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Couch Tomato

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Everything posted by Couch Tomato

  1. So this portion of a google alert that was visible to me made me LOL. Looks like predictions for 2008 Scandalous bad girls (ie Paris, Lindsay, Nicole) will be replaced by Hollywood bad boys. Zac Efron, the Jonas Brothers, Pete Wentz will all follow the king of all bad boys: Clay Aiken
  2. Why am I getting the idea to start up some sort of claymate fortune cookie Wonder who we could get to be Vice President of content. Proceeds to TBAF of course. ETA: I guess I should check my camera..I think I have a picture of Lena..and while I'm at it maybe I could see what pictures I got from the Vegas Ice Skating trip. heee
  3. Thanks Jaycee Lord somebody help me with Betty Davis. She wants to make chitlins.
  4. wow so many great posts and ones that make me think. Stop that . Thanks for this perspective..hadn't really thought of it like that before! I'm so sorry Merrieeee....
  5. KF..liked your post re: Clay/Claton. I keep telling ya'll the extra special word in that song is not neeeeeeeed but the "I" that follows it. Gets me every time. heee bwah... and I love a girl that pulls out the baseball stats. Basketball had a new one that they were pushing this year but now that I think about it I think they dropped it. I remember the booth guys thinking it was stupid..maybe that's why. ..oh yeah... it's 20 minutes left in the game and they start saying what the odds are they will win. LIke who cares, let's just call the game shall we..we'll know in half hour if they won. heeee it means not SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Heee a lot of you are cracking me up today. I can't believe you're just unpacking from DCAT I intend to add "cleaning my room" to the list of things I need done by Wednesday morning. I always talk about my mom being a pack rat but I guess I am as well in my own way. It's just not supid shit like her stuff is So this weekend, a big box of books will be going to goodwill... I will go through 2 very large boxes of video tapes that have been sitting under my bed for at least 6 years (surely the Practice is out on DVD..I don't need to have the first three seasons collecting dust do I), do I really need to keep all of the Oakland A's 20 games win streak, or Kob'e games during his 40 points streak? LOL. I am shipping off all of my old soap tapes to somebody who does things with them..I've been promising to do that for years. Yep time to get rid of the clutter conveniently ignoring the book shelf full of Clay CDs and DVDs. FromClaygary, you're mighty cool for a country girl :F_05BL17blowkiss: Damn, now I need to see you walk again hee. does anyone still live in very small towns... or is there such a thing with the way technology is today. Oh wait..Ansa you can answer that heee. heee regarding blade of grass... I love Mark Wahlberg... he's a damn good actor. He was serious about it and kept working at his craft. Wasn't he a New Kid on the Block. Was anybody a fan way back in the day? And would you have expected this for him? heee..ok I just used pretties last night. Hee..it'sw contagious because it's certainly not a word I've ever used before. Here's my thing about the NJU... they are right there in every concert but it seems we care more about them in theory because I feel the chatter that goes along with a Clay Aiken concert is not conducive to bringing them back in the future. And I also notice that when one is found in an audience they are attacked with well meaning fans trying to get them online as if that is the only place to be. At a Clay Aiken concert, let Clay do the clayverting. This is a pet peeve of mine. Or just hand them a CNN card. If they want to find the "wonderfulness" that is the boards, they will. Whoo hooo.... OK I have 3 more days to "find" a donation. LOL... OK forgot to add..somebody gave us..have no clue why...all this fresh roasted granola..what the hell do I do with it besides eat it as a snack or throw in yogurt. ETA: I grew up in the Bay Area so large metro area. I grew up so different from my mom -- Estill SC... population in 2006 was 2386...although frankly I think this is one of those towns where they lose poplation every year.
  6. OK I'm going to try to do that bolding name thing for one post. But really, really would like to outlaw it ETA: OH CRAP I didn't bold the first names..sheeesh LAJeterfan - whoo hoo to 4 days off as well. Ansa, so good to see you posting. When are your girls going back to school. I miss you. I love that as well Muski! I agree with this. And I really love that he's open to so much. Who knows what he has up his sleeve. I know I know! Perma, I'm glad you're doing better. Don't over do it. Oh wait..too late :F_05BL17blowkiss: Congrats on your anniversary but take the next few days to rest! LOL..BWAH HA HA. Thank for the pretties! Perma, Yes Yes Yes!! Hey Gibby, you know there's no such thing as a postho around here especially when pretty pictures come with the deal. KANDRE..love you girl... love the skating recap. But you're not helping us out here..you're proving you can do perfectly good analysis without knowing a damn thing. heee. Maybe I should go finish watching it. I left to go visit my mom after the first 2 songs. You know what I most remember about DSIAFCD? That I loved what he did with the falsetto. I remember my appreciation of that when I was in Vegas. Cindilu, the banner is very lovely!! oh cindiluuuuuuuuuu Play I have to confess when we were in Minneapolis and we were following Solo all through the sky walks...these 4 well dressed good looking...OH WAIT..HALT... I don't think I said this in any recap but Minneapolis has the best assortment of good looking men I have ever seen in my life. Everywhere you looked there was another gorgeous man. It was ridiculous. Ok where was I? Ok 4 such beautiful men were going up the escalator as we were going down and I heard one of them say he was going to see Clay Aikn that evening. Now, if it were 4 women would I have gotten so wide eyed. heee. THere are how many women in the world.....enough of them so that he can be successful as anybody else even if every single fan is a woman. It's a hard habit to break for me...don't care about the tweens though. Merrieeee :F_05BL17blowkiss: heee OK that must be some kind of record...6 edits just to bold everybody's name.
  7. I am the queen of green ink. Well if you ever miss it just let me know. I'm sure I can squeeze out en edit if I try real hard. Something like... I think some people want to see Clay as a victim because they are man-hating stupid bitches who want Clay to remain their little boy forever. (Snort.) How's that This is a free service. I'm so going to hell. eek. Off to work...I seem to have forgotten about job #2. Must get back in the swing of things no matter how much I just want to sit here and play with you all.
  8. I honestly think with every "wrong" move Clay makes, choses, has foisted upon him, or fumbles away due to the stupidity of his team - many feel the window is closing on his opportunity to be a superstar. We want bragging rights, and proof that we were right. Never mind that he still has a career after all these years. I want the world for Clay..or let me put it this way..whatever he wants for himself, I hope it comes true. However, if his career is to remain at this level right now for the next 25 years I'd be fine with that. Because being able to put out records, go on tour, do TV, interviews, a stint on Broadway is not small potatos. But I think his career will be like most stars - it will have ups and downs. But he's shown his resiliancy and willingess to take risks, try new things, and work hard.
  9. thread title? With regards to the rest, yes, very strong. One of my favorite interviews ever was the People Magazine article that came out during ATDW. I think it got overlooked...if you all have it. Re-read it. I have such admiration for Clay and such a strong belief in his ability to handle whatever comes with grace and dignity and smarts too. good thing you don't have real money on it heee :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  10. Quick...before she gets home... one of us had a nice salad and water...someone else had salad, and pasta, a brownie, and clam chowder and pizza. No names. hee love your point about perpetual victim Jenna. Some sort of compromise is involved in every job I've had..there are even aspects of some of jobs that I haven't liked...and even though I've liked all my bosses..they're still bosses. And I'm not a victim. It's just life. This weak put upon Clay being carried along in the wind is not attractive. And no matter how much it is denied, I wonder how much of this characterization was born in the back channels of Clay Nation - after all they were hearing all these horrible things from "real' Clay. ETA: Love it Bottle!!
  11. ha ha make that from the couch to the couchie and we're going to fresh choice so that's good right?
  12. hey muski... if you're bored..you can always zip around to my workplace and take me to lunch PerusingOne..what page are you on... .. she'll read this in a week
  13. I mandate right now that we hire some marketers to create our narrative so that people actually know we exist Hi officially underthespell!! Love that name. I can relate.
  14. Organic narrative.....I think it's a fancy word for bullshit. ahhhh :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kareneh! I've missed you. and LOL I hope you feel better soon. When I went out and about and hither and yon a couple days ago I read from someone's appraisal of the show that all in all it helped Clay more than it hurt him. HUH? I find it sad that Clay is judged so harshly that some almost felt it might have better he had not done it at all.
  15. There's 3 words I think ya'll have a problem with that nobody has mentioned. VIEW NEW POSTS because we have new members but few welcomes. They're just not pretty enough anymore. New slang words have come in and taken over. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Anyway, I do kinda miss when we used to laugh more at ourselves and the Clay humor was less barbed. And I think because of some of the things that have happened some feel there should be nothing directed at Clay. Take this whole flap issue for instance... which I'm not exactly sure I get...but anyway...like someone NEW said in check in..I think he's done that before...and it was endearing. Nobody was looking to hunt down TC and chastize them for making Clay look dorky and fat on national TV. My pasty white boyfriend is living up to his name. Isn't it funny how you can separate Clayton from Clay? I admire Clayton a lot and think he's adorable. Clay Aiken though... he's hawt. I wonder if he slips into the pop star persona easy as a glove or if he gets whiplash. Or are the two much more integrated these days. FRiday came quickly! YAY!
  16. Welcome Skybar and RIFan Rifan, the OFC is worth it just for the blogs. I never go to the message board. It's just not my cup of tea!!
  17. I'll add my little pet peeve to one of yours: ORGANIC narrative... LOL never heard that one before. Your experts must have been smarter than my experts ETA: ain't no ovaries exploding around here. Been hanging arounds kids the last two days. He sure looks adorable though.
  18. Speaking of workouts..I got one too....my butt was on a bus for the first time in years. I have a nice walks on each side of my ride. I call this the But I wanna see Clay Aiken in the heartland form of exercise. It was him or get the car fixed. Guess what I chose
  19. I remember when ATDW came out it took me forever to listen to the "extras" - both LAA and IYDKMBN. I think Ansa asked me for a week what I thought..and I kept saying I haven't listened yet. heee. So much going on back then. And then I finally was able to download them both and I was so blown away by IYDKMBN that it took me forever to even appreciate LAA. I love my green eyed soul man and he kicks all kinds of butt with this song. bwah
  20. me too! Thanks...I'm always reluctant to work on song recommendations but I really have come to enjoy it.
  21. We need someone to rate Mary Did you Know from CITH if anyone is interested.
  22. ya'll are cheatin' ETA: oh yes I did answer..ONE answer each... even though it kills me and I want to edit and add to what I wrote heee.
  23. Favorite Clay recording - Broken Wings Favorite Live Performance - Good News JNT04 El Cajon Favorite Clay Tour - JBT - 3 hours plus of music and personality
  24. yep, it was a great 2007. Thanks for reminding me Play, not that I needed it. My favorite things? all of the press for the last UNICEF trip and raising money and the Kevin Bacon thing Sitting in the audience and waving my sign at Fifth Grader loved the gala auction clack DCAT tour - hearing Clay sing those ATDW songs in person..hee loved the tour even though he didn't sing my top 3 favorites from the album LOL. Only Clay. Listening to KAndre tell stories on a hot hot HOT day at a Pala winery and just the fellowship of friends including Ansa who I finally got to meet in person after years of chatting online on a daily basis. Morticia heee Vegas skate show..I was up 48 straight hours but it was so worth it. Duh, how could I forget Cith... cold weather and all..loved every second of the show and the traveling buddies and meeting still more FCAers for the first time. The Spamalot announcement. loved how FCA grew in 2006 and 2007, minor growing pains and all. And I truly loved meeting so many of you at DCAT, CITH, and in Vegas...and even those that dropped around these parts in the Bay Area (waves to Cha Cha)... I loved putting so many faces to names. I loved meeting brand new people after being in the fandom since "Take." I feel refreshed, like my fandom was saved..not my being a fan of Clay ...but my fandom. Big difference. I love the silly, the smutty, the deep, the witty...I love it all. Thank you all. Blonde Clay, Brunette Clay, Redhead Clay and just plain old singing Clay, my favorite of all. I saw him 8 times this year, 9 if you count Vegas. Every single time was a treat. Clay friends becoming just "friends." Now I need to go work on my eHP expose LOL. Just kidding. You know what I discovered about the eHP this trip. They are funny, and generous, and rambuctious, and hysterical, and teases and they just love Clay and each other and want to have fun. Oh and Scarlett is in charge. heee.
  25. Ah K...loved your entire post but especially the above. Cindilu, believe me there is a limit to my patience. I think Jenna sums it up best for me. Before ATDW, I so enjoyed a battle royale and throwing in my 25 cents in about stupid meaningless crap. Now, pffft. I'm still on a high from the final concert and had no clue there was so much anger about the meet and greets and readers and what not. We had perfectly logical conversations about the whole thing and really, what's to be angry about. Clay bit off a bit more than he expected to chew. It's not worth a caning. Especially when there is so much to treasure from that tour. I want to give a shout out to all mothers. That's usually necessary after I spend a day of babysitting. Don't know how ya'll do it. Waves to Skybar!! Can somebody please put any extras that can't be missed in one thread so that they can be easily found later. Thanks. ETA: I like that there is some press for the UNICEF trip. How is he doing towards his goal of 100K. And there is just so much to celebrate right now and look forward to. It's been a good year IMO. Looking forward to 2008.
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