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cha cha trusty

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Posts posted by cha cha trusty

  1. I was out tonight playing (well not really playing - I really did mean it!) the good DIL with mrchach's mother. We took her to our favorite Crab House in MD, and then we went to see Star Trek! This theatre was so big, it had neighborhoods!! No Kidding! It was like a shopping mall inside! It's called the Egyptian. :)


    STAR TREK was AWESOME! My only complaints are that it was 1) too loud! and 2) some of the scenes are edited so tight and quickly moving that you can't really tell what's going on. That's my complaint about a lot of movies these days.

    I saw Leonard Nimoy on the View yesterday, and they were saying his part was so special that they couldn't even get a clip of it. Until then I didn't even know he was in the movie! His part was unexpectedly brilliant! Go see this movie!

    My MIL turned down her hearing aid and took a little nap! :cryingwlaughter:

    Just catching up on pg 17 so haven't seen if there's any clack yet or not! What a great Mother's Day Pressie!!

    Speaking of which....... kids will be over tomorrow, although I still don't what time they're coming!


    Back to clack-hunting!!

  2. Pack wrong?!! What do you mean pack wrong? What should we be packing?

    whatever makes you comfortable in 97 degree weather!!

    Don't forget a light sweater for the indoor air conditioning! I hate being cold!!!

    QUOTE (Scarlett @ May 8 2009, 09:35 PM)

    Pack wrong?!! What do you mean pack wrong? What should we be packing?

    a radio shack in your purse

    I second that!!!

    Good one tribeca!!

  3. And...adding to the silliness...plus the fact that certain movie opens today (which had been on my calendar for months, only to have RL get in the way...)

    I think Clay would like watching this, if wasn't busy in Las Vegas...

    Have fun all attendees!

    that was totally silly!! thanks! I hope to see the new Star Trek tomorrow night!

    Looking forward to some weekend CLACK also!

    You know everyone will have a blast - can't wait for recaps!

    :11: to everyone attending!

  4. From Smarty pantz at the OFC

    Clay interview San Diego about DF event


    Anna hope you feel better soon

    American Idol is in San Diego today too, for Adam's hometown visit - I wonder if there's any connexion???

    I tried to post this last night but I think I must've forgotten to hit the Reply button after I previewed! D101!!!


    from lolcats at http://icanhascheezburger.com/page/11/ (I added a new caption)

    CAUTION! Remove Beverages and have inhaler at the ready! :cryingwlaughter:

  5. Ok, maybe it's time to stop & take a look at the Dad...

    Stubble!!!111!!! and forearms!!!1!1!!!

    er... omg, couchie, did you realize we're going to see and hear him in 5 days?!!! Eeeeeeeeee!!!


    Just remembered that I haven't posted this in a while...


    ...off to bed, happily! :offtobed:

    ETA: but not without a last look... and a last squeee!


    ETAA: wanda, the sample code to display the picture above is in blue below: (copy & paste, don't reply)


    these pix remind me of a feature that appears in US magazine........

    Stars are Just Like Us -- They SHOP! LOL

    :offtobed: where I shoulda gone hours ago!

  6. slow day huh? We're still on page one? :)

    I've been a bit out of it lately, busy with all kinds of things...

    last night we celebrated my niece's 40th bday, she was the flower girl at our wedding when she was six!

    to celebrate we all had a private section of a restaurant next to the band and our own bar, with platters of shrimp, cheeses, and veggies provided. our whole bar bill was only $60!

    for a gift I sent mrchach out to get 40 one-dollar bills which I was going to put in some kind of cute box. he did me one better! he came back with 40 gold $1 coins which sent us in another direction.

    I took a small chest and decorated it in a pirate theme and made a card with the same skull and crossbones that said, "you be 40?" and inside I put "well, shiver me timbers!"

    here's a pic of the box:


    we had a blast at the restaurant after dancing our fool heads off and getting home about 1 am!

    on topic, can't wait to see Clay's Vegas performance at DF! I assume some premo clack goddesses will be attending! :fingerscrossed:

    eta: well, shiver me timbers - top 'o page two!!

    also adding...... Facebook has an option for changing your page into pirate speak, which is what I did several days ago. It really is keeping me entertained! :D

  7. Movies? I love so many of them!! Star Wars (all 6), Lord of the Rings (plus books, wish there were more), Indiana Jones, Harry Potter (plus books) and can't wait for the next one! I love everybody in the HP movies, especially loved the role Kenneth Branaugh played, and I love Ron's character, and his mother, Snape, and on and on. I wish Richard Harris had lived a little longer and been able to be Dumbledore throughout the whole series.

    I also love romantic comedies, like Bridget Jones, Sleepless in Seattle, pretty much anything with Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Rene Zelwiger, early Meg Ryan. Tom Hanks. (Anyone ever see Joe and the Volcano or Volunteers?)

    I like suspense/murder/mystery stuff too, and action stuff like James Bond. Not the bloody yucky ones tho, for example, I hated Braveheart. Love the Brendan Fraser stuff where he plays the museum/adventure guy (can't think of the names.) Liked Angelina Jolie in those Laura Holt (?) movies. Can't wait to see Angels and Demons.

    I love period pieces like Pride & Prejudice (Colin Firth :Thud:) and Duchess. Musicals, I loved Mamma Mia (saw it way too many times, bought it and listen to the music often) Love the old musicals like Mary Poppins, The Music Man, The Sound of Music.

    Love comedies too, but the new ones seem to rely on bathroom humor a lot (which I am not fond of). mrchach and I enjoy a lot of the Pixar/Disney animated movies, they're clean and funny. One we saw recently was Meet Dave (not animated but a comedy) and enjoyed that. Love the SILLY stuff like Monty Python (goes without saying) and some other British comedies, although not many do silly like Monty P. Ricky Gervais comes close, but he's only made one movie so far.

    Well if you've read to the end of this.... I can't end without mentioning the BEATLES! Loved their movies, and short films, they didn't make enough of them!

    I pretty much love any movie, unless it's all violent, dirty, and gorey - and I am not fond of horror films.

    Time for some pretty!!






    Oh! And Susan Boyle? I think she has a great voice, needs a makeover, has been overexposed already tho, maybe has a slight chance of winning, but will definitely have the career she's wanted, but the competition has barely started! I hope she has an agent and doesn't get screwed over!

    Oh yeah CLAY!!! Does anyone think he's headed for another Broadway show? :D

  8. I keep getting these email messages about people following me on Twitter.....following me what? I tried to sign in once and I didn't even remember how. I don't even remember getting twitter-pated in the first place. Doesn't mean I didn't sign up.....I just have no recollection.

    Sounds like fun, though.

    I do believe I have neglected to comment on the eye appeal of the new banner. Great design! This is one of cindilu's creations, right? Smack me if I'm wrong.....sometimes I enjoy that.

    Being wrong that is.... :cryingwlaughter:

    I am enjoying Twitter, it's a great way to keep track of my kids. I have mine set to 'private' so that I can control the exact number of people who can receive my updates. If you are set to 'public' then your 'tweets' get broadcast to anybody and everybody.

    Anybody who wants to check it out can go to http://twitter.com/home - you can probably retrieve your password if you need to!

    Couchie - that was my niece in the Bunny Suit! She is an event coordinator for her neighborhood and they had a big Easter Egg hunt over the weekend.

  9. Anyone know if Clay was in Norfolk, VI by any chance this past weekend? I have friend who swears she saw him walking around and snapped a picture, but he was walking away and it's basically the back of his head and a little of his left cheek. Anyone wanna weigh in?


    ETA: Oh, and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to the new articles and interviews! Whooo!

    I know you've finished talking about this and pretty much proved that it wasn't Clay...

    But I found this picture of Clay's backside and wanted to offer it up for comparison.

    IMO - the man in the above photo is also not tall enough nor thin enough to be Clay!


  10. {{{{{{{{{{Scarlett}}}}}}}}}}}

    I'm so sorry to hear you had a hospital stay and surgery! I'm so glad you are OK now! :wub:

    It sucks being sick. I was sick all last week starting about last Saturday and finally dragged myself to the dr on Wed to find out I had bronchitis. All better now, but I am waaaay behind on the board since I didn't feel like reading or sitting in front of the computer. Did a lot of sleeping last week!

    I got Clay's new CD and love all the extras with it, although I haven't had time to thoroughly check them out yet!

    In the interim, I also finished reading the trilogy called Fitzwilliam Darcy Gentleman which is a MUST for any Jane Austen fans out there.... now I am reading Emma. The author of FDG says she was inspired by Colin Firth's performance in the BBC miniseries. It was really a great story, it is P&P told from Darcy's perspective.

    And I got a new bowling ball and bowled a few games, and got a turkey for the first time! That's 3 strikes in a row for you non-bowlers! And bowled my best game evah - 178! woo hooo!

    Oh yeah, and then we had a BD party for mrchach's 60th at the popular German bier garten in nearby MD over this past weekend. The girls, my sister and niece (+ all respective spouses and SOs), and MIL joined in the fun. It was a great celebration!

    So here's a little decoration for this page!


    Loved the preview of ANTM and can't wait to see the whole thing tomorrow night!!


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