndre... don't forget you're looking for a tall, dark, and handsome AND a tall, redhead, and handsome, most probably at the same place at the same time. I hope he stays long enough to go see one of the shows!
  2. O.M.G. I clicked on one story from a source that treated the original blog not too badly to see what the new headline meant and they said he said "who dressed that boy" which he never said at all in either blog. Not just rearranging his words or not putting any of his qualifiers in, but outright lying. Business as usual. :finger: Well, I'm sure Clay is having a great time! I have a three day weekend after having to work the last two weekends and I'm going to really enjoy it, so... pffffft!!! Eventually, it will go away, but I bet he wishes he'd never answered that question. Sigh! Now, a different kinda sigh...
  3. aikim... well, you know it's all about her.... You didn't know that???? O.M.G. cindi... BWAH!!! heh The second blog didn't restore my faith in Clay's good heart...it only confirmed it. I sure do like him. 00lsee... I laughed out loud at your new headline... Class Act, indeed!
  4. treenuts... BWAH!!! PC... Politely Cynical???? Couchie.... Peace reignith... well, as peaceful as it can get with Clay once again ruining his career. How many times has that been now??? Goodness, I love that man and I love this board!!!
  5. merrieeee... Claymatron..., spikesmom.... but... but... I agree with you totally, so I'm glad you bothered! Bother again, please... As soon as I read Clay's blog, I knew it'd make the media salivate... the media that loves controversy and putting Clay in the middle of it. So, not surprised. As far as the fans reaction to it... not surprised at that either! Many people love to get upset and go into angst. Too bad!
  6. cindi... luckiest.... I believe, I believe they are together and loving it and each other. Awwww!!! muski... I read the blog three times, and while I usually agree with your opinions 95% of the time, I just didn't see what you saw this time. The first discriptors were for Adam's Ring of Fire. The second said what he had heard others (general perception) say about Adam (arrogant and polished). Judgement on Clay's part... only on the one performance... JMHO. I think what he said was in support of his main point, that Adam was professional/polished from the start and that AI was wrong to go in the more professional performer direction it has been going in for years and is why I have quit watching the show. aikim... Thanks for bringing the Reed item. He's there, I'm sure!!! I'm not sure what made Clay decide to be more open with the Q&A and more blogs, but I'm loving it. Do I agree 100% with everything he says... no. I don't have any friends I agree with 100%... how boring. I love more than just his voice, I love him and the more I get to know him the more I love. Clay is an intelligent, opininated man. That gets him in trouble sometimes, but he is also sooo right sometimes. What fun and, how interesting, it is to be a fan of Clay Aiken!!!
  7. ncgurrl... seriously... people are planning on doing that... after all this time??? I know one who went last year even tho she was mad at him (for lying... yeah, I know... sigh) cause she had always been a big BAF supporter. Whateveh! TMCHA AMEN Save The Redhead Foundation Ooooh :pickme: I'll volunteer to start a special refuge. I can be ready to take in the most valuable of this near extinct of the species at anytime at my residence. If he should put up a struggle then by all means use a tranquilizer gun in order to safely transport said speciman (and no, I want the entire man, not just his valuable donation)!! Please be advised that if you wish to assist in this project there is a looong line already and it forms BEHIND ME! treenuts... I cannot believe your altruism!!! You are always thinking of the other guy (redheaded guy, that is). merrieeee... I wonder if Clay got a pang when he looked at that kid? There is just a bit of resemblance to Reed. I hope Clay's on his way to Europe right now!!! He has entertained me a lot the last few weeks... it's his turn to be entertained. treenuts... tell us how you really feel... I was talking to someone this morning and they asked about AI. I told them I hadn't watched, but I had listened to a song by each of the top three and liked Danny's the best. He agreed that Danny had the best voice of the three. See, you can be an expert and never watch the show! merrieeee... O.M.G. This is MTV, not some little thing no one has ever heard of. This on top of the Parade contest that said that who won season 2 was debatable because of phone problems. In a few more years, who won Season 2 will be a great trivia question...
  8. That was SO cool! Thank you very much for bringing it over, and to whoever caught it. He is such a natural, gracious, captivating speaker. I *heart* him! I have watched this mumblety times already and more to come. There is just something about this appearance that grabs me by the throat! S.W.O.O.N! Hee. I take it you noticed! He is the perfect man....gorgeous to look at...smart....funny...snarky...talented and I don't have to pick up after him or wash his underwear! merrieeee.... BWAH!!! I love your definition of the perfect man and agree that Clay fits to a tee... and he is just so captivating, too! bottle.... O.M.G.... I wondered about you for the few seconds it took me to scroll down... This has been an incredible few weeks. I like this kind of drought!
  9. Caro... what a sweetie! Name change and all. Both names are very pretty. Did you tell them they couldn't change the name cause you'd sent out announcements? I have seen them both in concert Pure vocals = Carrie wins putting emotion & soul into a song connecting with the audience = Kellie wins this all IMHO the song she wrote about her mom gets me every. single. time. I have a question about Clay did he really get booed at his college graduation? someone asked him about it in the ask Clay thread. I have never heard that before. tribeca... yes, Clay got boo'd at his graduation. Because he chose to go thru the ceremony, the college said you had to have a ticket to attend and then put a limit on the number of tickets each graduate could have. This made a lot of people angry and they took it out on Clay. This is what the word IDJITS was coined for!!! Grrrr! He spoke a few sentences basically saying that this was more important than what he'd done on Idol. He was, of course, a class act. Wish I could say the same for some others there. I'm sure there must be clack of it. I know I've seen it. His hair and the cap were very strange together...
  10. Couchie... everyone I know who knows anything about out state politics say this is a way to get the public to pay for the mess the state government has made. They are really pushing voting "no" on all counts and making the legislature come up with real solutions to the deficit. I trust them, so that's what I'm doing.
  11. I flove JT!! I am so glad they didn't give it to that schlemiel Stephen. But wait....Noooooo......it sounds like JT may be looking at "doing business" with Stephen in the near future?! WTF JT: I couldn't have done it without you Stephen, I owe ya, buddy. Stephen: Oh Hey JT, no need to feel obligated. But, I have this great investment I think you should go in on and double your $$$. No monkey! tree: Ugh!!! Clay content: Ok, treenuts... BWAH!!! WHERE did that picture come from? Or should I say photoshop??? cha cha... Thanks for sharing the beauty! That first one, especially just boggled my senses. I cannot imagine seeing that in person and smelling the water, etc. Enjoy!!!
  12. djs.... dang, I can't see it from work. I will look after I get home... sometime later tonight... sigh! Well, my Clay break is over. Back to work. Gotta say, tho, I'm all kinds of impressed that Clay knew what that series of numbers even meant, much less the right answer. The man is just soooo intellectual!!!
  13. I quite agree with you! It's often how I see the terms "stylish" and "trendy" in contrast to one another. Such as, trendy is used to show current or fashionable or even cutting edge, it does not mean "good" or "special" at all to me. It's just what others are dictating as current or cool. For now. While stylish or style is more often meant as an individual expression or unique quality or flare. This to me is the true goal one should aspire to. To be unique, true to one's own individuality, talent or self expressiveness. THIS is what I find special and rare. THIS is how I see Clay Aiken. Not copying anyone else's style or comparing himself to anyone else or even trying to look or sound trendy/current. Just true to himself. Perhaps that is why it has always been so hard to label him or fit him into that box...because it did't exist until Clay created his own! Clay is the ultimate Clay Aiken. Of course JMO Treenuts... I really like the way you hit the nail on the head about Clay having his own style. spikesmom... I so agree with you about comedians. A really good comedian I would and do watch over and over and over who makes you laugh without nastiness of any kind is that cutesingerman, Clay Aiken. You might have heard of him? I can honestly say that at this point, I go to see Clay equally because of the laughter at what comes out of his mouth (the physical comedy is excellent, too) as the beautiful singing. If I had to choose one over the other I'm not sure I could do it. If he did a concert with no talking (JNT08), I'd go, but the added joy of his tickling my funny bone elevates his shows from great to pure "out of sight" joy for me. Ok, anyone want to track the stock values on Amtrak now that Clay has said he loves it??? I have only traveled on the train once and it was with 2 kids under 3 yrs old, one of which had bad diarrhea. It was sooo much better than driving. I loved it. You could let the kids get up and walk around and could take them down to the bathroom and not have to find a place to stop the car. You could hold them when they are sleepy or crying, which you also can't do in a car. I took a bus trip once and did not enjoy it at all. I had to keep watching the driver to make sure he didn't fall asleep and danged if he didn't around 3a.m. Good thing I was watching instead of sleeping....
  14. keeping... thanks!!! Talk about large and in charge! I'd say he is front and center, but he's back and center... He just dominates that picture and looks every inch a STAR!!! I love it and made it my screen saver pronto! muski... I remember the mixed emotions when we helped my oldest DD move into her dorm room. Even tho we'd had a very rocky relationship during HS, it was a gulp to let her go out on her own. Peaceful, but a glup! And, what was great was that after a semester in college, my intelligence (in her eyes) went from below zero to normal... luckiest... I won't watch AI either unless Clay is unexpectedly on it. Can.not stand Ryan anymore and I so agree about the professionalism of the contestants nowadays. I did listen to the singles of the top 3 that Chadonnay has on her blog and must say that while Adam was good, I like Danny the best of the three. Wouldn't buy a cd, but I did like his single. I was out all day yesterday and really enjoyed catching up. Some very interesting discussion on FCA. Love it!!! aikim... I agree with your remarks about Simon completely. He just didn't see the commerciality of Clay. He was wrong, but he is shortsighted about some things, IMO. It's funny, but I saw a different Simon when I watched the YouTubes for Britain's Got Talent. He was actually constructive and not nearly as much a moron as on AI. I think he deliberately pushes the envelope on AI to make people watch the show. Claytonic... I use idjit all the time, so maybe you stole it from me... s'ok! I didn't patent it and probably stole it from someone else onct upon a time. I have to go to work today... big proposal due Tuesday afternoon. So, an almost regular workday, except I don't have to be there by 7:30a.m. Whew!!!
  15. keeping... thanks for the info... and... BWAH!!! Just keep practicing the smut... please!
  16. Caro... I loved your blog! That was a better UM video than I saw originally! I love your grandbabies names! I'll bet you can't wait to see Maya. Also, thanks for the converter! I favorited it so I can use it. luckiest... for those sendspaces! Especially for trimming the DFF ones. treenuts... I, too, have that Kidney Now song running thru my brain. I LOVE the itunes version. You see so much of Clay and on a wide sceen (my monitor is ws), it's so great. Or, what keepingfaith said. keeping... what do you use to take screencaps? I'd like to be able to do that. I RC&S'd that Clay/Elvis pic so fast!
  17. Got back from seeing Star Trek with my oldest DD (LOVED it!!!) to more answers at the OFC... how fun! He doesn't remember Cedar Point and the rides there... He's right... the fans do know more about him that he does... I bought the Kidney Now video and Clay is in it sooo much and in one scene he just sorta takes center stage... he is tall!!! Kewl! Solo...
  18. Because I want to... I like drooling on my keyboard...
  19. treenuts... for the Congrats, Caro... and the sentiments about that picture... Wow... that is a "you'd better not try to get any closer to my son" look for sure and I sure wouldn't want to mess with him. Clay takes crap for himself, but he'll defend those he loves, and especially Parker, with every fiber of his being and damn the consequences... which is exactly as it should be. I'm sure this type of thing just adds to the list of reasons why he fervently hopes never again to live in LA.
  20. Words of wisdom, oh great leader. Who gives a shit about NE anyhow?? It's just such a non-issue! Clay has it easy compared to Brad, Angelina, and Jennifer. Jesus! There is BS about them in every issue. If Clay weren't important, the tabloids wouldn't bother with him. And, who cares if Adam is getting hype now?? Clay was on AI years ago--of COURSE Adam is going to be the focus now. (I LOVE me some Adam.) Clay is still around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders. Thread title???? tribeca... I am absolutely sure that Clay's Mother Teresa quote is in answer to the NE story. Clay decided a long time ago to live his life as tho those who want to see him destroyed just don't exist (except for Jerome). Clay's gonna do what he thinks is right and just not pay them no nevermind and more power to him. I think he was giving us his philosophy about the junk people say and do about him, but also I hear his plea for us to not defend him... it's not going to make any difference to those who do this crap. Take the high road. JMHO, of course.
  21. I'd sure like to get him Ok... the mystery for me is how he put his outfit together and it actually looks great! I like that blog on MJ's. Wish the media would take that and run with it. I actually laughed at the headlines this morning... did you know that Clay was warned to stay away from Adam??? I don't click on the stories, but I see the headlines. Idjits!!! Bookwhore....
  22. aikim... Thank you... that was beautiful to watch! His Mother Teresa quote was definitely in answer to the stupid tabloidy "snubbed by AI" stories. Altho, Clay does a great job rolling his eyes on 30 Rock, I think I could give him a run for his money over these stupid stories. Geesh! I loved his answer about teens using a rubber (how old are you, Clay??? ). Someone said that he was getting away from being family friendly... to me teaching teens that if you can't abstain, then having safe, protected sex is a must is pretty dang family friendly! I read somewhere that 80% of people in prisons were from unwanted pregnancies. muski... no, I don't think you ever said just how sexy you think a man is who is dressed up with his tie loose like that... I can guess, tho!
  23. liney....where can I find a copy? Do you know the date? There maybe Clack of UM..from angelty at CV: merrieeee.... it's the current issue with Kirsty Alley on the cover, page 78. May 18th is the date, but the new one comes out on Thursday in most places. Wherever you usually see People magazine. If you can't find one, let me know. I usually give my allready been read issues to my DIL, but I can send this one to you if needed. There should be new clack by tonight. Cotton and BFS said they would get their clack out on Tuesday, so.... I am sending out vibes that the UM videographer is a good guy and sends his UM to Dee asap.
  24. ncgran... nice recap Scarlett... I believe it was the first song that he kept my heart going pitty pat witht he way he sang "way/say/day" etc. GAH!!! gbmifan... Way to go. It's great to let all those pounds go elsewhere, huh! It took me a year, tho! :thumbup: KAndre... Love your recap! Sounds like you and Tim had fun with each other. Sometimes chance met friends are the bestest. merrieeee.... what a cutie! People magazine had a spead on tiny preemies like Maggie and how big and healthy they are now at ages 20-21ish. Maybe your friends would like a copy. couchie... sorry... I didn't see your post until 2:30ish... very late lunch for me! He looked so gorgeous in Vegas. I hope he knows how he did his hair cause I'd be very happy if he never changed a thing ever again... yeah, like that's gonna happen!
  25. Gibby... I'm not sure what language that was, but I understood every word!
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