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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. well...you also can't expect to post such negativity and not get a reaction.

    at this point I say...people are free to have their opinion. But if you share that opinion on a public board...you have to expect reaction whether yay or nay.

    just because people disagree does not mean you cannot post your thoughts...

    I think what I find bothersome at times is when people post their opinions like it was facts...

  2. thanks so much for sharing your stories justclay12 and calurker

    I'm here for the WTF. shrug.gif



    oops sorry canfly...was doing it really quick..

    welcome deyabird...I do recognize your CH sn...hope you can join us at the main thread!

  3. welcome...Claikendee

    Canfly...amazed at how you can do all those quotes thing. I can never keep all of them straight when I copy them and I often forget what I wanted so say when I reach the end...

    so so new scandal or blog out! I was sure Couchie and Iseeme going away would do it!!!

    I really don't need him to say anything about this. But I have to admit...I am a wee bit worried about him. Hope all this intrusiveness from the media and the fans won't affect any promo plans for this CD...

    The weather was perfect today...a beautiful sunny 19 C.

    We may have long cold winters...but our summer is great!!! never too hot for long.

  4. I just shake my head.

    You know what I think Clay's trouble is?

    I think he's too damned progressive.

    He has a broader view of the world. How is that possible for a lowly North Carolina guy? An ordinary guy who was going to college and decided to enter reality show/talent contest?

    But he is. Progressive. Religious, yet open to a variety of religious views.

    Very aware of current events. Opinionated, yet accepting of a variety of opinions from others. Doesn't seem to be judgmental, yet has high expectations of people. Patient with people with learning differences. Impatient with laziness and unprofessionalism and intolerance. Injustice.

    He's intelligent. He's a character. He has a wild sense of humor that sometimes doesn't translate in print.

    And - then - he sings "off the chain"!

    People are just used to celebrities who are less substance. More shallow.

    Especially as young as he is.

    It throws people.

    And some people just don't see the intelligence and the snark. Some people don't recognize sincerity.

    So - I guess they are right. He's odd.

    And some people are just greedy bastards who want to sell magazines and papers and they aren't even aware enough of the world to see consequences. Others just don't give a damn.

    I think I like odd. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I still wanna hit somebody.

    Still waiting for suggestions.


    WOW thank for articulating exactly how I see Clay. This is pretty much my view of Clay....simply UNIQUE yet very human and REAL.

  5. Wow you guys talk a lot!!!

    it took me hours to catch up today and may I say it was a pleasure to do so. As an admin I would like to thank you all for making my life so easy. All kinds of opinions have been shared...people are not always agreeing, but the mod team has been pretty superfluous...thanks for all the thoughtful posts...

    Lots of WORD all around.

    Muski and Jenna...I pretty much agree with your scenarios. IF this is true and the AI and just friends angle is true...I think the one scenario I have a problem seeing is Clay asking Jaymes to do this cos he wants kids. I can't see him putting her in this position just because he wants kids. I can;t even see Jaymes asking Clay to do this. I think Jaymes wanted to have a baby but was having a hard time finding the dad or sperm donor. I can see Clay seeing his friends frustration and since also wanting a child of his own...decided to offer to have a child with her. Nobody asking anybody...just friends offering to share this wonderful experience.

    Laughn...hope you are feeling better...

    djs...that avocado thing was funny...

    00lsee...thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  6. Ya know, I've often wondered about that......when does the man breathe? You can so seldom catch him at it!

    I know when everyone was comparing baby Dave Arch----- I was confused...because all I heard was him breathing. Constantly! I wanted to yell...."Would ya stop breathing already!" at the TV screen....but that just seemed rude. :whistling-1:

    Yeah this is what bugs me too...cos archie's tone is not as rich and full as Clay...

    duckyvee...yup I know what you mean with HYAMLC and those notes on WIDTL...it bothers me on HYAMLC cos thats supposed to be really smooth so thats jarring...but with WIDTL it actually gives it a bit pop/rock feel...more of a rough edge to make it a bit edgy...but I do know the harsh tones you mean.

    I hope gibby can explain...it feels like he just does not hit those notes in a solid way. Listening to WIDTL again..its just like he puts a bit of growl on those particular words...so I think it may be stylistic choice.

  7. Hey Ansa!

    Muski...what songs did you think his tone was forced so we can have a frame of reference. He does use a lot of texture to his voice and at times it sounds brassy but the way he sings can be stylistic choice at times. I know that some didn't like his voice in LAA cos it sounded too weak and light...but I just love that style. So there are all kinds of tone that he uses that get different reaction. One thing I don;t notice is a nasally quality. Now that is one quality I truly can't stand in singers...so maybe I got immune to Clay's nasal quality if its there. But the one artist I thought is truly nasally is Josh Groban...specially when singing live but so many think his voice is just divine...so its all subjective.

    Some parts of WIDTL grab me that way...but the first example that always comes to mind is from the last cd---in the song IWTKWLI...with that Susie chick. I wanna know what love IIIIIIIIS That word actually hurts my ears sometimes! :cryingwlaughter:

    I'll jsut have to listen to the cd again while dog walking to find others....poor me. :whistling-1:

    Muski...now I have to listen to these songs again...what a chore...hee

    anyway...I totally agree with you with IWTKWLI...the long eeee that he sometimes does is one of my pet peeves. I think its because I still remember my choir director teaching us how to round out our eee sounds to avoid doing this. But...just one of those imperfections that I embrace cos its soo Clay and it really is not in every song. But I was so glad that he didnt have that problem in the live version of IWTKWLI

    I also checked WOTW and I did detect few nasal moments...but not enough to ping my nasally sound threshold so its good...and yeah WIDTL does have a bit of the long eee too but not as bad.

    I do think that Clay has such a powerful voice and huge range on his chest tones that at times he would power through some high notes instead of using falsettos or his head tone. I think this is the moments that at times seen as hitting us with the frying pan of talent. I do think he doesn't do this as often as before cos now I think he uses his head tones and falsettos a bit more...which really adds to the nuance of his singing.

    sigh...this CD is great.

  8. WOW....so many great topics and discussion today.

    I wanted to comment so many times while catching up but I see so many people have made their points.

    May I say that I am glad that people like Iseeme, pkmiller, BW, CG...do post opinions that they think may be unpopular. You guys sure make us all think and keeps this board really interesting.

    Iseeme...a lot of your concerns are valid..and I can;t say that the media does not bother me. But I guess we all have different ways to deal with things. Like I am concerned about the health risks to Jaymes and the baby...but to me, living means taking risks and I can only admire the courage it took for them to take this step. If Clay has to constantly worry about what the media will say or do, then he truly may get paralyzed by fear and he might as well pack up and leave the limelight. So I just take all this in perspective. I know that Clay is not the only one getting this treatment and that I don;t really need to know all the ugly stories cos I really can;t do anything about it. So right now, I just don't go reading stuff. I don;t go to boards that posts all the articles out there...I don't read tabloids or watch Entertainment news shows. I feel better. I suspect this is how Clay deals with all this.

    Muski...what songs did you think his tone was forced so we can have a frame of reference. He does use a lot of texture to his voice and at times it sounds brassy but the way he sings can be stylistic choice at times. I know that some didn't like his voice in LAA cos it sounded too weak and light...but I just love that style. So there are all kinds of tone that he uses that get different reaction. One thing I don;t notice is a nasally quality. Now that is one quality I truly can't stand in singers...so maybe I got immune to Clay's nasal quality if its there. But the one artist I thought is truly nasally is Josh Groban...specially when singing live but so many think his voice is just divine...so its all subjective.

    I also think that our kids are not so used to the kind of singing Clay does. I noticed that the kind of weak, airy style that Jason Castro had is more familiar to them or the shouty style of cook, Daughtry...So its possible that the qualities we actually like in Clay are what does turn our kids off. I know Sam always think he sounds old fashioned.

  9. Canfly...actually there is a quote limit that we had to adjust higher and higher. I think its like huge now so essentially...don;t worry about it..

    I do thing SRHPT is the official name in the CH too. They had to vote on it and that won...I think thats how that spread cos they used it for all the clacks on the vaults and CU.

  10. When you are really friends with someone, you don't talk about them to the press, you let them talk for themselves.

    Clay has said he keeps up with Ruben and Kelly and I believethat . I think I heard Carmen say that she has not heard from Clay for years duriong the last dust up.

    Rudeness seems to abound. So did People call them or did they contact People? Curious minds want to know?

    Unless this is a PR job and Jaymes or David asked them to talk. This is kinda bad if its not true..but it seems to me that the last two People article are trying to do good PR for Clay and countering all the negative slant out there.

    I am still not sure about this...but I wouldn't be bad mouthing the Roberts at this point...just in case its really true and they are just trying to help.

    Thanks for all the compliments on the Banner.....thank ldyJ for the concept. I was searching around for some inspiration and she reminded me of California Clay...then it was pretty easy from there...

  11. Keepingfaith Thank you so much for telling me about Hair!! I couldn't remember where I'd heard that phrase before.

    I'm feeling so positive today--ebullient almost.

    Only good can come from this situation:

    If it's NOT true, then the truth will come out and the maggot journalists will look like fools.

    If it is true, somewhere out there is this perfect little soul that is part of Clay just waiting to be born. That just fills my heart with joy.

    Thats it in a nutshell for me!!!

  12. And now for a completely different take on the story.... From our dear YSRN over at GCA:

    Ya gotta laugh at the ineptitude of America sometimes.

    From the blogosphere:

    Clay Aiken to Have a son

    June 2nd, 2008


    Looks like Clay Aiken will be our newest Hollywood daddy. But from my understandings he didn’t even have to do the deed. The mother-to-be is Faye Parker, former American Idol.



  13. I too think Stephen Collins will be good as King Arthur, but I also had a soft spot for Jonathan Hadary. He was the glue that held that show together, IMO. As for Patsy -- I would be willing to give Drew Lachey a chance, as I did like him on DWTS *blows raspberries at couchie* but David Hibbard captured my heart.

    I've been doing a lot of thinking today, actually for the past few days. I'm not sure if much of this will make sense, but I'm writing it anyway. Sue me. (Oh, and I'll be talking in generalities too. Sue me again.)

    IMO, one of the hallmarks of this fandom is the ability to find ANYTHING that mentions "Clay Aiken." Early on, this was an amazing skill to have, because the fandom was so hungry for information on him. After a while though, especially when the "mess" occurred, this ability really became more of a hindrance. It became a "need" to know, not a "want" to know. As Iseeme said, the defense was "to be prepared." Prepared for what? Anyway...it seems to me that this "need" to know is coming on strong again with this alleged story. Every single mention of Clay, derogatory or not, is posted on some of the boards. What happens? IMO, many times it's simply angst. It's hard to read the slams on Clay on a minute-by-minute basis, and yet, the behavior continues. Why? Why go to the sites that are known for not treating Clay well? IMO it's time to break this addiction. (Knowing full well that I'm a total hypocrite in this regard, for I will probably buy People magazine this week....Sue. me. thrice.)

    The other thing I'll mention with this, because I know others have mentioned it before, but I come at it from a different viewpoint. I unsubscribed to the Google BLOG alerts for Clay, but I still do get the news alerts for him. The way they come to me, I can easily and quickly read the first sentence and decide whether they are important or not. IMO, it keeps my critical thinking skills working.

    My other point is that this fandom is not a patient fandom. Waiting for clack anymore is killer. Waiting for news is worse. "We' want to know what songs are going to be on Clay's album a year before the album is released. A year? Seriously? OK, I'm exaggerating, but it sure felt that way to me. Waiting for something that may never happen, as in a press release over this situation -- I see it driving some of the fandom mad. It makes me sad to watch this phenomenon.

    OK, I'm done now. Maybe. A nap would be good though.

    I totally agree with this. I think it really gives the fans a distorted view of reality too. I only read stuff that we get here and no longer go to other boards. I find I am enjoying my fandom more.

  14. YAY for those taking a stand...

    my story of not taking any shit about Clay...

    I am a substitute teacher at my girls' school. After AI5 finale Clay was the talk of the school...girls swooning and boys jealous. My girls showed their classmates my Clay websites so they knew I was a big Clay fan. The next time I went to the grade 7 classroom...one of the too cool for school guys pipes up and asks me.."Miss, you like Clay Aiken?" I say, "yeah". "But he's gay!!!" he says laughing. So I look at him straight in the eye...I wasn't angry, I had an amused look on my face then I asked him, "So how do you know he's gay?" "Well just look at him!" "So what looks gay about his appearance?" I ask..."His Hair!" Then I looked at him and his long bangs..."Oh you mean like your hair? So your hair makes you gay?" He starts sputtering and looks around blushing...and just kept quiet. Never got any teasing about Clay after that...

    Another time one of the teachers told me that Clay is gay...I told her after all this time I've been watching him I really didn;t think he is gay and he says he is not.She kinda smiles with a knowing look and says, "oh he's gay"....so I just look her in the eye with a raised eyebrow and a little smile...then she says..."oh it really doesn't matter does it"...I said ..."nope, it doesn't." That was the end of that.

    I really don;t get upset when I get asked about clay being gay because most of the time people are just curious and it didn't really mater to them anyway. If I came across someone who was obviously homophobic...I think I will just have a really low opinion of that person so their teasing wouldn;t matter anyway. But after all this years I haven't encountered that except for that grade 7 kid.

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