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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Great story & pic, Chardonnay - thanks for sharing! I don't remember my first kiss, but most of the guys I've liked have had freckles. Only one was a red head, though, and even just strawberry blond at that. My big crush in high school had dark hair, freckles and blue eyes. He was a jock, but not the typical type. He was smart and funny and kind to everyone. I just adored him! But I could be co-queen of unrequited love with whoever (was it lal?) mentioned that upthread.... We just ended up as friends and he married his high school sweetheart.
  2. Whew! Now that I've got my mind back... I just came from a great lunch meeting about continuing education, degree programs for working adults, tuition reimbursment, etc. One of the most interesting things I learned? That being on message boards the past 5 years could actually help with acclimating into an online degree program! Who knew?! (tm King Arthur) Btw, anyone have any experience with the University of Phoenix?
  3. *looks up... reads 00lsee's post again... mind wonders...* Excuse me....
  4. Well Happy Tuesday to you too, Couchie, but today is Wednesday! Lordy! Please don't be adding to the work week!!
  5. Sending good vibes your way today, ldyj! Just think of the CUTE doctor as your drift off to sleep..... :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oh YES! Love that show, although I always forget when it's on. Yep, I can see that wedding singer guy fitting right in. And, no, I don't really consider "Clayton the wedding singer" traditionally handsome, but I believe the word adorable, while grinning like a loon, was what I kept saying last night! Of course, I don't really consider Clay today to be traditionally handsome, but I believe the word gorgeous, while grinning like a loon, has been uttered a time or two. Often times shortened to GAH! when the gorgeous is just too much. Sorry about your car troubles yesterday, aikim, but glad 'Clay' was able to save the day! Oh - and I have a VUE, too - love it! Hope they can fix it quickly & without it costing you and arm & leg. for luckiest son! My gripe for the day? People who send emails in the midddle of the freaking night to notify you of revised meeting times for the next day! HELLO?! Just because they were up checking work emails at 12:43 AM doesn't mean I was! And since my normal time to come in is 9:00 AM, I missed the meeting I was supposed to attend at 1:00 PM that was rescheduled for 8:00 AM.... EAT: Just because!
  6. I'm home from my Clay friends gathering and just read the new field notes blog. That is all. Good night! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: OMG! I just checked my email before heading to bed & a friend sent these to me - I think they were posted at RHT by Tammie4Clay. Looks like they're pre-AI? From a wedding?
  7. I got it & mine opened right up in Adobe, too. Did you try copying & pasting the link, Cotton?
  8. Speaking of Clay & Quiana... one of my favorite pieces of Clack evah! Same song, but a different viewpoint Love his wandering hands and then his laughter! Oh - and Q can SING!
  9. Morning! Yummy banner! I can definitely join in the GMA pics love. I agree about his aura, cindilu. Good luck with the boss, luckiest. :thbighug-1: For OMWH getting its bullet back! I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!
  10. Got this in an email - at work - this morning...
  11. That's when the individual tickets go one sale, Chardonnay.
  12. That Wildcard performance was the first time I ever saw & heard Mr. Aiken, so my sentimental heart went with that one for this round.
  13. Geesh! Twist my arm, why don't you, Scarlett and claygirl9131! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  14. You're welcome. With some good pain meds, he could! I'm having too much fun tonight! Have to make some door prizes for a Clay friends get together tomorrow night - photo coasters. I only have to make 4 and I've already decided to print 2 pics for each, so that they can slip out the sleeve and flip to another pic, but trying to narrow down all of the BEAUTIFUL pics of this man??? IMPOSSIBLE!!! I see a lot of Perma's and Kareneh's and Tasapio's and Scrpkym's in my folders.....
  15. My mom & I were planning on going, but I don't think we're going to make it. Between unexpected medical expenses, trying to pay down the credit cards (egads!!) and saving to move in Nov., it's not looking likely. Unless I win the lottery! But that means I have to play the lottery.... I'll still be checking in here in case anything changes. Good luck to all on July 28!
  16. That's the flyer from last year's sale, but there's going to be another sale this year. And I don't live in Houston. And I'm not sure I should be calling what I've been doing "knitting"! But I will be making some bears out of mohair, alpaca, wool, etc.
  17. Sending and your way, ldyj, for a successful surgery! Also.... hopes that a CUTE intern just might stop by and give you a check up.... :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. Lawrence Welk marathon?? Well that explains a lot about the eHP! It also gives me flashbacks to my grandma's house... I just got the word Tabard on FreeRice - now the Lancelot number is going through my head!
  19. I've been having issues with one set of my neighbors as well. My biggest comlaint is with music and television BLASTING at all hours, so loud that I can hear it (and feel it) over my own, even with the heat or ac running, the dishwasher and/ or washer/dryer going. I can't even open my windows because the noise is even worse, especially when they're partying out on the balcony, which is often. They are completely oblivious to anyone but themselves. More recently, one of their cars now has something wrong with the sun roof so they decided to start parking in the carports - both of their cars. Granted, most of the spots in the section across from our building are empty, but it is an option that you're supposed to pay for. I do and do not appreciate others taking advantage of it for free. Several times in the past few months when I've run home at lunch, I've found them parked in MY ASSIGNED space! I went to the management and a few days later they moved one car. I can only hope that they're now being charged to keep parking the other one over there. Their friends even park in the carports! So, being nice and confronting in person has done no good. Going to the management has done no good. Even getting the police involved multiple times (when music/partying goes into the middle of the night) has done no good. I feel like my only option is to move when my lease is up to get away from these people. I've been a good tenant for 5 years and that evidently means zilch. IMO, it all comes down to respect and common courtesy - two things that too many people seem to have forgotten in this day & age.
  20. Oh, this'll happen while we're there!!! I may get to hear Clay on the radio? !!!!11!!!!1!!! I wish I was gonna be there, too, but no SF trip for me afterall.... But YAY! for radio play! I think it can! I think it can! I think it can! A verra :bday: to jmh123!!! It's Monday. Again.
  21. Mmmmm.... Clay as a dessert? Talk about finger lickin' good.... :31: We used to have a husband/chef & wife/baker restaurant here that had the most AMAZING white chocolate creme brulee! Posted by Notacanuck at CH:
  22. Popping online for a short break. Ugh! Still working on things I thought I'd be done with by now.... Great news for your mil, Iseeme! Lots of pretty pics of a pretty guy! :00003653: to kimiye!
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