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Everything posted by aikim

  1. When Clay was on Leno for the first time, Wanda Sykes was one of the guests...Leno made him turn his feet around and her commentary was hysterical. Kim
  2. HA! I'll see your Christmas baking and raise you the tall glass of eggnog I'm drinking (and preden said yesterday she put up her tree!! Oh, I love eggnog...the only one in the family that does...how about a trade...cookies for a glass of eggnog? Kim
  3. Shhh...don't tell anyone...but I am baking Christmas cookies today! Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, 5 Days???? until Clay is on ET???? 11 Days until Clay is Talking Turkey! 14 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 49 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 71 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Liney I have two daughters at home and two that have moved out and yes, they all had to try every new thing out there...sometimes I feel like I am living in a Walgreens! Kim
  6. I bet at least a few... Surely nobody is as pretty as them without even a little bit of help? A few yes, but when I was cleaning the bathroom my daughters use, there were just a tad more than a few...I mean, I can't believe they use all the stuff I was hauling out of there...I made them put it all back after I washed down the shelves...must have been at least 4 or 5 different shampoos, conditioners, body lotions, etc. I have one shampoo, one body wash, hair gel and hair spray...works for me! Kim
  7. Sorry to hear Clay is out for the matinee, but probably best to just take it slow and not push his voice. Looking forward to Claybella's recap of her M&G and tour! Random thoughts I had while cleaning the bathrooms today: "Does Jaymes have to remind Clay to the put the toilet seat down?" "How hard is it to wash down the sink after one brushes their teeth so the toothpaste does not become cement! Perhaps I need to give the family a demonstration..mutter, mutter" "I bet Clay and Jaymes have separate bathrooms...wonder who does the cleaning? Probably have a maid service" "How many bath, body and hair products are really necessary?" "Perhaps I need to put instructions for putting a new roll of toilet paper on the spindle right next to the holder..." "I really need to clean the linen closet out more often..throws out 5 half-used tubes of toothpaste" "Does Clay clean out the sink after he is done shaving or just let the hairs accumulate? I bet those hairs would fetch a pretty penny on E-bay" Yes, I have no life! Kim
  8. Back from my shopping...Carson's is having a great sale today so I was able to get some Christmas dishes for 50% off! They are actually for Emily for Christmas...after the shower and wedding I was at a loss as to what to get her; thought about and realized she probably didn't have a lot of Christmasware so I bought a few things to start her off and some pretty kitchen towels and potholders. Hope she likes them! Off to start my cleaning...dishes are done...hubby washed them while I was out...let's see if I can talk him into vacuuming now! Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Busy day today; going to do some Christmas shopping (hee, I wrote my Christmas cards out last week-end) and then come home and clean house; the dust bunnies are taking over! 12 Days until Clay is "Talking Turkey"! 15 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 50 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 72 Days until Golfing for Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 13 Days until Clay is "Talking Turkey"! 16 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 51 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 73 Days until Golfing for Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Honest to God, I never even realized he was wearing his glasses until I saw your post! Kim
  12. Info about The Thanksgiving Day Parade and a picture of Clay...I think Broadway loves them some Clay: http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/CBS_H...ksgiving_Day_Pa
  13. Good Morning Everyone, 14 Days until Clay is "Talking Turkey"! 16 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 51 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 73 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Parker is adorable! I think Clay and Jaymes are going to be very much in control of how and when pictures of Parker are released to the public...no paparazzi pictures, which is as it should be. I think they know the fans want to see pictures; but I don't think he is going to be posting pictures willy nilly at the OFC as some think he should. Kim
  15. Good Morning Everyone, 18 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 53 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 75 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. I am an ISTJ too...no surprise there. Kim
  17. Hee, I had quite the toss up today, as my two favourite authors had new releases....the one you mention, and "The Bodies Left Behind" by Jeffery Deaver. The latter won becoss it was marked at 30% off. But I'll be picking up the SK book soon enough. And yeah, yeah, I know, I should use the library instead. But I like my book collection! Tell you a secret, I buy my books through the library...get 40% off...I lole my book collection too! Did you know SK's son is writing books? He goes by the name Joe Hill and is just as good as his Dad, you might want to check him out. Kim
  18. Sorry to hear Clay is out tonight...but better he take care of his throat. Guess I will go back to my book...just got the new Stephen King book..."After Sunset"...I love working at the library...I always get my books before the street date ...actually the street date is today...I got mine yesterday...about halfway through already! Kim
  19. Good Morning Everyone, 20 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 55 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 77 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. *blinks* Will there be clack? What. I think you quoted the wrong person! I haven't been to the show! (But I do bring over re-caps) Kim
  21. I simply made a suggestion...I didn't expect it to turn into a big to-do and I certainly wasn't implying that Clay wasn't doing enough for his fans...really, I am sorry I said anything. Kim
  22. Claytonic I agree with you totally! I already have two playbills...so I know that we have generous people on the board that will get you anything you ask for (within reason, LOL!)...and I realize this is for Broadway and those that go to the show are more accessible financially...but...I think they would make a lot more money if they would reach out to the fans who even if they can't go to the show, still support Clay and have gotten to know the cast through recaps and stagedoor videos, etc. I wasn't whining...sorry, if that's the way it came across. Kim
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