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Couch Tomato

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Everything posted by Couch Tomato

  1. I honestly don't know how to answer this. Play has given us board names before. I would probably send people to FCA main and CLayNation News and a clack unlimited. Having only read here for two weeks I stupidly thought all was well out there until I looked around tonight and people are upset about all manner of things. I was actually shocked. So, I have no recommendations. You don't need to be immersed in the message boards to be a fan. But I would love for everyone to know what he's up to, when he's on tv, when he's on tour, when he has a new album out. And CNN is good enough for that.
  2. Definitely agree with that statement. Very few, if any, of his fans have a real "expertise" on how to be Clay Aiken or what his career path should be...I have no illusions that he is much smarter than me about the entertainment world. I don't think he wants or needs feedback to run his career but Clay like most artists probably cares what his audience thinks. He's sad so, so I don't even have to guess on that. There's a big difference between the two things IMO. I don't think he pays attention to most of the goings on at his website. Play you're right. It even took me a long time to "let go."
  3. OK I just took a quick look around Claynation and DAMN..that's all I have to say. BWAH. People are bitching and moaning about the stupidest of shit. And you know what. They have a right to. Maybe that's how they enjoy their fandom I just won't read it. I'm done for this month and probably next. And I would never let anyone chase me out of the fandom. If they want to be a part of it, there are places they can go. You might not have everything at the moment but I've found you get it anyway. People just need to get off the main highway..there are a number of country roads that will give them the same feeling of fun and fellowship.
  4. Yeah, and from numerous video clips of "performing Clay", there are some notes that get his manly parts stirring as well.... ETA: of course, I was writing this silly, smutty and totally useless post as Couchie was writing about all the smart women around here... bwah..you you're one of them. Low notes? Did someone mention low notes? Sigh. ETA and I still need to go back and read pages 3 -6 of this thread. I'm dying to know what Lucky got for Xmas. hey wandacleo -- I would hope the one thing I got out of all this convo is that there is no one way to be..and attaching names and labels is probably more of the problem than the original opinion. IMO anyway. I've been labeled a pollyanna with no critical thinking skills long enough... but just because I don't mind a chritical comment or two doesn't mean I'm labeling someone else what I've been labeled through my fandom OR acting like I'm smarter than someone else. I honestly just stay away from any place that will raise my blood pressure.
  5. cute, is this in the emoticon thread so I can upload it? Jumping Jacks ..what fantastic news. I hope all works out. Laughn... I agree with your point of view. I had to go back..your post somehow snuck in their above mine and I didn't see it first go around ok too many smart women here..I'm just wording all over the place. I figure if we can discuss Clay like we discuss this issue.. we'll be all good.
  6. Cindilu we've talked about this before and I understand where you are coming from but I find this at one end of the spectrum. I don't constantly criticize Clay but I have said from time to time I don't like something ...whispery breathy My Grownup Christmas List. I don't particularly care for the blonde hair. Whatever. I'll talk about a friend's hair as well. I talk about my own. It's a nappy mess half the time and I don't care. I don't think either of my comments hurt Clay. I think Clay would respect honest opinion with regards to something important but ignores the little things we talk about from day to day. . I don't harp on things I don't like but to not be able to say publicly I don't like something is not a board I would enjoy. I think there's a difference between never saying anything critical about Clay and running to OFC to loudly proclaim something crap and then saying it again and again. I try to get my opinion out there and then not regurgitate it over and over. Nor do I argue with someone over their opinion because after awhile it's about arguing for arguing sake or trying to change minds than being about Clay. I think of message boards for fans and I honestly don't think anybody is looking in this neck of the woods for opinions of Clay. Now, OFC is a different story. It's a FAN CLUB and I'm surprised at what what is allowed there but it's HIS board and his choice. Bottom line..there is not just two extremes here..there are all sorts of stops in the middle and it takes some compromise, patience, to deal with something with so many differnet points of view. I think it's worth it to do so. I agree it's somewhat hyprocritical to be able to say ACAC was not my cup of tea and not your skit is not my cup of tea on a message board but I'm not there for fans of Clay. I'm there for Clay. I'm not interested in discussing their works of art.
  7. Permaswooned..I loved your post and I totally agree. I think many of the so called authoritarians would be suprirsed to find out how many people scroll right past their posts, probably more than hang on to their every word. It's tough being in this fandom sometimes JJ cuz Clay IS always busy and doing things..and things that cost money. I had tickets for Tyra but couldn't afford one more trip. I've traveled quite a bit to see Clay. I've also missed some things because I just couldn't swing it, (2006 joyful noise). ANd other times I've gone and done it on the cheap. I had a great time on this last trip yet I couldn't afford to buy the scarf and thank god we piled into a room to share expenses. I'm sure some of my roomies may have wanted more space and room. For me, it was a blessing in many ways. That's just life on this side of the tracks. That's why I love the boards and Clack because I get so much out of other's experiences. I'm thrilled when my friends can go and report back. I'm going to see Spamalot in April because I need time to save up for it since I try not to use credit cards after the overkill of 2004 LOL. As for boards, I'm middle of the road. I'm all about how you say things. I believe the boards are for the fans but I always want to remember who the object of our affection is supposed to be. And I've seen boards where thought is controlled tightly and it is not in any way fun IMO. At least not for me. I like smart funny people who are different from me. And I'm more than willing to listen to any point of view as long as given respectfully. If I have to check the top of the page to remember if I'm at a fan board or at TWoP...then we have a problem. And when I find myself posting in the passive agressive style of TWoP on a fan board, there's a problem. Off topic.... as always YAY..I benefit from what other people get. My bro in law gets brand new super duper TV so I'll replace one of my older TVs with a less older, much larger TV. heee ...works for me. ETA: I really hate the good fan/bad fan labels. Luckiest1 came over with her 100 new downloads PSA... I LOL... I doubt very seriously anyone would call me a bad fan because I've seen 3 Gibby videos from opening night. We all just celebrate Clay differently. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that..espeically when family, finances, work and ohter obligations also factor into what we each do.
  8. People celebrate clay in their own way. I don't want anyone to feel around here they can't post what they want without being labeled a bad fan. Jumping Jacks, I think you are labeling yourself here and nobody has called you out, just answered your question. And it's not one you should feel bad about asking. Heee I tend to think mnost of us has been asked that once or twice. It's ok to see Clay once, or not at all, or to to like a show or not at all. Doesn't make you a good fan or a bad fan as everybody has different taste. I would never fly across the country to see Clay sing one song. But when I do fly to see Clay I stack in as much of Clay as I can get. I'll gladly admit to being loopy over the boy but it makes me happy. Nothing wrong with that..nor is it the "correct" way to be. For me, it just is. Consecutive shows...that's an easy explanation. It probably has to do with time. Clay is in one place. People may be going for a weekend and that's their only time to see him so they'll see him twice. I'm going for a week and who knows..I may see him one night and then go to a matinee the next day. I don't have any tickets yet. But there will be no I'll see him early in the run and late in the run for me. I'm goign once. In a way, In a show like CITH where the "script" is pretty much the same every night I saw him four straight nights. Only the last show stands out as different because of the entended intros and the change up of MGUCL yet I wouldn't give up a single one.
  9. Love your post muski. I think what's difficult for me is the emotion involved with an opening night. It's palpable. For me, no one thing will ever make or break Clay so I never understand cries of his career is ruined and the upset that usually accompanies that. Something has been bugging me..something I read on a non clay fan board by a fan. I understand they don't mean anything by it but I just shocked it rolls off the tongue so easily that ATDW is a commercial failure along with a variety of excuses FOR him. I think it's sad that people just want to throw it under the bus and forget it exists. :F_05BL17blowkiss: ATDW. ETA: OK maybe that's not fair. They don't want to throw it under the bus...but maybe it feels that way because of the he did amazing things under the parameters set forth BUT and then 2 paragraphs of buts. I'm sorry but after reading all that I forgot you're supposed to like it. I know I just remembered the buts.
  10. Welp, I did it. I paid the 99 for Ballys fitness and I have a year membership. Whoo hooo. I hope ya'll got photographs because you won't recognize me in April
  11. don't shut up..it's a good question and there's absolutely nothing wrong with your view. Believe me it will be a big expense for me but since most of my Clay trips include airfair..they always are.
  12. I don't know when I'm going yet but I plan to stay for a week and in that week I'm sure Ill see Clay at least 3 times.... but I'll have plenty of times to do other things. I love NYC.
  13. My mom's discharged YAY. I don't know anything about Spamalot, or the movie that inspired it. I often wonder if I should go in cold or at least watch The Holy Grail. I've seen some of the original actors and liked them but am not a fan of silly which I "think" this is. Right now I'm excitred about it because it's Clay. As for reviews... I like honesty in my reviews. I do like to avoid reading all over clay nation on opening night and honestly, even like to know who the cellcerter is before I listen in at halftime. I appreciate all they do, really, it's an art but this has been my pattern since NAT. It's interesting to me but one thing I noticed about us is that we expect perfection from Clay. When I go to a concert I don't expect Clay to sound just like the record. The live performance has it's own rewards. But even coming out of concerts I noticed that many times first mentioned is what he messed up even when people are still in fog. Oh he was great, just missed that note on MDYK. I don't know if it's because this is ordinary cristicism or if we've gotten in the habit of wanting him to be perfect for the NJU people. My answer to that is there are a whole bunch of popular stars that sounds like crap every time they sing live so don't care that Clay is perfect. With Spamalot a whole big level is taken out anyway because he neither created the concept or picked the songs. I honestly don't know what to expect. I wish him well.
  14. and....on to new thread. But OMG I'm babysitting tomrrow and the new game of choice is Guitar Hero? It has all these rock songs from rock bands I never listened to in my life. I need earplugs. Hey hon, I hope that all is well with you. And smart girl, you made sure you saw Clay first! Thanks for the good wishes Cotton and I'll be doing the same for your aunt. Loved your cinamon god. ..so cute. heee the "tread" cracked me up. Ansa so cute. She always make great typos. oh no..... OK hope she's home by the time I catch up. Waves to xxx4Clay, Lucky, Meesa, PuddinsJoy Hugs to wandacleo and Linney yep wish my ass was as fat as hers once you meet people they get away with a whole let less don't they hee. and on that note..I think I'll put the pie away and go to bed. Oooh Muski is writing..yay. And I see birthday greetings are going out to Jamar!! Happy Birthday!
  15. thanks everybody for the good wishes for my mom. They didn't let her go home but my sister and her family and I went to visit her. We took her a few of her presents. We watched her eat her hearty hospital meal. Her hospital room had a DVD player so we watched Wild Hogs LOL. They kept finding reasons to keep her. When we left she was having a blood transfusion. Now everybody's at my house and we just ate and opened presents and we're chilling in front of the TV watching Full House. Yes the 8 and 5 year old are in charge of the TV. Ah man, I'm so sorry. Looks like a another one bit the dust. It was so much fun meeting you. I'll keep reading to see if you wrote your recap. I love long recaps! BWAH.... well if they just add some street lights near the exit area we wouldn't have that problem. And wait, we had two gps' in the car and still needed dear Clayton to find the hotel. I shouldn't laugh at this... but... Nice to meet you too and I will never pronounce your name wrong again!! you know this is extra funny since you shared your Xmas tree decorating story with us in Omaha!! bwah... hell I sitting closer than that and I didn't notice a thing. I guess this is some clack I'll have to make sure to watch. It was good to finally meet you Cindilu. I'm with Keepingfaith in that I prefer darker hair. Not used to the blonde yet. To me it looks better on pictures than in person cuz it kinda washes him out. But he is my pasty white boyfriend so I'll deal until it's a different color. But I'm thinking it will be this color through spamalot for some reason. Hey Thankful. It was good to meet you! This was a fun trip. I met so many new people. It's always helpful to put names to faces. Yay, finished reading the last thread!
  16. Hey Kimiye!! I'm watching my boyfriend on TV singing to me..waiting for my sister to pick me up. Gonna take my mom some Xmas cheer since it appears they are holding her hostage. Still holding out hope that they will let her go..but taking the earrings just in case. I had to laugh on DSIAFCD...when the audience inexplicably screamed in joy on "baby that's a fact." LOL
  17. Merry Xmas everyone Thank god the grocery stores are open heee. I just got back with stuff that looks like it can be turned into dinner. My sister's brother in law is sending a cooked ham over! Side dishes? I can handle that. We don't have the official official word yet but I do think my mom will be home some time today. They are are just trying to get her potassium level under control. But she is doing well and in good spirits. She'll be feeling even better when she gets her diamond earrings LOL. Those are from my brother. He gives good gifts. I don't know if Solo mentioned this at all cuz I have yet to catch up but ya'll know how cocky I was about the fact that I could handle the cold weather on this trip. I even went to the post Merrillville party without a coat. But in Chicago...OH MY GOD... all I did was walk or was it run from the rental car to the van that was going to take us to the airport and I think my blood froze. I think Solo literally got blown into the van. Now THAT was winter. The wind...eeek. So now I get it. Today it's a nice sunny 52 degrees in California. It's good to be home. Off to cook and finish wrapping gifts and sometime tonight I'll have my Xmas. Can't wait to see my boyfriend on TV. Wishing you and yours.... waves to Muski on top of me. I had to laugh thinking of your mom and her boyfriend..well my mom has 3 boyfriends... LOL seriously. The one that was her steady for years moved to Virginia after his dad died to settle fight it out with the brother over the estate farm. He's still there and my mom is like..hrmph. So she has two other "friends." I had to call one to tell him she was in the hospital and the other two have called to wish her a Merry Xmas. and I wonder why every time I call her the line is busy.
  18. I haven't caught up yet but it seems like more people need hugs. I'm sending them along with warm holiday wishes. It was nice to meet you meesa, and xxx4Clay and it was good to see clayzedover again. It was just a wonderful trip all around. They are keeping my mom in the hospital because her blood pressure kinda shot through the roof. I expect that she will be released tomorrow. They angiogram results were positive. They didn't find anything. Now I'm off to try to do something to make this house fesitve for tomorrow. The big giant dinner is out Just not up to it. But to me it's all about being all together anyway and I'm hopeful that will be the case.
  19. Just made it home. Went straight from the plane to the hospital. My family kept it from me that my mom has been in the hospital since last Wednesday since they wanted me to enjoy my trip. She'll have an angiogram tomorrow. She's in good spirits and hopefully everything goes well. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to everyone. Going to bed. I haven't caught up but just read the last page but I have no doubt Clay will have a long and varied career. I don't need things to happen now. It's a journey and I'll be there for every bend in the road. There are lots of good things happening for him now. That's enough for me right now. Doesn't take much for a momentum switch. And I know he'll always put in the hard work to make things happen.
  20. Packing to leave. Everyone have safe travels including Clay and his family. I
  21. I posted a semi recap but just wanted to express my delight here with MGCL. He gave me my wish tonight by singing it the way he did. I'm one happy camper. The eHP is asleep. One with hercomputer resting on her chest, still open. goodnight FCA
  22. I'm half drunk and schmoopie. The only part of the show I didn't like was grownup Xmas list and then tonight he did a fabulous trio with the girls and I was just so happy...almost burst into tears the moment he opened his mouth and I realized he was in "full voice." I love closing shows because I know he will have more extensive thank yous. He really loves his touring family and that really shone tonight. Just back to the room..had a fun dinner with Lucky and daughter and friend, Cindilu, AIKim, FromClaygary and friend and LdyJocelyn. I truly enjoyed meeting everyone I was meeting for the first time and seeing again those I hadn't seen in awhile. We picked the right guy. Yes we did. Spikesmom, thanks so much for introducing yourself to me. It was great meeting you..Happy Birthday. I think I'll go to bed now so I can try to get up to have breakfast with LdyJ at 7am. ahem. I'm going to really really try.
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