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Everything posted by gbmifan

  1. Hey, Aikim, I was online at the OFC when Clay commented on your statement. I was excited for you. I was reading along and all of a sudden he was posting. What a surprise. It has been a little insane out there regarding AL and RS article. I wish he would leave Clay out of his statements. I watched AI this year, looked forward to see what he would come up with every week, but he did not win me over. I maybe wrong but from what I have read I just do not like the man. He is crass to me in his answers. I will take Clay's class anytime. I miss him and wish he would appear, even to just answer questions.
  2. IDYJ, start riding your bike slowly. Trails are good because you do not have to worry about cars except at intersections. A hybrid was good because it is more stable for those who have not rode in a long time. Do not make the mistake and go out and ride more miles than you can handle. That is a sure way of getting discouraged early and not wanting to go out again. My friend and her husband would go out and do a charity ride in July every year and when they got there the second year her husband decided they were going to ride the 100 miles each way for two day. She came back so sore and unhappy that we could not get her back on the bike for the rest of the summer. Biking should be fun and not a chore. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
  3. I must say that those are some mighty fine pictures of Clay at the dinner. He does look very happy. I have been reading elsewhere that his career is in so much trouble. Nobody will take his singing seriously. I do not respond to these people because it is not worth it. He may not be in the spotlight right this minute, but I believe good things are on the way. Rose colored glasses maybe but I do not care. As you know Sacrifical Love is one of my favorite songs from the CD. His vocals are beautiful on it. I listen to my concert CD's when I have my hour drive to work, but after each one is through I put in OMWH so I can hear some of my favorites. His voice is one of a kind.
  4. I missed that episode of SYTYCD. I just read the article, and can not believe what Lythgoe said. Brought me opinion about him down some. I really like the pictures of Clay posted. I remember seeing him in Grand Rapids and could not believe how handsome he was. It did help that I was in the second row and had a great view. Being lazy tonight. We went out for a bike ride to train since, we are going on three bike tours this summer, we had 30 mile head winds for the last 16 miles. We did a total of 40 and I can feel it. Because I will be gone for these tours you know that something great will break and I will be the last to know.
  5. I also have a problem with some people that have come out of lurking to make comments on Clay. I noticed with some of them that they have not made a good comment about Clay in a long time but could not wait to make a nasty comment. I downloaded Adam's comment yesterday and felt he was disrespectful. He has only been off the show one week and has joined in the make fun of Clay mode. Those DJ's lived up to themselves, laughing at Clay. I felt how Adam handled the question very classless. He could of taken the high road and did not. I wish the so called Clay fans, who can not find the good in him anymore, would please stop posting and let the rest of us enjoy the man. Rant over.
  6. Hey, there are pictures that I sometimes do not see the sexy in that other people do, but I always see something that I can drool over. The last few days the pictures have shown a very handsome man. 30 minutes to go. Can't wait.
  7. I can't believe that Cher will be 63 years old. I saw her when I was 15 at a local teen venue. She was with Sony and I was in the front row. It was standing room only, but we were young and was having so much fun. I sure could not of wore that outfit in 92, and for sure now. I do wonder how many surgeries she has had to look like she does.
  8. Just got back from errands. I lost the 50# since Jan. 1st. I am on a 1000-1200cal/day diet. That is hard for me since I love chocolate. During Lent I gave up chocolate so that helped. The last couple of weeks I have only lost three pounds because I have been to about 4 thank you dinners for the end of the year stuff. I know these last 10# are going to take awhile. But I am determined to do it. It does not help when two of my sister are tiny and always have been. They wear size 0 and 2 clothes. But they also have never dieted in their life, they just do not gain. My other sister is like me, she is always worken hard at it. I think she wears a size 10, but is 4 inches taller than me. I am 5ft. tall so even a small amount of weight gain shows.
  9. Again, I am so enjoying all the recaps and pictures from this weekend. He sure is gorgeous and makes me want a concert evenmore. Love him. You know I am always talking about how I ski and ride my bike alot and have been doing that for over 35 years. I have always had somewhat of a problem with me weight. Even when I was young it took alot for me to stay thin. When I went to the doctor in January for my arm my blood pressure was up. He said to me that telling me to exercise probably would not mean much but he suggested I try to loose some weight to see if it will help. Well I took the challenge and my BP was 106/66 at my physical last week and I am down 50#. I love being able to get back into my size 6 clothes again. Now I have to keep it off. I still would like to loose 10 more pounds. On call for work so heading out to our Library to set things up for our book sale this week.
  10. I could not wait for this am to download the songs. He was fantastic and looked great. I think the best he has looked in a long time. Those Getty pictures are wonderful. My kids are coming over at 6pm and cooking ang grilling my dinner. I just got back from a bike ride. Here in Michigan it is a little cold. I had three layers on to ride. We managed to do 30 miles but the winds were in mid 20's so that was enough.
  11. I called my mother today to firm up the time I will be their to do my weekly grocery shopping and take her to lunch tomorrow. I asked her what she was doing, of course she is 87 so I did not think she was doing anything but watching tv. She said, matter of factly, I am listening to Clay. She said she had played TBOCA about 10 times today. I am my mothers daughter!! Can't wait to hear about the concert Saturday night. Will probably read on Sunday morning. I know after working 12 hours on Saturday that I will not be able to stay up late. My son called and needed a sitter for Friday so they could go to a fundraiser. I am working and will not be home to almost 8:30pm. The baby is 5 weeks old, and my husband said he would watch him. I was surprised, but then I remembered I went back to work when my youngest was 6 weeks old and he had a 5, 3, and newborn to watch.
  12. Came home from work yesterday and saw all those pictures and just had to smile. Parker is adorable and love the facial expressions he makes. He sure looks like his dad. I thought for sure the part on 30 Rock would be just a quick cameo, but maybe I am wrong, and he will get more than that. I can't wait.
  13. Went out this am for our second bike ride of the year. It was really chilly and the winds were gusting at 25 miles per hour. We did 32 miles and it was work. I got to get myself in gear to start riding alot since we may go on three bike tours this summer. I can not believe how fast I go to the OFC when I see he has answered questions. I know this will not continue at this rate but it has been great. Can not wait for next Saturday and hope we get some clack. I will not be checking in to the morning on Sunday because of the time change. I remember when the JNT 05 started in Vancouver, my husband was out of town, and I set my alarm to get up to read the comments at 1am in the morning. Will not do it this time because hubby will be here and he will think I lost it. If he even knew sometimes.
  14. Idyj I am so sorry for your loss. I am also looking at my mom who will be 88 soon and not in the best of health. I know in my heart that the day will come when she will leave us, but it still does not make it easy. My mom has been my rock. My father past away when I was in my senior year of high school and she has always been there for me. I see her fading and when you posted about your mom I realized again to be thankful for the time she is here. I was able to take her to three concerts of Clay's but she is not in good enough health to be able to travel anymore. You and your family are in my prayers.
  15. Those pictures of Parker are adorable. From the back and side he looks just like his daddy. I am loving his red hair. I can not believe how much I read this weekend at the OFC with the Q & A. Loved his responses to the questions. He made the membership worth it. I know it is a dream but I wish Clay would appear on Idol again on the finale. I watch every week but no one has really got my attention. I have not voted at all. He would make the finale even better, just like the last time.
  16. I got home from work last night at 9pm and got on the computer and could not believe he was answering questions. I enjoyed reading the questions and his answers. I did not ask one myself. Today when he was answering he was really going into more details at times to the questions. I can not believe that I went to bed just before he blogged. I got up this morning and downloaded the song. I really like the recorded version, I had the concert version of my computer. I will be sending in my donation tomorrow. I hope BAF gets a good amount of donations.
  17. I am loving the pictures and video from last night. He was gorgeous and those checkbones are back. He looked so relaxed and happy. I am very proud of him. I have a friend who is the worst driver that I have ever been with. If we have to go somewhere I always volunteer to drive. I let my oldest son, when he was 12, go to a event with her because I was working, and when I got home my son said he would never get into the car with her again. I did not have the heart to tell her he said that. I just tell her now that I will pick her up. I have never seen someone ride the brakes like she does, and she wonders why she always needs new one.
  18. I also did not like the English Patient, but watched it all. I have only walked out on one movie, and I know that some people probably liked it, and that was The Hitchhiker Guide to the Universe. I thought it was stupid and I did not get it. I also think one of the worst movies I went and saw was called the Cameleon. Our paper gave it a four star and it was horrible. My friend and I stayed just because we had paid for it. I would not do that again. Two hours of my life I would not get back. I have shut off movies that we have rented but right now I can not think of titles. I can not wait for career news. I just want to hear him sing. Everytime I get into the car for my 5o minute drive to work I listen to TBOCA or OMWH. As I said before I love Sacrifial Love and have to hear it whenever I am driving.
  19. I watch MaMa Mia a few weeks ago, by myself because my hubby was not interested, and found it pretty boring. I kept watching hoping it would get better and it did not. Pierce could not sing at all and I found it hard to continue when he was singing. Luckily I got it out of our library and did not have to pay for it. I was not upset at all about Clay's blog. I never expected any great news. I am sure when he has everything set he will let us know. I am sure he is not going to be sitting around on his butt for the entire year. I keep telling myself great things are coming. I saw the Reuben is going to tour after his album is released. If Clay has questioned selling tickets because his last CD did not sell as well as before, I do not know how Reuben can justify going on tour. He tends to sell even less than Clay and as far as I can see his fan base is not as strong. I guess it is because I want to hear Clay so much and it does not look at this time that a tour is going to happen. I would love to go to the Gala but at this time the cost is prohibited. Maybe by then my hubby will find a job and things will look up. I am tired of working, those added twelve hour shifts are killing me. Off today finishing up laudry and doing some cleaning, I gave the job of picking up small things from the grocery store to my husband. If I make a list he finds most things.
  20. My concert buddy and I watched the show together last night, and Loved him. That laugh just made us both smile. The screencaps that I have seen are great. He looked fantastic.
  21. "Le or la" I could care less. Since I did not take one ounce of French in school. All I know, that he is adorable, and I watched that clip more times than I care to admit. Can not wait for tomorrow.
  22. I did not think I would find the CD today. I started here in town with no luck. Had to go to my mother's house today so stopped about 15 miles up the road with no luck. Continued on for another 35 miles and finally found some at that Walmart. Bought 3, one for me, my friend, and for my mother. Listened to it in the car and it does sound good. I think they toned down the choir a little bit in BOTW. At least for a few listens I will not have to flip through CD's. I really can not go very long without hearing Sacrificial Love. I am addicted to that song.
  23. The first couple of pictures I saw his face looked really swollen. But those last one he is gorgeous. Can't wait for more. Thanks everyone for the congrats. Mom and baby should come home tomorrow. Baby still sleepy and does not want to eat much yet.
  24. His name is Taylor Edward. My sons name is Edward and is a 111 rd and told me he refused to name his child with the IV after it. I thought it would be neat but he did not agree.
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