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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. because KAndre is a charter member of the eHP....

    I personally hope the self-righteous judgemental assholes can't bring themselves to leave the fandom, being tortured every day that the dude they love is perfectly cheerful doing whatever the hell he wants and at the end, [deity] says, "Dudettes! I gave you an example of how to be happy and someone to be happy about! How did you manage to screw it up!" And I will peek around [deity] and point my finger and laugh.

    Hey I like this too!!!

    this is one time I really want a blog...cos I want confirmation already so I can start EEEE.

  2. ok...now here we go...

    Now some sites are saying:

    It's a boy!

    Clay says he's happy as can be, thinks Jaymes is wonderful, etc., and they have no plans to wed.

    Foster's camp is now backpedaling on that rep's 'statement', he's saying he was misquoted, etc....

    How is he misquoted...oh damn it..just when I am getting excited and imagining a cute red headed baby...it might not be true...


  3. I'm with Couchie...just grinnin' to myself.

    Yup can;t help this big ol grin on my face. I think this comes from all kinds of things. ONE is that clay always manages to surprise me. Yup I wouldn't have thought this rumor could be true so that was a HUGE surprise. I;m smiling because it really explains a lot of his decision with regards to this CD...and MOST of all...I know Clay would be a great dad and I know he wants a family so I am just sooo happy for him.

    I really think that Clay and Jaymes have a special bond and I don;t care how this happened its none of my business....but I think that baby will be very very lucky...

    heeeeee.....".Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in!"

    Soooo, what's happening in Clay World today?

    Ms Tomato said:

    Anyway, it doesn't really need to make sense to me. The one thing I'm sure of is that Clay didn't go into this with his eyes shut. It was planned by the both of them. And it was something he wanted. Whether it's because he's in a committed relationship and it was the only way, or it's because he wanted to help a friend, or because he wanted to be a dad - he had his reasons. It tells me that he is very close to this woman because they are now connected for life.

    Yup. Doesn't need to make sense to me either! If I had a dollar for everybody who has insisted to me that they just NEED to understand something I have done when it did not involve them, I would not be looking for a job. (Those people are all told that no, they don't need to understand. Period.)

    TOTAL WORD on this. We really do not need to understand or even approve of any of it. I just hope that in the end we can all accept and be happy for them.

    I hope we get the due date soon so I can add it to the countdown! :cryingwlaughter:



  4. I can't imagine anything he could have done -- including Idol -- that would have garnered more buzz than this!

    Next to consider -- if it's true -- where will the baby be born?




    Could he be expecting his very own little Claynadian Princess?

    Of course he'll name her Carolina.

    I know and IF its true...I don't care about the how or why...just thrilled that Clay will have a BABY!!!!

    ok...can;t get too excited until we hear from the Clay camp...hee

    Gah...I wonder if Jimmy will have something to say about this!!!

    This really will explain why he wanted to release this CD this May...so he can just enjoy the moment in August...IF ITS TRUE!!!

    Here's hoping its true if that's what Clay wants. With all that money between the two of them there is no reason the child couldn't go on tour and live on both coasts. Lucky kid. :7:

    I'm kind of shocked that some people think that it's disgraceful. Whatever the facts, that's one lucky kid. They must be so excited. I hope they'll share baby pics and give us progress reports. :clap:

    I think were gonna need some baby buggy emoticons.

    NAh...that just very predictable...so is he still in LA????

  5. Two years ago the vile story was spread by an unsavory character that was looking for attention from Clay. The story also never made it to the entertainment news like ET...it stayed a tabloid story...so Clay and TC was right in not giving that any kind of attention.

    This story is very different. It involves a very good friend of Clay and is all over internet news. I think Clay would want to make a statement about this to protect Jaymes.

    If this story is true, then I think Jaymes is the one to speak of it whenever she's ready --- preferably with Clay standing next to her and looking proud as a peacock. But I don't think Clay should preempt her news -- if it's true. Why would she need protection?

    Well if we could believe ET then the Foster camp has confirmed it. Protection...not in any physical sense but from fans that would be saying she is using him and such. This fandom can be very tough to the women in his life.

  6. Two years ago the vile story was spread by an unsavory character that was looking for attention from Clay. The story also never made it to the entertainment news like ET...it stayed a tabloid story...so Clay and TC was right in not giving that any kind of attention.

    This story is very different. It involves a very good friend of Clay and is all over internet news. I think Clay would want to make a statement about this to protect Jaymes.

  7. KAndre's still on her back, legs waving wildly in the air...

    Wait a minute...maybe Clay's trying to breed his own younger demographic?

    You seem to be in position - are you volunteering?


    Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from slapping somebody upside the head, or screaming, or crying, or whatever.

    It just reads like so much back water baby mama rumors though, doesn't it.

    I'm surprised it didn't say "multiple sources texted TMZ...."


    Funniest line so far from cate at the CH:

    I always thought that Clay would have a Foster child someday.

    What. *g*


    Yep, I had to come out of lurkdom there to BWAH! it. :cryingwlaughter:

    Blows my mind how seriously some are taking this piece of gossip.

    BWAH I am really having so much fun with this

    Whether it is true or not (and if I am honest, I would be thrilled if it was); I guess I don't see it is as the worst thing in the world to be said about Clay. He had much worse said about him in 2006...If it is not true, he is probably laughing his ass off.

    I am sure we will get a blog or press release confirming or denying...until then; I am just going to chill.


    This is really such a benign rumor. IF there is any kernel of truth in this ...like if Jaymes is really pregnant then we will probably hear more about it from Clay. But if there is no bun in the oven I bet he just ignores this.

    I'm thinking this is a bunch of rumors running around in the fandom that got mixed up and TMZ comes up this frankenstein of a story. In the end, nothing lost or gained by it I suppose except for giving US a pretty good laugh...

  8. WOW Clay was sure feisty in that interview...I love it...

    Iseeme, your posts always makes me think...unfortunately I just haven;t had the chance to really respond until now....

    Buble vs Clay:

    I think there are a lot of differences in their career that made it seem like Micheal has had it easier than Clay...

    > First of all...Buble came to the international music scene with a musical identity and a focused market and target demographic. There was no question that he is a cover artist singing standards so the critics immediately viewed his products in that context. Clay on the other hand was a dilemma. On AI people pegged him as the crooner ... or the teen heartthrob which means two different direction. His first single TITN seemed like he was being groomed for the AC market...but RCA decided to court the teen market and top 40 with Invisible. In retrospect this was probably a mistake because the critics and even some of the AI fans didn't think this was a good fit as he said its putting his square peg in a round hole. So now critics are still looking at his work as if he is trying to be a top 40 artist even if he has said that is no longer their goal.

    > Micheal was not an overnight sensation. He has been in this business for a long time and he was not selling platinum right away either. I think his break out hit was Home and that was not an overnight hit either. The CD that came from wasn't a blockbuster right from the start. This is one of those CDs that had long legs because of the slow build and long exposure on AC radio. Clay on the other hand was an overnight success. With Rolling Stone cover, multiplatinum sales his first week...that was an anomaly, and the kind of success critics love to poke holes in because they don't think he has earned his cred yet.

    > Their image is also very different. Micheal has that cool rat pack persona. Clay has always been a self proclaimed geek that people think is in the closet...

    >Micheal came into prominence because of his Music. Clay is well known for the Loser of AI2 that beat the winner in sales....Because Clay hasn't had a major hit but still gets major buzz in the media, he is seen as a celebrity first then a recording star second.

    > Clay has a cult following that is considered...a bit cra enthusiastic...

    ....I think Clay at this point is on the right track to establish his musical identity. But he is forging his own path because he is not totally AC like Buble and Groban...and he is a bit more AC than John Mayer. He is in between these two path and people the industry are not used to a person that won't be pigeon holed. So his journey as a recording artist won't be easy. Its like he is starting from scratch now but I am confident that he will continue to build his audience if we could just be patient and not try and ram Clay down people's throats.

    I always thought the plan was this....

    Use to momentum of the Spamalot run to get good TV promo and hope that the fans would give the CD good initial sales. THEN the fanbase building will start with the use of radio and the internet as Clay takes a break. Then Clay comes back promoting next single and probably with tour plans.

    Most recording artist don;t follow this plan because they would have a hard time getting any TV promo if they do not have a hit climbing the charts. So they would usually have the first single out to radio for weeks before they release the full CD...hoping it will build enough audience and attention so they could be booked on nationwide TV shows during the week their CD drops. In a way Clay is like the big recording stars that he has enough celebrity power that he can go on a TV promo with a very small lead time and with no real hit on the chart. Now at this point its natural that he will have a huge drop in sales after the hardcore fanbase has bought the CD. Now he needs to get the casual fans attention and the non fans to like the CD... he will have to be in line with the other artist that are relying on a slow and steady radio exposure for this while he is resting.

    I think the reason why the fans think this is it and no more promo and the CD is doomed because that was the pattern of the ATDW promo. BUT that CD was considered by TC as a niche album. I think thats because Clay didn't want to be known as a cover artist so they didn't want that CD to define Clay. So they let it die out and they worked on this CD right away. BUT....OMWH is very different. This is the kind of songs Clay wants to be known for. He needs this CD to be successful. He needs this CD to establish him on radio so I don't think they will let this die out. If Clay wasn't too tired at this point I bet he would be out there with a concert and visiting radio stations and trying to get more promo. BUT the guy needs to take a break. Its a risk he has to take...and I think we just have to be patient and have faith in his talent and this CD that people will continue to hear it, love it and buy it for months to come.

    ASHES....I really don't have anything against this song. I like it and maybe it would be a good single, but it is not my favorite. BUT the people that are trying to force the issue or just wont let it go is doing it a great disservice cos its just creating a division in the fandom that Clay does not need.

  9. Spent the whole day shopping...was sooo tired coming home that I almost went straight to bed.

    so I am so happy that lots of people have been doing posts for me...

    Muski...you expecting arrows here??? this is FCA so you get abig WORD from me for your rant...

    CG...another HUGE WORD from me....

    I really think as the songs try and build steam on radio...we have to expect sales to get even lower...but it does not mean it can't get better as the song gets more play.

    At this time....what we have to do...the vibe or energy we have to put out there is for OMWH to keep climbing the chart. If we want any of the other songs to get played on radio...if we want this CD to continue to sell steadily....


    all the hair pulling, finger pointing, and blaming is getting everyone no where really.

    If fans need to do that to feel better...just get it done then lets just do things to help. If not..just let it go already...

  10. OMG...CG...thanks for reminding me about MOAM AOL sessions cos that is one of my very very favorite live performance of Clay. I actually was crying the night I listened to it because his voice was so real...so vulnerable and truly gave me chills. I remember the reaction to that video was all over the place. There were people that were very disappointed with it and others like me who just loved it.

    I guess to me I don't really mind imperfections when I feel that the singer is really very in touch with the emotion of the music. I think that is why I can appreciate singers like Jason and Brooke of AI. So this MOAM is actually the version that I have on my Clay faves play list.

    Anyway...I am watching it again and getting chills all over. LOVE!!!

    I really love WIDTL... I think that could be a hit for Clay, I hope they bring it out as a single...

    Actually, it was the AOL Sessions of MOAM that made me like that song! I didn't care for it before, and still don't love it on the CD, but that version, imperfections and all, made me love it!

    Yeah me too...I didn;t really like it that much. This is what made me love it and was glad he added the acoustic version on IT.

  11. OMG...CG...thanks for reminding me about MOAM AOL sessions cos that is one of my very very favorite live performance of Clay. I actually was crying the night I listened to it because his voice was so real...so vulnerable and truly gave me chills. I remember the reaction to that video was all over the place. There were people that were very disappointed with it and others like me who just loved it.

    I guess to me I don't really mind imperfections when I feel that the singer is really very in touch with the emotion of the music. I think that is why I can appreciate singers like Jason and Brooke of AI. So this MOAM is actually the version that I have on my Clay faves play list.

    Anyway...I am watching it again and getting chills all over. LOVE!!!

    I really love WIDTL... I think that could be a hit for Clay, I hope they bring it out as a single...

  12. I really didn;t think his voice was ragged on Sessions...I actually thought its one of his better live performances. I just think that the few baubles was just his chords not used to singing these songs live yet. My impression of him right now...he is just tired. I think once he has had his rest and is raring to go on stage once again...watch out.

    I do love these songs...I haven't been listening to the CD non stop cos I got into some audiobooks...but through the day bits and pieces of the different songs play in my head.

  13. I don;t think Clay said he was not invited. He said they asked if he could perform but they wanted to give others the chance. So when it comes to the finale its possible he was invited to be in the audience but chose not to attend. There was a rumor Daughtry was goign to be there but he wasn't I don't think.

    There is a dilemma with the idols that have had some success like Clay, Jennifer, Fantasia, Kelly, Daughtry, Ruben, Carrie. You kinda expect them to do something on the show not just sit in the audience. BUT with the finale being sooo popular...AI can fill up their shows with bigger stars than these idols. So they can pick and choose which ones to go on and right now the biggest idol success is Carrie. Jordin had to be there cos she was last years winner. So I think for the others...its better to just not attend at all rather than sit with the audience.

    I think a good time for Clay to come on is in the top 3 results...but I guess Fantasia had her turn and gave her own water cooler moment.

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