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Everything posted by Divayenta

  1. Hee, Clay looks like Puck in "A Midsummer's Night Dream" in those caps. So cute, feral, a frisky , woodsy creature!
  2. Lots of white light and prayers for jumpingjacks. We are all here for you.
  3. Hi everyone, I just want to let you all know that on December 1,the night before the DC show, that we are having a Christmas Open House for all who are in town the day before. We live in Alexandria, right next door, minutes away from DC by car or Metro. Let me know if you'd like to stop by! Hugs! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. Have a blast with our buddy chach, couchie. You braved the Bay with Muski for me- which I really appurciate! Course, we met you in Oakland twice too. Here's to many more times and have a blast! Still swooonning over the throat, the lips, the eyes, the voice, the layers, etc. The mose delectable creature ever! And it looks like Qiana had him all to herself! And a lifelong friendship and family was forged. Did she ever dream back then that he'd be her baby's godfather? What a great story this is.
  5. Fact? How do we know this is a fact? Sure he had some close friends that he didn't date (as far as we know) but that doesn't mean that there weren't girls that he did date or girls that he didn't date that wanted to date him. Just because he has chosen not to tell tales doesn't mean there aren't tales to tell. And really there are some parts of Clay's life that we have heard nothing about. FWIW, Clay (then) is exactly the kind of guy that I went after in HS. Me, too. Oooh, he would've been so my type. I had crushes on guys like him. The kind of funky, musical, artistic ones with senses of humor. That final profile shot of him in the audience has completely undone me today. Clay's nose alone is a sex object worthy of worship.
  6. I ADORE Miss Kendra! How cute and funny is she? Thanks Perma for the gorgeous photo. My internet just came back on - it went out 36 hours ago- so only now have I been able to drown myself in the gorgeousness that is Clay Aiken's voice. Unbelievable. I do believe that boy got some coaching up in New York in preparation for the rigors of Broadway performing. He has never sounded so solid and powerful. And Jesse continues to amaze me with his many gifts. I love this web that Clay is weaving that sparkles with talented dewdrops in his connections that he makes. Always intriguing, surprising, leading to more exposure and growth and friendships. He is just beginning to soar again, as does my heart.
  7. Singing "IWCY" while skating. One of my all time fave Clay performances. Sasha's so gonna be toast after a go-round with Prince Charming! I'd take a go-round myself! (/crawls back to bed)
  8. Just dropping out of lurkdom for a sec to wish everyone a fabuloso time in Las Claygas. Er....that didn't look right, never mind. HOw will he hit it off with La Sashinka? They're both intimately familiar with "second place". But as you know, Number Two always tries harder! They haven't even met and I'm shippin' already! Oy. How cool is it that Clay Skywalker saw the GC? It is awesome and holy ground. I wonder what went through his mind. Back to bed now with one hell of a steenkin' head cold. I feel very blessed indeed to have made it to Sedaka. I could use that Nevada desert air right about now! Try to catch "O" , the best show of Cirque du Soleil-it is a total aquatic dream. And that Terry Faber guy who won "America's Got Talent"- the ventriloquist/singer/impressionist? He's the best! Has his own gig in Vegas too now. Hugs! Extra little squish for zena. Crawls back to bed.
  9. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 Just got second row center tix for January 26. This is the big one, Elizabeth. It will open all the doors for him. I feel so vindicated. All the snobby friends who love Monty Python and hate Clay- I just can't wait to tell THEM! :F_05BL17blowkiss: my ass! Great rhymes here. I'm skipping about like Dieter (I'm happy as a little girl!)
  10. Hee, hee, thanks merriee! I love cute little 'nanners! And he is just as adorable as he can be! HOpe the World Series is over by November 1. Series, Shmeries- bring on teh Clay! bottlecap, I love your description of Mr. A!! I would so crush on him as a student- all googly-eyed.
  11. Cotton,hon, my southern friends say "cuddins" for "cousins" sometimes and I've heard Clay say it. Couchie, you forgot the one good gay stylist, Mr. Steeeve from NY. I love Clay and every hair on his head, God bless his hairy little toes, but I'm just sayin' he got butchered . It's just an objective observation I'd make if I saw it on anyone. YMMV, IMO etc. etc.etc. :F_05BL17blowkiss: (/dodges fruit and veggies)
  12. Saw Baby for 2 seconds, cute as a button, but here comes the "bowl cut", real short. Claaay, (tmJerryLewis) , hire a nice gay hairdresser from uptown New York and say goodbye to your cute little "cuddin". She's a doll and all but.......
  13. jumpingjacks, I think y0u answered my question - makes a lot of sense. It's always a tough one- I mean, there was a time when the Mormons didn't believe that black people were fully human and could get to heaven. Unreal, huh? Luckily, they came around. merriiee, my little chickadee, the "skits" I was referring to were his Christmas ones two years ago. I found his entire premise from the heart and quite touching. But I get what you are saying with your post, too.
  14. Loved your posts, Missy Scarlett, cuz I totally agree. That church- I remember seeing some of their written material about gays which I found totally reprehensible. Now we know Clay doesn't feel that way and has gay people in his band and crew as well as gay friends. I wonder how he squares that with the church' s policy. Any thoughts? I'm so sick of people tearing down his concepts. It's their right, but I love the surprise of him. When many thought the skits were awful, I just shook my head. How can you critique someone who is baring his soul? Hugging you all and I could sure use one tonight. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  15. Can we get an FCA timeshare in New York for multiple viewings of Spamalot? I'm already a believer! I was gonna share my story , but as I said it's poignant, sad, but very genuine. He'd never use it, I'm sure! But it's the only thing that came to me. It's not the right temperature in the room right now, so maybe later. I love Clay's ideas and yes, I do hope he'll do a gospel set one day with the girls. It would be fabuloso! I love that montage that shows Clay doing all the Jefferson dances and "Help me , Jesus!" falls to his knees. He and the girls were just hi-larious . Qiana, "Wh-what's the matter?" Angela, " Take it easy now.." and so forth. And Jesse's cute little bouncy ass as he conducts the Jefferson theme! Many hugs and squishees to our merriee! Shit happens, but c'mon now- enough's enough already! My sympathies, dear one.
  16. WRote one but it's very poignant and serious so I'm sure he won't use it. Gonna send it anyway, just for fun. It just sorta came out.
  17. Oh please keep it away! I noticed that it was gone but kept quiet in case it wasn't intentional. Hee! Speaking of instruments, he learned to use mine too.... *sighs* Showoff! Yes, he handled it deftly, gently and with great command. He also felt a great need to share it with everyone else , too! That's some instrument you got there, Scarlett!
  18. I think he looks verrry English, don't you, Miss merriee? His heritage is showing. He looks like a young member of the House of Lords. I'll take him.
  19. Did anyone see the interview with Jenna on 20/20? She was fabulous! Committed, a giant heart, wit and intelligence and REAL. She's been doing fantastic work with AIDS afflicted kids in Jamaica for the past year. I loved her and wanted her to meet Clay. Now they have! She's engaged, though.
  20. Clay's "preacher/teacher" intonation and enunciation gives me a giggle as heard on AI Rewind the other night. I used to say his alter ego was Miss Jane Hathaway! I loved her on The Beverly Hillbillies- "Oh, Jethro!" I've been off the boards pretty much, still dealing with health issues, but one day at a time. Xena , where are you? Or are you "mee"? What do you call yourself here? I'm talking about that wild and crazy gal from Winnipeg! I had a random thought the other day- have we ever seen Clay's bare shoulders? Guess not. I posted that elsewhere and berkeley suggested an "art shot" of Clay be taken, bare , just from the shoulder blades up , his face in profile. I nearly swooned just imagining it! Oh! I'm going to Lincoln Center and then to "The Color Purple" with Fanty the next day. Who all here is going?
  21. Just boppin' in to say howdy! I've been having a tough time with my cystitis lately! Great topic. All I wanted to add was that I saw the Idols show last week. LaKisha, who is pretty good as a singer sang, "I Will Always Love You" and the crowd went crazy like it was the greatest thing they ever heard. Now she did pretty well, but compared to our Qiana? Like, NO COMPARISON! Q has one of the most gorgeous voices I have ever heard. Range, modulation, control, power and purity of tone. Lakisha couldn't do that cool octave jump thingy at the end that Q does. I think Q sounds even better than Whitney ln this one. Off topic: Blake Lewis stole the show and was the total bomb. Multi-talented and charismatic as all get out. He's got a great future, IMO. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to all!
  22. Just popping in to say "hi". Had to see the cliffhanger for "Ugly Betty". Hobby , addiction during concert time. I see it as the "pub" where I can take a break and hang out from "real life" a little or sometimes a lot each day. My attraction to Clay is a beautiful mystery to me, as well as everything that has come out of it , including "the community". I think a "puppy torcher" would be if Clay turned out to be a total phony about who he is . Can't imagine anything else. I forgot the other question. Was it about shipping? I think it's lighthearted fun- not invested in who he's with. It's just fun.
  23. C'mon Sis and Scarlett- Fanty and Clay ! Join us! We're thinking about The Mann on Central Park on Broadway. Reasonable rates and right near Lincoln Center and the Museum of Natural History. I'lll go look for Dr. Scholl's. Those pix: nothing like afternoon pron. Swing Low sweet chariot!
  24. Does Kandre have poison ivy? I admit that I've had to skim today. Apple cidar vinegar will dry that sucker right up. Ask YSRN about it. I agree with Kandre , Claygasm, couchie, ansa, about the two sides and nobody is perfect - and that wonderful list about "sometimes". What bothers me is the "pile-on" still going on on other boards and I feel very sad and disconnected from them because of it. I've been ill with my auto-immune stuff and I'm not feeling suicidal enough to suggest that Clay may have not been "perfect" in "Locked-Gated" over there. I just want to say how much I appreciate the civility and open mindedness here and I hug you all for it. Hey, what do you guys do for warts? Compound W didn't do it. My doc told me to tape a baby aspirin on it with a bandaid and let the salysalic acid do the trick. WE'll see. It was really hurtin'. OH! Who's going to Sedaka? Hubby and I am and the next nite we're gonna see Fanty in Color Purple. Anyone going? I"m very excited about Purple as well as Sedaka nite. even if I don't feel that way today.
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