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Everything posted by justclay12

  1. I wish that people who are criticizing Clay for last night would just take a moment to think about what he has been through this past year. For God's sake, the man just had major jaw surgery earlier this year. He's already told us that he has not done a lot of singing for quite awhile, and part of that had to do with the surgery. Plus most of last year he was in Spam and not really singing like he does. Then his grandfather just died last week. What the hell do people want from him. I did hear rough notes, I don't count the forgotten lines cuz that's just Clay, but I thought he sounded beautiful. It was actually easier for me to hear his voice on the clack than live because the acoustics weren't working for me. The others at the table didn't have the same problem so it was probably me, but his voice is still the most beautiful on the planet. As far as song choices, I've always loved Moon River since I heard Audrey Hepburn sing it in Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Clay's version was wonderful with the deep notes. I really hate to hear people say stuff about how Clay's song choices are going to doom his career. Although there may be long time fans who are going to complain about it, or possibly even leave, there may be many people who will be tuned in, especially if he is marketed right. It's not just little gray haired grannies who like some of these older songs, there are many young people who hate much of the crap on the radio as well, and who are looking for great music. I think fans need to leave the worrying about Clay's career to him and the people around him, and just enjoy or not enjoy the music. Me, I'll enjoy it no matter what he sings because it's all about the voice for me. Well, the man is damn fine too. And since my post is still less than canfly's tomes, I just want to add that I enjoyed seeing so many of you this weekend and hope we have more opportunities soon. ldyj, glad I finally met up with you. And KAndre, you are truly unique.
  2. I wanna know more about this ClayAikenfan nursing home. Is it all Clay, 24 hours a day? How do I get in? Should I apply for membership now?
  3. I'm really impressed so far with Decca. They've already talked about Clay in the past month or so than RCA did in the last year. They actually act like they are happy to have him, which is a new development, and they haven't even made the big announcement yet. I'm looking forward to what's coming.
  4. I was taking care of two clients with Alzheimer's, both had Downs Syndrome so they got it at an earlier age than most. The one I love didn't get it until she was in her early 60's, which is rare for people with Down's, who normally get it in their 40's. Both of them hated baths, and the one will scream and hit at you. Neither like to be moved either or to go out, which was hard for me to see because my lady used to love to go out. I even took her to a Clay Christmas concert and she was so cute. Thank God the sound from the stage went all of the way through the place because she sat there and sang at the top of her lungs. Wasn't words, cuz she only said a few words, but they made sense to her. And then she would giggle. I think I hate Alzheimer's more than any disease after watching what it did to her.
  5. That is beautiful Scarlett. I've never heard that quote before. It's very comforting.
  6. I'm really sorry for Clay and his family now. Whenever there is an illness or disease that makes the last years difficult for all those involved, there is usually always mixed feelings. When my mom was sick, I knew it would be better for her to let go, but when it happened, I kept wishing that we'd had more time. There is also a lady that I love, and took care of for a couple of years, who is now suffering from dementia and I hate both options. It's going to tear me up when she goes. Thankfully Clay's family seems very close, so they have each other for support. On another note, I love that Durham has a FB and his profile is hysterical. Now I want to know who went looking for Durham Aiken on FB to find him in the first place.
  7. Crap, my pic is canfly's so it's doomed. Number 2 just looks more like Clay to me, plus it shows the whole length of him.
  8. That's great news about the BAF. I just wanted to pop in to say how excited I am that I'm finally going to meet both ldyj and laughn. I've enjoyed both of your posts so will be glad to finally meet you. And so as not to exclude anyone else, I'm also excited about meeting all of the fans going to the gala.
  9. I don't usually read the posts before I vote but I did today. So it actually made it an easier choice for me since #2 was getting all the love, except for CF cuz she has crappy taste anyway, I had to throw it to the schmoopie face in #1.
  10. Well, I didn't like the green sweater in the beginning when he was so skinny and you could see the white tee shirt underneath, but boy did that change when he wore it with his long blond hair during the making of OMWH video. He filled it out really nice and the blond hair looked so good with it. ldyj, thanks for doing the tournament. It gives me a chance to look at gorgeous pics of Clay and it has the added benefit of allowing treenuts make some comment that cracks me up. Downside is it brings that picky bitch CF over here. She just can't stay away from me.
  11. There, there treenuts, at least whichever pic wins, it will be one of your favorites. I loved them both but today I was in the mood for #2. If I picked tomorrow, I might have gone with #1.
  12. Thank heavens I've liked every picture in this tournament so I won't be disappointed with any one that wins. Now if you'd included a pic from the Jenna Bush night, then I'd be upset, although it would be highly unlikely to have gotten to even the 2nd round. I went with shallow this time. Loved his look on Leno. The suit, the long legs, the stubble, the hair (shaddup CF, I didn't ask you).
  13. Boy was this one tough. I felt like doing what treenuts was doing, but I ended up going for those gorgeous green eyes. And have to agree with liney in that one being an artsy pic.
  14. Caro, your grandbaby is beautiful. I love that pic. And yay for Clay coming in 2nd. 2nd has been pretty good for him so I'll take it, especially considering the amount of time he's been around. Adam will be lucky if his fans are as dedicated 6 years later.
  15. Oh cool, another place I can watch CF get smacked. I do it all the time. It's fun and since she's wrong so much of the time, I get to do it a lot.
  16. I'm with treenuts. Love that whole look. And since CF is voting for the other one, odds are good that my pick will win. Not that I'd have a problem with that cuz he's adorable in the other one too.
  17. Ooh, I love that photo that muski was talking about, and if that had been the other choice, I may have gone the other way, but I had to go for shmoopy face. It just touches my heart.
  18. I never stress over how Clay looks. Some looks I like better than others but I like that he looks different from one pic to the next. Sure makes things interesting. And I'm another who usually doesn't give much thought to appearance. I figure as long as I've taken a shower in the morning and brushed my teeth, I'm good to go. I keep my hair short so I can either brush it or just ruffle my hand through it depending on my mood. I also make sure to change my underwear every day. That's good enough for me although I have sisters who constantly want me to wear mascara or some make-up or blow dry my hair, etc. Forget that. I wanna sleep until the last possible second.
  19. Oh good, CF is voting the other way today so my pic should win. Had no problems with this choice. Love that face in #1, along with the rest of the body shown there. I liked the blonde look too but I'm pretty easy when it comes to hair, but fell instantly in love with pic #1.
  20. This is one of the toughest choices for me but I eventually went with #2. I sure love hearing about the backstory of #1 though with holding the fan up his back.
  21. Aww man. I hate when I pick the same one as CF cuz then it always loses. The only time she picked the winner was on the day she didn't vote.
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