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Everything posted by justclay12

  1. I saw that episode but didn't notice the music either, not that I would have known what it meant, but thought Nigel's comments were offensive. I was kind of uncomfortable watching those two though but not sure quite why because I loved watching Reed and the other male dancers in that Defying Inequality video. Maybe it was because of the tacky costumes, which did not help the dancers any, in my opinion. I hate those outfits cut down to almost their belly button. Just gross. It makes me even madder though that they chose to show it that way, which only made the whole thing even more of a gay type joke at the expense of the dancers. This wasn't a live show, so they could have chosen to edit it in any way they chose, yet they made it in an offensive and insensitive way. Jerks. Same to the rest of the media who didn't call them out for it.
  2. Ya just now noticed me? My ego is bruised. And hey back. Missed it here but it has been a hectic couple of months. I'm almost done my fixing up my new place although there will be stuff crammed into a closet until I move again because I'm sick of trying to figure out where to put stuff. Once I get everything fixed and clean again, I will post pics of my new place. I painted and stuff, and by the way, painters don't get paid nearly enough. I like it, and it's bigger, and I have both my kids with me but my son has the entire bottom floor to himself so I don't have to kill him.
  3. treenuts and OOlsee, you two crack me up. I like when you two post here so that I can actually tell you that. I've read both of your posts at CH but can never comment.
  4. Finally caught up but it's way past my bedtime. Just wanted to post my appreciation for Couchie and I love how you run this board. Also wanted to yeah that (too tired to look for the emote) to everyone here who didn't see what the big deal was with Clay's blog. I even liked Adam, not loved mind you, too much shrieking for me, but all I read was Clay giving his opinion about a certain performance. Since I feel he has as much right as anyone else to express himself, I didn't have a problem with it. Nice to see Ansa post again. Hopefully, now that I am done painting and school is out, and once I get my poor laptop back, I will start posting more again. Unfortunately, I had to go a whole weekend without it because it died. My hard drive crashed, so please keep posting pics cuz I need to start filling up folders again. Although this time, they are getting put on PB for safety's sake. Good night everyone who is still awake.
  5. Just be grateful that she didn't bring over 3 page explanations of something. It's a wonder she doesn't have carpal tunnel. I have to head to bed now because I have to get up tomorrow at 6am, which is an ungodly hour for someone like me, but wanted to let you know I was still alive. Finished my finals- got 2 A's and 2 B's for the semester, yay me- and I've been moving for what seems like the last 6 months but has only been a month. That includes painting and all that wonderful stuff, which is why I haven't been around. Between school, work, and moving, I'm exhausted. Thank goodness for summer break. Good God, she done posted again. What a blabbermouth.
  6. liney, thanks for bringing that comment over. I love reading stuff like that. Hopefully he'll now go out and buy some cd's.
  7. Haven't been able to post much here because RL has been crazy for the past few months. I've had a lot of school projects I've had to do, and I got my to teach a whole class of 5th graders a few times this semester, which was not nearly as stressful for me as it was last semester. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. And I start student teaching in the fall and I'm really looking forward to it. This time it will be 4th graders. I'm also working on moving and I am extremely thankful to my daughter who has been doing most of the work right now since between my school and work, I haven't had the time or energy. We move next week, and my son is moving in with us, which has good and bad elements in it. The bad being that my son is a pig. He will have the whole bottom floor to himself but I told him not to even think about letting it go like he does at his apartment now. It's amazing how disgusting it can be when two young men share an apartment. Yuck. I saw that youtube of Susan Boyle and thought she was awesome. I think what really strikes you is the same thing as with Clay. You don't expect those voices to come out of them. Don't know if I'll follow her through youtube or not, partly because I only have time for one obsession, but also because a lot of times I'll see someone that really impresses me, like that Charice girl. But then after a few songs, it's usually just meh to me because they usually only do one style really well and I get bored. Same like Josh Grobin. Think he has a great voice but after a couple of songs, I'm done. Clay is one of the rare singers who can do so many things with his voice and always keeps things fresh. He can express so many emotions with his voice and sing so many styles. And the way he sings certain phrases or uses different intonations, I never get bored listening to him. God, I want to hear him sing again. And with the epipen comment, I think it was on someone else's FB or MS. I think one of the dancers had an allergic reaction so I didn't really take his comment as suggestive. But it did add another piece to his and Clay's relationship for the simple fact that he carries an epipen, which he apparently doesn't need for himself or he would have taken it with him. I love those two guys together. They are so perfect for each other that it's scary.
  8. That man sure does like to keep us guessing. I'll sure be glad when April 16th is over with so I can stop wondering if something's going to happen on that day. Love that he's keeping in touch more, even if he still likes to drive me crazy. He's never boring.
  9. That pic of Clay and Reed hugging makes my heart fill so full. I am so happy for him. He deserves nothing but the best.
  10. FromClaygary, I think I read at CV that the president of GLAAD was the guy who make good comments about Clay on that E! show.
  11. You're right! Maybe I should have mentioned the kingpin! and his big balls better? Ooh, picture proof. Yeah, that works.
  12. I just love reading those two words. Couldn't get over there fast enough. And treenuts, glad to see you posting here more. Love your smutting over at the CH. Got any?
  13. CF hasn't mastered nice yet, i.e. the endearment above. We're still working on it.
  14. There's a discussion going on at CV now about privacy and some fans attacking others for "stalking". While I'm not one to go to all those different sites, I love the info that is brought back, as long as it's not from crap sites. And I do believe that both Clay and Reed are both very aware of what they are doing. Clay has his FB set to private and we have seen nothing at all from there. Reed apparently has some of his stuff set to private and others that only certain friends can see, so to me that says that they are both in control of what is going out. Nothing is being said that is extremely personal and I'm sure that FB is not their primary means of communication. I'm just glad to see these little bits of information and it makes me all mushy inside. I'm happy because I can see that Clay is happy, and I couldn't have picked a better man for him than Reed.
  15. Thanks for bringing that over tribeca. I love reading posts like that.
  16. I thought Clay looked adorable and all I noticed was the gorgeous smile. And yay Couchie. Make that money so you have it for whatever Clay is going to suprise us with next.
  17. I wasn't implying that flying in First Class or buying an expensive model car was unusual for Clay. Speaking as a former flight attendant, it's pretty unusual for ANY celebrity not to fly in First Class. However, the Premium Service, or whatever it's called appears to go way beyond ordinary First Class pricewise and service-wise. And who knows, maybe his car lease was up. My point (which I guess I didn't make very well) was regarding the TIMING of these recent purchases. Flying Premium Service and buying a new car AT THIS POINT IN TIME didn't strike me as the actions of someone who had nothing coming up to generate income in the foreseeable future. Somehow an upcoming appearance on ANTM wouldn't really justify that kind of purchase, I wouldn't think. So (since my middle name is Pollyanna), I'm interpreting that to mean there is cool career news coming that Clay feels secure about, but to which we are not yet privy. It makes me happy to think that, so there. I'll be happy to loan out my rose-colored glasses to anyone else who would like to see things my way. Hey Perma, I've got my own rose colored glasses but thanks for the offer. Funny that we have the same middle name cuz what you said sure sounds good to me. And I didn't know you use to be a flight attendent. Learn something new every day.
  18. The university that I am going to stresses the importance of inclusion for all children. And I go to school in WV, which isn't actually know for it's open-mindedness, so I'm hoping most schools are training teachers this way now. And happy birthday Gibby.
  19. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. Amen! You know, for me, it isn't even about being "defensive" or "overly sensitive". It's about knowing the medium and always questioning. Heck, I don't just believe what I see on the nightly news or read in the paper either. I question it all. That is just who I am. If someone wants to believe this supposed BMG insider comment that's their business. But not everyone is going to jump on that bandwagon. And expect questions, especially if it starts being presented as some sort of factual information. Skeptical? Yep. I'll cop to that one. I'm with you. I haven't gotten to middle age without learning something and that is that everything that I hear or read needs to be considered and analyzed. Can't remember if I posted my opinion about that BMG "insider" here so if I did, you'll just have to get it twice. I agree with most of you intelligent ladies here (that excludes CF) because even though I do believe all or most of that was actually the case, I don't believe that was an insider. Sounded too much like those Clay fans who make crap up based on speculation on the boards to make their case. Just like those those references we'd hear before Clay came out about him being spotted with some woman, who just happened to resemble the person that was being speculated about on the boards. They may have been valid sightings because I wouldn't be suprised if Clay hung out with his friends outside of work, but they sounded too much like the poster was trying to push their "he's straight" agenda. I read ellenpoppy's posts over at the CB, and I usually agree with her. She was saying about how it was just so convenient that this BMG poster happened to not only "know" the inside dealings with RCA, but they also apparently were TC insiders because they knew what was going on from that angle too. As far as cite and site, I could possibly understand that, but the whole tone of the post seemed so unprofessional. It just came off wrong to me. If someone like ellenpoppy or berkeley had written it, I might be fooled, cuz they write some great stuff, but that response seemed to come off as desperate to prove that Clay is not washed up. If they'd just have some faith in Clay, they'd realize that they had nothing to prove. He is nowhere near finished and we are in store for some amazing stuff. That man is so talented in so many ways, and is smart and hardworking and funny and a whole bunch of other good stuff. So the only way he will ever go away is if he chooses to, and I don't see that happening. Why bother with a top-notch PR person if you are just planning on heading back to NC to live off your previous earnings? Hell, I'm going to start getting a yappy reputation like CF now. She's starting to rub off on me people. And Scarlett, were you hitting on me? Cuz I'm looking forward to be adding to your list of bed partners.
  20. Good God CF, you off your meds again? Have to go and catch up now since yappy here took me half an hour to read.
  21. CF, freaking you out would definitely make it worthwhile for me. I'm gonna start planning now.
  22. Aww, canfly said I'm cute. I'm touched. And Scarlett, I'll sleep with ya. If the price is right, I'll sleep with any one of you...even CF.
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