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Everything posted by Claygasm

  1. God the cover of the EP is worth the price - and then some! Maybe I'll buy a bunch and decorate my house for Christmas with the covers. THAT just might put me in the Christmas spirit! (And I don't think needs to have a religious song on every album. He didn't on MOAM, IMO)
  2. Do I get to rub it on Clay's ass - and anywhere else I want to????
  3. Ok, I will deny this outside of the Clay world but I like this song!! I HATED the Celine version (although Robert Redford looked hot in the movie....). I fully expected to hate this version too. I didn't. I like the drums. I like the pop/rock flavor of it. They managed to take an over the top power ballad and make it pop and rock a bit. I think he will kill on this in concert! (And I don't think he thought about the fans with this. Unfortunately, I think he thought of his mother........ :glare: )
  4. I didn't think even Clay's flat white ass could be romantic! I just don't think of flat white asses as paricularly romantic.
  5. Who should be singing this? Kevin Costner with his flat white ass? Or Clay, with his flat white ass???
  6. Don't throw the tomatoes, but I think he sounds like a girl on this one. I like the Celtic sounds, but other than that I think its a pretty boring arrangement. I also just heard the Bryan Adamns version - on my way to work this morning. All I could think about was even though I didn't like it when it came out, I like it better than Clay's version. It just sounded more passionate and Clay's sounds kind of flat emotionally. And his voice is way too high. (And I do promise I like the rest better.... )
  7. Its not quite 9pm yet! Had to finish my dishes but I'm here. I am sure you are all thrilled, but I promise, once we get past EID I'll be much happier this week!
  8. Ok, I AM post-whoring but...... To celebrate Shadow's safe return, I have a present for Muski. CURLY CHEST HAIR!!!!!!
  9. Muski, how did I miss your post about Shadow? Oh well, doesn't matter! The important thing is you found sweet Shadow!!! Is he home yet???? To be honest, I suspect my friend's comment about the audible gasp from the audience over the hair was an exaggeration. She and the person she was sitting next to gasped a bit, though. I think it was mostly the shock considering how amazing the hair has looked lately (and this coming from one who HATED the hair when he was on AI5!). The ONLY time his hair looked like that was when he sang ATD - which was the first thing they taped. I doubt ATD will be shown separately from the interview, so it will look a bit odd to have him get up from the interview to go sing and then suddenly have different hair! I do think the Christmas segment will be shown separately because they had the set decorated for Christmas with that one. My theory is that the hair stylist was late and they couldn't wait any longer (there apparently was A LOT of waiting around for Tyra) so he just did it himself or someone else did it quickly and by the time he was finished ATD the stylist arrived and fixed it! Hey, its as good a reason as any! Looking forward to the listening party tonight. And you all will be relieved to know I tend to like the last half of the album better than the first! And then right after the listening party, I can watch the Kimmel rerun! Spending a Friday night with Clay. Doesn't get much better than that!
  10. Oh my God, yes...that's exactly it! That clip was very cool to see, and I can't wait for this promo. The hair? I've almost always been of the opinion of -- it's hair. I never understood the freakouts that some people had over some of the hairstyles *waves at couchie, for I know she LOVED the mohawk hee*. OK, so I'm thinking of a certain "fan" in particular. Anyway, so I see this Tyra hair, and I simply laugh. I too think this is just Clay hair when he feels like being a regular person. So he forgot to do his hair one day. Big fat hairy deal. I know, I know...he's in public, doing a major promo appearance. Well, that didn't stop him from some of the outfits he's worn (I still shudder at the MDYK Leno outfit). It wouldn't necessarily stop him from leaving his hair like that for a song. He does what he does, he looks like he looks...and nothing stops him. And I still find him sexy. I'm not THAT shallow. *g* I've just created a thread for the listening party tomorrow night! Y'all come now, ya hear? ATDW listening party thread for October 27 But, but, but he CHANGED the hair after he sang ATD! He sang the other song with different hair. He did the interview with different hair. Yet he had THIS hair for one song!! I think that's kind of weird. I mean if for no other reason than continuity! I'm not shallow. I really am not. But when I think his hair looks awful, I will say so. After all, I think its important to be honest with those you love.....
  11. Clay is amazing. How he can look like he does in those pictures Muski posted one minute, and then another...... I had heard tales of the hair he had when he sang ATD on Tyra. They filmed that song first, before they did any of the rest of the show. They changed the hair immediately after - and with good reason. I never understood why they didn't re-shoot that song. I heard the hair was bad. I heard there was an audible gasp from the audience when he walked out with it. I heard he seemed very uncomfortable during that song. Now I understand why........ It looks like a bad pompadour!!!! ETA: I heard Clay was at the top of the new member list at the OFC. That would explain why he hasn't blogged in so long. He forgot to renew his membership!
  12. Whoa! That DOOL post has my head spinning! So, does this mean Clay isn't cohosting Regis and Kelly? And if he's not, its obviously just another sign of RCA trying to undermine his success. They obviously did something to make Regis and Kelly change their minds! And then where is Tyra? Did they pay Tyra tons of money never to air Clay's episode? And wasn't Clay supposed to be on Dr. Phil? OMG! RCA got to him too! Will the trechery never end?????? The above was brought to you by Paranoid Clay Fans Are Us and is meant as pure snark - at least to me, although I suspect there are more than a few who would believe every word!
  13. Well, someone must be having a Christmas wedding on DOOL! Where did we first hear Clay was co-hosting Regis and Kelly? That bit of information seems to have vanished. Of course, it doesn't say he isn't co-hosting. You would think it would, but it doesn't. I was just wondering if there is any official confirmation that he is co-hosting. For that matter, weren't there murmerings that he was going to be on November 24th instead of November 17th? And where is Tyra? Wouldn't you think they would know by now when that will air? I am just curious so I don't miss anything. If we wait for the OFC to confirm something, we'll miss it!
  14. *Sigh* But I don't like Christmas. If he's releasing an exclusive EP, why can't it be songs that didn't make ATDW? Doesn't he care about ME?? Isn't it all about ME???? No? Well pooh! :glare: PS - Welcome Aspiegirl!
  15. Great post, JennaZ. You know, Clay's greatest competition for this album was really himself. MOAM sold so well on the wake of AI2 and the Clay/Ruben "competition" and how Clay should have won, yada, yada, yada. That album took off like a rocket, but it slowed very quickly. Then MCWL came out and sold remarkedly well for a Christmas album. That set the bar very high for Clay AND his fans. Almost impossibly high. This was his first mainstream album in 3 years. For the "not us" folks he had been out of the public eye for a long time. Then it was a cover album. I think even with major traditional marketing this album would have been a tough sell. Believing that, I think his numbers are incredible. And realistic. Nope, Clay isn't going anywhere. I don't need him to outsell anyone. I don't need him at the top of the charts. I don't need the critics to say he's great or cool or anything else. I just need him to sing to me! And looking hot is just a nice perk!
  16. I'm sorry I mentioned the Christmas song list was the same old same old. I didn't mean to complain. Its just it is also almost the same set list as JNT05 as well as JNT04 and I was disappointed last yer when he sang the same old same old (of course, I wasn't a big vignette fan either.... ) But I still saw it 5 times. Didn't plan on it. It just sort of happened. Clay can be addictive that way. But I should confess. I am not a fan of Christmas. In fact, I HATE it. For me its the most depressing time of year for a multitude of reasons. If I had my way, I would go into hibernation from Thanksgiving until January 2nd. So its not just that he will be singing the same old same old. Its just Christmas. Besides, I am only going to one this year and frankly, if he looks like this, he could be singing anything and I wouldn't notice. I would just be sitting there in a puddle of drool (and other things....), tongue hanging out, rendered into more of an idiot than I already am. God he's is GORGEOUS!!!! He totally mesmerizes me with that look on his face!
  17. My reaction to the Christmas set list is, Doesn't he know any other Christmas carols????? I mean, this is the JNT04 all over again, minus GN and OHN. Nothing new. Nothing different. There are more songs out there, Clay! Of course, he already knows the words (sometimes ) to these. And you're right - too many songs for half a concert. Either they just looked up one of his past set lists or this is the list from which the orchestras can choose. My worry is clack. Since these aren't Clay concerts, I guess he won't be setting the clack policy. These venues and orchestras may not understand our NEED for clack. What if there is no clack????? :o ETA: His sales figures should really set people off! I think I'll be skipping lurking at some boards for the next few days......
  18. Welcome JennaZ! Did someone say something about big gorgeous pictures???
  19. I was reading backwards so I just saw this........ See, this is why I love Muski so much! I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me for not wringing my hands and worrying myself to death over all things Clay. I saw someone on another board post something like how sorry she is that the Clay Nation is hurting right now. Hurting?? What is there to hurt about? Looks like Clay is perplexed too. And I NEVER hurt when I see that face!
  20. Watch out for all those ghouls and zombies and creepy things... BWAH!!!! That last picture is beyond scary!!! I live in the middle of nowhere. My driveway is about a half mile long. I never have to worry about trick or treaters!
  21. See, I WAS stupid! I should have known that! Ok, I have given up on my movie for tonight. I burned 4 and 3 were all screwed up! Grrrrr!!!! Must go to bed. I am soooo tired! 'Night all!
  22. You didn't clean it for me! And because of that, I felt right at home! Fun evening guys! Now back to trying to get my movie to burn! ETA: I don't mean to be stupid, but play, Michael who????
  23. Thanks for a fun evening, everyone! I'll try and be more positive next week. I mean, I HAVE to be. There are 2 songs I LOVE on that half of the album, and a couple I don't mind...... This was a great idea. This fandom can be so much fun if WE let it. Thanks for letting us have fun!
  24. Word to eveything. And God, no wonder this song gets to me. It IS me! Especially this part.... **sigh**
  25. Waldo is in my lap, which makes it rather hard to type.... But.... I think I am a lyrics person because to me the lyrics tell the story. I was an actress - sort of - back in the day. I majored in theater in college. I wrote poetry. I kept journals. Words have always been my way of saying things I couldn't say, if you know what I mean. So when I listen to a song, I hear the lyrics first. If they speak to me, I tend to like the song because I hear the person who wrote it. They have a voice. But that's just me. LAA is addictive to me. Once I start listening to it, I find it hard to stop. It just means so much to me........ This may be the one song that gets me to cry......
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