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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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This is what happens when I am gone for three days. Had to WORK this weekend. All those damn psychiatric patient's, old patient's and ill patient's. Just kidding. I really lurve my job and all the interesting things that I come across in the line of duty (LOL). Mainly, I just listen to doctors jab on and on and on and on.

Here I come back to exciting news, but first I must do this:

:00003653: :drink: :04: :balloons: :2164: :fest09: :partygirl::partytime::trink4:


May you have many more.

Okay, now the other news that is attracting all the attention: A thousand different ways. I can see that working. Strange but working. Yeah, the redheaded/brown headed/freckled stranger can sing to me a thousand different ways and I will be as happy as a pig in slop. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE............

Bottle, I am also down with you. I have a cat on ready. My green eyed monster can terrorize anybody at any given time during the day or evening. I swear that CAT is attached to my hip or wants to be. LOL

See ya around. Off to read the boards.



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Oooh, kitties!

I'll hold out on ya, bottle! My kitties are now CATS and fart in my general direction!

And in case Clay wanders this way...

Dude, PM me the final mixes! I am a completely unbiased and reasonable type person and swear I would give you 10% of anything I make on eBay! Better yet, call me!

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clayandr's profile has been made public on the OFC, so now you can go to "Find Somebody" on the Community page and find the link to her blog by either searching for "Jaymes" under "First Name" or "clayandr" under "Member Name".

I am scared to look out the window, as I may see flying pigs. Clique or some PTB seem to suddenly be responsive to fan needs. What's up with that?

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I have 3 felines to add to the Clay Cat Patrol.....A senior citizen of 18, KiKi. She had been bounced around to several homes, had umpteen litters but was rescued 5 years ago........I thought my husband was going to divorce me over this one.......guess who she sleeps with????

A rescued male LH orange/white (Rusty) adopted at 8 weeks that is now 9 years and has the softest voice I have heard in a cat..certainly belies his size.

Lastly, my wonderful AJ, I have had him since he was 2 weeks old, bottle fed etc..solid black long hair....talk about piercing green eyes!! He is just the best!! Good with children, loving, playful, he is 7 years old. He is the only pet I would consider having cloned if I ever had the $$$$$$ to do so and I was much younger in years myself.

Georgiaclay, what type of work do you do?????

It's reached 100 in Baltimore today.....

Have a crabby husband because he can't get out in this heat and "piddle" around like he wants.

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First, thank you all for the birthday greatings, yesterday was a perfect beach day and my dog was fairly well behavd, not to mention that even Clay gave me presents.

Well, I have heard people accused of having loose lips, but Fear is probably the first person who is going to be accused of having loose fingers. Just think, I might have had Clay's gifts all to my self...... Actually, I used to be a big birthday kind of person, not so much anymore, except this year I did work hard against nature to give a good gift to fear, as I have whined to way too many people.

I must say, that Clay has given exclusive information to the fan club, as promised. I am sure that some people will complain about that. I saw some people on the Clay board asking to be e-mailed the blogs. Since people are donating member ships, I am not sure what that means. I have heard some people declare it is wrong to have to join the fan club. And, some people, who had nothing to complain about, started complaining about old blogs or posts. Just a normal day. I think it was rather amusing that Clay had the information Leaked by an insider, it just makes me laugh at all the insider stuff discussed in the fan club. At least it serves a purpose, I find that many of the people I am tired of hearing from are being drawn into posting there.

Well, the dog is ready for the 4th of her 7 walks a day. She really hates it here, no yard to play in, no trees to sit under, just hot pavement or sand or pebbles and a much smaller place to run in indoors, no stairs, fewer windows, no squirrels.

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Hope you got everything you wanted for your birthday Play, and I hope that your dog gets used to the beach. I think I could if I were a dog or even a person (I have been confused as a person in the past, or should I say dog, LOL). Does the dog (I neeeeeed a name for said dog) have a name? Does he/she like to play in the surf. We had a black lab one time who would not even let me swim in the lake without having to "save" me all the time. She was a hoot. Loved my Penny (black lab). She has now gone to doggy heaven after a good 16 years on this earth.

I work at a 160 bed hospital here in middle Georgia. I am a transcriptionist. I type dictation for about 7-8 hours a day/night. I work the 2-9 p.m. shift. I love that shift, because I am a night person. It is an interesting job. Lots and lots of medical problems, psychiatric problems, geriatric problems and childrens problems (I really do love my job). Moveover, our group of "ladies" that work in our office have been together for over 10 years off and on. We come and we go, but we always seem to come back to our hospital to work for. It really is a nice place. Good management right now. They "seem" to care for their employees.

Gee, I have told ya'll more than I tell my own physician (LOL).

Have a good night


:trink3: :schwirr: :voll:

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georgiaclay, we appreciate our medical professionals very much around here. My sister works on the obstetrics floor of a big hospital locally, and she hates full moon because the expectant moms pour in to deliver.

I believe playbiller's dog is named Holly. Maybe she or Fear will be back in tonight to confirm or correct that.

I should clarify that while my family always had cats when I was growing up, the pictures I've been posting here, including the aptly named Kittenpile,


are from cuteoverload.com. (Sshhh, don't tell Clay, or he won't take my threats seriously. B) ) I don't actually have any pets, unless you count the ever-growing dust bunnies in the various nooks and crannies of my house. Well, there is the spider that has taken up residence in the corner of my bathroom. I have been observiing it for the last several days when I'm in the shower. As long as it keeps to its corner, I'll let it be.


While I enjoyed last night's blog rush, I can't spend an hour on the computer from 2:00am to 3:00am very often and expect to be particularly useful the next day. Clay, dude, more mid-day and early evening EST blogs would be good. Your post-midnight musings are killing me....

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I am digging the completely unconfirmed rumor that a tour may start in October. If he starts on the lower East Coast-ish area and works his way up, I'm hoping something would pan out for my area before I have to start worrying about the winter weather.

I'm a confessed concert ho but i just don't see how Clay can tour and sell his album at the same time...at least not so soon after a release. I just want him to have the ability to be anywhere at anytime, take gigs, talk shows, etc. being tied to a tour in October makes this impossible.

Play - yeah his leak by an insider was hilarious. I will never forget how people went out of their way to rile up this fandom when it was already down. I love this fandom..but sometimes I also hate it with an equal passion. but i'd never turn on it and try to wring it dry all for the sake of what, some glory?

Pins are being mailed out...in an oddly random order. 80 packages went out Monday. 40 more today. I should be done by week's end if not sooner.

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Yes, I have had Holly since October last year. She had been adopted and returned 3 times after being abandoned, so I am her 5th owner. I was told she was unadoptable because she was vicious. She is not vicious, but skitterish and fears hot liquids and raised hands. She still has problems with other animals and turns into a barking chasing machine with any of them.

Dogs are not allowed on the beach from May until October, so she stays alone most of the day in the airconditioning and sleeps, then tries and keep me up all night with different toys. She has not learned that I have abed here and she has to stay off it, I suspect I have fleas right now. So I am powdering and hoping.

Right now we are sitting in a tin can watching a pretty horrific looking storm approaching hoping it dies down and waiting to hear more from Clay.

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Bottle...I don;t blame you for keeping sceptical about Sept 19...I am very sceptical too, getting ready for the possiblity of an October release. But 9/19 is the strongest contender. With the CD being done and this date bandied about in several sources, I am a bit more optimistic.

I am both surpriesd and not surprised by the reaction to the news. I guess what surprises me is how some people resent the fact that we got some info just because it didn;t come from Clay or that its not the complete info. Its seems that for some people its all or nothing. BUT again...once you see the names of the ones with complaints...I guess its just business as usual...

OMG I am checking out The One...I am really underwhelmed by it...these look like competent, professional musicians, but haven;t seen one with any trace of star quality...and who are these judges?

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Ansa, I watched about 10 minutes of it. The guy with the funky hair did it for me. I don't think that I could stand anymore than 10 minutes of watching that wacko. I know, I should not throw stones, but at least I don't know anybody with "weird" colored facial hair. The closest I have come to that was with a friends brother. All I can say is STRANGE.

Play I think I would just love your dog. I really am a dog person at heart, although right now I have a very very very BAD that is B.A.D. cat. She does not think that she is a CAT, so I have to be very careful around her. Her favorite place to stay when I get home from work is on my computer desk, on top of my keyboard. And, here I am wondering why it does not work like it used to (LOL). Suzy (the cat) is my baby, so I guess I will just have to live with her.

Hope to hear something on the album soon. Off to bed now.

Good night and Play, I hope that storm was not to bad for you and your puppy.


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Hey, I missed my one year anniversary on FCA. Thanks to Ansa and Couchie for giving me a place to chatter away incessantly without too much visible eye-rolling. :schwirr:

I saw "The One" started last night, but I've already put my time into watching a few weeks of "Rockstar", so I guess I'll stick with that for the time being although I'm wavering a bit. I loved the show last year with INXS, and I appreciate the opportunity to hear "live" performances of songs I know backed by a really great house band. This year, not so much. I am finding Tommy Lee and his cohorts to be kind of repulsive (big surprise). I think the women in contention are generally much better performers than the men, but they have to sex it up so much and kowtow to "Supernova", so I find that to be a bit disheartening. There is also an arrogant overly made-up little troll of a man that I can't stand, but that the band seems to love. Eh, maybe I'm done with "Rockstar" this season.

What I have found surprisingly addictive is "So You Think You Can Dance". :nanalove: Who knew? I have a harder time judging dance talent than I do with singing, so I didn't watch last season because I didn't think I would like it. However, this season, there a couple of really dorky looking guys that are mad talented. (Gee, where have I experienced that before?) And I don't even mind Nigel Lythgoe too much when he's not trying to be the show's Simon. He actually gives helpful advice. The female judge tends to be shrieky, but I can mute her easily enough.


Guess I should have some Clay content. If press doesn't start today or tomorrow at the latest, I don't want a 9/19 release. That's just too close.... I'm ready and willing to be proved wrong, though.

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bottlecap, thanks for mentioning Cute Overload I love that site. However, my favorite at the moment is Stuff on My Cat. Have y'all seen that site? It's hysterical. We almost had a picture for that site last night. My one cat, Spot, put his head and his front two legs in a small paper bag -- and then stood up on his hind legs. He promptly fell over, like he was drunk. It was hysterical! I love my kitties so very much.

The FCA message board has been around for a year now? Way cool!



I'm honestly not concerned about when the album is released at this point, although I'm still not convinced either that the pre-release information has to be 10 weeks away from the actual release. I really do believe that a few, well-timed appearances and a well-written press release in a fairly short span of time will serve Clay well. I base this theory on how much publicity Clay got from his 3 minutes on AI5 -- and I don't believe he used it up either with that performance. There are many people, not.just.us people, who are hungry for him, and with a concentrated push, they'll find out about him. They will -- I can feel it in my bones.

Maybe, though, I'm still tied to the September 19 date because that's the day after my birthday...

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Yeah, i check out Stuff on my Cat from time to time, but cute overload remains my favorite animal blog, and I love the wit of the captions on the pictures. The blogger is great at writing in "animal" voices.


Just a reminder that Clay's Oprah episode is being re-run today. I normally get home from work in time to see the last ten minutes, so I should be able to catch Clay's great rendition of IWCY. Yah!

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Wow ...1 year anniversary!!! thanks for reminding us...

:04: :04: :04: :04: :04:

Well last year when we started this MB both the pin action and Clay were very busy. then more than half of the year we were just waiting and wondering. Things has slowed down considerably.

But now our second year is starting...I feel the Clay fandom is on a precipice of of a higher level of excitment and success. The second CD PR is about to start...I bet we are facing the most exciting time yet in Clay's career. I am really glad to be on this adventure with all of you.

Now bring on the official CD news RCA...its in your hands... JFL and Clay has now passed on the baton...don't disappoint us please.

Hey Bottle...I do watch Rockstar too. This is the first year I am watching. I thought I won;t enjoy it cos I don;t like Hard rock/ metal...but they do so many different types of Rock songs that I's familiar with and I feel the singers are pretty good. They really show why Bo and Chris are not truly embraced by rockers cos they wouldn;t be able to hold a candle to these singers IMO.

At this point I like Toby, Magni and Dilana. Lukas is pissing me off but I was impressed with his performance last night. I do think a lot of it is posturing...since last years winner who came from canada was another bad boy...I suspect he is trying to stand out like JD.

So anybody watching BB7 and paying attention to the feeds?Cos that is really quite interesting and dramatic this year. The TV show's editing is not giving the audience a good idea of the drama and game playing in the house.

eta: HEY I'm loving SYTYCD too....loving Bnjie, Donyelle, Allison and Ivan. I am really lieking Nigel as a judge. Apparently he was a dancer since he was 10 and a choreographer who has choreographed more than 500 shows...who knew?

WOW I am a reality junky this year...so lets see what I;m currently watching...Canadian Idol, Hell's Kitchen, Treasure hunter, Super nova, BB7, Project Runway, SYTYCD...I only wanted to check out The One...but I don't think I will be following it.

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A Thousand Days

I'm coming over here to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I've only listened twice, and will listen again late this evening (damn it, I've got too much to do this evening...). But I think this sounds really nice -- I like the phrasing and the voice. Gah, the voice.

I'm just so damned excited...it's starting!


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I know, we are easy. I don't really EEEEE much in real life, too much training to act like a lady when I was young, but I will take anything. Lucky I am home where I can download.

4shared accounts that won't expire, but will be deleted if requested.

Play or download

The CV version

The CH version

Holly was so happy to be home, she ran in the house, ran up to the second floor, then up to the attic, then she ran down all the stairs to the cellar. She checked her toys and immediately wanted to play ball, where she could run in 4 different directions, rather than just donw the hall to the bathroom, heh. Guess the trailer is too small for her.

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Aw, what georgia wants, georgia gets. Here is a YouSendIt link for an mp3 of A Thousand Days.


This is the story as I understand it. A fan found this version of A Thousand Days on Limewire, which is a peer to peer file sharing service, about four months ago. She happened to use it for a montage which she posted on youtube in the past couple of days. The youtube link caused quite an uproar, naturally, and has since been disabled. Somebody, in listening to the song, realized it wasn't a concert version, but probably a demo / studio thing - maybe from prior to the JBT. It's all very mysterious. But the important thing is that it is new to us Clack, and if you listen carefully at the beginning, you will hear Clay breathing into you ear. Happy listening.

ETA: playbiller was quicker than me! Give your doggie a scratch behind the ear from me. :)

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Sorry georgia about the expired link. I posted the link, and then had so many errands to do this evening. When I got home, I found that it went private. Fortunately, there are enough other nice generous people here that can provide links and tell the story. MUAH to playbiller and bottlecap!

I'm happy with it, even if it is a rough copy. I think his vocals come through very well. It wasn't my most favorite of the four songs from last summer, but it is a vast improvement to what we heard then. I'm happy!

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Thank you every one. Has anybody told everyone lately how SPECIAL ya'll are. Well here I am, tell ya'll "YOU ARE ALL SO SPECIAL".

I am presently EEEEEEEEEEEEE and holding the blastid cat from Hates :wub::wub: and doing this in the chair :dancingpickle: (Bottle, get your mind out of the gutter, or is it my mind in the gutter!!!!)

and wishing I was doing this to the actual image of the redheaded/brownheaded/nuhair singer actually singing this song on a video (LOL again). :wein::wein:

Again, thank's again.


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What I love almost as much as "newly discovered" Clack is the whole aura of mystery that surrounded it this afternoon. I love to watch the Clay Nation detectives at work - Where did the montage-maker find it? Was it some sort of deliberate leak? (The consensus, as I understand it, seems to be "no".) When was it recorded? Was it supposed to be on Limewire, or was it temporarily accessible by mistake? And mostly importantly, is there more where that came from? (Sadly, the answer to that seems to be no, also. :( )

To clarify, the montage posted on youtube was done to assorted Clay pictures along with appropriate imagery to illustrate the lyrics (angels and sunsets and whatnot) - it was pretty, but the important part was the music.

If you want to see a good concert version of A Thousand Days, check out this version on Google Video done by hosaa.

What other undiscovered treasures are out there? Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Will we hear again soon from our tall, pasty, and handsome but strangely quiet hero? Tune in next time to "As the Clack Burns"..... Dun, Dun, DDDUUUMMM...

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