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Couch Tomato

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Everything posted by Couch Tomato

  1. Hee! I'm lovin the way those chorus girls are soaking him in. I love it when pretty young women fall all over Clay. I imagine he will be getting close to them all, eeeeeeee, for him. This is so wonderful. In my wildest dreams I could not have imagined the reception he is getting. Isn't that the best. They are just smiling..and it's so sincere. Everybody just seems so sincere. I'm loving this so much.
  2. ah man we're going to have reports and pictures and stage door stuff every day for months aren't we. YIPPEE.
  3. heee some of you have met my lurker bud who traveled with me during DCAT. It was the first time she had traveled to see CLay and I was totally the enabler. She's totally sane heee. Well she just called me and is probably going twice to NYC. Heee and now she is the enabler.This is so ding dang fun to quote my boyfriend.
  4. I thought he said nice shot..it was all about getting a good picture. I thought it was hilarious. Specially when he was ..over the shoulder Clay, over the shoulder...well I had to try..and somebody was extremely happy with the picture they got. What a life!
  5. PIN UPDATE: Pins are on order. I expect them next week sometime and will get them out by the weekend. FINDING SIR ROBIN IS SOLD OUT -- DOING CLAY ON BROADWAY -- we have about 14 left. Order page can be found at FCA main website
  6. when Muski starts spouting clayisms you know it's been a schmoopie night heee. so cute was going to pick up muski daughter adn me trying to get all my eeeeee's out before we picked her and her friend up....after they got in they let out an eeeeeeeeeeee over something..their trip to Spain I think and that just cracked me up.
  7. What a wonderful evening. It was like the good old days waiting for reports. I thoroughly enjoyed it all. Thanks Merrieee and Claygasm and Heidi and KAndre for your reports on the cellstream and telephone. Thanks Playbiller and Cindilu and Lucky (who brought Cindy's reports). Also, thanks everyone for bringing over picutres and report from CV and other places. I just really felt the joy and love tonight. I can't wait to see him. Wow, lots of pictures and they are up fast!!
  8. you know..it's quite amazing to sit here and watch Muski look so innocent and then I read that... BWAH. she's kicking me out...oh well...packing up and going home where I will sleep peacefully and dream of plane trips to NYC city.
  9. Heh, I was just thinking that. He looks GOOOOOD!! bwah...and now we go back to talking about the pasty white guy next to him. heee God I love him. I was really really really nervous for him....and excited too.
  10. Cracking up that he's wearing the BOTW shirt. The boy is a bigger pack rat than my mother.
  11. Muski and I are like an old married couple..we've barely said two words to each other..lol..just eeeeeeeing
  12. he's signing programs.. Jerome is watching like a hawk because the crowd is surging a bit.... he's wearing a purple sweater..she couldn't see what was below... he's gone back in the stage door.. And she's gone..Claygasm gives great cellcert!! whoo hoooo.
  13. someone has a video camera so there may be clack of that..could be a tv station...
  14. he's signing autographs... his hair is tousseled. the crowd is surging forward so she thinks Jerome will snatch him back any second. he looks so cute and very blonde. heee she can see the back of his head..but she sees a good deal of Jerome..
  15. He was beyond adorable. He was beyond cute. He was really good, funny..his timing was good, his timing was good. She thought maybe he lost the accent every now and then in the second half... but she said he did great...and admirable. But he never went into his full southern drawl. heee. Screams..he's coming out..Claygasm can see him.
  16. listening to Claygasm --- song and dance number -- the man shouldnt' wear white pans...he was definitely hanging to the right.. kinda excited heee curtain call -- the place errupted when he came out for his curtaqin call... he looked kinda embarassed... he got a hug by Sir Galahad... it got so loud and defeaning that Lady Lake put her finger in her ears...but Claygasm sad it was fun animated crowd..and she thinks they appreciated it. Kandre...talking so fast and is so excitied and taqlking fast and i CAN'T UNDERSTAND A Word she is saying.....all I understood is that his ears were sticking out..heee He looked relieved when it was over but he looked like he was having the time of his life.
  17. OMG..muski just played the big dance for me..OMFG
  18. heee well I always knew I was going just didn't know when...now I want to pin that sucka down!! whoo hooot.
  19. a NJU who saw the show three times says this is the best... so we're not always destructive LOL..Claygasm is interviewing folks...
  20. Claygams said her face hurts from grinning and laughing...its the goofiest, silliest, most irreverent show
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