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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. I love his reply about the clothing....you can wear your Clay undies! Woohoo!!! He makes me laugh so much. Love him.
  2. First of all, kimiye's post: try this link. I logged out of the CH, and then copied the link, so it should work now. Secondly, semi-off topic: kd lang's version of "Hallelujah" from the Opening Ceremonies last night. She has an AMAZING voice IMO, and I'm definitely with Fear that I'd love for her and Clay to do a duet. Also, to make this on topic: Clay, if he was able, probably watched the opening ceremonies. He definitely should know "Hallelujah" now! Oh, and kd's "style" lately is to sing without shoes, no matter where she's at. ETA: Quick Link to kd's video for the Canadians
  3. Carolina Clay, thanks for posting that broadwayworld.com article link. It's fantastic! I especially like this sentence: You know, I was thinking about some things. (Dangerous, I know...) First of all -- Clay appearing in Spamalot on Broadway brought him more than just attention at the time. He's now part of the "family," as witnessed by this article. He's getting a new avenue of publicity for almost everything he does, whether it's connected to Broadway or not. That's great. Also -- how many people have signed up on Twitter to follow the Decca Label Group? I have -- and I've signed up so that I get their messages on my cell phone. I think this past week, I've had about 25 or so tweets from them, regarding their latest publicity (in this case, the Canadian Tenors). I can't imagine what that will be like when Clay's CD drops. I'm expecting my phone to beep every 5 minutes or so!
  4. broadwayworld.com Clay Aiken to Perform One-Night Only Concert at Memorial Auditorium, 3/12
  5. couchie -- kimiye at the CH has posted some really good information in the AV/Tech help thread. Start with this post here. All kinds of good links for programs to download and such to clean up your computer! Sorry to hear about that... Hope everyone who was sick yesterday is feeling better... cindi, I mostly agree with you, but I'm sure there will be other chances to meet Clay in the future, and experience opportunities like this in the future. Keep your chin up!
  6. I love that photoshoot. He looks so suave in that picture. From the same photoshoot, via the TV Guide channel coverage of it...the first picture I ever saved in my Photobucket account: And this one...
  7. or as we most likely will come to know it ... T-n-T Which, of course, means the album will be dynamite! Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week, try the veal... EEEEEEEEEEE! And I told you -- sending the email right before the end of the week...cool. I love the album title. I think it says a great deal about what these songs will be like. I can't wait! BTW...he's finally away from the four word title! HAH!
  8. Clayzy, hope you are feeling better...and are you safe? Check in if you can...
  9. Hmmm...all this reminds of me bottlecap, who used to theorize around here (a LOT) that the OFC would hit the "send" button on news right at 5:00 Pacific time, as they were leaving the office. She used to almost always be RIGHT too. Could it happen again?
  10. I'm in meetings all day today. This surely means news, right? merrieeee, you know what to do....and thanks for the pictures...
  11. From the CH: And if someone could post the pictures, I'd be happy! I'm too tired!
  12. No news, huh? *sigh* It will "come" soon. (What with all of you talking about releases and such...) kf, yes, we use Scantron. Somehow a few years ago, the library inherited the one machine, and the staff had to run tests for faculty. This past year, we bought a new machine, with new software, and then also found two more machines, so that all three campus libraries have the ability to do this for the faculty. IMO, the faculty should do it themselves, but that ain't gonna happen. Also, new software came along -- much more complicated, and the reports that are generated don't make the faculty happy either. And I'm the person who seems to be in charge of it all. It drives me nuts. kf, that love story you brought is great! 00lsee!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!! Miss you girl!
  13. No such luck in the "off work" thing, but I feel better today. Maybe that's a good sign -- maybe there will be news! aikim, I don't think I felt the earthquake, but I did wake up about that time. Hmmmm...
  14. Congrats couchie! And woohoo for health care plans! Me? I think I had the day from hell today. I got up this morning at 6:00 a.m., to check to see if I had to go to work. It was snowing off and on since yesterday, and my husband at his college ended up with today off. I, unfortunately, didn't -- but enough people called in that I wasn't sure if the library would be open in time, so I quickly read Clay's blogs and went to work. Then, I had to deal with faculty members who insisted that our machine that grades those bubble tests (which, somehow, I ended up being in charge of) was totally wrong for several students, and it needed to be fixed RIGHT NOW. Except, that when I found the time to rerun the test, only one student's was wrong. I think the faculty want perfection, which, when you're talking about a machine....just doesn't happen! AAARGH! Plus, then, my library closed at 6:00 tonight (the snow has stopped, but the winds have picked up a great deal), and I had to make sure the night shift people didn't come in. Oh, and I managed to squeeze in two library orientations too. Sorry, I just bored you all. Needless to say, I barely had time to check the boards, so in a way, I'm glad there was "no news" today. His blogs and his post at the OFC are a hoot though, and I love him more than ever. Off to figure out if I'm going to have to go to work TOMORROW...
  15. Yeah, I like Queen Latifah too, and have liked many of her standards. Didn't see her tonight though....tuned in right at the end of Carrie's SSB. Hubby says she went sharp, but then "she's a country singer." (His thought is that a lot of country singers go sharp for some reason). I'm just impressed that Carrie sang the song without accompaniment! Speaking of standards...I'm looking forward to the news tomorrow, and hope he blows us out of the water with his collection of standards in the near future. It is interesting to read everyone's experiences with music, and how many of us think somewhat fondly of those times. I wonder if Clay feels the same way, somehow. I know he's said his Grandpa listened to the Grand Ole Opry, and we know a bit about his mother's tastes as well. But that may not be the whole picture, and I wonder if there's something more there. It frustrates me when I read some fans say "he's YOUNG, he should be singing YOUNG music." HUH? Isn't age a number? Let him make his art the way he wants to.
  16. Just to show you how tired I am...you changed the date to the 12th, and I STILL was going, "Wha?" And then, "oh yeah. The Magical Mystery Date." I hope I can keep up with the ride that this year will bring us!
  17. My Dad's music, unfortunately, was talk radio. I can't listen to talk radio to this day. *g* But my Mom? Mostly Broadway shows, plus what I call "white-bread gospel" -- stuff like Tennessee Ernie Ford (who really did have a killer bass voice). She also liked a bunch of Andy Williams. What I remember of these songs was the actual MELODY -- to me, they were hummable tunes. I think that's what Clay likes about the music he seems to be choosing for this album. My taste in music when I was growing up was teeny bop pop, and my Mom didn't mind it too much. OK, I know what's up Feb. 8, but what about March 22? My brain is tired after a long week, and I just don't remember that one.
  18. :04: :04: :04: Congrats couchie! Looking forward to seeing you this summer for the tour!
  19. Got this on my phone last night, but didn't notice it until this morning. From twitter, Clay's team replying to someone to likes listening to Clay while studying: I kind of like that Clay's team is following for his name on Twitter!
  20. Yes, it's always been there. It used to be discussed a lot before your time. I think it has to do with birthing, but someone who knows more about that than I will have to say. The speculation was that it is forceps marks from when Clay was born, but I don't know if that was from a valid source or if it's just urban legend. How come I don't remember this? Oh well, I guess I just don't notice things like that, or his teeth, or his jaw. I just see HIM. And I think that makes sense to several... kf, your statement makes sense to me. What a fun ride we've been on!
  21. I agree with almost everything you wrote treenuts -- it's very cool that this guy has learned enough about the Project, and understands how important it is, that he will now push it to his friends! That makes my heart sing. His asking for suggestions of music, though, makes me cringe a bit. That could be just me, though -- knowing the history of this fandom. I hope he personally just picks and chooses what sounds interesting to HIM, and likes it. Thankful, I'll have to get to your clips tomorrow morning. I look forward to watching them!
  22. Here's the thread at the OFC with Clay's reply...
  23. Posting stuff during commericals of Lost: Exclusive! ‘American Idol’ Makeup Artist Mezhgan Hussainy Reveals Her Top 5 Favorite Idol Makeovers! ____ New tweet from earlier this evening: EXCEPT... Clay just posted at the OFC that the sighting isn't true, and he still thinks Twitter is the devil! LOL! _____ Love the golf blog!
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