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cha cha trusty

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Posts posted by cha cha trusty

  1. I know I keep bringing up AI2, but does anyone know why Clay sang OTWOL in the Top 3 group performance? I've never seen it mentioned before, but I thought it was odd because Ruben and KLo both sang songs that they had sung before in the competition...

    Sorry - I'm stumped (and acronym-challenged) -- OTWOL?

  2. wooooooo hoooooooo!! Page 1.gifexclamationpoint.gif

    Did anyone ever mention that Clay's MySpace now has the announcement of his appearance on Top Model?


    Yes it’s true, Clay Aiken will be appearing in the upcoming season of “America’s Next Top Model.” He will participate in an acting challenge with the ladies and serve as a guest judge on the panel. The April 8 episode featuring Clay will air on the CW as part of the series' 12th cycle that kicks off Feb. 25. Check your local listings and make sure to tune in!

    Can't wait!

    LOVE THIS!!!

    VirginCDSigning2008.jpg <= CLAY.

    fan.gif <= ME.

    Always and forever, bay-bee!

  3. http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/entertainm...t_regis_bi.html

    Clay Aiken spotted at Regi's Bistro

    I thought he was allergic to seafood?

    I have a serious shrimp allergy. I carry an epi-pen at all times because if someone boils or fries something where shrimp has once been, I can and have had an anaphyllaxic reaction. However, I can eat my weight in crabmeat as long as it's been nowhere near shrimp. It's all about the protein.

    ETA: As for reasons Clay could be in Baltimore -- I've been in DC many times and driven over to the Maryland coast for crabcakes. Maybe President Obama needed advice from a Stimulus Package Expert.

    I heard he was in DC for some reason involving Obama a couple of days ago, but I can't remember where I heard it. Sawwy!! :)

  4. Awwww.... I hate America's Next Top Model!

    Clay Aiken will be broadening horizons for me, I guess.

    ETA: APRIL??? *paces* Wonder what his hair's going to be like!

    I am guessing this is being shot now, or will be in the very near future. So I imagine his hair will be like it is now. That show is filmed in advance so they have time to edit and stuff.

    Where'd everybody go? Did I kill the thread??? :D

  5. And the reason why it is usually lipsynched is for practical purposes -- usually synchronization with the backing musicians. But there are ALWAYS people out there who believe that because some singers can't "sing" with out lipsynching, ALL singers who do it must have bad voices. Shrug.

    The SSB at the World Series, however, is frequently NOT lipsynched, because whoever does it performs it acapella (meaning, without backing music, just solo singing).

    Topic: Clay sang at the World Series. Did really well too.

    I am like 5 pages behind - I was out all day yesterday and Monday with chachadotter#1 - but I just gotta say - I love your avatar ldyj!!


    it's oddly mesmerizing!!

    You have probably moved on from the lip-synching debate, but the practice might have something to do with when Roseanne sang it, does anyone remember what a fiasco that was? LOL (Was that the Super Bowl?)

    Answering my own question - no - it was in July at a Padre's game - here's why!!


    eta: in the list on the right there are lots more SSB videos to watch, including the infamous Whitney who is reported to be the first controversial lip-syching.


    On to more recent developments - YAAAAY for TYRA! for having Clay on her show!! ANTM is one of my favorite reality shows! Can't wait till it starts - is it April yet!!!!????!!?!?!?!

  6. eyes claytonic's list...

    The only one I like is Hugh...and since I'm only interested in hot Aussie guys for my prurient interests, I don't care about their priorities! We're good to go.

    OMG! Stephen Colbert was HILARIOUS tonight! He had on Paul McCartney! Please, please, please let keepingfaith to have seen this! And Sir Paul agreed with me that his biggest hit of "She Loves Ya"! I think Colbert is the 5th Beatle now. And to me at least, Sir Paul looks like merrieeee. He sounds like her too. Freaky!

    SCORE!!! Thanks KAndre, for bringing this to my attention. I LOVE PAUL McCARTNEY!!

    He was my first love. The only person I've been a fool over until Clay!!

    I went searching for it on the The Colbert Report - it is NOT on youtube!

    But it IS on The Colbert Report's web site!


    All this talk about Australia really makes me want to go there. "Crocodile Dundee"** is one of my favorite movies! Recently saw "Australia" and that was really good too. (Speaking of Hugh Jackman!) Thanks to everyone for all the info. Off to read the Stolen Generation article now!!

    **eta: not that it has anything to do with what we are discussing, but it makes one subtly aware of the prejudices of whites vs. aboriginals.

  7. Thanks Scarlett!!! I'm downloading the latest right now! :thankyou::bloomingflowers:

    mrchach just left for work, I couldn't talk him into staying home for the "First Major Snowstorm" of the year - at least in the DC area! :snowing2: They are predicting 2-4 inches and there are already tons of school closings and whatnot. :deepersnow:

    I got up to check the weather report on my teevee... I feel like I should run out to the store for milk, bread, **salsa, and toillet paper, and to fill the car up with gas... Just in Case! It's instinct!

    But I am not. I am going back to bed. And when I wake up again in a couple of hours, it'll be a Winter Wonderland. :clap:

    As long as we don't lose the power I'll be Snug As A Bug In A Rug!! Back later with photos!!! :D


    **I kid you not! I used to work in a grocery store and we would run out of Salsa and Chips when snow and bad weather was threatened!! Who knew??? :killer_rabbit:

    eta: Where is ansa?????

  8. Oh, I think they love boobies alright, it's the vaginas that don't appeal!

    BWAH! canfly...that made me hoot out loud here at work! Thank you.

    Hey, quit giving canfly credit for my line!! :hahaha:

    Don't you mean va-jay-jay??? (I don't think they even like the word! ) :cryingwlaughter:

    I do not think it is dislike. I think it is that the word and what it represents simply does not trigger the response it does in a heterosexual man. I do not dislike vaginas. Hey, I have one, myself. I am just not interested in getting up close and personal with yours.

    Hey - no need to get explicit here! I hardly know you! :)

  9. Is it just me or does your house have to look spotless before going on a trip?

    Nope, not just you. I hate to come home to a messy house.

    I am usually very tired on my return and it's enuf just to get unpacked.

    Have a wonderful trip.

    My house is never spotless!!! But a certain semblance of order is appreciated!!


  10. goergie -- I just read your post to mrchach.....

    He thinks you should get a gun! Not a bad idea but you need to be willing and able to use it.

    I think you should call Dr. Phil, or Oprah, or Geraldo, or 7 On Your Side, whatever TV station is in your area, or Maury, or whoever you can think of in your area.

    This needs to go public. Yes, your sister will suffer embarrassment, but the more people who know about this the better, because then it is less likely that he will be able to continue the harrassment.



    eta: Please keep us posted!


  11. {{{georgie}}}

    What a horrific story! Do you know of anyone who is really big and strong who can accompany your sister to work for a few days? Until you can go thru some kind of legal channels to get this straightened out. Maybe you could find someone at a gym. Off-duty policeman? What about the Legal Aid Society (do they still exist?) Or Social Services. (grasping at straws here, I have no idea what I would do, probably run far far away and hide!!)

    Would the company let your sister work in another location? Where do you live?


    eta: thanks anna!! :BlowKiss:

  12. Re: Photobooth and how the password got leaked:

    I think each person who had there 6 pictures taken in the booth could get a printout of those 6 pictures. Each printout has the web address and PASSWORD printed right in the middle of it. It's no wonder that the password leaked, it was right there for anyone and everyone to see. All that would have to happen is for one sheet of pix to be shared, copied, lost & found, or stolen and it's no longer a private thing.

    See? Right in the middle? It says "To see everyone's photos...?"


    canfly - I think it was late Thursday/early Friday the pix appeared on PH/TMZ...

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