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Couch Tomato

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Everything posted by Couch Tomato

  1. I don't think there is anything wrong with discussing his need for security.... it's a good question. But we don't need or want a floor plan to point the way to anything specific and that isn't going on here.
  2. is that true? I think there has been more discussion about Clyra. But I responded a second time because of the jealousy thing. Clay seems to garner a large degree of hate and operators that have no shame to try to get next to him (JP, Bay Mama and yeah I'd put all the nutbars in the same group) I would think IF Clay is with Jerome in NY it's because he needs him. We have no idea what they are dealing with and frankly just from the nutbars we know about I'm grateful he is there. Jerome's job keeps him on the road whether it be on tour or whatever else. I would say Jerome will probably have more home time in the next 4 months than he did iin 2004. That's the nature of the business that he is in. ANd if he wants a vacation or needs one, Clay will bring someone else in like he did for JBT. Clay can afford it so I'm sure that doesn't enter into the equation. Considering his recycled clothes, he needs to spend his money on something. Totally agree bottlecap. And I'd go one further and say not just in fan posts but in the atmostphere around Clay. Horny mothers... that writer got that one right. Cindilu -- well the fact that we went to NYC is true..it doesn't have to be a negative. But I do think Clay has to be careful of OTT fans but like Bottle says..it's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Clay.
  3. well Kate is one of my favorite characters along with Jason so I hope she isn't going anywhere. Didn't you get the feeling when she talking to Jax that she doesn't want her identity known for a real reason and that something really horrible happened between Connie and Kate? I think they willl finally try to remove Sonny from the mob..at least I hope so and so I think Kate will be one of the reasons for him doing it. I think it's utterly stupid for all of the women in Jason and Sonny's live to just accept the fact that they could get killed any second. They definitely need some more men..where the hell are they going with Rick?
  4. Imus? As in nappy headed ho's Imus? hee..ok what did I miss..what was reported vs what really happened?
  5. Oh I know it got bad out there Claygasm..which made it all the more interesting when people didn't know whose side to be on --Kelly or Clive heee. It was quite funny. But I think a lot of times Clay fans get the jealousy thing lobbed at them unfairly or aren't allowed to have opinions about other idols. But yep I've also seen some that seem to enjoy attacking everyone not Clay. man, I don't wanna go to work...just think about Clay clay clay in spamalot. ETA: Meant to bwah KAndre's family. They sound just as colorful as you.
  6. There really isn't more there than I would like to admit...I think they are the very best of friends of the highest order, a very valued thing to Clay. And I could see that perhaps they could have gotten together at some point in those cramped quarters although I think she's moved on a couple of times over by now. And I think a lots of people still ship Clelly. You need to get out and about. Clelly has lots of fans. a couple of shipper sites just for them. A few people here not liking them together has nothing to do with her success. And I don't dislike her at all - think she has some of those traits you mentioned (although her friends are nothing to write home about) but like I said..it started out cute and quickly became not cute real fast and I've been pretty stable on this feeling since Independent tour. Differet ships just appeal to different people -- don't know that there is any direct pattern or rhyme or reason. It depends on what the shipper like and which side of Clay you like most.
  7. Unlike you..I love spoilers..surely you are talking about the original carly coming back in a new role? oh..no you're talking about Sam getting hit by a car..unfortunately I bet she doesn't die. Who do yout think did it. I have to say I'm kinda losing interest. I want to slap Sonny. My favorite people to watch right now are Kate, Alexis and Sonny's lawyer -- what a hoot.
  8. ahhh you're too nice Ansa... I told you to go to bed and I'd do it..bwah.
  9. did ya'll know that gah is not a word in the official scrabble dictionary?
  10. I also like Diane Sawyer but then again I've always liked her. But she's such a fan girl and it's just funny to me. She actually fits the profile quite well heee and yep getting your family to understand your sane is easy..just take them out to a Clay event and they'll count their lucky stars..
  11. Well for me it's not even the clack, it's everything surrounding it. The clips on her website, her later name dropping him on her show - it's just a respect thing that I enjoy. I wasn't even a fan of Tyra before Clay was on her show and that's pretty much a first for me. I mean nobody else has really turned me into a fan just because of Clay including Kimmel. I wouldn't spend a second watching his show without Clay. Everyone has their favorites. With Kelly I thought he lost IQ points around her so the cute wore off very fast. Plus he could barely get a word in edgewise. If there were more fan fiction I'd be all over the fan fiction sites totally...but my favorite ships really don't have much of all, Clangela and Clyra and you would think the fiction would practically write itself. But on the other hand, heee do I really need to spend more time on Clay stuff?
  12. Chemistry is always in the eye of the beholder I do think Clay and Tyra are friends and it grew out of that appearance on her show. Did she even know Clay before that. She was charmed by him and I guess it was just nice to watch. So every time we hear of her name dropping him or some new lunch they went on and now that she is supporting him with his latest endeavor it makes me all nice and toasty.
  13. heee Scarlett. OK I'm holding my breath until I get a new Clyra. Maybe I'll take one for the team and go picket Muski's house. I'm pretty sure that folks won't be blindly followed anymore considering the fake clay mess and that at least two insiders have been totally debunked and it's pretty obvious to me they weren't operating in vacuum.
  14. Tyra in the audience? oh Muskiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. LOL. I thought I had you talked into Clyra Part 2.
  15. Yay for that AP article being in an actual spread somehwhere. It was fantastic.
  16. I honestly don't care about any friend of a friend info. I will believe none of it. Sorry for anyone with those connections but 2006 was a bitter pill to swallow. And really, who cares. According to Clay, the album will be out round about May. Considering I have some sort of life, have a big Clay trip to plan I don't need to sort through what's true or what's not. Amazon..see, I'll believe them. An album is coming. It's fine if it's brought over but telling everybody upfront, there's not a person in ClayNation left with any kind of secret info cache with me. And I'm sorry..it's PROBABLY David Foster? What kind of in the know info is that. I can say that crap. Either it is or it isn't. It isn't secret info if the person doesn't actually, definitely know. Jesus. Should probably start tracking it up front cuz I was to lazy and didn't care enough to throw all the words back in the faces of the people who claimed..that was never said about ATDW.
  17. Pau Gasol for Kwame Brown... really...seriously? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Go Lakers!
  18. Ahhh foul language. I can curse up a blue streak. But I think taking the bus may have cured me. I was at the stop the other day when about 7, I would guess 7th or 8th graders, walked up to wait for the bus. Lordie, the language out of their mouths. And I guess we have the rappers to thank for the fact that the word I heard most out of their mouths was "nigga." That's how they speak to each other - never thought I'd see the day when nigga was a term of endearment between vietnamese teens. I need to join some sort of committee or something. I always thought it funny that baby mama and company had to buy their own tickets to Clay concerts..and why do they need autographs..don't they have enough text messages saved? Bunch of loons.
  19. bwah...what a thing to wake up to. hilarious. Happy Super Bowl Friday everybody. Go Giants LOL.
  20. You know, I know we like to say..I don't want to be his mama..but I swear all of these lectures so that he doesn't get embarassed are straight out of the mama overprotective handbook. Neither of these incidents should have unleased an uproar if there is indeed one. How many people go to Spamalot not knowing what to expect. They don't need a handbook on how to act and neither does Clay Nation. I doubt Clay or the cast has given it a second thought. Clay is not made of glass. The moment doesn't warrant five minutes of board talk let alone a day. Most of us understand the Aiken fog, even if has never happened to you. I really hope nobody's day was ruined because they dared do the wrong thing. I think maybe there is some feelings of impotence going on..we can't give Clay the respect we feel he deserves so lord help us we can fix each other. Chil out! ETA: for OTT reactions only. And if none of that makes sense blame it on my new medication. I swear it's doing weird things to me. I'll give it another day or so before I call my doctor. I just want to sleep all the time and lord knows when you're at work they expect you to actually work and not nap. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I got my Spamalot ticket. heee. I almost didn't open it..looked like junk mail. Lucky for Clay Nation it's not seat A 101. LOL.
  21. Haven't been able to read much today...hopefully can catch up tomorrow but wanted to welcome Heinz to the board. Looking forward to getting to know you.
  22. Nope you aren't the only one. None of these articles mess with my emotions. OK pfft. Who cares what they have to say about it. Their so called source could be anybody so won't be suprised or shocked by any dropping shoe. Lots of good posts today. Skybar thanks for your perspective as a therapist. Claygasm and AIKim, I'm pretty much where you are. I guess I realized a long time ago that Clay was a lightening rod in the media. I think I'm more surprised by things that don't get blown up. You just never know although the urges thing was pretty easy to guess.
  23. I agree AIKim. I dont know what Clay would or wouldn't say or what context any of it was in. He refused to answer Newsweek because it was Newsweek, yet he had no problem at all answering those same questions in the Tony Blog. It's all about expectations. What did Clay expect from the article, writer, magazine. Never fails though, the second article gets written cuz we can't stay away. And I don't believe it's a bunch of haters posing as Clay fans.
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