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Couch Tomato

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Everything posted by Couch Tomato

  1. hey Zena...I used your hand warmer today..can you believe it? My office was freezing heee. ETA: Cuz I know Lena and Zena but who the heck was Zana
  2. Loved that EW blurb. I really don't give a rat's ass about that ghoul Clive (although I think he's forgotten more about the record business just today than most people ever learn in the first place) or RCA. I only care about Clay. And if he wants out of RCA I hope he gets his wish. But since I don't know what he wants and I can't read the future to know that if only RCA dropped him he'd get a great new deal with a record company that cared about their artists and let them do whatever their heart's desire without caring about the botton line, I'll continue to hope all works out there. The pub that Taylor and Kat are getting is just a fraction of how Clay would be treated by the media if he were dropped unless he had some great new deal to annouce in concert. And I don't want Clay at some indie company with less resources than a major label. Clay's PR was not what I wanted because I always want everything for him but it wasn't nothing. You wanna see nothing? Go look at Bo. And I think he's sold like 30K records. We know a lot more now thanks to the meet and greets and I'm sure that's all interpreted all kinds of ways. But what I got out of it all is that Clay is with RCA for the foreseeable future. He had a hand in decisions about his career. And he's excited about the future. I admit my feelings on this are influenced by the fact that the fandom treats RCA like an open wound and it seems to bleed anew when you least expect it while the man himself is just living life to the fullest. It's so weird I feel they are still living his childhood too, stuck int he pages of LTS, and in a place that maybe he is long over or was never there to begin with. 2007 was a great Clay year and 2008 is shaping up to be just as great. It's really an exciting time. JMH, and word on your post! Who knows maybe fake Clay read the board and stole all these silly ideas and fed them back to these people but it sure is funny how in jive the fandom was to what he/she was spouting. And I'm talking the extreme theories here, not just dissatisfaction. And I don't think it was just 5 or 6 people (although they will get all the blame) who believed all this nonsense either. So to make a long story short I'm going to watch some clack and enjoy Clay hee. And RCA and Clay and his album will get another go around this year - and I have no doubt it will be just as interesting as 2006. Fortunately I have a place to discuss it all, whatever it will be, in a way conducive to my peace of mind :F_05BL17blowkiss: now, what's this about an auction? Oh, my song of the day was BACK OFF CLAYGASM AND JAMAR -- These Open Arms. I listened to it mumble mumble times. Clay made me love this song this summer. And to the word collectors - torn must be added. And what if everyone you ever loved was torn from the pages of your life. Listening to it made me wistful and thankful for a lot of things, that my mom seems to be doing well these days, that my sister insisted I watch Idol 2, that someone thought well enough of me to send me the pretty green scarf that I had wrapped around my neck today.
  3. Lotus your experience sounds just like so many others...it just happened later and at a more condensed rate! I love that new fans can go back and pretty much see any and everything they missed. YSRN: I dreamed about you last night. Don't remember why or what but you were there you weret here LOL. WOW, I can't believe your tree is gone. Oh and you better get your deck fixed before the FCA grand extravaganza TBAF fundraiser we'll be having at your beautiful place Whoo hoo... congrats. I so wish I could go opening night..but alas... I can't. But looking forward to reports. thread title heee! catching up catching up...
  4. heee... Oh I haven't watched it yet so didn't know it was blurry but I'm mostly just thinking of folks with older technology or don't have any room left on their hard drives for whatever reason LOL. I definitely respect the steady hand of the clack goddesses. I'm really in awe cuz I just have no skill at all in that area. Speaking of clack..hmmmm shouldn't I be downloading something? heee Cindilu!! whoo hoo... double delights babe!!
  5. heee... keep dreaming hon. It's been 5 years and it ain't waned a bit for me. But since it's only been a year I'd love to hear how you found Clay...was it AI5? I'm downloading now. If anyone would like this on a dvd just PM..I can make some copies this weekend and mail them out. Thread Title! bwah... you got that right. I started my little budget worksheet for NYC today. Well can't get online ..got to spend my time doing something thread title? heee slightly edited for a thread title? You got that right bookwhore!
  6. help, why can't i see the pictures that were posted...can anyone else see them? Cotton... oh now I can see them.. after looking at 1000 more pictures of him I think I'll get used to the hair color. bye FCA...see you tonight
  7. ah thanks Gibby for the larger picture..I could barely make out the smaller one. He's so cute.
  8. the NBA it's fantastic! Go Warriors.
  9. bwah and yeah the nerve hee. bwah..I would have called you but memo rule number 6 - don't be walking around with the cell phone to your ear like you're at the mall. LOL. OK I'm all caught up..I think I'll go work second job now. I LOVE CLAY AIKEN <TM Institches> Play, no reason..may have gotten left behind in the transfer. I'm remedy that soon.
  10. Yay for Quiana...she seemed tired but she sorta came to life towards the end. I just think she needs more experience at the interview thing. But what a sweetie. She perked up talking about Clay. Yay for The View. bwah..apparantly so!! ok if this is going to be a permenent TBAF thing I'm learning... heee. Of course I'll have to rob a bank for the entrance fee. Hi tinkerbell...welcome! I love you guys..what a fun day..so much joy and smut and joy and love. thread title? bwah..this cracked me up. The whole thing about the humanitarian side being Clayton... Claygasm said that the other day and honestly I never really thought of it that way for some reason. Maybe because in many ways it's the pop star that is the reason he gets to do the high profile stuff..but loved the comments from those that really know him today. What a freakin' great day..even 6 hours later hee. Bwah..yes it does!! and he is mine all mine heee. Thread title? oh definitely Thanks annabear for posting the pictures. I don't know what's with this links to pictures stuff heee. Show him loud and proud ya'll! And so us internet deprived folks don't have to click on to other sites!! I'm depressed just thinking about it... She was fantastic!! You know what..I just got through the day and you now what..if i never see a peice of clack from this day other than a few pictures I will be happy and this will go down as one of my all time favorite days ever. Maybe no clack will help people not take Clay for granted. He's a treasure. We got a complete glimpse into his day..and hell my imagination can do the rest. To every single person at the event who shared THEIR day with us...and every single person who tooko those reports and turned them into a thrilling ride..and to every person on this board who turned it into a fun ride..thank you. ANd if that's all I get, so be it.
  11. No seriously hold me. We all got the dreaded memo today at work. No internet, no instant messaging, no phone calls, honor the dress code ... yikes. 2 whole pages with stuff like "immediate dismissal" and "written up" highlighted every few lines. so I immediately said bye to Ansa and got to work heh. But I was able to keep up on my breaks and lunch and it was so exciting. Like the old days before cellstream when the enthusiastic reports and then a picture would have us swooning. Loved the blogger. LOVED. Now off to re read...in my leisure... Oh, and while this fandom is immensely mockable...some things aren't worth our time. But I think ya'll came to that conclusion already. Let's leave specific posts from other boards right where they are. god me too. I was in the middle of posting something when the lights went out. bwah... no need to worry about that justclay. Even I'm scared of the spork!!
  12. thread title? no it's not my birthday..sorry..was just very happy to have something I said turn into a thread title. I know I know, can't take some people anywhere hee. thanks for the reports ya'll!!
  13. Yes I ship everywhere. I have shipped pins to New Zealand and England in the past..and of course Canada. IT's actually cheaper to ship the pins to Canada now because the postal service did some crazy increase for the US. I was caught unawares about that with the DCAT pins so actually lost a little (not much) of money there. CITH broke even. And now thanks to the donations ya'll gave FCA last year all of this pin money will go to TBAF. Don't forget, if you want to pay by check you PM me and let me know. I knew there was something I was supposed to be doing..oh right, I can just blame Scarlett too heee. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Scarlett.
  14. I wanted to thank Caro for her great inclusion of FCA in her blog. Sales took a really big surge and we will probably double expectations which means TBAF will get a decent donation this time around.
  15. heee.... yes the board did break. It's been down all night. I guess they moved us to a new server and it would have been nice if I had more than 6 hours warning that I didn't see until after it they went down and I went into withdrawals Happy Monday Yay for the great article..and this still makes me laugh
  16. :attention_whore3: YAY, it's my birthday, ahem... I think this may be my first thread title win since the first thread title and of course nobody got to vote on that one heee. TWoP is Television Without Pity...it's a tv forum where I went every week during AI2 to discuss Clay.
  17. I'm interested in knowing the 11 ways. Not that I want to kill my boss or anything. You know, in some quarters, that might get you a car... to both of you. You know if you don't like schmoopie, skip ahead. But I really love you guys. And I thank Ansa every day that I let her talk me into this board. I thought she was freakin' nuts although I think I told her that rather politely. It's just such a pleasure to read here every day. Now, carry on. hee OK I don't think I've ever stayed home from work just to watch Clay. I must be sane :Boss: Well I'm not into celebrity gossip. I don't watch the entertainment shows... never did before Clay and had my total fill of them during Clay especially with The Bennifer on the loose. I don't much believe anything I read about celebrities any more. But I do have one guilty pleasure and that's reading the TWoP Constantine thread. In my heart I know it's really mean spirited but I'll need an intervention to stop. I stopped watching idol mid season 4 but every other one I wish well and hope they succeed. Hell I won't be surprised if Constantine pulls himself up by his bootstraps and makes it either. The only celeb I know anything about of depth is Clay. I'm a sports ho and a Denzel fan and I know nothing about them. I just don't care..just like their talent. Don't know why Clay is different. But with regards to Clay I just care about him.. can't tell you much about his friends and family and who did what when. Just don't care.
  18. bwah!! It was nice seeing you in Minneapolis. And she had on the coolest jacket evah. RIFan, oh I remember the days when I would actually watch the clack, then stay up late to watch it live, and then of course watch the clack again. heee. And of course I think I have almost everything on VHS from 2003 and 2004. Somewhere along the line I started trusting that the clack would be there.
  19. At work I am known as the "Clay Aiken lady". I have two computers, both with different Clay desktops, and I have a Clay calendar (which made me so sad when it got to the end of December, because I didn't have a 2008 one to replace it with. I have remedied that this weekend - Snapfish to the rescue!). I also have a wall of family pictures (kids, cats & dogs). Just to even things out. heee too funny. When AI2 started I was in a company where'd I been for 2 years and everybody knew me. They sorta watched me fall in love with Caly and lose my mind. I never got any grief about it. I remember when I had to choose between the company xmas party and watching ACAC heee. I actually went to the office party but wrote a haiku for the contest that won. I can't remember it now, but the theme was how I chose them over Clay. heee. At my later companies..I never felt I knew folks enough to share.
  20. heee... I don't normally listen to Clay in the car cuz my 95 contour has radio and casette. But I know what you mean about it beign your car.... my 5 year old neice actually believes I can't get Radio Disney in my car. She trusts her auntie heee. But no way in hell am I listening to that.
  21. I think we are talking about children, husbands, family - you can't just say consider the source and forget it on them. They are family have a real actul relationship with these people. So you have to make the effort to see what is at the root of it all and work on that. I know in 2003 I pretty much abandoned everyone and stayed glued to my computer. Didn't want to miss anything. Frankly I think if I was married and had kids I'd be in the same boat LOL. And then here comes KAndre and says the opposite LOL. You need to write a book about your family! Skybar I feel ya!
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