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Everything posted by luckiest1

  1. Yeah, as soon as Clay started tweeting AFTER the show was over, I thought it was strategic on his part. Prior to that, I thought that maybe he had a personal event to attend or something of that nature. In any case, I was glad that I had some prior knowledge of how this thing ends, otherwise I would have been sweating bullets during that boardroom. His head was on the chopping block. But his comment about having bigger balls than Penn was spot on. If Penn had so many great ideas, why didn't he step up in the first place? I love the EW recaps. The crack me up!
  2. Oh well, I missed it but now the episode will be more exciting, LOL. Lucky NC people!!!
  3. OMG, that part with Clay and the male model....I have have watched that 4 or 5 times already.
  4. FearOfH20, yikes! I hope you hear from your friend and she is ok. As for you, take it easy! Animals can really be difficult to control sometimes....believe me, I have 5 and I know! What kind of dogs are they? I am home and ready for CAPP. It was hard leaving Mom this afternoon....she wanted me to go but she cried saying goodbye just the same. She has a friend arriving first thing tomorrow morning to stay for 4 days, and then my daughter is going for a week.
  5. Ha ha, see? He found something non-Celebrity Apprentice to tweet about! Last night, I bribed my mom with Dairy Queen (ice cream) to use her cane and go down her porch steps so that she could escape her house and get in the car with me. It worked! Next week, my daughter is coming to stay. She says she is going to bribe her with beer.
  6. Try this link: YouTube, Funny or Die How's it going at Mom's? And how much do your animal and human children miss you? And how are YOU? Thanks, jmh. I laughed my ass off at that video, especially the last line. Mom is doing well, thanks for asking. She is getting around her house ok with a walker. She has a cane but since she left the hospital, she is afraid to try using it. Yesterday we conquered the shower. I rented a bath transfer bench and, although her bathroom is tiny, I managed to get it in the tub and get her onto it. I'm doing ok, just going apeshit with no internet. I thought my addiction had waned, but apparently I use the internet for so many day-to-day things, I can't live without it. It's a sad state of affairs when I sit here, praying that some distant neighbours wireless signal will connect. And what is this concept of live TV? I am so accustomed to PVRing everything, and watching what I want on demand, with the ability to fast forward through those inane commercials, that I just can't stomach it. So I've been reading a lot. And going for walks, in between running Mom's errands. As for my kids and pets, I am sure they will be v.v. happy to see me tomorrow.
  7. When I click on the video it says it was blocked because of copyright.
  8. I just like how loose he has become in chat....I almost feel like we are seeing the 'real' Clay. I think the fact that his friend was present helped him to be more himself than he might have been if he was alone with 'us'.
  9. Wow, between Aubrey and Lisa, not really looking forward to the women on the next episode! But I can't wait to see/hear Clay's puppet show (I hope they show most of it!)
  10. aikim, as fun as the part of the chat was where he asked trivia questions, for me there was never any hope, even if I knew the answers. For some reason, my video feed was lagging a good 10 - 15 seconds behind others. So by the time he asked the question, there were already 100 - 150 answers flying by. But it was still fun, and I was close on the car, because I thought it was a BMW, I just didn't know what model. Keep trying on the meet & greets (if he offers them this time around) because I finally got lucky after 8 years on the last tour!
  11. I am so glad I went down to Starbuck's early enough to get myself into the chat before all the techinical glitches started happening. It was a welcome relief to sit and listen to him talk for an hour. He has become so loose and open, I totally love it. I am intrigued about the change in location for the gala....I was looking forward to visiting Raleigh, so now I may have to do that in the summer anyways, just to see friends, etc. I hope the 'more accessible' location for gala is on the east coast somewhere. Maybe NYC? Sorry to the west coasters for my preference! Wherever it is, I am going to try my best to get there this time around.
  12. Hmmm, I wonder if maybe Starbuck's wifi might work for OFC chat Wednesday evening.......
  13. We celebrated Easter in the hospital last night with some take out Swiss Chalet. We commandeered a few tables in the large sitting room down the hall and had ourselves a little feast. Mom said it was the best food she'd eaten in a month. I think she is pretty sick of hospital food at this point! Living in Toronto without internet for a week is going to be interesting. Occasionally I can find a low speed unsecured wireless connection from a distant neighbour and borow it (like now), but generally not. I have one of those mobile internet sticks that my boss lent me for the duration of my stay here, but I don't want to use it for non-work stuff since the company gets a bill for it. Last night I kept up with Clay's tweets on my Blackberry during the show. Thank God mom gets NBC. I was so glad to see the back end of Lou. It's about time he got fired because honestly he really DOES bring nothing to the table but his muscles (and it pains me to agree with Lisa L on that). However, I also have to agree with Clay that it was quite the feat for him to do the show without a sign language interpreter, using only lip reading. I'm glad that Clay seems to have stayed on good terms with most everyone since he show ended. I'd love to see Lisa L get fired next week. I just don't understand what Clay sees in her. Yes, she's direct and authentic. She's also a nasty bitch. I'm glad I missed all the drama on other boards about Clay's "Invisible" answer. It never ceases to amaze me how some fans can completely either ignore or erase from their memory all his previous answers on the subject. And also, his tweet reply to a Canadian fan about calling your local orchestra to book him was a pretty direct hint (to me at least) that the tour will be a symphony tour again (whether it's a Christmas tour or not). Hey, one of my favourite tours was the DCAT (aka SRHP) so I'm happy either way! I hope he combines Christmas with the best of Clay Aiken like he apparently did last year for Gala. I'm still kicking myself for missing that.
  14. Just checking in to see if anything is going on. I've had a fairly relaxing day, since it is the first day I've stayed home since Mom fell on March 14th. Did some cooking and cleaning, and took the dogs to the puppy park. Now I'm packing to get ready to leave tomorrow for a week. Looking foward to CA on Sunday night......those previews are CMSU! Not necessarily looking forward to the Lisa L show, I kind of hope she goes home soon.
  15. I would love one of those Walgreens kits if anyone is going and can grab me an extra. I'd go across the border for one myself if I wasn't going back and forth to Toronto to the hospital still. Mom should be getting released at some point this weekend or early next week. After that I am taking a week's holidays to stay in Toronto with her and get her settled. I'm hoping to be able to round up some friends/neighbours/relatives after that to take a few days each, until she feels comfortable being on her own again.
  16. I don't follow many of the other CA contestants.....I started out following them all but deleted them one by one when their feed started to annoy me. I find it hard enough just to keep up with Clay during the show! Last night I didn't even open my computer, so all I had to worry about was Clay's tweets (which I have forwarded to my phone). He usually CMSU. I love reading them. Totally off topic, I put my iPod on a random Clay mix yesterday, driving home from Toronto. It really makes the drive feel shorter and I get some great blasts from the past (mostly live versions). Yesterday it was Chain Chain Chain from the IT (I think) that really caught me off guard. I'd love it if he did that in concert again sometime!
  17. What a marathon episode last night! I still can't stand Lisa L, and her crying isn't helping any. I was thrilled to see Debbie Gibson leave because she can't sing worth a shit but thinks she can. I can't wait to see the back end of Aubrey too, so maybe she can just keep on going and not come back next week. As for the men, not sure how Paul Sr. is still there because he doesn't seem to do much. Love, love, love the Clay/Arsenio friendship developing. I want to cross the freaking border to get to Walgreens! I am not sure why Lou didn't take Penn back into the boardroom with Dee. I would rather have either of those 2 go than Dee. Oh well.
  18. I'm hoping for clack too. I PVR'ed the Today show and watched the Access Hollywood clip online. I also thought that the harmonies on the SSB were really good! Just checked my amazon.ca order and it's supposed to be delivered today! Wheeeee! I know it's only one new song, but I'm still excited for a new album. And I can't wait for tour info. I do believe that if he's talking about it, it's already in the works, so it probably won't be long until we get specifics. This week is the World Figure Skating Championships in Nice, France. The televised coverage begins this afternoon. My life seems to be sprialling out of control lately, timewise, so I'll see how much of it I manage to watch. I'm just waiting for the phone to ring to tell me that they are releasing my mom from the hospital, and then I will have to take off again for Toronto, this time for a week or more. My dogs (and cats) are less than impressed with me right now. I feel bad for them but there's not much I can do. At least the hospital has promised me three days leadtime so I can get things ready.
  19. It will be a Clackapalooza!!! Good thing too because who knows if I'll be home to catch any of these. But I will set the PVR if I can locate the shows on my channel lineup. Heading back to Toronto tonight or tomorrow morning to visit Mom in the rehab wing of the hospital, and try to make arrangements to have her bathroom, etc equipped with the proper hardware.
  20. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Not complaining about the long preview this week!
  21. So Rosie is saying Cindi is arranging big interviews for her? Thanks, that's what I thought but wasn't sure. It can get confusing with the retweeting. Plus the fact that I know Clay has worked with her too....
  22. ldyj, thanks for keeping the twitter thread up to date. Can someone explain the Cindi Berger tweet? It was retweeted by Rosie, so it was originally tweeted by Clay to Cindi? I am confused. :s
  23. Wow, they don't even keep you overnight? Hope you are feeling better soon!
  24. I always miss the overnight tweets because I have my settings not to notify me after 11 pm. I used to have it set for 10 pm but it kept on cutting off right in the middle of CA!
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