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Everything posted by aikim

  1. "Someone" checking in! Obviously I made a bad choice in words and phrasing last night....the way things fly around the boards; I figured it was pretty common knowledge or at least suspected. I am not one to spread gossip or start rumors...so okay; from now on, I will make sure any info I pass along has at least 3 verified sources. Got called into work today to shelve books and generally help clean-up...seems they are moving along with the renovations at the library much faster than they anticipated...good for me since I am not being paid during this layoff. See you all this evening; everyone have a good day! Kim
  2. So why help her by spreading information your not even sure is accurate? Just askin' I won't from now on. Kim
  3. I don't doubt that littlec knows Faye; she says she goes to church with her; what bothers me more is that I feel like sometimes she a little too free with posting information or at least hinting at things and compromising Clay's privacy...her "wink..wink, I know something you don't know" posts kind of irritate me at times. Kim
  4. hee I would if we were keeping it on the down low... OMG...don;t get me going... I'm not a shipper I just ahve a romantic streak...used to read harlequin romance constantly...now I'm more into Stephen King... EEEEEEEEEEEE! Another Stephen King fan! Well, now I just have to stay here, so we can talk! Kim
  5. Problem is.. "understandings" vary. I prefer sources. Named sources. Otherwise, it's just hearsay. If you insist...Littlec at CV. Well I don't think it's so much to ask for. If she can say it there, you can say she said it here. See, I am so used to the other board where everything has to be crouched in secrecy...going to take a while to get used to posting openly. Kim
  6. Problem is.. "understandings" vary. I prefer sources. Named sources. Otherwise, it's just hearsay. If you insist...Littlec at CV. Kim
  7. I read on one of the boards ( I believe CH, but don't quote me on that) that Jamie's mother was Ray Parker's niece, which would make Jamie, Brett's second cousin. Kim
  8. My understanding is that she is divorced with a little boy and she is living with him. I would like to think that he is just repaying a favor...Nanny helped he and Faye out when she left Vernon, gave them a place to stay and maybe Clay is doing that for Jamie, giving her a place to stay and job to help her get back on her feet. Kim
  9. For all the new/old faces...waves to Canuck, xxx4clay, Champion, Texwriter, Lindylo and just everybody! Okay now for the important stuff...I love Clay's toes and all his other body parts, but what really does it for me is his.....adam's apple...ever since BMUB...pictures, anyone? Kim
  10. Looking at that picture, I think it may be a Southern thing. At least our family photographs are filled with shots of people all up close and hands on. I've got a couple of aunts who will hands-on-face-pucker-kiss you every time you walk back into a room. No lie! Not just a Southern thing; I come from an Italian family and we used to joke that it would take us 20 minutes to say hello and good-bye there was so much kissing and hugging going on...you had to kiss every Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, etc. and it was full mouth-to-mouth kissing. Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, We have Sun! We have Sun! (It's been raining a lot here in the Midwest!) 2 Days until Clay Tapes AYSTAFG! 61 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center! 72 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special! 92 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Only if you are very short... Does it always get like this on Saturday night around here? If so, I'm marking it on my calendar pronto! Very Short checking in! Kim
  13. He just has beautiful hair...the kind you want to run your hands through. Kim
  14. Karen Eh?, After 20 odd years of practically pulling my arm out of the socket trying to get clothes out of my top loader when it came time for a new washer, I decided to make it easy on myself and got a front loader...I love it! No agitator so they are easier on your clothes. They use less water and soap (although you do have to buy laundry soap specifically for front loaders) and very efficient. I have a Frigidaire. They are a little more expensive, but I think they are worth it. Back to your regularly scheduled programming. Kim So you weren't talking about washers?
  15. Kevin is Ruben's brother, but I cannot for the life of me remember when he did Clay's hair. Kim
  16. Clay's hair looked absolutely perfect in Orlando although I am partial to the longer AMA hair. Kim
  17. And you see...this is where I struggle with my minionhood. I mean CHEEZ DOODLES? I wouldn't be caught dead with a cheez doodle, especially those soft kind the eHP eats.. The only orange snack thatI ever eat is the CHEATO - the curnchy kind of course. sigh. pssst...Hubby works for Frito-Lay, I can set you up with Cheeto's for life (shamelessly sucking up to the mod) Kim
  18. I also posted my detailed bio in the meet and greet thread; so I won't bore you with the details again here. My screenname is just me being lazy and changing the "en" in Aiken to "em"; not a thing to do with American Idol...not a fan of the show at all, but grateful it gave us Clay. Some of you may also know me as Ozfan4 over at the OFC. I pretty much have already talked about my board history...looking forward to getting know all of you and hopefully I won't annoy you too much with my rose-colored glasses nattering and cheerleading...yes I am a "Positive Polly" and proud of it! Kim
  19. Bottlecap I think that picture is from when he thought Quiana told him he "busted his pants" and he had to check...she actually said "don't bust your pants". Kim
  20. Just wanted to comment on this; CV is a great board and I have a lot of friends there; and while I can appreciate the family atmosphere there, when you are consistantly made to feel like the black sheep of the family, then it isn't so much fun. Guidelines are great and I have no problem with them, but when they become so restrictive and open to such broad interpretations that it makes posting a challenge and stifles the flow of conversation; then you have a problem. Unfortunately; for me, I don't see the problems I am having there ever being resolved and there are too many personal feelings; on both sides, that can't seem to be let go. I still post there, but I keep it light and fun and just resolved myself to the fact that If I want to get into deeper discussions; I need to go to boards that are less restrictive and allow me to be me. Kim
  21. And on the other side of the spectrum...I would love to hear Clay sing Ave Maria...whiplash, anyone? Kim
  22. Yeah, but what a way to go! (and you know you want to see him in tight leather pants!) Kim
  23. OMG...this is so me! I am more of a 60's and 70's girl; but I love me some cheese! As factually inaccurate as "The Night Chicago Died" is, it is a fun song to sing along to! Growing up in the 70's and listening to WLS in Chicago, you had everything from the really cheesy to hard rock. It's either oldies station in the car or Clay. (and as long as we are confessin', I would give my right arm to hear Clay do his Jim Morrison impression and sing Light My Fire!) Kim
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