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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. So he can't have a baby with Jaymes, and still get married and have more children later? I don't see it as either/or.

    yup this is one of the reasons why i don;t get why people are so sad that clay didn't have a fairytale wedding. Its not like that is not possible anymore.

    scarlett..I am not surprised that boobgate happened. It was still relatively early in his career when this happened so its possible he didn't anticipate what happened after. I think this may be one of those incidents that taught him to be a bit more guarded about his privacy.

  2. I guess I'm somewhat mystified as to why people (not from here) think the IIU make him "not the person they thought they knew". When I first heard the news, over the phone from PerusingOne, it immediately struck me as 'that's so Clay' (or my idea of Clay) -- something that was completely unexpected yet so kind and sweet. Maybe that's why it was easy for me to get comfortable with the IIT though I wouldn't be all that disappointed IIU. To me it still boils down to what we each think he is / what we think he would do if someone he cared about wanted to have a baby.

    ETA: Thanks bunches, kimiye!!!

    Me too!!! and IIT it actually explains a lot of the timing situation to me. It was unexpected but I totally could see the Clay in my mind doing this. Yup I am not just comfortable with the situation but a bit excited for the baby IIT. But it is totally cool too IIU.

    eta: big WORD to KF

  3. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I got a job!!!! And thank you to Couchie for recommending me...

    Wow you guys are having a great conversation.

    About early message boards...I started on Bolt. I don;t know if they are still around but Clay's thread during AI2 was one of the busiest in their whole system.

    I do think Clay is a star. He has sold more than 5M CD's ....that can never be taken away from him....and that makes him a recording star.

    blowtorched puppies...can't really think of any. I guess since I don;t expect him to be perfect I can pretty much accept a lot of mistakes or unexpected behavior.

    I am torned between the knowing him and not knowing him. I guess I am in the middle. I guess I know enough about him to be sure that the stupid story that idiot JP was trying to spread was complete nonsense. I think I know enough about him not to be taken in by a FC. But I also know I do not know all of him. So he can still do things that are totally unexpected for me...like maybe helping Jaymes conceive a child.

    And also, I think that he has been pretty d*mn near 100% faithful to all the things he's ever professed to stand for and believe in. But when it comes down to very extremely personal issues, I just don't believe he owes anybody any explanations or apologies. I can't even imagine having such pressures placed on myself.

    I'm not an angelwinger my any means and maybe that's my problem. I mean all I've said from the very beginning of this whole thing is... you GO stud!

    Am I too much of a newbie to be talking like this? If so, just feel free to smack me down.

    oh no...you fit right in!!!

    I'm a Coldplay fan. Just thought I should declare. In fact, Politik is one of the ringtones I use and especially for wake up calls -- "Open up your ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-eyes."

    love Coldplay. Its truly not about the voice with this group but the music overall for me.

    I also love Hotel California...hee

  4. WORD KF...that is why I am not really worried about Clay cos his style is more timeless classic pop. It may not be in step with current fads but its good music and I think that will be timeless. And he also has a lot more going for him than just the singing.

    I think the reason why I think he is a niche artist at this point is that he has such a distinct style that does not really fit mainstream top 40. It fits right in with Adult contemporary....As we can see with other AC artists...they can get big hits as well. I totally agree that a lot of that is good fortune...or timing....Perfect example is Buble's Home. He wasn't a big seller until he had this big radio hit. Its a song that can easily be a Clay Aiken song. So who knows...maybe Clay's Home is in OMWH... that is why I choose not to say its dead in the water when only one single was released to radio. The fact that OMWH did better in spins than his previous singles is very good cos that means progress. His foot is getting in a bit more and maybe that door is more open for the next single.

    I really don't know how RCA sees Clay right now. Its possible he is in a bubble to get dropped...he could be pretty secure...we really don't know because we do not know what their expectations were for Clay. I am in the wait and see car. Not stressing about it cos I think Clay will always have an audience. He will always have people willing to travel to see him. He also has a lotmore in his arsenal of talents so lots of potential there.

  5. Regardless of Good Charlotte's sales record lately - they can still play in largish venues and the place is clogged with young'uns. I know this for a fact dear ones because I had a step granddaughter who hasn't missed an appearance anywhere within a 300 mile radius of where she lives in the past 6 years. They are considered "cool" by the younger set and I doubt seriously that the lack of marraige is making a bit of difference in how people view the Madden/Richie hookup. The baby is adorable and spread all over the magazines and the success story is how Nicole has cleaned up!!! And she's been forgiven. So - look for Madden to bring in money from a segment of the population that heretofore has not been interested. I would bet that was the purpose in appointing him an Ambassador. On that note, however, he doesn't strike me as one who will be reading up on the country and trying to understand their culture like someone else we know. But - I could be surprised. I'm surprised in here every day!

    I think her point is that Good Charlotte's career is also not at its peak right now and yet they chose him to be an ambassador. Its just that it seems that you are suggesting that if Clay does not put his career first then he may not be as effective as a spokesperson. I say Clay has reached a point in his career that he will always be recognizable. He has established himself as a recording star and a personality...when you look at the other ambassadors in their roster you don;t see the big superstars there anyway.

    Business is business KAndre - it's still all about the bottom line no matter what field you're in! Simple fact. I don't know of any company, corporation, business, store front, kiosk or pushcart that isn't about money and the making of it. So however it's twisted to make a point, it's still the bottom line that matters!

    Oh I;m pretty sure KAndre knows about the bottom line. But bottom line is not just about sales....its about return for your investment. If you have an artist that can sell 150K without spending too much on getting a radio hit...or videos...or other sales promo...then they will still have a healthy bottom line. But if you have an artist that relies on radio hits and heavy promo to sell...then you really want to sell more and maybe 150K would be a disappointment.

    Also..we do not know what the acceptable bottom line is when the industry is in such trouble. Someone already said that at this point in the year only a small percent of artist sold platinum...way down compared to what it was last year. So whose to say that RCA considers 150K tanking. I remember that someone asked an RCA rep during the CD signing about what RCA's expectations were...she quipped that they would be happy with 15K. Now I bet she was just exaggerating...but the point is...they have pretty low expectations at this point because sales are WAAAAAY down overall.

    Yeah we want him to sell a lot. But there really is no formula for it. The people that are selling are very very different from Clay. Even Buble and Groban are very different in musical styles. Its not what he is doing that is the problem its that he is not quite in line with whats popular nowadays...So since I love Clay just as he is...I am resigned to the situation that his sales won't be in the same category as Timberlake and Mayer. He is more a niche artist now and so my expectations are much lower.

  6. ARGH! IE shut down and I lost all my quotes. Maybe it's just as well. There were a bunch.

    So after :word: for lots of posts, the only thing I have to add is that people sometimes seem to forget that we don't know everything about Clay's life and his career. We don't know what he does when we're not watching. There's a whole helluva lot more about his life and career that we don't know than there are things that we do know. We don't know what his goals are, what his ambitions are, what his plans are. We don't sit in on the meetings with record company executives, or bigwigs like Mike Nichols, or with his management. We're not with him when he's chatting with his friends and acquaintances in the business, or when he's doing private performances or making preparations for his next career move. If you add that lack of knowledge about his real life to the fact that none of us are in the same line of work, haven't been the kind of success that he has been in the music or entertainment business, I don't see how anyone can seriously think they know better than he what he ought to be doing. When I say I trust Clay to make the right choices for himself, it is because he is in on those meetings, he does have all those friends and acquaintances, he does know his goals and aspirations--what he wants from his life and his career, and he has been successful and deeply engaged in his line of work for five years. What wouldn't he be the best person to make decisions? Why not assume that you just don't know all there is to know, and that if you did, his decisions and actions would make more sense? It's kind of like reading one page out of every 50 of a novel and then criticizing it because it didn't make sense to you.


  7. CG - you make some very good points. There is no way Clay would be a UNICEF Ambassador without his celebrity!

    I honestly don't know that releasing another single will make much of a difference in whether this CD is a hot seller. That implies you listen to the radio.

    Now this is pretty much a defeatist attitude...there is no guarantee of course that a second single can become a radio hit..but if you want this CD to really tank... then not doing anything will be a sure way to do that.

    I think TV apperances are far more important and have a wider audience.

    This all goes hand in hand. If we want Clay to do more TV appearances in the fall then he needs to bring out another single to sing. Will they invest in the expnse of more TV promotions? We really don't know but Clay and TC had this vacation in place even before the promo period started so I think this down time was part of an overall plan.

    And I do agree with CG that the timing of the release - if the UNICEF trip was planned - is kind of suspect. Releasing it so soon after Spamalot, when clearly he was tired, is suspect. I wonder if we'll ever know what the rationale was...

    suspect? how? There were a lot of advantages to releasing right after the spamalot...there is the momentum and piggy backing on the spamalot promo.. Also after this baby stories came out...then it really was better that OMWH came out before that. Cos if he was only starting promo this fall...no one would be interested in the music.

    And quite frankly, do any of you honestly think that UNICEF is more important to Clay than his career? I mean in your heart of hearts and zen aside and all that? If he wants to continue making a difference on that scale - he needs his career and the celebrity that comes with it! I'm sure he's aware of that..... :whistling-1: Now I'm not saying that what he does isn't all-important to him.....it's just that you can't put the cart before the horse!

    yeah I honestly do think its that important to him. Fortunately I haven;t seen any situation where he had to choose. But at this point he has his celebrity...the horse is there...so why does he have to sacrifice his humanitarian efforts. You really don;t have to be a huge superstar to make a difference. Check out who the other Unicef ambassadors are?

    How many are multiplatinum recording stars?

    oops...as I post this I see others have responded...I hope I wasn't being redundant...off to read other posts.

    scarlett...you are something else...from posting something wise to multicultural smutting... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  8. Also, the image from CNN tonight of Clay holding that tiny baby gets me every. single. time.

    Me too Danielle!! He just does it so naturally, doesn't he? That's why I smile sometimes when thinking about whether it's true or not... I can just see that big eared red headed baby in Clay's arms. heee.

    OK Back to reality...I I U.

    Aww don't get me all schmoopie ... Clay and babies one of my favorite things to see. Even if its not his baby...I bet he would be a good Uncle Clay to Jaymes baby.

  9. AWWWWW I love BMUB!!! I actually love that song...one of those fun party songs that I will always put in my playlist if I just want to be cheered up. Never think of the lyrics.

    I love this clip not just because of the confidence...but this is when I really knew he has grown so much in his confidence and just his demeanor. Then that subtle wit shows up when he responded to Simon's inquiry of what the song means...It is a British song....BWAH!!!! so great in so many levels....

    Another big AWWW to KF for her first year anniversary of her first Clay live experience...love those pictures!!! as the say the first time will always be special!!!

    My first time was Toronto JBT...here is the FCA Toronto JBT page...

    That night was full of special memories....

    first time he sang TRD...which is one of my most favorite Clay songs...

    Clay passed three feet in front of us on his way to where Jaymes sat....he looked wonderful!!!!

    I loved how he sang O Canada and love the special Canada banter

    Loved the whole bit with Jaymes...that was the first time I realized that Jaymes was someone special in his life...that she was at least in the same level as Quiana and Angela. I did not get to save the picture of Jaymes in the silly Disco get up but I remember seeing that and thinking she is a very attractive and sexy lady....

    That night was also memorable cos its my first up close encounter with the fandom. I saw a lot of great things about it but also a lot of OTT behavior. The best part was meeting some great people like shelleyc who was with me for the whole night and other people who usually lurk at message boards.

    Clay was beautiful ...and he sounded wonderful. I will never forget how solid his vocals were. I don;t think any recording device will ever fully capture the power of that voice....

    I am looking forward to the OMWH concert tour because I am determined to see him perform these songs live!!!!

  10. fireworkspin.gifbluewhite.giffireworkspin.gif



    Ahhh bottle I;ve missed your fancy emoticons... so I shall borrow them to greet our American friends a happy fourth.



    Just a few points I've been meaning to make...sorry I can't be as brief as Couchie... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    topic du jour.... Tone, ldyj always points this out to me that the tone of the post is often the problem not necessarily the content. I do agree with this...however...at times its difficult for a poster to determine what words will make the tone of their post negative or confrontational. At times, wrong placements of a comma or forgetting to put IMO, or the phrase "In my experience" can change the tone of a post. So on the FLIP side....if the poster has to take care of the TONE of their posts...I also think the readers should try and give posters the benefit of the doubt. If something seems hostile and it comes from left field...it would be good to see if you misread the post first before getting upset and inquire through pms. I also recommend getting used to being disagreed with without getting defensive...don't take it personally and to know when to agree to disagree.

    Also...we do not post as a gang here. There are no organized attack so pile on just happens because we have a lot of opinionated verbose women that like to post ho. Not because people want to browbeat someone. On the flip side....it is really ok not to post when the points you are going to say have been made already. I think that is why I haven't been posting too much lately...I often get on the board and have to do a lot of catch up and as I make points in my head...I see other posters have made the same points...so I just word them and move on.

    I think there is this notion that we don't edit posts because we agree with them. NOPE. We try not to edit because we believe that everyone should take responsibility for their posts. IF posters choose to be controversial...if posters choose to be confrontational...if posters choose to call out people...then expect to get get a response and take the consequence of your post. Also be very aware that most people will judge you by your post and the history of your posts. We will not clean up after posters to make their tone more palatable. So it will be good to think twice before posting when emotional or upset.

    One thing that is often demonstrated through the boards history is that we do not have a hive mind. Just because certain posters agree with each other on a certain issue...do not expect to agree on every issue. I think this is why some people feel that the board has changed and they no longer fit in cos major issues have moved on and its not as enjoyable to post anymore when they are in the minority opinion. This is why its really important to interact and post on non Clay issues so that people can find more commonalities and build relationships that will keep them invested in this community through times of disagreement.

    Finally ...as much as we would love to be a home for everyone that registers, we recognize that not everyone will like how we run things. That happens.We truly cannot please everyone. Every board has a certain flavor and consequently, the views and attitudes of the posts will be skewed one way or the other. Couchie, LdyJ and I tend to be on the positive side. Does not mean we like everything that happens out there but we don't like to dwell on the negatives...we choose to celebrate rather than wallow. So it follows that that is the main flavor of the board that is reflected by the mods and members that got attracted to this board and have chosen to stay. Now this does not mean we don;t worry, or we can't criticize or complain...all opinions respectfully expressed is welcome. But it is simply the nature of this board to move those negative thoughts along and to try and look for the positive spins on issues...This may not be fun for some and that cannot be helped. But we still welcome people with all opinions and attitudes because that is what makes a board dynamic. That is also how a board grows and stay interesting. That is why I really commend posters that do take the chance and share their opinions, negative or positive out there. I just hope everyone will be prepared to get both agreements and disagreements...its part of board life.

    BTW...this may seem like an adminy post...but its nothing really official. Just some things that I have been meaning to say after a few issues and kerfuffle on the board.

    Now that I made this opus...no more time to comment of ALAWH...I really want to give that song some time cos I love it...

    Sigh, kids are pulling at me again. Summer is not a good time for me to be on the boards...

    oh and wish me luck....I just applied for an online job!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed...

  11. Draw the Line totally rocks. Almost as good as As Long As We're Here. Almost. It actually speaks to me a little! He's taking control of his emotional state! I like that! A little cynical, I like that too.

    YAY....we agree on some songs at least. I love ALAWH...I think that is close to my fave and I am sad I wasn't able to join that discussion

    WIDTL...love that too. And I love how it started like a typical love song...then goes, but hey I don't want to care for you cos you know...don't know if I can trust you. I also just like the melody here and that one wailing he does is cool!! So I do like some glory notes...

    eta: oooh cagney love that line too. I think it could be a bridge....

    I also wasn;t that enamored with it on the clips...I think it was one that I always forget...but the whole song is just great. I thought it truly fits what I know of Clay and my impressions based on LAA and how careful he seems to be about relationships...

    OH I meant to comment on the latest picture of Jaymes...I know that it is just one moment ...one milisecond of time in her life...but the expression in her face...the way she was walking , just gave me the impression that she was much more guarded...tense... hope all is well with her and the baby.

  12. heee ok I don't feel tension anymore just high spirited convo..and interesting topics... Happy to see some newbies not running screaming into the night...

    Given that I came running and screaming to this board, I figure it's a bit counter-productive to turn tail and run. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    But, speaking of tails.... :013085001176249046: (just 'cause that's so cute).

    And slightly OT, I don't know how banners happen around here or I'd ask directly.... just wondering what the font is that's in this banner? It'd be sooo perfect for something I'm working on.

    about the font ...its Hawaiian punk...

    BTW...we need more banners for the coming weeks...if anybody wants to submit a banner just pm me or couchie.

  13. Iseeme...I honestly haven't followed another person's life as closely as Clay's and yet I can;t say I know him. I just know his public persona and my gut tells me that's pretty close to the private man.

    One thing I have seen demonstrated time and time again...Clay is a smart man...Clay is his own person. So with those two traits I can say I trust that he knows what is best for him and that he is no pushover.

    oh I love couchie's and ldyJ's answer too...so WORD.

  14. Iseeme...I think its certainly natural to want to know. I want to know...but should I know??? I guess that will always be up to Clay and his boundaries.

    I don't have a problem when people express their disappointment that its not Clay's wedding or even hoping it is his wedding... I just think its a bit premature because we do not know what is in Clay's future. All I know is if IIT....this is something that Clay wants and that he is man enough and mature enough to make this decision on his own so we need not be sad for him.

  15. Muski...do you really believe that anyone in this board does not know the reality that there are people that think negatively of Clay????

    I hope you don't think that people who choose to be positive are simply being blind or in denial...

    Speaking for myself...I see the weeds with the flowers...but is there any use to hate the weeds, be upset that they are there when I know that it is part of nature? So yeah I choose too acknowledge the flowers and to celebrate the beauty...and simply accept that weeds will naturally grow among the beauty.

    I think we all know that everyone has different experiences...the problem is...when we extrapolate our experience and think its universal or that it has become a proven reality, that is when people start to try and disprove your point.. The problem I had with CG's post last night is the idea that most people...not just the people she knows...but in general...only knows the negative crap. I really think that is a view point that is not necessarily based on reality but a bit of an exaggeration based on limited experience or even a skewed view from a handful of reports on the net. I think when people come on and say that is not their experience...they are disputing the notion that her experience is universal. So if you don;t want to have your opinions disputed...don;t claim to know more about general reality than others...stick to your experience.

  16. I won;t disagree with you CG...but I don;t worry about it either.

    I just don;t see Clay as simply a recording artist. He has such a colorful personality that it does over shadow the music. But to me...this is something that is actually helping Clay. I do believe the biggest problem of Clay is that his type of music is just not mainstream right now. IF he didn't have this celebrity...personality factor...then he would've faded out of public eye with his lack of really big hits...His celebrity factor is what enables him to get couch time with Leno...to get lots of time with Jimmy..and all the other TV promo he got when he didn't have any lead time.

    I think that eventually the music will make an impact...but in the meantime...he still gets buzz and that is probably why he has value to a recording company.

    I also think that it will allow him to easily diversify into other entertainment fields that he is interested in like TV talk shows and give him clout to do other work aside from his music like UNICEF. I just think Clay has more interest than just his music. He loves it...but it is just not his whole life...

    eta: oh I forgot another point....I do disagree that most people know about all those gossip. Most of the people I know is aware that clay is from AI...that he sings good...maybe some think he is gay...maybe some people have heard about him being a daddy...and that he put his hands on Ripa's mouth...but the other gossip you mentioned just didn;t get to mainstream consciousness...

  17. Hi all....

    summer is really keeping me busy with the kids...my eldest came home today from a school trip and we spent a lot of time catching up.

    so I missed another discussion on of one of my favorite OMWH songs...WOTW...I just find this song so fun, I often start singing to it. I think this would be a fun summer hit.

    And WINY...I loved it as part of the IT acoustic set. I like the way he sings it...but didn't like the dated production. I don't skip it...but I understand why it didn't even make it to atdw...it seems like they didn't really try to be innovative about this. Gives me the impression that RCA thought Clay was simply going to be a cover artist at one time before they brought out MOAM. But I am glad we finally have a copy of it.

    Concert WINY... yeah he became playful with this as the tour progressed...I remember when he would mix up the lyrics or how they would be playful at the end of each phrase. I didn't go to any IT concerts but I was glued to the internet for the latest clack from all the concerts...so I do remember how this concert evolved. I loved it though...I love it when Clay and his tour family have a lot of fun on stage...makes it feel like a party.

    AOL....I just like the fact that his music is getting streamed...does it help, Maybe...does it hurt ...I don't think so.

    Congratulations Iseeme...I need to find a summer job!!! Well maybe if I actually look for one online...I need a kick in the butt in that department.

    Love the pictures of quilts...my crafty hobby is cross stitching. I like to do really complicated designs with small squares. No cutesy designs for me. I should take pictures of them and post it. I just need to frame them and give it to people. Right now my favorite pass time is doing my needlework while listening to audiobooks...

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