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Everything posted by justclay12

  1. Here is the site that I have used for ringtones: http://www.myxer.com/make/ Actually, I think I got it from this board awhile ago. Have to use it again cuz I dropped my last phone in the toilet and it could not be salvaged. If you don't have internet access on your phone plan, it costs so much per kb. And it can add up. I didn't realize that when I first made my ringtones and I'd done about 3 or 4 at one time. Wound up paying, I think, about an extra $30 on my phone bill.
  2. I see I missed a lot of good discussion since last night. Got to say, Couchie, you are so smart, and I would have said that even if you hadn't shared your bed. One of the main reasons that I came to this board is because we could talk about anything and because we can vent if we need to. And we can say what we want without worrying that we will get edited. May get a message occasionally asking if we want to self-edit but I'm not sure if I've ever seen a mod editing or deleting someone's post here. But if we post something that may be controversial, we better be prepared to take the heat. Lots of strong opinions on this board, which is why we can have some great discussions. On the topic of fans who can't let go, they still get on my nerves, and frankly, it's why I rarely go to the OFC. And that is sad because that is Clay's board and I do feel that those negative posters ruin the experience for people like me so that I spend most of my time at other boards. Well that and the moderating. I don't blame the mods there but it does get frustrating when the posters who say crap about Clay can get away with saying stuff but the ones who defend him will possibly get edited because it's considered attacking the poster. Well, in my opinion, if the poster is going to talk trash, then they should take the heat for it. Then again, on the OFC, that might not work because it would never end. Tough job to be a mod. You all have my complete sympathy and I'll never understand why you do it without some kind of hazard pay or something.
  3. I've seen those threads over there Fear. I also saw a post or comment to Clay's blog, can't remember, where the person said she just joined back up to post how miserable Clay had made her. Those are the type of people who really worry me and make me so grateful for Jerome. And it is hard to look the other way when its constantly thrown at you.
  4. They have their own board? What is it and what do they do there? What they really need is some therapy because they have issues. I really get so frustrated when I go to the OFC and read somebody saying they are mourning for the old Clay and he's not who they thought he was, etc. Makes me want to smack some people.
  5. wandacleo, you sure have a way with words. I have to agree with you though. If they haven't adjusted by now, then I don't think they are going to and I'm tired of hearing about it. If they can't deal, then they should just leave or start up their own board so they can bitch all they want to without pissing the rest of us off.
  6. What in the world can they possibly have to say about TMJ? I probably shouldn't but I'm sure I'll go over there and read some just to see how stupid some people can be. Poor Clay. He probably hasn't been able to talk too much so this must be killing him. Good thing he's good at texting. And I thought it was funny when he said about us noticing him popping his jaw because I remember us talking about how he would do that with his jaw. I think someone had even noticed him doing it back during AI days.
  7. I have an idea about at least two of those usual suspects. Craminy, you wonder if there is anything Clay does that they approve of.
  8. It's been nice reading everyones experiences. Clay is pretty special huh, for all of us to follow him like we have. I was like several others on here. I'd never been to a messageboard, didn't even know what one was, and only used computers at work. Was hooked from the very beginning, but after he lost, the thought that I might not hear any more about him sent me to the computer to see what I could find. I have no idea where I started. Remember seeing some board, like Clay's Mansion or something but didn't know what it was. Found the board that his one friend started and read stuff about him. Eventually found CB but didn't know about the forum for several months, and then starting reading there and at TTC. I did go to at least one of all his tours but never really met anyone until after ATDW and I went to the Baltimore Claymate's party. It's been a long process for me but in the past couple of years, I've started posting and then started feeling jealous of all you guys meeting up with each other and making friends. Finally, during Spam, I met up with a lot of you guys and had my first experience of sleeping with someone I'd never met before (Couchie). That night was such a special experience for me and I hope we'll soon have lots more opportunities to meet up and sleep together and all that good stuff. This fandom is as special as Clay is and I'm so glad to be a part of it. gbmifan, sorry to hear about your situation. Really hope we start to see signs that the economy is on its way to a recovery.
  9. Dang...and I really liked the idea of more Clay waltzes... *glides away humming, 'it's that time of year when the world falls in love...' ya ta ta ya ta ta* Hey, if ya gonna dance, better take ya ta ta's. What. 00lsee, you crack me up.
  10. I saw the thread suggestions thread once before, lol. So, anything that anybody suggests gets put up huh? 'splains why so many this time cuz there sure were a lot of people saying such and such would be a good thread title, lol. Soooo...who nominated what I said? Sure to go over like a lead balloon with Cindilu2 and Luckiest1, lol. I aint taking the blame for this one, so don't be looking at me.
  11. I'd vote for You Light Up My Life as cheesiest but a lot of that has to do with the fact that I really hate that song. I actually liked it when it first came out, but it was played on the radio over and over and over again, so now I can't listen to it without gettiing the heebie jeebies. I remember those Freddy Fender songs. I did like him. I tend to like the singers who have a unique sound, like Fender, Bette Midler, Elton John, and our boyfriend. I don't dislike other singers, but for me, most of them are replaceable and forgettable.
  12. Hey CF, that cracks me up that a friend of Sparky's thinks Claymates are crazy. I mean seriously, she knows Sparky but thinks we're crazy. Are you sure she actually knows Sparky? Oh, don't mention this to Sparky ok. I'm afraid she'll hurt me. That frying pan she uses looks nasty. And I so wanted to comment on tribeca's post asking you if you were the make-out lady from Kimmel but my computer got all wonky on me.
  13. I understand why some fans are upset about the OFC. There have been promises made that have not happened, and I do think that is Clay's responsibility. It would probably better if things weren't promised at all, then everything extra would seem like a bonus. It might take pressure off of Clay too, which might actually make him more inclined to share things. I know I'm better at doing some things if I don't feel like its a duty. I, however, will be renewing because I also like the adrenalin of reading "He blogged" and racing over there. And I like to have the option of posting when something big comes up to be able to show my support or enthusiasm or whatever. Don't like going over there otherwise but that is partly because I can only handle so much chit chat before I go crazy, and they do way too much talking over there for me. I don't really understand the bashing for the board though. I don't really agree with all the decisions made, but sometimes for the bigger boards, more rules are probably needed to keep some kind of control. But the posters are no different than anywhere else. There are some that are great, some that are annoying for some reason, and some that you usually just want to smack.
  14. Hey, CF, didn't know you were into the biting thing, but I'm game. And not to give you an even bigger head but when you posted this: I know how to take clack. I know how to cap clack. I know how to crop the tail-end off of a vid if I let the tape run too long and it goes past the end of the song. I know how to upload to sendspace. I know how to screencap. I know how to save and crop pix in Paint. I know how to right click and save as. I know how to upload pix to PB. The extent of my knowledge is right click and save as. And as you can see, I still haven't bothered to figure out how to quote parts of posts. Also, still waiting for you to teach me about PB. Thank you guys for helping me with that clip. I'd forgotten all the stuff he'd talked about it that interview. And it was so funny when he was talking about not caring about fashion or hair and just doing what's comfortable or that he likes, and his mom getting mad at him for how he'd come to church. Now he's got thousands of fans who get upset with him for some clothing or hair style that he's had. And he probably still doesn't care. If it was a Yahoo thing, wouldn't that be something that could still be traced somehow? It would be cute to see.
  15. Thanks merrieee, I lost a bunch of stuff when my old computer died. I replaced most of the concert clack and tv shows, but some of that early stuff I couldn't even remember what they were to be able to look for them. And cindilu, I don't think it was a radio interview because some fans said they had video of it. I never saw it though.
  16. That puppy is adorable, as is the cute guy in the banner. I have a question about some old clack that I heard about long time ago. It was from when Clay was still on AI and he was being interviewed and he said something about being a sex symbol and then about not quoting him, I think. But then he ended with "I'm screwed" and I think you hear Kim L. laughing. I had audio of it at one time but had read that there was video but only a few people had it and that was before I knew anybody. Does anyone here know what clip I'm talking about, and better yet, does anyone here know how to find it? Clayzy, I feel for you. I actually had to stop being around my 3 sisters because of the way they were treating me because I liked Clay. It didn't have to do with homophobia in my case but it was about respect, which was sorely lacking in my family to begin with. I had to make the choice of breaking away or continuing to be treated like I was a mental case, so for my sanity and peace of mind, I chose to break away. Luckily, I have two great kids and some friends who do respect me, and all of you wonderful people here. And some crazy people at NNHB and the shed. Hey canfly .
  17. Aww, he's even adorable when he sneezes. I hate when people tell me to stay away from anything since if there is any interest for me at all, it will just push me to check it out. That's how I got hooked on Harry Potter books, because some people were freaking out about them. It doesn't work though if I have no interest, or am motivated to stay away from something. For instance, PH's site or one's like that, I am never going to be interested in going there. If it's worthwhile, it will eventually be brought to the Clay boards and if it's trash, I don't want to know about it. As for the CANN, I like it so far so have no idea why there is such a fuss about it. Like Couchie said, if they aren't posting those agenda filled blogs, I'm good with it.
  18. It probably wasn't queer..people are used to that..but as she said she used lots of other adjectives..I can't think of them right now..strawberry something or other. Our favorite strawberry fruitcake and rebel belle come to mind. Oh and I think the fans were called queenyboppers. LMAO! Really none of it bothered me cause instead of being said in an insulting way it came across to me as more endearing than anything else. And sorry but some of these actually made me laugh because they are soooo OTT. OMG, I must be totally insensitive as it never even crossed my mind that "strawberry fruitcake" and "rebel belle" were in any way negative. And, I kind of thought "queenyboppers" was cute. I'm like Fear on this. I wasn't crazy about the name calling either but I didn't think she was using them negatively. I just don't like name calling at all. I respect why she is doing it, with the taking the words back, but I don't understand it. To me, if it was a negative stereotype before, it's still a negative stereotype, doesn't matter if you use it for yourself or not. However, I did think it was a good article overall. Much better than some that have been inflicted on us over the years. And I could tell that she really liked and respected him, which was nice. Wonder if she's listened to OMWH, or how many fans are going to offer to send her a copy.
  19. Who can concentrate on the sunburn when there are some long, lean legs in a pair of nice fitting jeans?
  20. I really like this... he looks fabulous. I like this look too. He looks so much younger here and I got a thing for younger men. Especially this younger man. I loved the Motown section of the JBT and End of the Road was one of my favorites from that tour.
  21. I don't know styles and how to differentiate between them, but was Superstar and Always and Forever considered R&B? Because if he would sing the full versions of them, and songs like them, I would love it. Especially Superstar because when they showed that on Rewind, I realized why they didn't show it the first time. He blew them all out of the water with that. I really love deep voice Clay.
  22. muski, where do I sign up to get that book, and how soon will it be out? And I expect pics because I'm one of those visual people so I need it to get into the story and all.
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