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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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clay4shore, between your 84-year-old mother, and my 81-year-old-mom, it sounds like Clay has the attention of the octogenarian demographic.  But will they get past the HAIR issues?  ;)

My Mother has seen so many hair styles and fashion changes she isn't bothered by them.......as long as HER children, grandchildren etc aren't doing what she doesn't like...... :D

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I see Clay made his phone call to the NANA winner last night - congratulations to her. And now we have the acronym ATDW. Happy guessing, because I got nothing and I'm unwilling to do anymore detective work involving the CD. <_<

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the winner is emmasage from the Clackhouse...who is mostly on lurker mode.


She is a sweetheart and I am so happy she had a great 20 minutes on the phone with Clay.

Unfortunately...the Aikenmnesia is at work again so details are fuzzy...hope She can add more details in the days to come.

But I found sweet...he apparently paid attention to what she told him cos he shared a few details about her in his latest blog.


so far my favorite guess is All the Different Ways...

So how long do we have to wait for the full CD info? Sigh

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Yay for Emmasage. What's funny is to me is that she didn't open the email from Clique for an entire day. When she called me last night to tell me she'd won I just screamed and yelled. She is such a cool person ya'll. Anyway, when she comes over later today to help me package up the pins (yes they will go out next week) I'll try to get more info out of her! heee.

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Man, why does real life stuff kick and keep you off-line when all you want to do is spend the day on the boards? Pesky family.... <_< (but I love 'em anyway!)

Couchie, give your friend santeyamor aka Emmasage a squeeze from me, and try to grab some of that good Clay karma off of her. I enjoyed reading her phone call recap this morning before I left the house and her update this evening when I got back. Clay seems to be a sly one; knowing she would have a ton of questions about the CD and whatnot that he probably wasn't ready to answer, it seems he made the conversation about her. I love this quote from her recap:

My impressions: We all want to know more from him and almost everything about him. But what if, given the chance, he wants to know us as individuals , rather than just a screen name.

Call me Clay! I have a dull job and live in a kinda boring city, but I think I could make up something that would entertain you for twenty minutes. :P

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I don't know Santeyamor but she seems like a really deserving winner. I have the feeling that Clay was thrilled to be talking to someone who contributes to her community.

Now if Clay had called me, I'm sure the conversation would have been about what I was cooking for dinner that night. Or perhaps which fast food restaurants are my favorite. I could be very poetic about the various types of coconut cake in the South. I might want to talk about how I really hate grits or pinto beans.

Perhaps we could talk about cats. They have a very distinctive vocabulary and each of mine has a different sound. I might even get him interested enough to begin liking cats.

After that I would have pretty much run out of things to say. :blink:

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Well, it's the start of another week. What have I got to look forward to? Heat stroke, frizzy hair, and general grumpiness caused by the high temperatures. (Waves languidly at playbiller who is probably enjoying cool ocean breezes at her beach place as I listen to my air conditioner wheeze.)

What else, what else.... Something Clay-related.... Oh yeah - FCA pins being packed! I will be keeping my eye on my mailbox, waiting for those cute little buggers to wend their way across country to me.

Awhooo Hooooo! :nanarow: Now, if I could only convince those crazy bananas to cha cha their way into my blender, I might be able to put together something daiquiri-ish. :juul:

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waves back at Bottlecap

I was outside enjoying the breezes, but am inside watching the pickle right now.

I am going to run to the store for some flowers and fix up my plantings, since the weeds killed off some flowers. Then take the dog out for a while and back to the beach. The poor dog hates it here, no room to run and play inside and too hot, no grass outside. When outside she wants in, when inside, she wants out. No dogs on the beach, though.

So, Where's Clay?

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No tomatoes please!!!

I never thought I would say this but I am soooooooooo glad Clay isn't on tour right now. I am 40 miles away from Baltimore, on the water and it is still 90+ and very humid. Baltimore could set new records the next 3 days for temps. over 100 +.

Clay, tour members and staff would be doing all kinds of suffering if they were doing outdoor venues like last year......and the fans??? Would there be enough EMT's available??? HOT Clay HOT Show?? HOT Weather????

The idea of a fall tour is sounding more and more attractive to me.

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Hey, no problem clay4shore. I would certainly rather have indoor venues for Clay's tour (when / if / maybe / whatever). I lucked out for the JBT concert last year here* - the weather was pretty decent, but it seems like that would always be a worry for outdoor venues. On the other hand, if the tour goes into the winter, you have travel concerns, at least in the snowbelt.

*Ashlee Simpson is coming to what I like to now think of as "Clay's Venue" locally next week. The newpaper has a contest to give away front row tickets. Think I'll give that a pass, thanks. :glare:

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I am with you on no summer touring. Cary last year 100 degrees 100% humidity. It called for some heavy duty deodorant. Even Greenville last year, although it was indoors, we were packed like sardines in the lobby waiting to get in and the air conditioning was not adequate.

Bottlecap, it seems to me that Ashlee has passed on her crown to Paris Hilton, who does get a lot more publicity. I don't think a new nose is enough to be a great singer.

I wanted to sneak in and wish playbiller a very happy birthday. :fest30: I'll see you next week. Rain or shine.

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I wanted to sneak in and wish playbiller a very happy birthday. :fest30: I'll see you next week. Rain or shine.

Excuse me? Was someone trying to sneak a birthday under the radar? Good thing your sister was willing to rat you out. You know how I love breaking out the birthday emoticons.


:00003653: :04: :00003653:

:balloons: :2164: :fest09: :00000430: :fest30: :fest06:

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yessssss, it is the aniversary of the wonderous birth, ahem. For a celebration, I came back for my boogie board, not to be confused with Mike Boogie (yech) and head back for the beach. I am sure you understand that.

I have noticed something odd lately. for the last few days, there has been no mention of Clay, anywhere. at. all. I google and the latest mention is 7/14. I cannot remember that ever happening before. Prelude?

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I have noticed something odd lately. for the last few days, there has been no mention of Clay, anywhere. at. all. I google and the latest mention is 7/14. I cannot remember that ever happening before. Prelude?

Perhaps Clay really is a figment of our imaginations? All those shiny silver discs that we think contain beautiful music and images are really fully of static and our minds are filling in the blanks..... :unsure:

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So Clay blogged this afternoon to tell us that someone has correctly posted the title of ATDW in the guesses thread at the OFC. (My favorite was "All the Damn Whining", as I consider that to be my personal theme song. :P ) Anyway, I hope that means that Team Clay is disclosing the title soon (as in tomorrow). Otherwise, I'm going to put together a posse of cats and go to Raleigh myself to track Blogger Boy and "persuade" him to spill the beans.


Dude, we're coming after you, so write quick!!!!!

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OMG bottlecap, you are freaking hilarious.

Happy birthday PLAY!!

I love Clay playing with me..it's so cute. I just figure he'll tell us something as soon as he can. Of course I still understand why people want to strangle him LOL.

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Clay blogged on your brithday!!! you lucky girl!!!

ok...someone guessed the the CD title...so who has been combing through that thread to find THE TITLE!!!!

SO I hope we get to know the answer this week.....please!!!!

BWAH!!!! I hope you wrote that in response to his blog...I am that desperate for news!!!!

WOW ...so many heavy hitters releaseing CDs this september..;JT, John Mayer...and I hope Clay.

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Hee. I went to bed about three hours ago, but since the consensus seemed to be that Clay would blog again, I wondered back out here to the computer at 2:00am. Thanks for screwing up my sleep patterns, dude!

Anyway, Clay refers us to clayandr's (Jaymes') blog. She says the CD is finally done, Clay sounds great, and the release date is still being worked on with the record label. (Personally, I'm thinking October and not the bandied about 9/19 date, but I guess we shall see.) Watch her blog for more details - Jaymes seems to be just a little enthusiatic about the CD!

I think it's okay to quote one line: "you will hear him singing in ways that you have never heard or even dreamed of." Holy Crap! It really is Mongolian Polka, isn't it! :lol:

Oh, and I see that Clay finally changed his "Currently listening to" from Nothing to final mixes.

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What great news to wake up to!!!!!

This makes me happy in ...A thousand Different Ways!!!!

I am so glad that JFL is still on board and is very excited about this....

Bottlcap...I do think the release date is already tentatively set to Sept 19. JFL just can;t pre-empt the announcement. Someone on CH said that Variety mentions Spt 19 release date for Clay as part of an article about AI5 so I think that is still very much in the running. John Mayer who is releasing his CD on Sept 12 just announced it this week...so if Clay gets his announcement this week or even next week we are still in comparable time frames.


its starting....

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brensmemaw, if the link I posted doesn't take you to clayandr's blog (you have to be logged into the OFC first, and it may give a login screen again before it will take you to the blog - keep trying), you can read clayandr's blog on the OFC message board. It is in the Man thread, under the topic called "clayandr just blogged with the album title". Good luck - the OFC board isn't the most user-friendly place to navigate. Unfortunately, clayandr's profile isn't public so when it fell out of the Top Ten blogs lists, it became almost impossible to find easily.

Ansa, I just can't quite get on board with the 9/19 date yet. I don't consider any of the sources we've seen to date to be "official" enough for my comfort. I need to hear it from RCA or see it on the OFC. :unsure: That's just me, of course, and I know nothing one way or the other.

I am digging the completely unconfirmed rumor that a tour may start in October. If he starts on the lower East Coast-ish area and works his way up, I'm hoping something would pan out for my area before I have to start worrying about the winter weather.

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If I were you (hint, hint), I'd add clayandr to your friends list at the OFC. You can do that by logging in to the OFC, and then pasting this link into your browser:


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! It's really starting, isn't it? And isn't it a wonderful feeling? I'm so giddy! I love that Jaymes GETS Clay -- she's seen him in concert numerous times, and understands his joy that comes through that setting. I hope and pray that she managed to capture that. Honestly, I think she did!

I also love Clay "A Thousand Different Ways." Hee.

playbiller, you sneak...hope you had a great birthday!

And bottlecap your threat of the kittie patrol must have worked! I'll remember that next time. Yeah, I think if I had gotten the phone call from him, I would have tried to convince him that at least my cats have forgiven him for that incident many years ago.

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I'll keep my crate of kittens on standby just in case things seem to bog down again. It pays to be prepared.


Ya hear that, Clay? If you hold out on us again, don't be surprised to wake up one morning with these laser greens staring into your's. ;)

Jaymes should be enthusiastic about Clay's album. I don't remember the specifics of her resume before this project, but I would imagine being the executive producer of a highly innovative and successful CD would increase her stock in the music biz considerably. Wasn't she primarily A&R before this?

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