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Everything posted by Claygasm

  1. OMG...KAndre! This is hilarious! Claygasm MUST read this....she is an avid despiser of the omnipresent STRINGS on this CD! KAndre, that IS hilarious!!! As Muski said, those damn strings are not my favorite thing! :glare: As for Clay being sick..... HE CAN'T BE!!!!!!! I've come a long way just to be in his presence, to bask in his aura, to salivate at his size 13 1/2 feet!!! He wouldn't dare let ME down! Would he???
  2. Let me think about it a little and I'll get back to you. I am depressed about the K-Mart thing. I found out it doesn't work with a Mac! I mean, even Clay couldn't download it - even if it did work like it was supposed to! I had this fantasy about making my own version of ATDW. I would eliminate RHW, add both LAA and IYDKMBN and put in a concert version of ATD instead of the album version. But now I may never hear IYDKMBN. *sigh* I hate Mac prejudice.
  3. While I honor anything KAndre says, I must respectfully disagree on LAA. I FREACKIN LOVE THAT SONG!!! L.O.V.E.!!!! It is so beautiful and vulnerable and sad and I love the emotions he transmits with his magical voice. That and BW are enough to make this album worth every penny - and then some! I so love and adore BW. My favorite by a long shot on the CD. That and LAA. Did I mention I loved LAA??? I have always loved weird, artsy things in music. I also loved the original BW. This is the perfect blend of both. What I really love is it is sooooooooo different, both from the original and from everything else on this album. This is the ONE song on this CD that shows me Clay is capable of real artistry. All the other songs for me are in Clay's safe zone. This one is striking. It is beautiful and artistic and different. I wish all the songs on this album were along this line as far as originality and artistry go. BW is a classic 80's power ballad and yet he was able to turn it into something so different it is hard to remember the original. He managed to turn it into a work of art. None of the other songs, as well done as they are, to me qualify as a work of art. BW does. Sadly, I suspect this is a song we may never hear in concert. I cannot imagine how they would do it. How could they capture that ethereal quality in concert? Did I mention I loved BW?? And LAA? What do I think of the other songs, you ask? Ok you didn't ask and I won't bore you with a complete review. Of the "originals" I still hate ATD. I just don't get the neccessity of overloading that song with strings (for that matter, many of the songs on the album are overloaded with strings). I mean on GMA the strings were sitting on the stage but weren't used for that song and it was much better. Still have a hard time not cracking up with laughter when his eyes start seeing spinning balls and fighting angels (I mean, just what kind of trip is this man on! ), but its better without the strings. LNM - the jury is out. I expected to like this more than I do, but it may have something to do with it following RHW which is my least favorite song on the album. EIH is very pretty but a little too schmaltzy for my taste. I do like TOA a lot. I like the lyrics. I like the sound. I was most surprised at BYLM. I HATE the original but with the drums and the lack of bombasity almost give it a little teeny rock edge and I like it a lot more. HYCA - still unsure about this one. I guess of the covers other than my beloved and adored BW, I like SSTBTHW the most. Love the use of the guitars and I couldn't help but think of Clay and both his fathers when I listened to it. Overall, I like the album more than I thought, but I can't say I love it. I think it may grow on me. I have only listened to the entire album twice - and once was here at work with not great speakers and these annoying phone calls interrupting me! Of course I have listened to BW and LAA many, many more times than that! Did I mention I loved those two songs???
  4. I totally agree. Can't stop playing it and I MUST get to bed! This should have been on the regular CD so more people could hear it! This is the very best song on the CD. Amazing!!!!!!
  5. Well, its getting harder and harder to hold out, but I am soooooooooooo close! But he growls? *whimpers* Does he have stubble too??? I just hope I will be able to download these Walmart videos here at work and then do YSIs to myself to keep on my Mac at home. I want to see the pretty at home too!
  6. Not watching. Not watching. Not watching. I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer (I think). I sure hope the CD that I bought from Sony is in my mailbox when I get home! Although even then I won't be able to watch the Walmart thingy since its not Mac compatible. :glare: Imagine - Clay won't even be able to watch! At least I have a PC at work.
  7. Soundcheck Walmart.com OMG...four soungs in the video...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Weird that WY isn't one of them, considering its the first single.... And I really do not like ATD - too many spinning balls and fighting angels for my taste! But EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for 4, count them FOUR, performance videos of CLAY!!! Am I the only one finding it hard to concentrate on work today????
  8. That sounds like a song about masterbation! :em1100: (Are we allowed to say that here??) So we've got the Measure of a Man, who is a Lover All Alone. So, that's why he's Lonely No More!
  9. But, but, but why couldn't he sing LNM? I mean, I haven't heard a single note of that song and everyone seems to love it and I have heard people say its an earworm and he co-wrote it! He should be singing LMN! **Pouts. Stamps feet.** I don't think Clay loves me. First he refuses to sing TOUCH, my very favorite song from MOAM, and now he's going to sing ATD when he KNOWS I hate it! (He must know because I have been bitching about it for over a year now.) Good thing he's so hot or I might have to be mad at him.
  10. Sure look like an enormous FU to some gnatty types..... YAY for iTunes! It must mean a bonus track or maybe a video or maybe both!! But booooooooooooooooo for him singing ATD on GMA. Me hate ATD. Hated during the JBT. To many spinning balls and angels fighting and plodding melodies..... And if I didn't like it in concert...... But then again, who cares. Its Clay! Clay, Clay everywhere! Damn, this waking up with Clay is making me perky!
  11. I woke up with Clay this morning! Ok, it was only a commercial but still.... I am sooooooooooooooo not a morning person so my alarm goes off and a half hour later my TV comes on. I always have it set to my ABC station for GMA. And this morning it comes on, my eyes are still tightly shut, and I hear "CAN'T LIIIVE IF LIVING IS WITHOUT YOU!" My eyes have never opened so fast! It was Clay!! The commercial was kind of goofy, but it was Clay!! Clay woke me up this morning and I kind of liked it! And I got a email saying my copy of ATDW has shipped from the Sony place, not to mention the pretty magnet. Maybe, if I am lucky, I will even get it early! Unlikely considering where I live its not likely. I mean, we don't even have real mail trucks! But maybe. I think I'll have to start checking my mail daily. Cause I am very anxious to hear it since I have yet to listen to the stream. Tonight its Leno! Next week twice on GMA (and what's the thing on the weekend?) and isn't he supposed to be on the View? And commercials for the CD and who knows what else. Its all so exciting! And one week from today I will be winging my way to California for a visit with the great Muski and then Kimmel!! Sometimes life is good.
  12. I going to be at Kimmel, Muski.... Still haven't listened to the stream. I am soooooo proud of myself. Not sure why, but I am! All I know is that CD I ordered from the Sony Music store to get the cute Library Man magnet better come early as some have said it sometimes does! I saw an ad for the Kimmel special when I was watching GMA this morning. There was a Clay sighting in it! Looked to be the "Reunited" bit. I think they need to show the fighting skit, the football bit and the "Reunited" bit and then have the new hair appear in person! It would seem only right. Delusional I know.
  13. Hi KAndre!! Clear Channel. Yeah, well, there are 6 Clear Channel stations in the Philadelphia area. But their formats aren't exactly, shall we say, Clay friendly. We have 2 Urban stations, 1 Gospel station, one Spanish station (it used to be an AC station until a few months ago :glare: ), a smooth jazz station (which I checked just in case, even though it was a stretch) and one too-cool-for-school CHR station. Good thing I don't want to listen!
  14. Muski!! You didn't!!! Am I the only one with any self-control??? I suppose when the streaming link is back up you'll cave and listen to the rest! :glare: But since you did cave....... What did you listen to? What did you think?? I am VERY nervous about this album so I am waiting. I plan to get a good bottle of wine and settle down with headphones and my cat (whose name happens to be Waldo.... ) and give it a good listen. I want to give it every chance to wow me and seduce me and debacle me. Good things come to those who wait. Right?
  15. I am one of those who doesn't like it. I mean, first he's wearing his grandfather's sweaters again but worse than that is he looks totally and completely wasted!! :o But I would still do him....
  16. The California contingent and a few vistors from the east.... It has been suggested he may be doing a CD signing across the street at the Virgin Megastore. And then maybe he'll go up and down the line outside Kimmel and sign CDs for those of us in line. And then he'll pick one lucky person from the line and get really up close and personal with her. And that person will be moi! And then I'll wake up from my dream.......
  17. I was just bringing that picture of Clay over! Wow, there really is a resemblance between that picture of Clay and that picture of James Blunt. Weird. This picture of Clay is kind of cute. Not hot like Library Boy, but kind of cute. I think the thing I like about it is the smirk on his face. He looks like he is trying so hard to suppress a giggle. He has sort of a twinkle in his eye. I think its the first picture we have seen from this shoot where you can see Clay's personality coming through - just a little.
  18. Well, you know what they say, insanity loves company! And your latest creation above? BWAH!!! (And its a little scary too.... ) (I hope the clips weren't taken out on account of me! I just turned down my volume!)
  19. Ooooo. I want one with the stand up figure. I could have fun with that!!
  20. Not fair!!! I promised myself I wouldn't listen to the clips and then I come to FCA and all of a sudden I hear someone singing RHW. I couldn't figure out who it was (shame on me... ) or where it was coming from and then it hit me (ok, so I am a little slow.... ). It was a clip! I don't want to hear the clips! I have been so good in my resolve and now, now I WANT to hear them! Why didn't I recognize the VOX???? I feel so ashamed...... Now I must resist the temptation to listen to all of them. I must resist. I must resist. I must resist. (May I please reserve a padded room????? Heaven knows I need one! :glare: ) Bottle you are hysterical!!
  21. Bottlecap, I LOVED your Silence of the Hair!! A masterpiece to be sure! It is September and Clay is coming. Can't you feel it? I do! And when he finally does, it will be like fireworks on the 4th of July! That feeling of love and passion and lust will all come streaming back. We'll feel the exhiliration once again. Yup, Clay is coming and I like so many others need it bad!
  22. I'm only posting silliness because it's a lifeline to sanity for me these days. Real life is kicking me in the butt big time. Speaking of big butts...in my crystal ball, bottlebabe, I have Elle MacPherson's body, Oprah's money, Catherine Zeta Jones' face, Bonnie Raitt's musical talent, and a degree in massage therapy. If we are looking into crystal balls, mine says I am in my 20's, gorgeous with big boobs, just Clay's type and with a way to meet him! He would look into my eyes and the rest, as they say, would be sex, history.....
  23. Don't be bitter - yet. Are there any small symphonies out there looking for a guest singer? If not, you know there is always an air mattress with your name on it here in the east! Any conferences of business trips scheduled around that time???
  24. Its not just you, but then again, we share a brain! And now I see we need to split it 3 ways! Is there enough to go around???
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