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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Wow Couchie was right ...no concert tour this year...

and how thought was he about the GMA date. At least we know he will be making the usual rounds to promote the CD.

can't wait for a more comprehesinve appearance schedule.

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I adored Clay's blog today.... he really just makes me smile.

And so does my pal Muski. And she also manages to somehow make me smut. I don't smut. heee. I love living close to so many great Clay fans. And in case you couldn't tell, Muski really loves the new Clay library picture.

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gleefully flinging bottoms of rum

KAndre Er.... :unsure: I want a bottom of rum, please, preferably Clay's. B)

Yee hah! Thanks for the brew and the chat last night, couchie That little Clayfest with a Claybuddy was MUCH needed and enjoyed.

And don't go talkin' 'bout me being a bad influence, making you smut and all. :glare: I know what you think about when you look at Library Boy....oh yes, I do. Maybe I think those things in more graphic detail....and have the urge to express such details in words....

.....that you, I do believe, are prone to read from time to smutty time.... ^_^

but you think them, all the same... :P

And I'm sure Ms. Bottlecap does, too. Not sure about the rest of you...I'm more comfy inviting others into my Smut Car when I'm on my home "EAYOR" thread on RHT; they all have pretty much stopped fighting it by now....they want him. ;) (And isnt' admitting it the first step on the road to....never mind. Don't want to overcome it...now, if we're talking about Clay coming over ME...that's a whole 'nother fanfic. ;) )

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Well, Enjoy your smutting Muski, few can do it better. I feel I am more a like a bee that brings things from one board to another, kind of like bees cross polinating information from here to there(I hope I am not stepping into the smutting ring here.)

The last few days, though, I have felt more that this drought of information has created a dry forest and as I walk through the forest, I see small fires (angst) break out here or there and I try stomping them out, but more keep popping up. Then there are some that run through the forest deliberately spilling kerosene on the forest floor. I can't take it so I go and play ith the dog (mostly I flea dip her, but the fleas are still there).

I do want to say that the dog from hell that I used to talk about is gone. I just realized this recently. Some times I am so surprised at how many people notice she is much better behaved. As long as she does not run into an animal when she is on the leash, she is a gentle lady now. Rarely barking, frequently shushed at command and allows herself to be touched. We have not reached nail trimming or lie down calm yet, but she will let me hold her paw for several minutes and will look at me before eating any food (street or floor) for permission. Food stealing has ceased, no biting at all, will let me remove food from her mouth, does not scratch at me to get me up and no longer tries to walk on me while I am sleeping (chest, face). We have developed a trick where she walks from a chair to the bed (over air) on my leg, when I invite her to do so. Fear met her a couple of weeks ago, butr really never saw her at her worst. I am now happy that I did not drive back to Pennsylvania and return her, like I was sorely tempted the first week. I think she is the "classic dog" that just needed some one to be patient with her. I also understand why 3 adopting families returned her after a few weeks.

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Play...congrats on your success with your dog...you must be a good mama

I like your analogy with the dry forrest..yup lots of small fires...we need more fire fighters...but of course Clay's blogs are like those helicopters that drop tons of water...

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Ya know...life is a trip, ain't it?

That's the limit of my profundity for the time being. However, I WILL say "WORD" to you playbiller re: all the little forest fires flaming hither and thither. I'm with my pal couchie...

repeat after me...

Clay Aiken is way cool.

Clay is a smart guy.

Clay loves to perform. (down, smut gene, down!)

Clay can sing like nobody else on the planet.

He's awful purdy (see Library Boy photo)

He's gonna go on tour someday.

Clay will rock the house.

Life goes on, no matter when he goes on tour.

Meanwhile...the man is hawt. He wears jeans well. His fingers make me drool. When he smiles, I feel good. All his eyefornications are meant for me and me only. I could have Oscar-winning orgasmic dreams forever, thinking about that man's mouth.

Like I said...life goes on in MuskiLand. B)

He'll tour when he's ready. I'll be ready whenever he's ready.

Oh yeah.

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The last few days, though, I have felt more that this drought of information has created a dry forest and as I walk through the forest, I see small fires (angst) break out here or there and I try stomping them out, but more keep popping up. Then there are some that run through the forest deliberately spilling kerosene on the forest floor.

It's a mess isn't it. that's all I have to say tonight. I think I'll just concentrate on other projects until the promotion gets underway in full.

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Eh, I can't see getting my underwear in a wad about "What Might Have Been" (or what "we" say "SHOULD BE OR ELSE") when we've got plenty of good stuff that actually "IS". I expect to be hearing plenty from this guy really ding-dang soon:


Maybe we'll get the album cover this week. OHPLEASEOHPLEASEOHPLEASE.

I watched the last Kimmel appearance on youtube the other night. I just can't wrap my mind about THE NU HAIR sounding like the same giggling dork that had the Spikes or Emmy Hair. That guy up there is not "Hi, how are ya", that guy is "Hey baybeee". B)

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Girlfriend, you did it to me again. I just logged on at 10:30 in the morning and saw THE PICTURE up close. OMG OMG, I am so fangirly right now and SMUTTING up crazy. WHY O WHY did you have to do this to me. First the hands (with ring on finger), then the library photo (thought I had already died and gone somewhere), and now this. I am so DONE. Cooked and delivered.

Play, I am so glad the "dog from hell" has calmed down into a "little angel" for you. People don't seem to understand that all it takes is a little love, devotion and training of their parents "us humans" to do what they want, when they want it, and how they want it. You are just a companion to them. At least that it how it works in my neck of the woods. Our black lab had us trained to do hand stands on command (Lord, I miss that dawg). Now we just have devil cat. I threaten her everyday and she just looks at me and starts grooming.

Muski, I want to get in that SMUT car. Please, I will be quiet (HA) and just drool in peace.

I love Couchies motto.

repeat after me...

Clay Aiken is way cool.

Clay is a smart guy.

Clay loves to perform. (down, smut gene, down!)

Clay can sing like nobody else on the planet.

He's awful purdy (see Library Boy photo)

He's gonna go on tour someday.

Clay will rock the house.

Life goes on, no matter when he goes on tour.

I might just work that up into a little project that I am considering (if I can find the time and ENERGY). I have so many projects on the fire right now.

I am feeling much better. The thoughts and prayers have been felt.

May HAIR blog this week about an album cover or just "any ole thing" that comes to that utterly delectible, kissable, pattable, run your hands through it (stop IT G) head.



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A little angel is not quite the description for this dog, yet. If I could get her to lie still while I pick the fleas off, rather than run away and squirm, I might consider it.

So a quiet Sunday, perfect for people to pray for a little Clay in their lives. I have to finish clipping the hedges and weeding before I go back to the beach. Maybe there will be a good reason to be on the boards and not go outside in this beau...ti..ful weather tomorrow. I will see you guys here later - and to our friends that come herea nd claim they don't post because no one is here (like 2 today, hurumpgh!) Just post and they will come.

Waves to GeorgiaClay

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I love Couchies motto.

uh....actually, georgia...those sentences were mine....I just know couchie agrees with my little mantra. Of course, since she's not a smutter like me ;) she'd never profess to saying something about Clay being "hawt" or thinking of another meaning to the word 'perform'...but be that as it may.... :lol:

As for nobody being here a lot...I happen to sorta like that. There's the CH, where there's always somebody talking, even when there's nothing really new to talk about, or the OFC, where I hear there's talking but since I NEVER go anywhere there except to read Clay's blog, I don't care; or CV, where there are so MANY people talking I couldn't keep up even if I wanted to; and then my 'home' board---EAYOR (part of RHT), where I hang my thong most of the time.

I like checking in here, though. I can always catch up and the majority of the time, there's something fun or of substance to read, even if there aren't a bunch of people saying it or saying it for more than a post or two. In fact, that's refreshing, IMO.

So if you don't mind, I'm not ready to give up my FCA rights yet! :P I wish this is all I had to do, though. But alas! Real life calls. Later, women! B)

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Please accept my apologies for the plagerism. Even when I plagerize, I cannot get it right. It must be all that dye that has seemed into my brain after all these years of trying to color the resistent gray that will not go away.

I love to SMUT. According to Bottle, I SMUT real well on pain killers. LOL. I guess, I do, my SMUT brain goes into overdrive on drugs.

Hope everybody had a good weekend. Hopefully we will hear more about the CD this coming week.

Muski, Play, and everybody, have a safe week.

G :D

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Hey Playbiller hint, hint.

Hey to anyone else here!

It took me a while to find my user name and password. I don't know why I have a different one for every web site.

We had a fun day planning the cd release party in Winston-Salem today. We are aiming for a lot of young kids, so lots of cupcakes and prizes. I guess we won't use the thong as a prize after all. We are excited about the cd. I learned a long time ago not to look back. Why mourn what we can't have when there is something that we will have and it is going to be great . I have loved every one of the tidbits from PS and listen to them every day in the car. It's that undeniable voice no matter what the song.

I am so glad to see you celebrating here. :04:

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Hey, Fear! You're in Winston Salem? I went to Wake Forest! Loved it...I'm North Carolina girl myself, you know. Born in Gastonia...but grew up mostly in Virginia. Til I went back 'home' for college. :P Never mind how many years ago... :unsure: :o

By the way, I'm only here 'cuz I'm avoiding doing what I really need to do...some work to take to work with me tomorrow. Don't wanna do it. Dang it.

Would rather do Clay.

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Would rather do Clay.

There she goes again!!

Our CD party seems to be coming along fine as well. I'm not really involved in the planning this time but will definitely be there with bells on. I guess i better go to the CD release party site and check in.

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Still hanging in there, waiting for THE HAIR to speak. In fact, I'm so sure THE HAIR will be speaking either "soon" or "quite soon" that I actually took steps to start cleaning up my hard drive over the weekend. Yeah, I know I've had the better part of eight months to do that, but I guess I work better under pressure. :P

I'm also kind of jazzed because I found a JNT05 mug on e-bay last night for a pretty reasonable price. I have wanted to own one of those puppies since I saw the picture of a tree-toting Clay, but it was tough since the OFC store didn't stock them. I saw one of the mugs go for $150.00 after the concerts were over, so I gave up and kind of forgot about them. Then I followed a link playbiller had posted on the CH to some Clay stuff on e-bay, and came across a Buy It Now link for a JNT mug. Awoooo freakin' Hooooo!

BTW, I see the same e-bay seller had JNT05 hoodies listed for $39.99, if anybody is still looking for those. If I remember correctly, the hoodies sold out of the store pretty fast.

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Awww Muski..I like our easy going pace too and all you guys are fun!!!

hee I see some people are getting impatient to spend some money on Clay. So anybody here getting ticket anxieties yet?

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BTW, I see the same e-bay seller had JNT05 hoodies listed for $39.99, if anybody is still looking for those. If I remember correctly, the hoodies sold out of the store pretty fast.

Hey, bottlecap! How about this:

LTS on eBAY---Learn to Sin with Clay!

Check out the dimensions of the thing:


Length: 242 pages

Height: 7.0 in.

Width: 4.3 in.

Thickness: 1.0 in.

Weight: 5.1 oz.

Yeah, Clay...I'll learn to 'sin' with ya'. B) (And don't worry, I can help pump up that thickness measurement. :P )

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muskifest, you are truly evil. :5: (But in an entertaining way...)

I was just coming here to post about hearing the original Bryan Adams version of "Everything I Do, I Do It for You" on the radio, and deciding it was not as bad as I remembered it being. In fact, a version by Clay might have good opportunities for wailing and whatnot, especially if the tempo gets picked up and the arrangement rocks out a bit. However, that seems like a pretty poor excuse for a post after muski's smut about measurements and dimensions. Geez.


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Clay Aiken is way cool.

Clay is a smart guy.

Clay loves to perform. (down, smut gene, down!)

Clay can sing like nobody else on the planet.

He's awful purdy (see Library Boy photo)

He's gonna go on tour someday.

Clay will rock the house.

Heh. I love this, and repeat it every 5 minutes, minimum. But it also reminds me of the Man Pledge from "The Red/Green Show"...

I am a man, and I can change

If I have to.....

I guess.

Nah, I like muski's version better. :D

playbiller, glad to hear that the devil dog has turned into a (somewhat) angel dog. And your analysis of fire fighting? Right on the money. Me, I'm just here to watch the man, listen to him sing, laugh at his jokes, and share the man with friends.

BTW, you're all friends here. Love y'all!

georgia, hope things are doing well for you. I'll be praying for you.

Went away for a long weekend, to see my nephew get married in the mountains outside Salt Lake City. Interesting trip, just for the sake of we left on Thursday last week. Yep, Orange Alert Thursday. But we made it through security with barely any problems, so that was good. The wedding was beautiful, and I want to see more of Utah soon!

Oooh, an edit: bottlecap, you reminded me -- I was listening to one of our local stations this past weekend. They do "The Awesome 80's" during the weekend. What did I hear? The original "Broken Wings." I can't wait to hear Clay do this song!

Sadly, I don't think there's smut in this post. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough?

Heh, I think I just smutted...

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How can I follow this stuff ? I am relatively smut free because of my pure and unsullied life style and my natural innocence. flutter my eyelashes innocently

I saw those e-bay sales, I am rather surprised that they are selling items under the normal price. I heard that one person bought a bunch of Christmas ornaments, figuring the price would rise, but, since it is no longer near the holiday, the prices have fallen and a lot of people who sold to him cheaply thinking he was a fan are celebrating. Well, now is the time to buy, the calm before the storm.

Here are a few interesting ones.

hoodie for 39.99 - cheaper than the store, ending in one hour.

JNT key chain 5.99 - more exspensive than clique, but much cheaper shipping

not a tour book 9.99

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playbiller, you're killing me with the e-bay stuff. I had to go back in and buy the Clay Aiken pashmina for $29.99 (the OFC Store had it listed for $50.00) after stewing about it all day. Someone disable my PayPal account please! :unsure:

Or even better, the OFC could start stocking some new merchandise (CALENDER CALENDER CALENDER), so I could fling my money directly at Clay, instead of some e-bay memorabilia seller. ARRRGGHH!

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Hey musicfest,

I grew up in NJ and went to Rutgers U. We moved to Winston many years ago and raised our kids here. Now this is home and I don't think we would ever move to NJ again. Pretty odd how "home" can be easily changed. Wake Forest is a great school, we've gone to many games and other events there. It is just up the road from us, probably less than 5 miles.

When we first moved here I couldn't understand what people were saying. It was a different language, but now I guess I speak that language too. :P

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