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Everything posted by justclay12

  1. I'm one who pretty much likes everything Clay sings but if I had my choice, I would rather have either new songs or covers that haven't been played to death already. I loved how Clay sang the songs on ATDW's but I didn't like it as much as OMWH because they were songs that I'd heard several times before. I didn't even listen to music that much in the 80's and I'd heard all of those songs so I know they must have been played a lot. However, as long as he never sings a song like You Light Up My Life on his next cd, which I hate to this day because it got played every 20 seconds or something, I'll be fine.
  2. yeah that remember listening to him singing This is the Night he was suppose to say the word Right and said the word wrong I need to watch that again it cracks me up Which one was this? I wanna see too. Unfortunately for me, I have the attention span of a gnat so unless Clay cracks on himself or somebody mentions it, I would have no idea if he was singing the right words or not. He could be singing in latin for all I'd notice. Doesn't matter to me anyway cuz I just love his voice. I'm also one who enjoys when he goofs up or plays around on stage. One of the many things I love about that Clay Aiken guy is that he is never boring. And Couchie, I am so glad your sister sucked you in to watching AI cuz otherwise I would never have met you and I also would probably have had to sleep in my car after Clay's closing night.
  3. I watched it too 00lsee and I cried almost the entire last hour. I kept thinking of Clay and the fear he must have felt before he came out and I'm so glad that he's as strong as he is and that he does have people around him that love and accept him just as he is. But it also made me feel so sad for all those still struggling and who don't have someone who accepts them. I really hope it made some people open their eyes. And Couchie, it wouldn't bother me at all if you posted those pics on every page. It makes me feel good that he is so happy and has so much love in his life right now.
  4. Well, at least the coat is nice. And you guys have got to stop kissing up to canfly. She's starting to get a big head and she already has enough issues. Clayzy, is there a window you can throw her out of?
  5. It almost looks like two different people. In the Orville pics, although still adorable, he looks about 40. In the pics with the fans he looks about 12. I've never seen a man have so many different looks. Who could ever get bored?
  6. Those pictures were just what I needed. Had a crappy day, topped off my dropping my cell into the toilet. I'm hoping I was able to salvage it since I took out the battery and opened it all up and its been drying several hours. Seeing Clay so happy and having fun is wonderful to see. Got to admit though that I'm getting a little invested in the relationship. They look so adorable together and seem like such a perfect couple. So shoot me. I'm a romantic, what can I say.
  7. I didn't see anyone bragging about being there and feeling like special fans. What I saw is that Clay made them feel special for that one night and I love him all the more for that. They are happy and their happiness and the impressions that they are bringing to us makes me better about not being able to hear all the news. That, and time. Sometimes its better to take a step back. That's why I don't like going to the boards, usually the bigger ones, when negative stuff is going on because it just adds stress. And I'm not blaming either side for this because both those who were happy and those who were disappointed had a right to their feelings, but then one side starts attacking and then the other side feels they need to defend themselves, and you wind up with a war. Loved Clay's Unicef blog and the pictures. I really liked his hair that way. Now I'm going to start looking forward to the GFI thing and wondering what he is planning next. And working on my portfolio for juncture and lots of reading and planning for my classes.
  8. That was an excellent re-cap. She gave us a feeling of what it was like and she was even understanding for those of us who were disappointed. I'm sorry that any of the members got nasty PMs though because that is not called for. Some of the posts were already starting to get nasty when I left that night, which was why I'm steering clear for a few days. Hate to think what the PM's were like if they were worse than the posts. I'm glad that they all had such a great time and I hope they won't let the nastiness in any way spoil the night for them.
  9. ldyj, excellent post and it showed sympathy to those who are having a problem with this. I'm not as happy or accepting as a lot of you on here, although not as bent out of shape as some. I am disappointed and I was upset but much of that has to do with many of my own issues. I have always felt like an outsider, for many reasons, but usually I can deal with it because some of the people who've excluded me were people I wouldn't want to hang around with anyway. Cheerleaders and exclusive country club members come to mind. However, when I feel excluded by someone I respect and care about, it brings up all those rejection issues and it hurts. I realize that Clay may have very valid reasons for not wanting his words repeated, and what I have read here has made me understand that, but it doesn't stop me from feeling left out again. Usually I don't have a problem with people getting m&g's or getting to go to gatherings but when it starts feeling like some type of exclusive club where the same people, over and over, get the priviledges, I do wind up having some problems with resentment. I wish that wasn't the case but it is. Especially when not only do I feel like I haven't been invited to the party, but I also can't even look in the window and enjoy it vicariously. Hope that makes sense to some of you. Now for the next few days, I think I'll stay from the one board, since I don't need to feed my own insecurities anymore than they already are. Hopefully, you stronger people can bring over anything newsworthy in the meantime. With all that being said, I'm not going anywhere. Clay is still a class act to me. He went out of his way to make the night special for the people there and for xxx4clay, who couldn't be there.
  10. Well muski beat me to it. I just read that over at the CH. I sure do love that guy and I'm glad that xxx4clay didn't totally miss out.
  11. Scarlett, what the heck are you talking about? Subjunctive mood. What the heck is that? All this grammar stuff is starting to make my head hurt. And what a suprise, canfly likes the pretty smilies. She's so easily amused.
  12. Well, I saved the photoshops before I found out but they're pretty anyway so who cares. Not really a fan of photoshops but at least the creator of them didn't try to pass them off as real. Couchie, glad things are better with your mother. Liney, congratulations on your weight loss. I'd never be able to do it though because vegetables are probably my least favorite food group, unless you smother it with cheese or butter or sauces. Basically smothering to the point where I get just a hint of the vegetable. Great job on the WFI guys. And CF, are you stalking me now? Admit it, you want me dontcha.
  13. CF's such a prude. However, it's so much fun squicking you out that I can't help discussing it, so you are just going to have to get used to it. Now I'm going to have to come up with different scenarios to put into your head. What fun.
  14. Although I don't understand Jaycee's viewpoint, at least she was respectful, and brought about some good discussion on the board so I don't have a problem with respecting her view. And it's like KAndre said, we all have different visions of Clay that are more enjoyable than others. I loved the 2003 Clay. I just love the 2009 Clay more and I'm sure I'll love the future Clay even more. I think the reason I haven't had a problem with the changes is because I think change is a great thing most of the time, so I just accepted each new thing we learned about Clay as it happened. I didn't wake up one day and see someone totally different. Although the announcement did put me into shock for a couple of days. Had to re-shift some thinking on that one. One of the things that I love the most about Clay, besides all the smutty stuff, is that he is one of the least judgemental people that I know. He's very accepting of others, much moreso than I will ever be, but I'm trying. However, for those fans who have stayed in the fandom but still act like total bitches, I have no patience whatsoever. If you are still pissed off for whatever reason, just go somewhere and work it out quietly because I'm sick of hearing it. And georgiesmybaby, I love that picture of Clay and Ruben too. It was so sweet.
  15. Clayzy, wish I could help with bringing that pic over but I haven't bothered to learn how to do pics unless I steal them from some other board, which I just found out is hotlinking and is frowned on. So for anyone here at FCA, if I've ever stolen any of your pictures from somewhere, I apologize. I think the picture she was referring to is the b/w pic with Hannah where he looks tipsy/horny/sleepy, take your pick. It was just one moment in time so there is really nothing that can be told from it, at least from his perspective. From my perspective, he looked damn hot and sexy.
  16. Actually, what I'm trying to understand is, why now? In the past six years, he's shown us that he isn't the sweet innocent boy that some believed him to be, so why is there a problem now? I really want to understand this.
  17. Clayzycoffin, I am so very glad you found this board. I love your posts and you are very wise. And you can get on your soapbox anytime.
  18. Muski, that was a great post. I agreed with you right up until the end because it's actually all about me. And me myb, if I saw Clay walking naked down the street, I wouldn't be thinking of nuthin. Wouldn't be conscious very long either. Surprised you passed that one up muski.
  19. Wow, some interesting discussions going on since I went to sleep last night. That's what I get for falling asleep, now there will be 6 hours of no posts. I agree about what most have said about Clay. The fundamentals of who he was 6 years ago are still a large part of who he is today. Part of the changes aren't so much how he's changed, although that also plays a role, but in what we have since found out about him. We only saw a small part of who he was in the beginning, and have since learned so much more about him, and for me, I love him more with each new thing that I've learned about him. He is endlessly fascinating and always entertaining. And he is still one of the best examples of a good, decent man that I've ever seen.
  20. Couchie, the only ones I've seen identified is Rick C.(I think) who has his arm in Clay's crotch, and Andrew Fitch who is in the overalls. All I gotta say is Rick C is one lucky bastard. And clayzycoffin, just noticed that stuff under your post. You don't want to sleep with him? That's just all kinds of wrong. Now I need to go to bed. Night FCA.
  21. I agree Muski. It does seem different this time, maybe because the one's who were shouting the loudest before about conspiracy have been recognized as the loonies that they are.
  22. Gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous man. I don't mind the speculation, actually enjoy most of it, as long as people don't get too invested in whatever scenerio they come up with or don't act like they know what is going to happen, because they don't. And although I don't believe in the whole conspiracy theory, it doesn't stop me from thinkng that there are a bunch of idiots at RCA.
  23. The news about the SAU montage makes me very happy. Sure hope it is broadcast on tv so millions of others can hear it. Are they broadcasting the inauguration balls? I've never watched before.
  24. Poor Couchie. Hope she starts feeling better soon and that they figure out what's going with her mom.
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