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Everything posted by shortyjill

  1. I'm a one-obsession-at-a-time kinda gal... no back-up for when Clay's not around. I think DVD boxsets fill a pretty good void though. *g*
  2. I can't wait to meet up with some Clay friends tomorrow! This day has worn me out entirely....I need a break from my family. LOL
  3. bottle, I did try it and it goes to the Pepsi page which I wanted to avoid, but I can still give it a shot tomorrow and see if I like it or not. I probably have the most motivation to watch Clack after Craig Ferguson's show is over, which is at 135am... and then I can get stuck being up half the night. Not really a habit I want to start!
  4. No iPad, iPhone, iPad Touch here...Apple products, yes, but just not ones that take apps. That said, I'm having troubles voting through FB lately. I was using the highly convenient pop-up on the NIP site for FB before they changed it. Now I'm going through my homepage and it takes forever to load! Either that or I'm just impatient. I tried refreshing the page 3 times before starting over again, which worked fine after that.... liney 8 cats!? Are the 4 of them not litter trained? Maybe either teach them how to use it or go outside...maybe get some of those pee pads and see if they'll use them. If all else fails you might be able to use doggie diapers.
  5. Well, I've started tonight....got through the whole Gala thanks to robyn428's videos, and now watching through MBlovesClay's Chicago ones, but that's just as a full show... I have just about everything put up, but I think I'm going to have to downsize and weed out... might hurt, but I can't afford the space on my external drive or my hard drive right now. *sad face*
  6. All the more reason to start on all the stuff I've been downloading...and there's a lot! *eek*
  7. NIP Gala totals are in....amazing!!! http://us1.campaign-archive.com/?u=0385d5758f309cbd994acfde1&id=cce6873476
  8. Voted. I read that it's random where we land in the first of the month but I'm hoping we stay here for a while, and in the top 10 for the whole month.
  9. Well....we got one whole trick or treater. Now we have a ton of candy left....eeek! It's not safe to have that much candy in the house. LOL How did everyone else fare?
  10. Happy Halloween! I had an HP laptop before my MacBook and I hated it. Too slow even though I had 2GB of RAM in it. Overheated. Froze. Multiple viruses, malware and spyware even with the proper blocking tools. It was too much. I don't think I could go back to them or Windows.... I hear Toshibas are excellent though. Same with Sony Vaio.
  11. liney good luck with the move. Not sure I'd recommend buying a Dell though...they don't last long before they start having a ton of problems. I've never owned one myself but I have plenty of friends who did and they got tired of having to put up with bad customer service and constantly needing it fixed for one thing or another. I suppose this advice should go out to Couchie too. Please don't skimp on your laptops....yes you'll pay more money but chances are they'll last longer too. Fear sorry about your husband. I don't know too much about knee surgeries but my grandma had hers replaced in 2002. Worked like a charm after that until the Parkinson's got to her.
  12. I just thought of a question for Clay, but I don't know if he'd want to answer it since it's a bit personal... my question would be... What kind of dreams or goals would you like Parker to reach?
  13. Does anyone here besides me watch or like the show Storm Chasers?
  14. Had to pick my mom up from work today and turned in the leased car. Round trip was over 100 miles... I kinda can't wait to go to bed. LOL Two questions to ask Clay.... hmm.. I might have to think on those too. I was thinking maybe something about who he'd want to work with, or what his next "pop" album might include but I almost think they're too typical. I'd want to ask something different. It made me remember though, I was listening to Sara Bareilles's albums about a month ago and she's sorta modern jazzy. Not like Buble, but more pop. Her 2 singles "Love Song" and "King Of Anything" are definitely on the pop side, but the rest of her albums (especially her first) have this really great different type of jazz feel to it, and, basing on what Clay's said, if he doesn't want to do standards again, or covers, or pop, I think he could pull it off. As a younger fan, I might be more selfish in wanting him to do something that sounds like it's from this century. I appreciate the older stuff but I wish he'd move away from it...
  15. We were spared from the main line of storms in Michigan. I'm kinda glad and kinda sad too...I'm in the mood for a big ol' storm!!
  16. Can I be shallow and just say YUM? hehe... Great video though.
  17. I was going to ask for this but you're already ahead of me. I can't wait to watch it. Thank you!!
  18. If any and all of you were closer I'd invite you here daily just to vote...I'm only about a mile from the border.
  19. Updating your iPod is actually the easy part, it's getting everything sorted in iTunes that's the problem. LOL
  20. That's how I keep up with music is in my car! hehe My iPod doesn't get used too much either, but it's a good thing cause it keeps it going for a longer time. My first iPod's battery died from me using it almost every day for 2 1/2 years. Usual length of an iPod battery is 14-16 months, if constantly used. The one I have now I got in Dec 08 and if I keep up the lack of use, I could have it for a good 6 more years maybe?
  21. I know what you mean. I can shuffle about 20 songs before I find one I really want to hear! LOL If I get in a mood like that though I just compromise with no music at all unless I'm going to pick something and stick to it.
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