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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Aha, You are limiting the big thing to TV, Print or radio - Or concerts.... Heh, maybe you should expand you options a little more. You have actually missed one - It could be a movie release - Don't limit yourself now.

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Ah, playbiller, now you made me go do research on movies coming out in July. Good thing I still have my calender of summer movie releases from EW.

WARNING: Total speculation ahead - it surely means nothing.

I did some poking around on imdb.com and Amazon, but I didn't find anything too obvious as a possibility. The biggest July releases (IMO) should be the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel, and the M. Night Shyamalan movie, Lady in the Water. However, it looks like both of those would just have instrumental soundtrack CDs, and not pop vocals. There are a couple of animated films - Monster House and Barnyard. It's hard to tell about those - it seems sometimes animated movies have vocals on their soundtracks (Cars, for example, seems to have a country-themed CD coming out), but not always. Looks like a few comedy / romance, etc. type movies, plus a bunch of indies. Geez, I just don't know.... :blink:

ETA: Miami Vice also comes out at the end of July. Would Clay fit in on a soundtrack that seems like it would be hip-hop / Cuban beat heavy? S'von joked a couple of times on the JBT that Clay was collaborating with Dr. Dre... B)

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Well, is this finally going to be "THE WEEK"?

Taylor and Katharine have done their victory lap from AI, so hopefully, that hoopla is done.

Christina Aguilera's promotion is gearing up for her August album release, with her first single hitting the airwaves and her performance at the MTV Movie Awards over the weekend. If Clay's CD is released in September, I want to start seeing him get the same kind of attention, and soon please.

The waves from Clay's AI appearance have have been rolling for a couple of weeks. It seems like if we have to wait much longer, they will peter out into ever smaller ripples, until the waters calm down completely again. My surfboard is waxed and ready - I wanna catch and ride that totally rad wave that is building way out in the ocean. Just give me a clue when it's coming.....

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Well, McCrap. <_<

McSigh. Katharine gets her Mcfreakin' press release today, and while it seems to prove that Roger W.'s typing fingers still Mcwork, I suppose it also means no Clay news will be forthcoming.

We have..... ummm ..... two week old footage that have been sliced, diced, magnified, slowed down, photoshopped, and zaprudered to death already. I believed it would be enough to tide me over for a long time, but apparently I'm needier than I thought. Dude, just talk to us already. Strategic silence, shock and awe, image makeover, blah, blah, blah. Whatever. Don't make me break down and buy Ashlee Simpson tickets just 'cause I want to go to a concert (any concert) this year. :blink:

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I try and do other things and not hang around too many Clay boards, too frustrating. Right now, I am cleaning my Mud room where I have been throwing junk for years. soon it will be usable again and nt just a narrow corridor to pass through.

I find the people guessing songs and release dates increase any issues I have. I also hate the way rumor beomes fact and a big blow up has to happen to bring things back to a semblance of order.

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Hey Bottlecap...a press release for Kat is actually great news...that means we may get Clay's press release next week. I was worried hers will be delayed and pushes back Clay;s news. Now...the only thing that would stop an announcement is if they are not ready....

GAH!!!! the waiting is so tough now. I need to see more of Clay and the new hair....

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I'm just in a pissy mood that will likely change again by tomorrow. I know the drill: Clay's important to RCA, It will be ready when it's ready, Perfection takes time, blah blah yadda yadda yadda. I'm just tired of feeling like Clay has to wait for everyone else at RCA to do their thing, etc. (Whether this is the case or not). I want evidence that somebody else has to get the hell out of Clay's way for a change. I've been playing "Maybe next week" for six months now, and I'm weary and feeling low.... :(

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Its not that the others are more important ...its trying to get the biggest impact as possible for every prmotion and PR campaign. RCA may not want to bring out info about their artists at the same time. That will split up the attention of the media. So they try to stagger the promotions. The problem is...Clay is the one that was not ready with his CD. If he was ready earlier, if the CD was ready for the June 20 release then we would;ve gotten the promo much earlier than Christina and the the AI publicity push. But Clay needed more time...his CD got delayed so now he needs to wait until these other promos goes through first.

Now bottlecap...totally understand the impatience...I guess the anticipation is just getting too much specially after the little tease Clay gave us with his new look.

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I'm kinda with botlecap. what does a Kat have to do with clay. why must he wait for some album that may sell 2 copies. I hope that isn't the thinking.

Hell remember bo's buzz last year. He was really supposed to be the next Clay..as in sell more than the winner. Yet he got stomped in the dust by the supposed third most popular contestant on idol according to bo and connie fans.

I want that album...and I want it when it's ready. Hopefully, we don't have it because it's not ready yet, not because he's waiting his turn.

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Other contestants who are compared to Clay, one of my most favorite rants.

Bo did get a little hurt in sales by his illness. He probably could have gone platinum if he was not so ill. The fact that his songs suck is, or should be, expected. It is up to the ex-idols to sell those sucky songs and I think we have one that really could sell them and make us like it, too!

Constatine is working on his album now - should be interesting, isn't he signed to Sony? Oddly enough he seems to spend and unusal amount of time at AI. Shouldn't he be working on his sitcom?

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Oh its not that he has to wait for her album to finish or her schedule should even affect his CD release. I do think Taylor and Kats CD will come after Clay's. I was simply talking about the start of the promotions and the press release. RIght now RCA is probably just tying up the initial PR surrounding Taylor and KAts AI win. I think the thinking is...let that go first. They already got a huge buzz that was worth 2 weeks of PR from the AI appearance. Now that The RCA produced press release on Kat and Taylor are done...Its time for Clay's PR to begin. I just think this would be their mentality right now. BUT definitely...once the PR machine for Clay starts...I think it would totally be independent of the KAt/Taylor cds...BTW, these press release were really about their singles and the fact that they did sign up with RCA. I;m sure their CDs will only come out much later in the fall.

BUT I do think they should be coming out with something next week or by the third week of June if they are going to have a single impacting on radio for July.


there is a report of another song that Clay recorded that MAY be on the CD...here is a post about it from the CH:

Bringing this over from the OFC with permission of austinclaymate:

austinclaymate wrote:

Okay, so I found a link to Kyle Jacobs' myspace where it says "Other artists whom have recorded Kyles songs include Lee Brice, Plumb, Clay Aiken and Joy Williams." So I sent him a message asking about Clay and he responded!! Here's my message, and then his:

I wrote:

On your profile it says you've recorded with Clay Aiken--is that for his new CD coming out? What songs have you recorded with him? Thanks! Your songs are great!!


Kyle wrote:

hey ******...clay did cut one of my songs, "Taken"...i am not sure if it will make his new album, but we will see...you can hear the song if you itunes the band "Plumb"...it is on her "Beautiful Lumps of Coal" album...the clay version is very different but i think it is equally as cool...it is a very personal song to me...

thank you for your interest in my music...which song is your favorite on my profile...?

just wonderin'

here is the song as recorded my plumb on yousendit...remember Clay;s version is supposed to be very different but I really am liking this song. I think it has potential...

taken by plumb

so what do y'all think?

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Morning E1,

Ansa, I am listening to the song right now. It really does have a "feel" about it. I really like it. I can see where it can be "Aikenized" a bit. At this point, just about anything would be great CD, blog, blowing in my ear LOL.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Sweating in Georgia

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georgia, you made me giggle this morning with that ear comment. :D

I have listened to the short clip of "Taken" on Amazon, but I'll have to wait until I get home to download the whole song. I have read the lyrics, and with some slight modifications, I could see it applying to Brett leaving for overseas service.

I am still in a pissy mood about the total and complete lack of CD news. Kelly Clarkson is just going into the studio to start work on her next album, and she is getting plenty of coverage and giving all kinds of interviews about it in conjunction with her tour. Yeah, different artists, different promo plans, blah blah blah. It's not like giving some official indication that the freakin' CD actually exists is some kind of national security risk. "If we let the fans know the title of even one of the songs, it means the terrorists have won!" :angry: I am beginning to think I'm not going to hear anything until the CD shows up in the new releases section of the Sunday Target ad.

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I just keep telling myself ...once this promo starts, it will go all the way. It just has to..ya know... start.

Kelly never entered a down cycle for herself...she is going full steam ahead and I think its what she needs right now. Kelly is not a compelling celebrity on her own. IF she does not have anything out there people kinda forget about her. I think this is why her management is really making sure that they don't lose the momentum.

Clay seem to have different needs. I think he really needed this down time to get to know what kind of music he wants out there. Once thats out...I don;t think he would be slowing down anytime soon. I suspect...with the great reception he got from his AI appearance...RCA would be so stupid not to give him full press promo internationally. I really suspect Clay will probably end up ahving the same type of year Kelly had. i.e. very busy. Right now it seem so hard to see that cos nothing has started yet. But after seeing the Buzz his 2 min appearance created in AI...I can't see it happening any other way.

lets just continue meditating on the possibilities....OHHHHMMMMMM.....OHHHMMMM

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I think I have perhaps not been successful in completely kicking my AI habit.

:09: :00000462: :clown_4:

:kos: :all_coholic: :music:

I had a dream last night that my two sisters and I were auditioning for the preliminary rounds of American Idol, but instead of the 3 judges, only Simon :kos: was there. The auditions were in some long hallway-type place. One of my sisters got cut, and one got sent through. I, on the other hand, had my usual bad dream issues of knowing I had to be somewhere, but not being able to get there on time. (It usually involves high school and forgotten locker combinations and tests I haven't studied for and whatnot. Yeah, it probably means something....) Anyway, by the time I got there, Simon had already left. And then I woke up. My interpetation of the meaning of the dream? Uh, I don't know. :blink: Watch less reality TV maybe? Fewer spicy foods at dinner time and more warm milk instead?

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Hee...yup you are missing Simon.

Well...at least us Canadians have Canadian Idol. This year they are going full out for judges antics once again. They already showed one judge throwing a garbage can after an auditioner...

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Ansa, are you seing any good singers on CI yet this year, or do you have to sit through endless rounds on nonsense first?


ETA (since I'm talking to mahself here anyway): Apparently, Emo Hair in general has some detractors. Who knew? <_<

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Well, if you aree missing reality TV, here is good news for you, Project Runway starts again June 12th - YAYAYAYA

I would not get too attatched to Clay's hair cut, I assume it will have more practical versions in the future, many different versions. I one thing he is consistant about it is changing his hair.

I don't wear bangs because they make me sweat, and from reports this is not a hairstyle that Clay wears every day.

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No cable, so I gotta wait for the network reality shows. I am actually looking forward to watching Rock Star again when it starts in July.

Hmmm, a network singing competition in July; the best singer I know has new Rock star HAIR; July is rumored to be "Hawt" for him.... You don't think....? HA! :P

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I am cracking up here reading the last few days' posts. HDTV, mean sisters-- Oh that's right that's me. Ha! I love to give Playbiller a hard time. :lol:

I've been having a good time as acting nurse for my husband who had knee replacement surgery. I get to give him two shots a day. If I had known it was this much fun I would have been a real nurse. :20:

I haven't been too concerned about the lack of news about Clay. I assume that RCA works on a time table and things will happen according to this schedule not according to ours. I have no doubt that press releases have beeen written, tv appearances scheduled and radio contacts are being made. Maybe I'm wrong in assuming that everyone has a to do list, but they are dealing with big bucks here. Clay is not an unknown. He has a record of great sales and fans who have stayed with him for three years. The new AI survivors have yet to prove themselves and sales will be lost if their cds are not released soon.

Clay has said in interviews that they want to do things differently with this cd, so expecting that he will follow the tried and true path might be an incorrect assumption. I am really interested in seeing the progression of this pr campaign. It's all business.

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Hello, gang...haven't been here in a while. Did get a chance last week to share a brew or two with Couchie ^_^ , which was all kinds of wonderful, of course.

I'm going to bring something over here to share with you guys. Lately, I've been listening to old radio interviews that Clay did---ones from 2003---while walking the dog. And let me tell you, that dog is getting some LOOOONNNNNNGGGG walks these days! I just want to keep listening to that man talk and giggle and snark and be so danged funny and smart and quick with the quips and....


Anyway, at my home board of EAYOR, quite a few women are facing some tough, tough challenges in their lives right now and so I got a more techically savvy friend to help me create a You Send It of this one particular part of an interview I listened to last night. I'm going to preface it with what my description of what happened to me when I heard it and why I wanted to get others to listen, too. Scroll at will, please, over that part, but I DO hope you'll download the link. I guarantee you'll feel better from whatever ails you afterwards. :D (Think of it as a blog that you can just zip on through until the CLACK appears! :glare: :P )

Life is short. s--t happens. We hurt and adjust and somehow make it through. If we can, we learn from the sh-mess. Sometimes it takes a while, though, to feel anything but bad so it's good in those times to be able to depend on something outside yourself to help.


I...think that Clay Aiken is one incredibly amazing, healing force on this planet--in so many contexts. I've often watched a montage or a clip from a concert or television appearance and then felt as though some suffocating weight had been lifted from my heart---just to see that face, the eyes and GOD, the smile.

His very presence soothes my soul.

And like many of you I've often found his voice---words or music---to make magic with my moods---just the voice. Of course, his singing voice transports me---always has, no matter what song he sings. Lately, though, I mentioned how I've begun listening to his speaking voice while I take our dog for his walks. I've downloaded all of Clay's radio interviews that ATCA had and have loved listening to that voice---the intelligence, the kindness, the snark, the truth...and most of all, the humor.

Given the recent plague of emotional and physical hardships many of us here at EAYOR have been facing, I offer something to you all. Last night I literally was in tears while walking my pooch----from laughing along with Clay and from loving him so much.

In this interview with  (horrible audio quality, unfortunately--it's how it sounded from the download.) Clay on an Austin, TX, radio station back in 2003, the main DJ , Bobby, and his cohort had just said goodbye to Clay. However, he was commenting on the fact that from that very short interview Clay had really laughed a lot. In fact, he'd pulled out all the parts of Clay laughing to a question or comment and strung them together to discover 16 seconds of uninterrupted Clay Aiken laughter! THen the DJ played a clip of first his laughter and then Clay's---to compare them since he said he often is told that he looks like Clay!

I listened to that 16 seconds again and again until I was literally crying. At first I was just laughing along with the laughter, unavoidably. Then I was wiping away tears from laughing so hard. But then...I was crying because I was so so SO filled with the joy that is Clay. I could SEE him---how he probably looked as he made all these different kinds of sounds that make up his laugh library. I could SEE him throw his head back and close his eyes and just let er rip! I could SEE him giggling, the crow's feet around his eyes crinkly and endearing. I could SEE him laughing through words, his beautiful smile showing little pearly teeth and flashing gums.

I could just SEE him....and the combination of those images with the unearthly JOY in the sound of his laughter just made me cry with happiness.

So this is my gift to all of us...but especially to those of us out there who are finding life especially crappy right now. Please just listen. I'm not saying this clip will make all your troubles go away forever. But just listen and let Clay make you feel better, if only for a little while.



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clay4shore, yousendits seem to have gotten weird lately. You may need to left click on the Download Now button, which gives you the option to open or save. If you click on save, it should download like normal. It worked fine for me this morning doing it that way. I've listened to the song once, and was not overly impressed by Plumb's version. I'll have to listen a little closer and try to imagine it being Aikenized.

FearofH2O, stop trying to be all logical and stuff. I want to continue to flounce around and be all sulky and pissy about the Big Silence. HA! :P

muskifest - that clip is adorable. Thanks for sharing it, although it makes me miss the sound of Clay's voice all the more.

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Hey bottlecap, look at it this way: waiting for your birthday (not now but as a kid) is a lot more fun than the actual birthday. On your birthday you have the presents and now all that is left to look forward to is the next birthday, a year from then. :2164:

That's how I look at Clay's cd. I will love the buildup for it as well as the anticipation of hearing it, but once I have it in my hands, I am ready to get prepared for the next cd. :704:

Cute clip, musicfest.

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