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July 20, Chautauqua, NY

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yep..loved it..for some reason that show is my favorite thus far..I think it was the crowd and all the standing o's. They were so appreciative. Can't wait to watch clack and it's not even my show to update at FCA. heee

dang lost my train of thought..had something else to say...I'm old.

heee oh.. Jerome is one fine looking man..I must say. Thanks for the recap of the upclose and personal with him too.

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I have to say that the classics have really grown on me. I wasn't feeling them at first, but I love them now. I think Clay's really improved in his delivery of them - maybe it was nerves - maybe they were MY nerves. LOL! Anyway, I lurve them now too.

He has a way with that.

I'm glad you had fun, lickiest!

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cute recap:

From ClayFanNC at the CB

I was incorporating the concerts into our vacation from NC to PA to visit family and friends. My hometown is an hour away from Chautauqua, so I went with a group of friends and family for their first Clay concert. Sooooooo, they didn't want to get there early or get hand afterwards . It was very different for me , sitting so far back. We were surrounded by Chautauqua members who had never seen Clay before. Of course I was talking to folks before it started and they had tons of questions for me. At one point someone mentioned him being on Idol and one woman said "Oh, he didn't win????" ... I just loved that! The man next to me (a member of the Institute, who seemed to be very "cutured" and who has seen many performers at the Intitute) asked many questions and he LOVED the concert. He said to me "I see why you like him so much... he has a beautiful voice." He also commented on how kind, caring, and gracious Clay is. He was also impressed with how Clay handled the whole easel/card mishap and said that not many performers would handle it in such a humerous and calm way! He loved the way Clay bantered and interacted with audience and said he was a great entertainer. It was fun watching all the "members" who danced and sang through the entire Classics section!

I'll let the other concert-goers recap the details of the show ... but just wanted to comment on how funny Clay was when talking about the fans and how he sees the same fans over and over and over and over..... how he sees them at MacDonalds waiting for the bus (and then can't go in) , in his dreams, his nightmares, etc.!!!! Oh ... one more thing ... he always takes my breath away when he first walks out ... I ALWAYS scream when I first see him ... his entrance was amazing ... he walked in from a high walkway behind the stage... Gah .... Of course I was S~C~R~E~A~M~I~N~G and jumping out of my seat ... I think I scared the "members" ... and my peeps! Since it was the first concert for my hometown friends and family, they said they would take their cue from me and do whatever I did , so it was so funny to see our whole row imitating me!!!

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