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Everything posted by annabear

  1. If you find out, please let the rest of us know, liney! I'm sorry about your mother's sister and Fluffy, {{{aikim}}}. Still loving all of the recaps! I hope the day off today does {{{Clay}}} & his hurting hip a world of good. muski! Gee, are you excited at all? Have FUN!!! :bday: JennaZ!
  2. Thanks ldyj - I just saw that recap by njrp4clay and was going to being it over. Feel better *soon*! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Pics from yesterday afternoon by kmy18045 at CV:
  3. Um, yeah, I wish I would open my eyes to that in the middle of the night instead of one of the cats sitting on the pillow next to my head, staring me down.
  4. How bad is it that I clicked on that link expecting to see some pic we've seen before & be disapointed that it wasn't the real album cover? No offense to you, heinz! Actually, THANK YOU, heinz! :F_05BL17blowkiss: A profile shot. That absolutely beautiful, perfect Clay Aiken profile.... eyes.... lashes.... nose.... cheekbones.... sideburns.... jawline.... lips.... oh my goodness.... I just GAH'd out loud & scared the kitties....
  5. <----- NOT Faye's age. 3D Glasses....wig....costume....but I'd know that lipbite anywhere. Going back a few days, but does anyone else think he looks like some sort of super hero with those glasses on?
  6. Also another example as to why we should all be getting bigger tax rebates than the general public - we have, do and will be putting it right back into supporting the economy in various towns all over the country! Bring it on CUTE singerman! :club0: Thread title? Second job here I come! :thRoadRunner:
  7. Ok after some Googling & Wiki help I figured out what you were talking about! That was back in the late '70s, almost before my time. Seems the Hilton Garden Inn is actually in more what is called Midtown South. Even with the cheaper rate I think we're going to stick with our Midtown East reservation as that sounds like it's a little more central to most of the things we're planning to do. Besides that, I'm not sure about giving business to the HGI and in a roundabout way putting more $$$ in Paris' pocketbook!
  8. What a great story, liney. Thanks for sharing it. Live with gusto indeed! :F_05BL17blowkiss: How wonderful for your family, couchie, especially your cousin! I'm still loving all the recaps & stage door pics. He's so CUTE! Twenty-seven days.....
  9. A couple of questions for more seasoned travelers, which would be just about anyone other than me! This may sound silly, but I'm going to ask anyway.... Do you need to have cash for cab fare, or can you use debit/credit cards? Also, what's the usual for tipping? Obvious NYC virgin asking here! For that matter, what would we definitely need to have cash for while in the city? I use my check card everywhere I go in my everyday life - very rarely need to use cash. Is anyone familiar with the Chelsea area? A friend found a good deal on a hotel that's just about a mile from the the theatre district, around 7th & 28th, I believe. Wondering how the area is?
  10. Morning FCA! Cute recap of last night's show from Austenfan at CB - - -
  11. Ummm, those pics of Clay & Hannah? I'm thinking he's not allergic to her particular kind of shell fish, much like he's not allergic to Tyra's particular kind of chocolate.... Oh, and, Claytonic - not all of us are Faye's age!
  12. Yeah that - to both parts! Hope ldyj is feeling better, too. And anyone else struck down with the crappy creeping crud! No PW rule?! :o
  13. PW all you want and/or need, Fear! We're just happy to get the details! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  14. I quite agree & think that would make a perfect thread title! YAY for a SOLD OUT tuesday show!
  15. Look at you with your all of 7 posts! :thbighug-1: Good to "see" you, CarolinaBound! I wondered if Clay would be involved with the UNICEF Tap Project - they've been talking about it on the news around here since the weekend. Around 100 area restaurants are participating by asking people to donate $ for the usually free water. Can't wait to get home & see the video. Also watch out for whatever else the swallows - European or African - may drop..... Have fun, Play!
  16. Oooooooo - lovely banner, Cindilu! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm celebrating! Finally got our flight to NYC booked this morning! Got a better deal on a hotel this past weekend! I'm going to see that Clay Aiken guy everyone keeps raving about in some show called Spamalot! One month from today!!!
  17. How cool that Clay is getting radio play somewhere! Me too! My very first Clay friend called me last week & we realized it was the 4 year anniversary of our first meeting as well as my first Clay concert - the Columbus IT. We've been on many roadtrips since and are definitely feeling the urge to head out again. She wasn't able to do the CITH and won't be able to go to NYC either, so we're hoping for some fun this summer! It's raining cats & dogs here this morning - literally, I think. I have a carport in my apartment complex and this morning when I got in the car, it looked like cats had been dancing an Irish jig overnight!! There were paw prints EVERYWHERE!
  18. OK, I'll give you a pass on the migraine thing - HATE those! Well, I managed to get new carry-on bag ordered for my trip today. And it's not green & white check, nor does it blink. Although for luggage findability (is that a word?), that's not such a bad idea..... Anyway, Ebags has a 20% off St. Patrick's Day special going thru midnight if anyone needs a new bag. And you can shop them thru GoodSearch and benefit your fave charity. [/end PSA] Sounds like fun! That guy with the voice really has made a difference, hasn't he? Lots of friendships formed that otherwise wouldn't have been? I scrapbook, too. For everyone except myself - my pics are in boxes, not books! :glare: Thanks for bringing over Randy "Dawg" Jackson's comments with Lynda L. Thank you, ldyj for the USA Today ordering info! I never did find one around here.
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