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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Eh, I listened to Clay cry about how he can't live without me tonight about twenty times, so I'm feeling better in general, and marginally more confident that tomorrow will bring more good things, maybe even some of them "official" or whatnot.

I'm sorry that Quiana's myspace pictures of the band being back together kind of got pushed aside by the other dramas this evening. I find it hugely comforting that Clay's tour family is regrouping (and, hmmm, no new male backup singer in sight) and will be there to support him in his promo gigs.

Later mah peeps...

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I'm sorry, when I see CG said something to me, I have to wonder why you are talking to Chicken George. Is clay being talked about on the feeds?

Ansa, Sorry about your jerky doctor, there are a few too many of them around and Ihave had my share.

Promotion - I think that the fndois creating its own angst. If we knew nothing, we would expect nothing. Cmparing with other artists may be fun excercise, but i see people thinking hat Clay should get what ever other artists get, each thing. Fantasia got a movie, Clayshould get a movie. Christina got a cover of X magazine, Clay should get a cover of X magazine (and where next to nothing, by the way). Daughtry got an overblown press release, Clay should get an overblown press release. And that is just a sample.

I am simple, I won't judge what Clay got until I see the stuff rolled out. Clay got an amazing spot on the Ai finale, blew pretty much everyone else out of the water, as being noteworthy on the show (pun intended). No one else got anything like that! Let's see what else they have.

Nope, I won't let anyone else go to the dardkside of the fandom I am just tired of the fandom, been spending more time on politics lately. And hating that the Jon Bennet story pushes all other news out of the picture, and some people wonder why Americans are so unformed? Gossip, they are addicted to gossip.

I have to say despite the support PMs that come in after I post something on the Ch. I really do feel alone a lot in my thoughts lately. Am I the only person who can wait? Am I the only person who does not want any inside information now?

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Hey, there are lots of us just waiting in the FCC car, playbiller - come on in, I'll buy the first round! We have jiuce and water and, um, other stuff.

OOooohh! djs111 smutted!

(In best Jeremy Irons voice) - You have no idea!

In fact, one time Corabeth and I smutted extravagantly at the CH - about french fries and mayonnaise and ketchup. I could likely keep that one going for quite a while!

And I wrote a smutty precis of Solitaire, and shocked someone or two.

I guess I usually am just crabby, though!

Promotion - someone at the CH had presale numbers for CD parties in Denver just recently - Madonna - 300 (or 200?) pre-sales, Christina - 24.

Heh. 24. This is why I think all the rooty-tooty promotion is becoming like a celebrity goodie-bag - they don't need the stuff, and it doesn't really help them out.

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I waited and waited for you to post, then my browser crashed. I have to figure out this computer - my typing on a laptop is bad. i ordered a wireless keyboard and will get it when iI get hoe - don't know where I am going to put it though! We are not talking a spacious beach house here. I type with the laptop on - wait for it on my lap!

The water was great today, and then I went for a walk and the giant red jelly fish came and filled up the water - an occaosional fly, not that many. So it takes about 2 hours for them to find you, then, you go inside for a while. The Jelly fish must mean get some work done here!

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Nope, I won't let anyone else go to the dardkside of the fandom

!...No, no! I didn't mean the darkside of the fandom! I meant... :ph34r: I welcome those who like to smut to slither around in the smutty smutland I inhabit... :P (By the way, where are you that the jelly fish rule?)

Oh, and djs111 ???? french fries and ketchup and such? Hmmmm....

Reminds me of...say B) ...maybe you'd enjoy "Just Buddies"....a little ditty I wrote some time ago...There was one chapter when my heroine and Clay were having a meal at a Brazilian MacDonalds... :unsure: heh....

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Well I was in the FCC car until today and I think that although I already knew it, it really hit me today that the fucking cockroaches will be forever relentless in their attempts to ridicule clay. So to find out that silence is the superstar treatment just made me a little cynical. I'm not saying they don't have a plan, but that just sounds like so much bullshit to me because I'm watching what other superstars are getting. So I've moved to the I'll believe it when I see it car until further notice. I'm still hoping for the best and expecting the best, especially when it comes to television. And I understand all tv should wait until a few days before the album drop and the first few weeks.

I can't wait to see what they have planned after his three or so weeks of television appearances have played out. I've never thought of Clay as some MTV video star/rock star. I understand that he will probably be limited to AC with this album. I'm fine with that.

I would just like for rcarecords to do a little more than put a line on their site that he has an album coming out for the rest of the world. Four months ago, three months ago, two months ago I didn't care. we're at 29 days and counting.

I'm really looking forward to the CD. he has already made me love a song I never liked. that's par for the course with Clay.

OK so to be productive ..what sort of things can we expect in the next month.

1. a new web site, hopefully by the time the album drops

2. a video? Are we expecting that? MTV seems out but what about VH1

3. a song to radio?

4. some sort of major primetime interview?

5. all the daytime shows, late night shows

6. magazine articles?

7. Ads in all the circulars

8. AOL sessions?

9. this walmart thing

I'm ready to see Clay's face so much that even I get tired of it. As if.

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Smacks around Coucie, for her own good

I swear theat angst is caused by too much talking about nothing.

Like the fact that I did not want to have CB tell me about the single, I feel that the superstar comment was made to a big Clay fan helping out on the album release and not to an equal in the music pr business. Everything has to be held in perspective and any conversation that fan has with any official person has to be suspect in that it will be in fan talk.

I don't know what to make of the silence, but then again, I am not working on the team. If fans did not need to know everything right away, we could be talking about knitting or something else. Now I should be in bed so I can have another day of earlier swimming, before the afternoon jelly fish. I guess with my fun only life right now, I am not worrying about Clay, so much as how much work I will have to do tomorrow on removing rust from the trailer bumpers.

I have found it quite hard to keep up with everything, so I don't bother with the wordy OFC - an annoyingly angst filled place with too many experts that i have to bite my typing fingers to keep from replying what i think of their angst inducing expertese. i say leave the fandom to the do nothing amatuers! We rule, not that anyone here would know what I am talking about.

Good night from the sandy north east.

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I only go to the OFC for Clay's blogs. And not even then, if someone sends me a copy.

I find it difficult to really care about the place, it seems like a noisy zoo or something.

Not my cuppa.

I do find it terrifically funny that some who hatessssss the CD because it is covers-heavy are now pissed about the promotion. Think it through, folks - if it sells well, he might make - gasp! - another one!

And like playbiller says, who knows what those first originals sounded like.

Might have been drek.

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'Fess up - who here has Clay's tour bus parked in your driveway as he's doing his "driving around some parts of the country"?

Anyone interested in listening to snippets on the Sony Music Store site? Me neither. HA! Crappy tinny speakers at work, 30 seconds snips, and I am kelt dead. Even the stuff I dodn't think I'd like I can tell I'm going to love. Broken Wings is already my favorite - it has kind of a sad, jazzy vibe about it. Way cool!


:laola0: :laola0:

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We have a connection, I tell ya! Haven't slept at all hardly tonight...kept waking up, thinking...came downstairs, saw he blogged, read the danged cute-assed blog, posted a dumbass comment, listened to the song snippets...ONCE only...reserving judgment till they're real on a real CD being played on a real player listened to via real speakers, etc.

May I say that I love that man and his crazy-assed enunciation?! :lol:

Oh, and I HAD to comment on his blog mention of "US" dropping on the same day as all those other artists. Told him I hadn't heard of the band "US" but I'm sure HE doesn't have anything to worry about from them. ^_^

He's such a cute, bored little shit.

And bottle? Do you REALLY think I'd let Clay's humongous vehicle (ahem) be displayed prominently in FRONT of...

er... :unsure:

heh.... B)

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KAndre pokes at couchie and laughs and laughs...

I love when you terrorize Clay and force him to blog to reassure you! But as the chief engineer of the FCC, you will now need a CAT (Clay's Ass is Terrific) scan to get back in. Jpegs or gifs are fine.

I like all the clips - I thought I would love "Because You Loved Me" best, but I think I need to hear the rest of it. In fact, I think I need to hear all of the rest of them. Like right now.

Yes, on the enunciation! It is so very Clay!

I am full of Happy!Happy!Joy!Joy!

This CD is gonna be so frickin' PRETTY!

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When I pop in here from time to time, I see names down at the bottom of the screen of readers who don't post. C'mom, this is the time to jump in and give us your opinion about the new songs, what's going on in the Clay Nation, or just to say "Hey"! We're small (but currently pretty happy :D ), and you won't get ignored or lost in the shuffle.

Besides, how can you resist the lure of the cha-cha'ing fruit and vegetables: :nanas:

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Boo hoo- BC, you link does not work and I can't even find theCD at the Sony site! What the what the what the - I guess I will have to wade through larger boards to find it.

On the positive side, i am busy trying to be annoying to the world. Take that world, you have the angst, not me!!!!

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Hee. Last I checked, the Sony site had not only taken down the clips, ATDW was missing altogether. The Clay Nation strikes again, and crashes another site. Sorry, so sorrry. It's a sad, sad situation. Check out the vaults alerts - the clips have been capped into one mp3, and you should be able to download it from one of the Clack sites.

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I sorta caved. I've listened to the clips. HOWEVER, I'm going to listen to them today, and stop for a while, and will not listen to full downloads before the album release date. Therefore, I'm not sure if I fit in the "more special to wait" car or not.

I'm really loving what I'm hearing though. I think the arrangements are varied, enjoyable, and in a few cases, different enough to make me forget the original. My favorite? BYLM. I wasn't expecting that, and I'm glad others in the fandom feel the same way. I actually laugh about it, because so many were going "oh God, NOT Celine..." and here it's turning out to be a highlight for people.

The other one I'm really curious to hear the complete version is "Everything I Have." This sounds like a gorgeous love song, to be played at weddings, proms, and homecoming dances for many years. *g*

Cannot wait for this album.

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Morning ladies (not good), but morning. 5 o'clock rolled around and I am still not SNORING!!!!. Wonder why?? I think I have the answer to the above problem:

1) People don't require sleep unlike such animals as dogs and cats and sea monkey.

2) 29 days and counting until the new CD is out (could due to #1) be a reason for that. I will have to go ask Einstein that one.

3) I heard on my IPOD last night the Boyz II Men song "I'll make love to you". Sit back for a moment people for those of you who have heard the song and just imagine HAIR singing that to you (just a great pig puddle of goo and OMG and TAKE ME NOW!!!!) and for those virgins out there, wear condoms (LOL), because you will want Mr. McGoo af that song .

Play, I am happy to hear Holly and the fleas are calming down. I don't have a simple way to get rid of them. It is temporary but works for us in the south with a long haired cat (devil cat). We keep a jar of Vasolene in each room and when ever we see a crawling little bugger we suffocate him with Vasolene (not on animal) on finger.

I hope this helps.

Waves to everybody :schwirr: :dancemexicannana::nanadance::dancingbanana::nanaonacid::dancingnana::nanadance3:

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OK, I have heard the one long clip and I am trying to figure out which song is which. I need to switch to headphones now, not great speakers in a lap top.

The good news is that I did not reconize all songs. The bad news is that the haters will copy these songs.

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Before you leave for your "afternoon Clay nap", I have come to realize that I am a) incredibly stupid or B) incredibly stupid and PC illiterate). Now, you don't have to give me that answers to those questions. The only thing that I want kind kind, generous soul that you are :) is help in finding those damn songs so I can hear a wisp of them to.



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I sent georgiaclay a link, but Ansa or Couchie, could the mp3 be hosted here on the FCA media page?

By the way, I have just listened to the whole mp3 about 4 times with my earbuds so I can really hear the songs. I was predisposed to like "I Want to Know What Love Is" before, but now with the snippet concentrating on Clay's part? Toast. He has such a cry in his voice.... I don't really know all that's happened to bring out enable him to bring such a feeling of almost desperation to some of these songs, and I don't think I want to know. It's almost too intimate...

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I got 2 tickets off to the side in the second row in red bank!!!!

Fear may or may not be coming. Do you tinkI will have a hard time finding anyone else who wants a ticket if she doesn't? I know it is not center, but I was actually not on-line and then in a PM discussion and didn't see the box offie was open. 2nd side better than 14th center, right?

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playbiller, I think if the theater is only 1,500 seats anywhere in the house has to be good.

Sniff I'm starting to feel left out her in the midwest. No Christmas concerts, no talk shows to go to...

Maybe Clay will deliver my 50 copies of ATDW to me personally on his cross-country jaunt. :unsure:

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Come on now BC, you can stay with me, 1.5 hours from the concert. Will be driving down and back the same night.

Just pay for flying into Newark airport and you ticket - there is always room on the floor? Actually, I have a convertable (confortable) foam couch bed. I have inflatable beds and I have friends in the area with kids at college.

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