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cha cha trusty

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Posts posted by cha cha trusty

  1. Schmoopie alert...

    :BlowKiss: Thanks to all those who take the time to share their recaps/travelogs with us!!! It is so much fun to read them and makes the whole thing more real!

    :BlowKiss: Thanks to those who do the gorgeous banners and to those who change them out every week (or so)!

    :BlowKiss: Thanks to aikim for her countdowns and I hope she always has to do it!

    :BlowKiss: Thanks to luckiest and goldarngirl who make the best Best of's!

    :BlowKiss: Thanks to bottle for her photobucket account! GAH!!!

    :BlowKiss: Thanks to cindilu for her beautious blends and calendars! Double GAH!!!

    :BlowKiss: Thanks to ldyj for being the best not-a-mod and couchie for being the bestest site owner!

    :BlowKiss: Most of all, thanks to all the people who make up this board! You are the bestest! And, the funniest!

    It just seemed like the thing to do as we begin a new year and a new presidency and a new phase of Clay's career. May all of them go better than we can even imagine!!! :BlowKiss:

    liney - this is GREAT!!!

    Thanks for taking the inside of my brain and typing it out!!

    :BlowKiss: Special shoutout to couchie who keeps us all sane and level-headed!!!

    I have been working on this for a couple of weeks and in less than an hour I'm leaving to go to NYC and see Clay in Spamalot TWO MORE TIMES FOR THE LAST EVER!!

    :BlowKiss:I wanted to share this with you even tho it's not quite finished!!!

    :BlowKiss: It should keep you busy for a couple of days!!

    :BlowKiss: I plan to finish it when I get back next week.



    back next week!!! :BlowKiss:

  2. EEEEEEEEE!!! It's almost time!!! :twinklewhore:

    My travelmates & I will be arriving from Newark on Thurs. evening. We won't be going to that show, but should be checked in and around the Shubert by the time the show lets out. Anyone up for meeting up after the show, maybe heading over to Junior's for cheesecake or coffee or a drink?

    Just look for me!!! I'd love to go somewhere for a drink!!

  3. Hmm. Thanks for the info, cha cha! I might get the trial versions and try to figure them. I'm not especially bright when it comes to computers and stuff though--the exception to the stereotype that all teenagers are good with electronics. :P

    Well... I'm a little self conscious, but since you asked for it...


    Nice work clazy!!

    I started a Photoshop Techniques thread awhile back in the Photos, Photoshops, Emoticons. It hasn't been added to in quite awhile, but it can give you some ideas and pointers that can be adapted to most programs whatever you end up with.

    Check it out!! :)

  4. Thanks for the pictures and the explanation, Bottlecap! I never watched season 2 and I only saw pieces of Rewind, so I had no idea what it was. I thought it was very cool-looking, though!

    Nice recap, cha cha trusty! I like reading the recaps, even though I don't quite know what's going on. Ha! :lol:

    I have another plea for help random question. Is there an easy to use, free, image editing program out there that's better than paint? I'm trying my hand at making my own backgrounds and I thought I did OK for it being my first time, but... let's just say I'm no cindilu2! :cryingwlaughter:

    Glad everyone liked my recap! I haven't done one since the whole "That'll be $50 extra for the butt squeeze." last April!!

    clazy - I was going to recommend Photoshop Elements, but when did it get so expensive? It's a fraction of what the regular Photoshop is, but still.... :)

    Paint Shop Pro is a bit less, and both have free trial downloads.

    Here's a page with some reviews which has some lower prices listed. I haven't used any of these except Photoshop and Paint Shop, but the real challenge of any photo-editing is learning how to use it! There are lots of tutorials on line to search out.

    Are you going to share your work? :)

  5. HAPPY 27TH FCA!!! The last Saturday of 2008!


    A-DOR-A-BUBBLE...that's all.

    TOO CUTE!!!!!

    Okay, so that wasn't all, so sue me. I want one! :)

    Happy holidays and all that, y'all.

    So, actually, I said I was mad at Barnes and Noble for not getting my shipment here on time, when in fact I should have been mad at Citibank (Visa). In their zeal to prevent unauthorized use of my card, they flagged my account when a couple of large internet purchases were made. Even though the flag was removed right away, this glitch caused my stuff to get held up. I'm curious if it might have helped to call the credit card company next year BEFORE making a large purchase so they automatically approve it instead of thinking some thief has my card. GRRR...so, it was kind of a bummer wrapping so many IOUs this year. Serves me right, I guess, for getting started with my shopping late. But...BUT...if the fraud department hadn't been so quick to be 'helpful', I had plenty of time to get the shipment here on time. Oh well, live and learn. Very annoying, though!

    Did I mention the bear was cute? I did? And adorable? Okay, just checking! Love it. :)

    We need to have the bear on this page too! It's so cute!! Clay is making lot'o'mullah for the Broadway Cares organization. :)

    00lsee - we had credit card drama too when we went to Ireland and they wouldn't approve a credit card purchase for us either. We learned to give them a heads up now whenever we travel.


    Me, chachadotters 1&2 and #1SIL went to see SPAM last Tuesday. They all loved the play, Clay, and NYC. We had a fabulous time! I've been trying to find time to write a recap - I was sure I wouldn't be able to remember it all. I am probably right! Anyway, here goes.


    (sorry if any of this is a repeat!)

    We started off at a leisurely 11 am with the attitude, "NYC? Piece o' cake! Four, four and a half hours tops!" We (chachadotter#1, her hubby, and I) swung by DC to pick up chachadotter#2 and were on the road north by noon. Somewhere near Baltimore we met our first roadblock, the toll booth at the tunnel. Then there was the toll booth at the Delaware Mem Highway, the toll booth at the Del Mem Bridge, and then the one at NJ Turnpike. Maybe a couple delays in between, I lost track. What was supposed to be a four and a half hour drive turned into seven and a half hours! What we lacked in speed, we made up for in enthusiasm! Our bladders suffered but our spirits remained high! Especially when it took almost an hour an a half to get from the exit right before the Lincoln Tunnel (15Z) to 44th St.

    I jumped out and went to the box office while the others parked the van in the garage right next to the Shubert. The guy we all know and love was at the window. I would have called him by name if I cold have remembered it! I asked for "four tickets in the balcony, for tonight's performance." He looked at me incredulously, and laughed a little. "I don't have any in the balcony." I said, "No? What do you have?" And he said, "You're in luck, I just happen to have four in Row E." I think, "Did he say ROW E???" I thought about it for about 5 seconds and whipped out my credit card! I found out later that the place was a sell-out. Even the SRO's were gone. Even though it was more than twice what I was planning to pay, I got over the shock and plunked it down.

    When the others came in from the garage, I told them the bad news. We had to sit in ROW E!!! We happily marched off to O'Lunneys for a drink and a pee. And dinner. It was 6:40 by then. We got through and paid the bill about 7:55, and made it back in time for the curtain.

    The crowd must have mostly been NJU's because there wasn't much of a reaction when Clay appeared in the window. (Except from my two daughters!)

    Some random things I remember from the performance:

    1) Clay had a ring on! His middle finger, left hand. (I think it was his left hand..)

    2) When he dismounted his "horse" at the French castle, he held his knee up with his hand like he was doing a dance exercise. I thought, "Reed influence!"

    3) He was very sing-songy on the swallow/creeper/weight ratio "it really wouldn't matter anyway."

    4) He sang Amen and the knights copied him, and then started into "Get your hand off my knee you dirty old bastard" before the king stopped them.

    5) The guard scene seemed short, he didn't have much time to play with the ribbons. He put them across his face under his nose, and then Lancelot appeared.

    6) Tom didn't do the backbend on the Swamp castle scene.

    7) He crossed his eyes during the bottle dance, and did the wait-wait motion before he went to the piano, but there wasn't a lot of reaction.

    8 ) When he finished YWSOB he stood there with his finger to his mouth, but the king sort of rushed into "Well I guess we'd better go find some" and off they went.

    9) I got to hear "They'll pay to hear my golden larnyx ring" line for the first time without screaming covering it up!

    10) I miss Jonathan Hadary and the first Belvedere from last January.

    11) I really miss HANNAH!

    12) The Knight of Ni sang the Oscar Meyer B.O.L.O.G.N.A. song.

    13) Clay came out in the curtain call after the LOTL.

    14) He and David and Wally (?) did a little weaving in and out figure eight dance during the curtain call.

    15) His bangs on the wig were down in his face and he blew on them and tried to brush them aside several times before he actually grabbed the hair and pulled it to the side. He had the top hat on. The $7200 Top Hat.

    We got out to the stage door after the show and lo and behold, I was right against the railing! Of course I have been there before, but those times, Clay didn't do the SD. We waited about 5 minutes and he came out. He had a puffy coat on and a blue hoodie. He looked good! I had chachadotter#1 all primed to snap a picture but he didn't slow down for it. I was able to get an autograph for the very first time tho, so I was very happy!

    After that, we remembered we had forgotten the doggy bag from the restaurant and tried to get back into the theatre. The door was locked but they let us in to get it! When chachadotter#1 and I went down to ROW E to get the bag, Rick was up on the stage! He looked over at us, so I spoke with him, and told him he was excellent and asked him what he was doing next, because I would go and see whatever it was he would be in. He said thanks, but he didn't know what he was going to do yet. I was really tempted to ask for a picture but he was busy talking to some peeps so I didn't.

    We played around Times Square a bit and then went to another Irish Pub called O'Brien's, went and got our trusty steed, and then drove around a bit down 5th ave and up 6th. We were looking for Rockefeller Plaza to see the big tree, but it wasn't lit so we almost missed it! We finally found it and played around there for a minute or two. We also saw the UNICEF Snowflake on 5th. By then it was almost 1 am and we headed back to the Lincoln Tunnel. It had started to rain lightly and the temp was below freezing! They issued an ICE caution on the NJTP and lowered the speed limit to 45. I kept watching the temp display in the van and was overjoyed when it got back to 33º! We stopped about 2 am and got a BK Burger and fries and finally got back to DC and home about 8:30 am! What a long day! I got three and a half hours of sleep before I had to get up and go shop for Christmas Eve dinner. Since then it's been non-stop, all the kids just left about 8 pm last night (Friday) and I fell asleep on the couch watching Ghost Whisperer.

    So that's our NYC Christmas Eve Eve Spamalot Adventure! Here are a few pictures. (The flash on my camera doesn't work since it got wine spilled on it last week. I think I might have to send it in.)

    Clay illuminated by someone else's flash


    the UNICEF Snowflake on 5th


    Some red lucite illuminated steps erected in Times Square.

    The girls did a dance to NY, NY coming down them! (film at 11 TM Johnny Carson)


    Closeup of a Christmas tree in a bank window on Broadway


    Big :hello: and Happy Trails to all going to NYC this weekend. I'll be there next weekend, and hope to see a few more who will be there. I'm looking forward to the dinner at Carmine's.

    {{{{{to cagney}}}}} for your loss.

    {{{{liney}}}} just coss.

  6. I'm having a hard time catching up!!


    (this is from a couple years ago...)

    And I took a bunch of the Christmas Pix from the past day or two and posted them here:




    I have been very busy and still have a housefull of company (the kids and spouses)

    and I want to do a recap of my trip to Spamalot and share some pix, it will have to wait till later!

    Love you all!!! :BlowKiss:

  7. I just looked at the list, and it looks like I'll be all by myself tomorrow!

    No one else from FCA is going to see Spam tomorrow!!

    Oh well....... me, chachadotter#2 and chachadotter#1 and her hubby will have fun anyhow!!

    We are crazy for going this close to Christmas, but they (#1 and SIL) are moving to WV right after New year's so this is our only chance to see Spamalot!!


    eta: just looked at the list again and in case it matters... we didn't make it on the 17th, I don't know if you'd want to take my name off that day or not. :) Your call!

  8. Merry Christmas FCA peeps!

    I had 42 loosely-related family members at my house on Saturday.

    It was fun, but I am really glad it has finally happened and now I can get on with more Christmas preparations. (I've been getting ready for that party for over a month!) Stuff I still need to do is stuff like wrapping gifts for the immediate family who will all be here on Christmas Eve.

    At least I get to go out for Christmas dinner. chachasoninlaw#3's parents are having us all over.

    All I have to do is whip up a batch of Homemade Irish Cream, and be there by 3:00. :)


    I have spoken with several people about how in the hell did we get all this done while simultaneously attending 2, 3, 4 or more Joyful Noise Concerts!?

    I blame Clay for my not being ready for Christmas this year.



    chachadotter#1, her hubby and I are driving to NYC tomorrow to catch another dose of SPAM!

    Wish us luck! Anyone else going to be there? (OK anna - I'll go check the list!!) :D

  9. :hello: Hi back ausdon!!

    Got some more ready today for our family party this Saturday.

    mrchach put lights on the edge of the roof for me...

    I made a SC Mac & Cheese casserole, and it's all ready to pop in the oven...

    and a Cranberry/Raspberry/Jello/Pineapple concoction that looks really pretty!

    Tomorrow 2-minute fudge and apple tarte tartin!

    chachadotters 1&2 will be here to help tomorrow night.





  10. Checking in quickly before heading for bed....

    :hugs-1: for couchie and couchiemama

    :hugs-1: for muski - and might I add: "OUCHIE!"

    CONGRATS to fearson :clap:

    Our power was out for about 7 hours today - from 2 pm to about 9 pm...

    some idjit took out a light pole about a half mile from here. (hope they're ok)

    It was dark and cold in here so we went out to dinner.

    We celebrate the 17th of each month as our "mini-versary" of the day we met...

    and this was our 421st.

    :hugs-1: & :BlowKiss: to everyone!

    PS - I didn't get a chance to say that we didn't get to Spam today for various reasons!

    Might try again on Tuesday. :)


  11. Wanda...Happy Birthday!!!


    Have a whole bunch of fun today/this week!!!


    fg - I don't know about deals, but a friend of mine has canceled her trip to Clay's closing weekend and has a couple of tickets to sell.

    They are:

    Jan 2 at 8:00 pm - orch C, row O (regular)


    Sat, Jan. 3 at 2:00 pm - orch C, row N (premium)

    both are on the aisle and the 1/3 one is a premium seat but she may take a bit off the price - the 1/2 one is face value.

    PM me for the email address of the person to contact!

  12. Sorry to post-ho, but here's something I really loved and hope you will too. Read the explanation at the side of the video before you watch it....

    It's wonderful!! Thanks for sharing this.

    That is so cool!! I'm gonna play it a few more times!!



    Add me to the OH-fish-ul "I HATE WINTER" Club. It was freezing that last part of last week, but today it was 63º!! It was so warm I even opened a window!

  13. Good news all around!!

    I'm taking a whiz trip to NYC on Wednesday for the Wed night performance. blissysmile9lm9cm.gif

    Anybody going to be there too? TORCHCLAYCARA.gif

    This came up unexpectedly, and now I am stressing over getting ready for the big Family Party on Saturday. hollysmile2.gif

    I'm trying to pretend it's tomorrow.

    It's not working!!

    gotta get busy!!


  14. We went to see "Australia" tonight.... ( I always want to spell it "Austrailia" for some reason!) - it was really great. I was somewhat skeptical of a 2.75 hour movie, but I never felt that it dragged or that it was too long or thinking "WHEN will this be over????!"

    OMG - Hugh Jackman looked FABulous - especially when he was clean-shaven and dressed up! He reminded me of Cary Grant! GAH!

    Can't wait to see what cindilu comes up with from the CD cover pic - I hope you are going to share, cindi!!!

  15. I was fooling around with the edit function on photobucket, and found a button that will take this:

    This one I really liked:


    That reminds me of this:::::


    kf - I loved your post about the EHTS show - I totally agree with your analysis. I've heard comments from several places saying that agree with you also - that it was ALL GOOD!

    I particularly liked this part from your conclusion:

    Clay didn't just come out, he kicked down the door.

    I think this would make a marvelous thread title!!


  16. What are the E story on youtube filed under? I can't seem to find them with Clay's name and Hollywood or E! or ????

    What name are they marked with???

    They are in the vaults now - under E Channel

    Thanks - but if anyone knows how to find it on youtube - I'd still like to know!! :)

    It keeps getting mentioned but I can't find it!

    (downloading now..) :D

  17. Just popped my third tray of Christmas cookies in the oven. We are having about 30 family members here next Saturday. acckkkk!!!

    Lotus - I sre hope it stops raining before tomorrow night! I'd sure love to see that moon!! I love taking photos of full moons - it must be an obsession!! :whistling-1:

    Love the pix of Clay and Reed. No idea what to think about whether IIT or IIF or whatever. All I know is Clay has been looking pretty happy the past few weeks, months, whatever, and he deserves to be happy. Reed is cute and very bendy! And IIT he is a very lucky man! :hubbahubba:

    I have to get all my stuff for the party ready, because we have decided to take an impromtu trip to NYC next Wed to see Spam one more time before the closing. chachadotter#1 and hubby will be going with me, and we're going to do the mega-bus-turn-around. Four hours to NYC from DC for $40, and then after the show we'll take the 1:45 am bus back. I'll be worthless on Thursday, but it'll be worth it! I hope the weather co-operates! :cocktail:

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