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Everything posted by aikim

  1. This makes a lot more sense to me than the fact that she already knew how much he paid for that red leather jacket!!! (we need some more decorations on this page!) Love that red jacket! I don't know if Clay knew, but his look was very James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause...I never realized that until I was watching a retrospective on Dean's life on PBS and he wore a red jacket, white t-shirt and jeans in that movie. I loved Clay's hair that night; so glad they got rid of that awful dark color he was sporting early on. Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, Sending prayers for a speedy recovery to Clayzedover. 32 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 40 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 61 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Seems to me like there are some fans who just want Jaymes out of the picture as quick as possible so Clay can get on with his life, find his true love and have that fairy tale life that some want for him. Knowing Clay's background, I don't think he would want Parker to have the kind of life he did with one parent disappearing from his life and I can't imagine Jaymes going through what she did to have this baby to simply disappear. Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, 33 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 41 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 62 Days until The BAF Gala! : Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, 34 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 42 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 63 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Welcome to FCA Peyton! I been in one tornado; do not want to experience that again...I get very nervous during storms now, especially when there are high winds. Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone: 35 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam! 43 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 64 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. It is also possible that Clay gave permission for the "insider" to talk to the magazine...seems to be a lot more positive mentions and I have to believe that Clay's PR is behind it. Couchie I much prefer lilac ink over green ink! Kim
  9. Sad to say that my biggest worry for my daughter's wedding is that I will have my period that day...praying that won't happen. Kim
  10. Add me to this club - I keep waiting for anything to tell me menopause is even coming... a hint, just a hint would be nice... I hear ya! Kim
  11. Just and FYI...I am going to be 51 next month and I am no where near menopausal...still every 28 days without fail...and after you are pregnant once; you have a better chance of getting pregnant again. And personally, there is no way I can see Clay not living with his son. Kim
  12. I just got here...".are they or aren't they" what? Romantically involved... Kim
  13. In INVF isn't it embryos that are frozen? Perhaps that is what they meant. Well, no one wanted to believe the tabloids when the story first broke and we all know how that turned out. Kim
  14. Thank you ldyj! I can just picture Clay pacing back and forth...and at the risk of starting up the whole "are they or aren't they" discussion, interesting that they were described as "soulmates" Kim
  15. Sorry, I was going to post a scan from In Touch Magazine but I don't know how to post it so it can be enlarged so you can read it. They are over at CV if someone else can bring them over. Kim
  16. Claymatron Please don't lurk, I enjoy your post. Iseeme Every since this whole baby business became public, you seem to have a lot of anger about it and especially a lot anger to any one who suggests there might be a romantic relationship between Jayme and Clay. You have indicated some personal reasons for your reaction, but it seems to go deeper than that...I would like to understand your reaction, but I can understand when I don't have a reason for that reaction. Kim
  17. Can I just defend marriage for a bit? I know some have had bad marriages and there is no guarantee that a marriage is going to last, but I do think it still has merit...my husband and I will be married for 26 years in September and I cannot imagine my life anyway else. It has not been a bed of roses; we have many bad times along with the good; times when I seriously wondered if it was worth sticking it out; but we managed and now the kids are grown and we are enjoying having the freedom from babysitters, etc. and just being able to do things and go where we want without worrying about the kids. My oldest daughter is getting married next month nut before she met her fiance she was in a three year relationship with another fella, they were living together. I have to tell you, I was not really happy about that living arrangement...I think she moved in with him for all the wrong reasons, mostly to move out of my house and she really believed that they would get married someday; I never saw any indication of that and it just felt to me like "playing house" with no real committment. So I was not surprised when they broke up and she moved out. So, I am thrilled that she is now getting married; do I worry about it and whether it will last, sure I do...a wedding day is one day, but a marriage is a lifetime and once the wedding dress is put away and you get down to real business of being married, living together on a daily basis..it can be quite an adjustment. So, I pray for them everyday that the choice they have made is the right one. And I am sure some are thinking if I am so big on marriage how I can be accepting of Clay and Jaymes bringing a child into the world without being married...I have thought about that for a long time because it does go against my core values, but the bigger issue to me is committment and responsiblity...and that is what I am seeing...two mature adults who made a decision to have a baby and have committed to raising that child together. Big difference between them and say Kevin and Britany...I have no respect for men who have children with one woman and then leave her to have children with another woman or JLo and Marc...sorry, but I cannot condone going after a married man or a married man leaving his wife and kids for another. So that is the difference I see between with Clay and Jaymes and the others. Some may call me a hypocrite and believe me, I have gone around and around on these trying to sort these feelings out. Okay, I have rambled too much and need to get to work. Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, Interesting conversations, sorry I missed it; was watching the Olympics and fell asleep...not used to staying up so late. Friends, lovers, whatever...They are still a couple to me and I do believe that baby was conceived with a lot of love...and really that is what is important...that he be loved and cherished. I do have to wonder though why some are so dead set against Clay having any kind of relationship with Jaymes...I feel bad that the mother of his child is disliked so much. 36 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam! 44 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 65 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Well, I have a dilema; hubby works for Frito-Lay which owned by Pepsico...would it be disloyal to enter this contest? Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, 37 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 45 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! :woohoo: 66 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a wonderful day! Kim
  21. ClayAikenpix has new pictures of Clay the day Parker was born...they are over at CV! Kim
  22. Well, unless I win the lottery, I won't be seeing Clay in Spamalot, but good for him...such an honor to be asked back. Bet he will be planning a tour in the Spring. After being with a newborn, he will sure have that pooping in your pants bit down!, LOL! Kim
  23. Good Morning Everyone, 46 Days until Clay is partying with Paula! 67 Days until The BAF Gala! Happy Birthday Cha Cha! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. 4 Kids.. Oldest was born on a Saturday afternoon, but I had been in the hospital since 11:00 Friday night...went home on Tuesday. Second was born on Sunday, went home on Tuesday. Number 3 was born on a Tuesday, went home on Friday 4th and last was born on Sunday, went home on Tuesday. Aren't you glad you asked, LOL! Kim
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